Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 2

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Continued Interest in the topper Mines.
The Applegate copper district is the
center of attraction just now to the mm-
of the entire northwest as well as to ■ Tent», camp stoves and camping ulen-
Will practice in alt the Court« <»! the
many other people, for if those copjier sils at Boyden’s hardware store, Med-
mines turn out to l*e as rich as they up lord.
Oregon pear to lie there will lie one of the biggest
rushes Southern Oregon has ever known. i Miss Ella Parks, of Buncom,
dose a successful term of school 1 at
Nearly 300 claims have now been taken
up ami new claims are being located Uniontown Friday of this week.
Monday's stage took in 11
G. M. Parker, of Portland, went to
men and nearly two tons of their effect«, the cop|x-r district Monday to put III II
All work rollai to the lx--.t to be had in
Manager John Wilson running his stage couple of months while making a
in three sections as the railroad men sav, thorough
„ development
of a fine ap|>citr-
Crown«. Bridge work and Artifici«! Teeth
three teams King required to haul the mg copper prosjiect he has <>n hi» dumi
on either rubber or celluloid plater.
Oregon passengers ami baggage. The stage each on Elliott creek.
trip has a full load of ¡»assenger» ami the
Prof, and Mr». Washburn expect Mr.
traffic is steadily increasing.
Miners going to the Squaw creek dis­ and Mrs. H. J. Whipple, of Seattle, tour
trict leave the stage at Watkins, where \ ; rive in Jacksonville next Wednesday, to
UNITED STATES LAND COM MISSIONHR E. J. Faucctt has a comfortable lodging L s|x-ml a week with them. Mrs Whipple
house ami he also keeps a small store is a sister of Prof. Washburn and at the
Filings and final proofs for homestead«
the postoffice
Persons going to the termination of her visit here she ami her
and timber claims made.
husband will go to Ashland to s|x.-nd a
Elliott creek and Joe creek districts go week with her parents, Mr. and Sirs. L.
Oregon on to Joes Bar, which is the terminu» of
the stage line.
At Joes Bar, which gets C. Washburn.
’ ’
r -----------------------------------
A little palntinq and cleaninq
hill make your house look
like new
al the
Hardware Store
its name from a former placer claim,
John Spiker, who keeps a large hotel
Joseph Willett anti David liarroll have a at Gurdnier, Montana, at the entrance of
van supply you with
hotel and stable and can give rest anti Yellowstone Park, arrived in Jacksoil
fotxl to man and Ix-ast. Their accotn- ville last Endue and left the next morn
I mixlations are not so elegant as can be ing for Spinw creek, where he and Ed
Office opposite Court House.
found in the cities, but a generous bill of Spencer have a tine copper claim.
fare an<l a miners welcome make up for Spiker will remain on the Applegate for
Oregon any lacking in style that there may be. some time ami assist in developing their
For the present the stage makes but copper mine.
three trips a week to the copper mines,
Rev. Edwin Lockh'irt a limn aces that
leaving Jacksonville Monday, Wednes­ there will lie r morning service only at
day ami Friday, returning the following the M. E. church in this place Sunday,
days, but if the rush increases. Manager other engagements making it impossible
Wilson will put on daily stages.
The for him to l»c there for the evening.
mail goes to Watkins, blit twice a week, The subject of Rev. Locharts discourse
His prices are right and his
Monday anil Friday, but a petition has will lie ’’Silent Eloquence,” ami the
been sent to the poatoflice department theme will pertain to Decoration Day and
goods are strictly first-class.
asking that it be -ladi three times a patriotism. The public is cordially in­
week. There is now talk of getting up vited to attend this service w hich will Ire
I make all my own
another petition to have the service at 11 a. m.
made daily. There is no postoffice at
Candies and keep
Highest market price in cash paid for
Joes Bar. but a petition is soon to lie for­
them in large quan­
wool. We have wool l>ags, fleece twine,
warded to Washington asking for a
postoffice at that place.
There is need sheep 'lip for sale Numin, Jacksonville.
tities and in excellent
Mrs. John S. Taylor from Princeton,
for an office at Joes Bar for it is six miles
to Watkins, the nearest ixistoffice ami Indiana, is spending this week in Jackson­
the present terminus of the mail route ville with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor is great
from Jacksonville.
There is a large number of miners in lv enjoying her visit and she is delighted
The best iu Southern Oregon
the vicinity of Joes Bar, the famous Blue with Southern Oregon's climate, ami
Ledge belonging to Patsy Clarke, of with the lieautiful flowersand pretty yards
Spokane, lieing four miles Ix-yond this to lx.- seen in Jacksonville. She expects to
Always kept in stock
place, and the lack of postal facilities is a leave next week for her home, going by
great inconvenience to them. There is the way of Pixatello, Idaho, where she
talk of a town being platted at Joes Bar will make a stop to visit with brothers she
and the rt p >rt is that then, are a number has living there.
of persons awaiting developments at the
The digger squirrel» will soon lx- de­
mines and if the outlook is grxxl they stroying crop*. They can be readily de­
will put in various establishments at that stroyed with squirrel poison to lx- hail at THREE TRAINS to the EAST
place. The rejxirt is also out that Dr. J. the Citv Drug store, Jacksonville.
' F. Reddy, of Spokane, and who is one
C. M. Buck returned Monday evening
Through Pullm.in standard and Tourist
of the close personal friends of Patsv from Upper Applegate where he had Ix-en sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Clarke, the noted mining man, has had to get signers to a jx-tition to lx- ¡»resent- S|x>k ne; tourist sleeping cars daily to
the preliminary work done for laying eil at the June term of county court ask­ Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
- out a townsite near the Blue Ledge cop­ ing for a change in the route of tin- coun­ sleeping cars (¡a-rson.illy conducted)
per mines. Should these mines prove to ty road along by Purcell and Watkins. weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St.
be as rich as those of Montana, ami the The change in the route i« tor the pur|x*sc Louis and Memphis; reclining chair cars
surface indications are quite as go<xl as of putting the road on the wist side of (scats free i to the East daily.
were those of the great mines of that the stream. By tin present route the
state, the new town would grow into a road crosses the river four turn s, ami as
A rrivh
second Anaconda, for there would soon there are no bridges there is much of the D epart
be a host of men at work in tile mines time (luring the w inter months when it is
and at the smelters.
impossible to ford the stream. Mr. Buck
got the name of every settler along the road Portland
4:30 p tn
Found, a silver watch, The owner by to the petition as they wen- all anxious Sjiecial
Racycles, Ramblers and
proving property and paying for notice to have the road changed as the impossi­ 9:20 p. m.
can secure the watch by calling at the bility of fording the river in the winter via Hunt­
other standard bicycles.
season in addition to taring a serious in­
Sentinel office.
convenience to themselves often prevent­ Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
C. W. Conklin, of Bovd & Conklin ed the mail carrier from making his tnjrs Express Ft. Worth, <Imalia,
Repairs made to bicycles
furniture dealers of Medford, has pur thus deprising the people of their mail. H:I5 p. in. Kansas City, St.
10:30 a hi
chased four lots and a dwelling house on
via Hunt­ Louis, Chie.igo am)
sewing machines, guns
Smart dressers will find just what they
Fourteenth and K streets in that city, of
J- .i-t.
and all kinds of small
Charles Tyler for JI 150. This projiertv want at The Toggery, Medford.
alla Walla, Lew­
is in the south-west j»art of Medford and
it is in a very desirable residence locality suitings in all the latest colorings and St. P;
Wallace, Pullman,
and Mr. and Mrs. Conklin will make it absolutely correct in style and in fit. Fast Mi.
St. 7:35 a
into one of the most homelike places in The latest and newest in all kinds of 0 p. m.
Paul, Duluth, Mil­
that city. They expect to move to their gentlemans wear such as can lie hail at
only a strictly gents furnishing store, as S|*okane waukee, Chicago
new home in about 10 days.
The Toggery is.
and East.
Driver Wilson of the JacksonviIle-
Watkins-Joes Bar stage states Superinten­
dent Jas. P. Harvey of the Blue L< dgv
mine is rushing the work of getting in
the car load of machinery, which arrived
in Jacksonville last week ami which was
hauled by teams to Jo. s Bar. At that Tickets Kart via all rail, or boat and rail
via Portland.
place the wagon road ends and all freight
lias to lie taken to the mines by p ick
mules. It is four miles up a pretty steep
trail to the Blue Ledge mine, but by Mon­
A full and complete line of
day night Manager Harvey's pack train
hail got 2,400 jxiunds of the 10,000 p< unds
Undertaking Goods, Robes,
All -.ailing dates
of th<- diamond drill outfit packed in.
Suits, Burial Shoe».
H p. ill. subject to change. 4 p. Hl.
By the eml of this week the remainder of
For San Francisco-
the drill outfit will be landed at the mine
sail every five days
as well as the tools and supplies that
Calls answered promptly at
made up the remainder of the car load
all hours.
will all be at the mine. Mr. Harvey in­ 1 lailv ex.
C olumbia R iver .
tends to get the diamond drill at work
4 p. hi .
next week, when the entire tract covered
M p. in. To Astoria and
by their claims will be thoroughly pros­ Saturila y
pected and the Clark Syndicate will be
10 p. m.
able to learn whether they have a copper
deposit, worth millions or a lot of value­
A. I,. CRAIG. Gen. Pas. Agt.,
less ledges.
à orinimi, Oregon.
R. N E I L
for homemade candv
O regon
S hort L ine
Cigars, Tobaccos
and Notions
U nion P acific
Conklin, Assistant
70 Hours
No Change of Cars.
Ocean and River Schedule