Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 3

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    pre|»rcd for the building and work will
I k - commenced upon it at the earliest date
pomible. The hotel is to lie known as
the Country Club Inn. The site for the
FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. hotel is a picturesque location in an oak
Enirox grove, on the bluff just back of the town
Cil A kt I * MicHk.HVk
where a grand view of the Columbia
hi vili» Hr nt litri I ih « madr MDpIkiilioti j river and of Mt. Adams anil the Cascade
for < ill I IKK r ill thr |M>Mtofficr of Juul kMHivtllr,
mountains is to I k - had. The hotel will
Jin kmni County, Oregon. »» second <!«•• matter
I k - fitted up with all the modern conven­
iences and it is to I k - one of the liest
just la-gun and the opportunities are
offerer! of making this place one of the
leading manufacturing towns of South­
ern Oregon, if they are but utilized.
would take no very great effort on the
part of the citizens of Jacksonville to
within the coming year more than
double the payroll of this town. Under
modern conditions a town without a pay­
roll is in hard lines, it invariably suffers
from business stagnation.
A towns
growth and prosperity is guagerlabsolute­
ly by its |»ayroll, a big payroll lively
business and lots of building, no ¡ay-
roll stagnant business and no building.
Jacksonville has had the hard experience
of no ¡Miyroll and now it is to reap the
benefits that come from having a large
number of wage earners in its midst.
positions of credit and renown in the
affairs of Jackson county, of Oregon and
some of them of the nation. As a remem
brance of the old Jacksonville school,
whose periixl of usefulness and honor has
covered half a century of time, and for
the augury of a greater success that is to
come to the new Jacksonville school, a
corner stone should be laid for the new
building and exercises suitable to the oc­
held. It should be made a day
fi m hotels in Oregon. It is exjx-cted that a
notable in the history of Jacksonville and
HI large part of its jiatronage will come
a day for home coming and reunion for
from persons stopping in Hixxl River for
all who have attended school in Jackson­
f kiAl M hm aterioMS The Jac kaonvillr Sentinel
will tie sent tunny addreno. nt any |costonire in an outing to enjoy the splendid climate
ville. The Native Sons and Daughters
the Vailed Stales, lor loui week* tree ol charge. and scenery of that place.
take up this matter at once for it
All » ii I hm r i pilon« regular or trial, will be prompt
ly Moojxd at the date ol expiration, unlenn a re­
Such a hotel as the Hixxl River citizens
less than a month until the
newal 1« received
are going to erect would lie a paying in­
foundation is in place and work upon the
vestment for Jacksonville. There is not
walls begun. If it is handled in the man­
Friday, May 29, I9UÖ hotel accomixlations enough now in Jack­
ner for which Jacksonville is noted,
sonville for the ordinary travel and it is a ANARCHIST'S DANGEROUS TALK. it can be made a great day and will be an
Editor Mann of the Medford Euquirer event that will be a credit to the town
common occurence for strangers to have
The war between Ash’and and Grant* to go to Medford to secure lodgings. some time since left the Democratic
that never makes a failure of a public
I'usM ha* broken out with renewed fury, i Thr drummer |»itronage could lie oe- ranks and after floundering around has
j gathering._____________ ___
and the Presidents trip is the »-auar of i cured for a hotel that is able to give landed up with the Anarchists.
In his
There was a time when every drummer
this renewal of hostilities. (»rants lass firnt-class accomnuxlations and it would |iajK-r last week “Colonel Misnomer’’
had made elaborate preparations to greet | I or a most important factor in the success made an attack ujxm President Roose­ who visited Southern Oregon made
the president a* his train passed through of the venture. Both the Portland and velt that for low down contemptibleness Jacksonville a visit on his trip, but dur­
that place, expecting that the train would San Francisco dr »miners -»anally reach equals anything that Herr Most, er any ing the last few years but few drummers
stop while the heljx-r engine was being the Rogue River Valley by Sunday and of the other Anarchist leaders ever got have come to this place. But Jackson­
coupled on, but instead the train went they are always on the hxikout for a off. In most communities such an un­ ville is its self again and it is now getting
rustling right through leaving the music, place to spend that day, where they can warranted and untruthful attack upon to be one of the livelist »owns in the
the flowers anil the enthusiasm that were have goixl accommodations and cheerful the President would have resulted in the Rogue River Valley with the consequence
to I k - the presidents from his (»rants Pas* surroundings.
Jacksonville with its author lieing tarred and feathered and lliat the merchants are having a splendid
admirers to I k - wasted on the evening air. many pleasant features, had it a suitable driven out of town. That Mann was per­ trade. The drummers have been quick
It np|K-ar> that Ashland having set out to j hotel, would soon become a favorite Sun­ mitted to remain in Medford was due to to observe this revival in the towns trade
I k * the only town in Southern Oregon at day stopping place for the traveling men. to the sensible tolerance of the citizens and now not a day passes but what Jack­
which the president's train would make a The tourist» and hcalth-aeekeJC patron­ of that city, and to the feeling that his sonville receives a call from one or more
stop detenu ilied to checkmate the plans age would also tie a profitable business i tirade was but the vaporings of an empty- j of these hustling, ubiquitous advance
of (»rants Pass and keep that town from to an attractively located and well ar­ headed crank. But that such an insult­ agents of modern trade.
sharing in Ashland's honor. It is the ranged hotel. There are many persons ! ing attack was made by a Medford paper
Decoration Day.
rule with the railroad couifmny for a hel­ in the northern ]»urt of Oregon and in upon the Presiilent is a disgrace to all
Owing to there lieing no Grand Army
per engine to lie attached to all north Washington, who would come to South­ Southern Oregon and it will be sure to Post in Jacksonville there will lie no
Ixiund trains at (»rants Pass and the reg­ ern Oregon for an outing and to enjoy I i lie resented by a loss of business to his public observance of Decoration Day in
ular engines take water and fuel at that its matchless climate that would give paper that will force Mann to leave this this place, but the day will not lie neg­
lected, for preparations have been made
place, thus causing a stop of several min­ them relief should they lie suffering with country.
Anarchism is becoming al­ by many iudividuals to decorate the
utes. (»rants Pass having been unable to rheumatism, catarrh, asthma and similar together too prevalent in this country graves of their loved ones and Jackson­
secure a regular stop at their town by the diseases incident to a wet climate, if i and such jiajK-rs as the Medford Enquirer ville’s lieautiful cemetery will lie bright
president determined to avail themselves assured of a desirable place at which to 1 are but feeding the flames of this g reat- with a wreath of flowers, tokens of lov­
ing remembrance of those gone before.
of the brief interval while the heljx-r was stay. As a pleasure and health resort est danger to modern civilization and
At Medford elaborate exercises are
lieing attached and give him an im- | no town in Southern Oregon can offer so j American liberty.
A parade will be
The following is planned for the day.
prom pt u reception. But the Ashland ,
in by the
many advantages as can Jacksonville, j
Grand Army Post, Relief Corps, school
train dispatcher effectually broke up their
Its shaded streets, handsome yards and
children ami various societies.
plans by having its helper run buck to
matchless scenery are attractions that j cans, regardless of party affiliations, re­ ing the jiarade public exercises will be
Woodville and the connection made
catch the eve of all visitors to this to" j. gard as a man who is honest in his con­ held at tile opera house, participated in
there. The hamlet of Wixxlville was |
A hotel, having ample and attractive ■ victions. of true manhood, and loyal to by some of the best musical and elocu­
tionary talent of Medford. The invoca­
taken completely by surprise by the
grounds located on one of the eminences j I the best interests of his country:
tion will be by Rev. T. L. Crandall, the
stop of the President’s train at their place
alxiut town where a giwxi view could lie ' “In company with some 200 Medford address by Rev. W. F. Shields and the
while the 3000 Jieople at Grants Pass dejxit
had of the grand panorama presented by i , people we visited Ashland Wednesday to benediction by Rev. E. M. Patterson.
could only have a (Missing glance of the
Rogue river valley and the hills and | j see and hear President Rixisevelt. It was In the afternoon the Grand Army will
conduct Memorial exeruises at the ceme­
president as he bowed his acknowledge­
mountains beyond, would do more than i j a cold raw day up there with threats of tery and decorate the graves of the
ments as the train s | k -<! by the crowd.
any other one investment to build up the | raining all afternoon, which made it ex­ soldiers buried there.
There apjiears to lie no valid reason for
The Grand Army Post and Relief Corps
town by drawing to it the attention of ' tremely disagreeable. When the Presi­
the Ashland train dispatcher changing
Central Point have arranged for ap­
dent's special car arrived there were
capitalists aud homeseekers.
propriate exercises for Decoration Day.
his rules for running trains and having
from 1500 to 2000 men, women and The speaking and other exercises will be
the helper sent back to Wixxlville. It is
children present to get a glimpse of him, held in the M. E. church and a fine pro­
down grade from Woodville to Grants
For the first time in the history of which all were able to do.
gram has been prepared for the occasion.
Pass and at the latter place is where the Jacksonville four mill whistles were
“Roosevelt does not flatter the pictures The address will lie given by Rev. Edwin
B. Lockhart. The usual G. A. R. exer­
grade la-gins of the Uni|x|ua divide and heard Wednesday noon. Steam was got­
I one sees of him and looks for the world cises will lie held at the cemetery and
this change apfiears to have made for no ten up at the new planing mill for the
like some of these tough bullet-headed the graves of all the soldiers decorated.
other reason than the petty, contempt­ first time that day and the whistle blew
Dutch bar-tenders one sees in many east­
The Vote for The Queen.
ible desire to have it said that Ashland to announce the advent of another in­
ern cities, an<l when you get a good look
The following is the vote for this week
was the only town in Southern Oregon at dustrial establishment for Jacksonville.
at him you don’t wonder that he boasts for the queen of the Grants Pass carnival.
which President Roosevelt stopped. Ash­ The three other whistles were at the
of shooting a Spainard in the back, or The lialloting does next Thursday and
land has been struggling for years trying Iowa Lumber Company’s mill, the Jack-
loves the company of a lawless band of it is likely one of the following ladies
to get their Chautauqua assembly and I son County Lumber Company's mill and
cowboys. Certainly there is nothing will be the queen:
their Normal School firmly established, Chris Ulrich's planing and grist mill.
Miss C. Rotliermel, Medford, 4010.
attractive in his looks.
Miss Blackbum. Gold Hill, 3815.
anil their efforts have been make doubly These four mills represent a pay roll of
“As a speaker lie has a good voice and
Miss Essie Hartman, Grants Pass,
hard by the lack of neighborly co-opera- j fully lfiO men and within the near future
enunciates clearly, but his speech at Ash­ 3587.
lion by the other towns of the Rogue the number will lie increased to 200
Miss Grace Good, Grants Pass, 2418.
land was of the most bombastic kind,
River valley. But Ashland is principally i men. Should a I xjx factory be put in
and in which he took particular pains to
to blame for this feeling of antagonism to here, of which there is almost a certain*
say that Mr. Roosevelt was strictly “it".
their town for it seems that about tut often 1 ity, that would add alxiut 30 more men
“The crowd, like the weather, was
as occasion presents that town does some­ to the industrial puy roll of this city.
very chilly and there were no spon­
thing to arouse the ire of their neighbors, Another almost certain addition to Jack­
taneous outbursts of enthusiasm; a great
their last two efforts in this line lieing to sonville's payroll is the 30 odd men that
Stylish Hats in
many expressing themselves as disap­
get up a street fair for the same date as j will lie given employment at the Opp
pointed in the man, and from our obser­
designs and
the one at Grants Pass and to prevent the gold mine just west of town.
There is vations we should not think Mr. Roose­
shapes to meet
president's train from making a stop at every prospect that a big quartz mill
velt will make many votes by his tour
the requirements
Grants I’—w. This town jealously is a will be put up at this mine before the
through the country."
curse to Southern Oregon and it is a most close of this year. With this mine in
and the fancy of
serious obstacle to the country's growth successful operation there will lie other
There is history, romance anti pathos
the most particu­
for it prevents that hearty co-operation mines worked in this vicinity, for the gathered alxiut the old Jacksonville
purchaser at
that is so neccessary to a countries de­ hills alxiut Jacksonville are full of gold, school, the first in Southern Oregon and
as is proven by the many gold bearing for years the leading place of learning
JACKSONVILLE NEEDS A HOTEL. ledges that are to be found about here, south of Salem. From the rooms of the
A company has been formed at Hood and the further fact some of the richest old frame building, destroyed by fire the
25th of last January, have gone forth
River to build a|20,000 hotel at that place. placers in Oregon were found here.
Jacksonville's industrial growth has boys and girls who have won themselves
Plans and specifications are now being
Miss Hoover’s