Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 6

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    W hite & T rowbridge
and the other townsof Southern Oregon, it
would seem that the sawmiilsabout Jack-
s nville would find it profitable to burn
Jerre True, who has a fine farm on lawdust hi their furnaces ami sell the
Griffin creek, was buying supplies of slabs. There is a good market here for
all the s ah wood that the mill can supply.
Jacksonville merchants Wednesday.
Work on the Seattle Company's placer
Mis-. Burnice Cameron came over from
her home at Uniontown Wednesday mine on the main fork of Applegate is
morning and wt nt to Medford to attend being pushed with vigor. Both Manager
Randolph ami Superintendent Drees .«re
the Crystal-King wedding.
at the mine and are giving their personal
The school at Ruch will close on Fri­ attention to getting the mine in order
day of next week.
The teacher. Miss at the earliest day for resumption of
We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon of
Olah Mickey, «if Medford, is given the work. The flood of last winter badly
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Ijinds, Timber Land«»,
credit of conducting a successful term.
demoralized the ditches and headworks. I
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
Prospectors, campers, timberland cruis­
They have the bridge rebuilt and
ers will find our stock of staple ami gate.
fancy groceries qu te complete, and will have the water supply ready ami the
prices always the lowest at Nunan’s, Jack­ giants installed by the first of the week,
when they will commence piping. They
will use two No 2 giants and having
Carl Crystal and Joe Parker, two of I plenty «.if water for all summer and a
Medford's popular young men were in high pressure they will lie able to make
Denier» in
Jacksonville Monday on a little matter «if a big run this season.
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement and Shingles
personal interest to Mr. Crystal at the
Mr. ami .Mrs. T. H. Brown of Sams
county clerk's office.
Valley came to Jacksonville, Tuesday.
Henry Clarke, representing Wadhams .Mr. Brown remained over night and re­
& Co., of Portland, and who holds the turned home Wednesday, while Mrs.
hon< r of being the oldest in the point of ______
_____ remain
______ about a week the
Brown will
years of age and time of service of any guest of .Mrs. Norris,
Mr. Brown states
drummer traveling on the Southern Ore­ that the farmers of this locality have in
gon route, was in Jacksonville. Thursday. less than half the usual acreage of wheat,
Invitations are out for the marriage of but that the acreage to^corn and to hay
Miss Tamar Deete Gregory and P. M. , is largely increased. Crops are in fair sonvilie and consequently it is to the
S. li. llunninKlun.
W. c. Dencfl.
.Mr. interest of the business men of that city
Kershaw, to take place on Wednesday .¡condition, but in need of rain.
noon, June 10th, at the home of the Brown rejxirts the school in his district to help in securing the o|>cning ot ins
brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. ! as progressing finely under the care of road.
Mr. Masterson, whom the patrous of the
Gregory, in Medford.
Wanted, board and lodging with a
school credit with living one of the best private family by a gentlemen. Address,
Mrs. Matilda Day die«l at her home on | teachers ever employed in their district
the Applegate near Murphy on Munday ' and they regret that they cannot have Boarder, care of Sentinel.
of last week, at the age of Oti years. him for another year, he having lieen
J. J. O’Neil of Ashland was a business
Mrs. Day was a well known pioneer of electe«l to the principalship of the Gohl visitor in town Wednesday. Miÿ O'Neil
Josephine county anti had a very large Hill school.
is one of the best ami oldest engineers on
circle of friends who sincerely mourn her
St. Marks Protestant Episcopal church the Ashland-Roseburg division of the S.
of Medford, has recently secured a line **• He .s at present enjoying a long lay-
Miss Olive Huffer. teacher of the fourth ' chapel organ for their place of worship. off and traveling for his cigar comjiany.
and fifth grades in the Jackson vi lie school ; It is a tine instrument and it will add
Geo. M. Lewis, who recently bought
has been quite sick tor the past week much to the musical part of the religious
with an attack of pneumonia, but Thurs­ : exercises of that church. The money for ■ out one of the heirs to the Union Stable
day she was able to sit up an«l she is now . the purchase of the organ was raised property, thus acquiring a one-third in- <
on the fair way to recovery- Her room ’ principally by the ladies of the St. terest in that stabl has now liought Un­
at the school has been in charge of Mrs. Masks Guild ami it is a fine demonslra- do wer interest of Mrs. Pauline llims
Eugene Thompson, a former well known ' tion of their faithful work ami zeal, for to the other two-thirds of the property,
and successful teacher of this city.
. the welfare of their church. The organ thus giving him control of it.
R. J. Cameron. James Buckley an«l '
Rev. L. M. Idleman, presbyter for the
Miles Cantrail, leading stockmen of given to the German Lutheran church of i Episcopal church in Medford and in
This latter church has been Ashland, who has lieen in Portland for
Uniontown locality, are gathering up , 1 Medford.
their cattle from the hill ranges of the without a musical instrument to use in the past three weeks for treatm« ut at
Applegate slid will shortly take them to , their services, and having the burden of |
1 Samaratan hospital for a pleurasy
their summer range on the Siskiyou . meeting the expenditures necessary in i trouble and for pm umonia, is slowly
mountains at the head of the Applegate. | building ami furnishing a new church • improving ami wor«l has lieen receive«!
They will make two or three drives, they edifice, have lieen unable to buy an that
his recovery is now an assured fact.
organ, ami this gilt from their Episcopal gev. Idleman is a bright young man and
having some five or six huudred head.
, fnends is highly appreciated by both *
- •
Vintie Beall, from near Central Point, pastor. Rev. Sack, and the congregation. a pulpit speaker of more than ordinary
ami in the
was in Jacksonville Tuesday greeting the
few months that lie has reside«! in this
many friends he has in this town.
county he has made many friends, who
Beall has a photographic gallery at the car used bv the Iowa Lumber Company
deeply symiiuthize with him in his
home of his father, Vinton R. Beall, that
is one of the most complete in Southern their yard, brought down the recur«! load affliction and hope that he may soon re­
gain his wonted good health.
Ortgon. Mr. Beall as an artistic photo­ Wednesday, he'having over B.IMJO feet of
grapher has few equals in this state, his
work, both of persons an«l of scenery is by gravity an«l the grade is quite steep,
of a very high order. His work both in there is considerable risk in bringing
posing, style ami finish cannot tie excel­ down such a heavy load, 4,(MH) to 5,(MSI
led by any gallery in Southern Oregon feet being an ordinary load, for should
the brakes fail to hold there woul«l lie a
or even in Portland.
runaway that would make a wreck of the
You will always find the liest
Billy Hacker, the lucky pocket hunter car arid lie liable to kill the brakeman.
of rich, flaky icecream iu my
of Applegate, came to Jacksonville Mon­ ' .Mr. Iieniff has lieen in charge of the car
store, LEMONADE that is
day to get supplies for a camp he and for the past seven months and in that
and gonorat ropair
Albert Collins have on the middle fork time he has had but one runaway, and it
work done promptly
of Applegate. Their first work on their ditched the car, no serious damage was
at a roanonablo
claim was on a pocket from which they done and he escaped with but a few
took over J4<M)() in gold, with so little bruises. The tramline is a mile and a
Cigars, Tobaccos,
labor that it was a clear pick-up. Near half long, and though it is laid with
the same spot where they found the wooden rails faced with iron, pretty fast
Fine Confectionery,
pocket the boys found an eight-foot ledge time is made by the car on its descent,
that has opene«l up quite rich. They the trip ofttn being made at the rate of
Fresh Fruits
have done considerable work upon it 40 to 50 miles an hour. The fastest trip
during the past winter and now have ever made by Mr I-ieniff was in one ami
about 300 tons of ore on the dump, w hich three quarters minutes.
The car is
7 th St. Shop
they may sell, but if not they will put I hauled back to the mill by four horses.
up a mill and handle it themselves.
William iJeneff was in Ashland Wed-
E. L. Jones, the globe trotter, gaining j nesday securing signatures to the petition
that title from his haying lieen at the to be presented at the county court ask­
great mining camjis in the world and ing that changes lie made in tue upper
was in the big rushes to Klondvke ami Applegate road to avoid the necessity of
Nome ami to Coolgardie, Australia, building four bridges across that stream
went to thecopper mines, Monday. .Mr. to render the present road passable «lur­
Jones was one of the men who negotiated ing the winter ami spring months. Mr.
the sale of the famous Blue I<edge copper Iteneff states he had no difficulty in se-
From the finest Ladies wear to the heaviest
mine to Patsy Clark, the noted Spokane ' curing the signatures of all tin- learling
millionaire. Mr. Jones is considered one taxpayers of Ashland to his petition, they
Loggers’ shoes at a price that will meet all
of the best experts on this Coast as to expressed themselves as quite willing to
mining values an«l his continued interest help in any measure that would tend to
in the Applegate copper district indicates ! build up Jackson county. As this road is
that he considers that the
mine of no direct advantage to Ashland tl\e
will yet develop into a great mining generous spirit shown by the business
men of that city will be reciprocated by
First-class Groceries our Specialty.
The Booth-Kellt^Lumber Company of i Jacksonville at any time that Ashland
Lane county sell all the slab wood from can lie given a helping hand by the citi­
their three big mills burning only saw­ zens of this town. Tlie petition was cir­
dust in their furnaces. So great has lie- culated in Medford some «lays ago and
come the demand for their slab wood that more than a hundred of the leading tax­
they are shipping to all the towns in the payers «if that city sigtied it.
upper Wiilamette Valley, they having action is commendable and is fully ap­
recently tiegun to supply the Salem mar preciated here in Jacksonville. Medford
ket, shipping from 100 to 300 cords a being in a position to secure trade from
month to that city. At the high price for ♦ he Applegate country will reap quite as
which wood sells in Jacksonville, Medford much benefit from this road as will Jack-
We buy wool and mohair.
h .
M c D aniels
all kinds
W. L. ORR & CO.