Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 7

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    City Drug
.... Store
A full line always on hand of
Toilet Articles
Fancy Soaps
and Notions.
Arthur Poole of Central Point was at
I the county seat Tuesday on bilhì
D. Buckley, who has been in Rattern
Oregon for the last year, arrived in Jack*
«onviile, Saturday.
The Surprise egg lieater, the best on
the market, for one cent at Boyden'«
hardware store, Medford.
A marriage license was issued on Mon­
day by County Clerk Orth for Carl J.
Crystal and Clara E. King.
J. Lyons, of Medford, and Oliver ami
Mel Powell, of Ashland, were Jackson­
ville visitors Saturday evening.
I also take orders for
Harness and Saddles
Call ¿ind see my Stock.
That a Photographic Portrait is far more enduring
than yourself?
Is something you can hand down to posterity with
an easy conscience. They are tasty, they are neat
and they have that distinction found only in high
class citv work.
lairk Reynold«, who has been employ­
ed in liuii. II. E. Ankeny's mines at
Sterling, has given up his jxzsition and
mover! his family to his home on Jack-
son Creek Momuiy. He may work in one
of tin sawmills of this place, or may go
to Sisson to work in one of the big mills
at that place.
Harry Wulfand Dick Tre.vosois at work
putting flown a shaft on his mothers
place on Farmers Flat three miles up
Jackson creek, to test the value of an orc
lode. Mr. Will/ is now flown 1M feet and
the rock is showing up in good shape
with f ur pros|s cts of it developing into
quite a rich gold mine.
M. Bellinger, u former resident of this
vicinity, ami who vet owns a fine farm
mar this town on the Phfs nix road, who
now resides in Medford where lie is en­
gaged in the real estate business, is hav­
ing a fine «even r<x>m cottage erected for
himself on Sixth ami H streets in that
place. The work is being done by A. P.
Talent anil he will have the house com­
pleted in about three weeks.
Have You Realized
Mark ami Clyde Applegate, who have
I mcii working in the cinnabar mines on t
up|>er Rogue river, la-longing to Peter
Applegate, returned home last Friday.
A. Fradenburg, H. A. Fradenburg ami
J. P. Brow'll, from Arcadia, Nebraska,
arrived hi Jacksonville Monday, and are
looking over tins section with a view of
buying farms and locating here. They
have spent the past month looking over
the Puget Sound country but they de- '
tided Washington was too wet for them.
Walter Dtiugcy of Gold Hill, and
prominent in the order of Pendo circles,
was in Jacksonville Monday in the in- :
t*rests of his order.
J. C. Metcalf one of the greatest bus- |
tiers in all Southern Oregon in insurance
lines, was <lown from Ashland Saturday
looking up business in Jacksonville.
Jack Fitzgerald, a well known mining
man of Spokane, left on the Friday
| stage for the copper mines. Mr. l-'itzger-
al<l is intereated in several claims and
will stay iu this section for about a
month while »uperintending develop-
ment work.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Will Murphy, a clerk of Ashland.
s | m nt Saturday ami Sunday with his par­
ents, Mr. ami Mr». John Murphy in Jack
3 Miles Northeast of Jacksonville
w.o .w
Hurrah for GRANTS PASS
grand street fair and CARNIVAL
JUNE 117, 18, 1 o,
J »,
Seven Big Tents, a circus in every tent. The Pacific and Oriental
Carnival Co., the largest in the world, l alloon ascension and parachute
jump. Crowning of the Queen of Carnival.
Mammoth street jiarades.
Grand display of Jajianese Day fireworks, the greatest exhibition of day
fireworks ever witnessed in the Northwest. Baby show. Public wedding.
Worlds championship contest in quoits.
Baseball games for $200 purse.
Athletic sjxirts of all kinds.
E. L. Farm, through the real estate
agency of M. Bellinger, has sold Ins fine
farm of 130 acres, lying two and a half
miles west of Central Point, the John
Wetzel. a recent arrival from Columbia
City, Indiana. This is one of the best
farms m the Valley and is well worth
the price paid, $*1000.
Mr. Wetzel has
Perry M. Corum of Central Point was
been stopping with his family in Med­ in Jacksonville last Saturday on business
ford but he will at once move to his with Sc.pt. Daily. Mr. Corum closed a
term of School in Dtst No. S cast of
C. C. Pursel started his new sawmill, Talent last Friday. He has not decided
which he has recently erected on the Ap­ whether lie will teach this summer or not.
Mr. Corum is one of the most successful
plegate 16 miles south-west of Jackson­
of the voting teachers of Jackson county
ville, last week ami will soon lie running
it to its full caiHicitv of about HI.OOH feet aud he has every prosjxct of becoming
one of the leading teachers of the county.
per ¡lav. It is steam power ami the
machinery started up without a hitch or
A union temperance meeting will lie
delay. Mr. Pursel has a fine hotly of timber held Sunday evt ning in Wilson's opera
and a profitable market for his lumlter house. Medford. There will lie no ser­
for he will sell most of the output of his vices for that evening in the First Metho-
mill to the miners of that district though dist, Baptist, Presbyterian, South Metho­
dear lumber he will sell in Jackson­ dist and Christian churches, the pastors
Pajamas and nijçhtrobes his
and members of which will take part in
ill all sizes and styles.
the union services for that evening. The
Joe Parker. who for several years past
principal address will be given by Rev.
has been in the Southern Pacific's detail
W. F. Shields and there will be some five
at Medford holding various responsible
musical features in the exercises. The
|x»sitions, was given a promotion last
public is cordially invited to attend the
month and given a position in the Com­
pany» general freight office at Portland. meeting.
MEDFORD. Mr. Parker only remained in Portland Andrew Jeldness, who has been on a
three weeks as he did not like the wi t visit to friends in Portland for some
climate and he got a transfer to Rose­ time, returned last week to Jacksonville
burg where he will hereafter reside. and Monday he left for upper Applegate,
Calling cards, the latest in style and Mr. Parker is a Jackson county 1>oy anil where lie has some tine claims which he
printed so neatly as to resemble copper­ he is very popular with all who have had will develop this summer. Mr. Jeldness
plate work at the Success office.
business relations with him ami his many spent the past winter on Applegate pro­
He had good
G. Fick, of McCloud, is spending a few friends here wish him thp best of suc­ specting and trapping.
success with his traps, among his catch
cess in his new position.
days in Jacksonville.
Grants Pass. June 17, 18,19, 20.
Lamm a
W. F. Isaacs,
being two black liears, the pelts from
which were the largest and the finest
that have been brought to Jacksonville
for years.
Wedding stationery, the latest out, at
the Sentinel office.
Sheriff Rader has been doing some live­
ly driving this week to deliver the bal­
lot boxes and ballots to the 31 precincts
in this county. As Jackson county is as
large as Rhode Island lie could not
make the rounds of all the precincts by­
election time so lie had Jimmie Wilson
take the boxes and ballots for the pre­
cincts in the north part of the county.
In Dunn precinct Sheriff Rader found no
judge to receive and receipt for the box
and the ballots, one of the judges being
dead and two are out of the county.
Pending the return of one of the judges
Sheriff Rader left the ballot box with
Depu’y Shi riff Long of Ashland. Should
neither of the judges for Dunn precinct
return before election day Sheriff Rader
will have tile ballot box turned over to
one of the precinct ch rks, though the
law does not specify that, yet the voters
cannot be deprived of their franchise bv
such a legal technicality as the absence
of all of tile judges and the clerks would
have to take charge of the ballots and
swear in a special board of judges.