Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon. Friday, May 29, 1903
No. 3
Gold Hill,
Willow Sprin<p Gtve Him a lr~«nrndou*
I ast
which he as a loyal American citizen felt
it his duty to refute.
Mr. Reames closed his address amidst
thundering applause, by an appeal to the
I young men to rise alxive party and party
affiliations, to place their country ami
their country’s honor alxive. their ¡«arty,
and to show that when any political par-
| ty became so prwerful that a nomination
at their hands was equivalent to an elec­
tion, and they should nominate a man
who comes la-fore the people ami says
that the la st man should not la: voted
for. but that pirly lines should lx- ad­
hered to. that the young man should say
that it was time to rebuke such a policy
ami that their country came first and
their ¡>arty next.
For some time after the speech was
made Mr. Realties stixxl on the plat­
form receiving congratulations from
Republicans ami Ix-tnocrates alike and
nearly every man in the crowded hall
pressed eagerly forward to grasp the
voting man by the hand and to assure
him of their earnest anti enthusiastic
The largest crowd that ever gathered
in Jackson county to listen to a ¡xrlitical
kliscUMioii upon the issues of the day as
Acinbli-d in tlx- Brick hall at Gold Hill on
tin- evening of May 2Hth, the occasion lx-
ing a home greeting to Hon. A. E.
Iteamcn of Jackson county, the Itrmocrat-
|c nominee for Congress. Every mx,k
and corm r in the immense hail was
crowded with people. The hall was
tastefully decorated with Hags ami bunt­
ing xml was pick«-«l to the doors long
lx-forc the exercises for the evening be-
On the platform with Mr. Reames sat
some of the leading Democrat» of Gold
Hill and vicinity,and his entrance ujx>n
the rostrum was the signal for a out burst
of applause.
Chairman Dr. A. C Stanley called tin-
Thr School ( nlertainment.
meeting to order with a few punted and
evening the U. S. hall wm
telling remarks, and in a neat little
s|x-cch introduced Senator E. B. Dufur. crowtled to its utmost capacity by an
Mr. Dufur is an eloquent and easy speak audience who by their hearty apprecia­
er and his brief remurks were full of wit tion showed that they fully enjoyed the
and humor. He ran briefly over the splendid entertainment by th«- scholar#
sketch of Mr. Reatm s* life and challenged of the Jacksonville school, assisted by
anybody in the opposition to find one Mi## Case, instructor of elocution at the
fault ill cither his public or private lite. Ashland Normal, and by Mr. Gohlen
He then introduce«! Mr. Reames as the Herndon, of the same institution. Miss
next congressman from the First Con­ Case is a favorite with Jacksonville aud­
gressional District, and as Mr. Reames iences. she having appeared before at
arose to s|wak cheer after cheer ech<«ed entertainments in this place and her
through the immense hall, and as the name being announced and as she was
sp-akcr stixxl facing the audience, the pissing to the stage she was given a
happy expression on his face showed how- lieartv round of applause. Her imper­
well lie appreciated the royal reception sonations and recitations were given with
realism an«l effect that captivated the
given him by his home county.
Mr. Reames began his address by re­ audience and the encores were so per­
citing the different efforts which had sistent that she was compelle<l to re-
la-rn made by himself and the managers spond to them following each time that
of the Democratic campiigd to p-rsuade site appeared on the program. Mr. Hern­
Mr. Herman to enter into a joint debate don, who is a student at the Ashland
with him upon the issues of the «lay. He Normal, proved that h«- was a pianist of
said that when a mau has a majority of fine ability ami splendid training, and
7.’KM) behind him and a public life of more h’s ¡nano solos were really treats to all
than a quarter of a century he certainly j lovers of high class music. He too was
should feel no hsaataaay m m«*.-tli>g his given hearty encores to which he gener-
r,jqw„ieiil ii> joint <l< l>«tr m > that tile is­ . ously respoixled.
Little Frances Kenney, while hardlv
sues might lx- presented squarely to the I
ix-ople in the First district,
He told a I ; large enough to reach over the kevlx>ar>i,
fewliutnorous tales at the expense of Mr. gave a piano selection in a manner that
Hermann and it took only a lew moments would have been a credit to a musiican
to show- that the audience was with him of mature years. Another musical feat- i
to a man and that he had their lx-st wish­ ure that was really a gem was the violin
es. He s]x>ke at length upon the pro- solo bv Lean Hanna with the piano ac­
jxisition of the reduction of the tariff up­ companiment by Donald Colvig. The
on trust goods am! clearly showed that lx>vs came on the stage with the ease of
Mr. Hermann was with tin- trusts Htl<l ol«l musicians and gave their selection
not with the people.
He showed that such smoothness ami perfect time that
Mr. Hermann was neither in accord wKh they were given a most hearty encore, to
late which Donald Colvig responded with a
the tariff views entertained by the ___
In the delicacy of his :
Congressman Tongue nor by President 1 piano selection.
Roosevelt himself. He quoted from one touch and perfect control of his instru- i
of the last speeches made by Mr. Tongue meiit Ixan showed that he has the cer­
before his death in which Mr. Tongue tain prospect of becoming a violinist of
said, ‘'When tariff serves no other pur­ more than local note. Della Wilson, in
pose than of allowing the manufactnrer a recitation which she gave showed that
to sell abroad his trust made articles she ha<l considerable histrionic ability
cheaper than lie sells them at home, and and her rendition of her selection won
when the money is not needed for the for her well deserved compliments,
1Z.1 girls of
purpose of revenue, the tariff should lx; doll drill by twelve little
removed, and this action should lie taken primary detriment was given in a man­
not to destroy but to save protection.” ner that greatly delighted tile audience,
He denounced the atxuninable pdicy of while a scarf drill by twelve girls of the
putting a tariff wall between this country intermediate department, was carried out
and our own people in the Philippines, with a rythm and beauty that made a j
ami in a logical manner explained to the most pleasing feature of the evenings tn- ■
people how such a policy allowed the tertainment. A drill and song on the '
Eastern manufacturer to keep the West­ "Red, White and Blue” by twelve girls,
ern manufacturer from <>|x.*riiting by not of the Grammar department, were well
executed ami added greatly to the inter- i
allowing them any market.
Concerning Mr. Hermann's record in est of the program.
The choruses by the High School
the Land Office lie said he ilid not cure
whether Mr. Hermann went from the scholars were given in excellent time and ■
Land Office by the front door or the back. with a rpirit and a dash that made them
He s|x,ke nicely of Mr. Hermann but re­ among the best features of the program. !
ferred t<> the N. P. R. R. steal where Many of the bovs and girls showed that j
«luring Hermann’s time as commissioner tlu-v had voices of fine quality and so well
MX),000 Hens of Ougon’s best lands had they been trained that they harnion- ,
went to that company for nothing. He ized perfectly. Leona Ulrich as leader
quoted from the Eugene Register, in and first soprano voice in the chorus
which that paper said that Hermann was singing displayed marked ability and
removed iM-cause he would not stall,! in careful training. Ruth Peter as piano.
with the railroarl and timlx-r grabliers accompanist to the choruses carried her I
and thiil because he would not stand in part through with precision and skill.
Financially the entertainment was a
he was not needed, an«l in an effective
manner, he proved that Mr. Hermann decided success for the sale of seats
could not be removed by any other per­ amounted to fill.75, which will give a
son than Therxlorc Roosevelt himself, handsome sum to the library fund after
ami that when Mr. Hermann and his the exp uses of tile entertainment and
mouthpiece, the Eugene Register, said commencement exercises ere paid.
that Hermann was removed tiecause he This evening the commencement exer­
would not stand in with the railroad, cises will be held at the U. S. Hall and
that it was nothing elae than a direct in­ all day the teachers and pupils have been
sult to the President of the United States busy decorating the hall which they have
doue in excellent taste. The atage is a
bower ot flower# ami evergreens and
will make a pretty background to the
youug people who are to appear on it to-
A Home Wedding.
First-class quality
and a reasonable
Only a few weeks ago wedding bells
rang out for the marriage of Mr. J. F
price, my specialty
Miller and Miss Mabel Prim and now
they have rung merrily again for an inti­
mate friend of Mrs. Miller, Miss Helen Fresh fruit
Colvig. On Thursday May 29th, at high
and vegetables
noon at the resilience of Hon. and Mis.
W. M. Colvig occurred the wedding of
Highest price paid
Dr. R. G. Gale to Miss Helen Colvig.
The home was prettily decorated with
for Harm produce
ivy, vine and roses. While the beautiful
strains of Mendelsohn’s wedding march
was plaved by Miss Gertrude McCallen
of Ashland , the Irridal party took its
place and the solemn ring service of the
Episcopal church was recited by Rev. T.
A. daughters and the bride and groom.
The bride was given away by her father.
The West Side Grocery
She was attired in white organdie over
cream taffeta and carried a boquet of
bride’s ror.vs.
After the ceremony the
bridal party with the guests sat down to
an elegant breakfast and early in the af­
A One Sided Game.
ternoon Dr. anil Mrs. Gale left for Mad- (
ford where they took the evening train
The large and enthusiastic crowd of
for the north. As the bride was leaving I fans who gathered at the Neuber & Tay-
the room to prepare for her journey she ; lor grounds last Sunday to witness the
threw her Ixxjuet and it was caught bv contest between Grants Pass and Jack­
her sister. Miss Marv Colvig. They will sonville were disappointed in their ex-
spend a few days in Portland and then pectations. The ('»rants Pass aggregation
go by steamer to San Francisco and liave heretofore enjoyed a reputation as
spend some time in California before ball players, but their work Sunday was
their return. Only the relatives and a ragged throughout. Individual plays on
few intimate friends were present at the their side were made at several points
but their team wo4 was not lively
enough to arouse the interest of the local
Probate Court Aotes.
boys. Jacksonville made four runs the
Estate of W. H. Atkinson, executrix first inning and continued to chase them­
selves around the diamoud to the tune of
rejxrrt sale of real propertv.
Estate of John C. Cox, report sale of 19 ruus, Grants Pass scoring but 7.
Next Sundays game is with Medford
real property.
Meluina Clyton, final acct and report. and a better entertainmnnt is promised.
Mr. an«l Mrs. Edward Russell, of For­
Strawlxrrries, large and thoroughly
ripe sold at a reasonable price at the Boss est Creek were made glad last Monday
by the coming of a fine baby boy at their
Candy Store.
Hon. Wm. M. Colvig left Unlay (Fri­
Hon. Evan Reames arrived home this
day) for St. Paul, where he will attend
the National Grand Ixxlge of the A. O. morning (Friday) after an alxserue of
U. W. Mr. Colvig is one of the three two weeks during which he has been
members of the law committee of the campaigning in the northern counties
Grand Ltxlge, aposition that he is fully of the district. By the newspaper re­
competent to fill as he is one of the ports Mr. Reatnes has had large audi­
ablest lawyers in Oregon and he is thor­ ences at the various towns in which he
oughly posted in all that pertains to has spoken and he has been given the
Workmen jurisprudence.
Mr. Colvig credit of being an able and pleasing
will be gone alxmt a month ami during speaker. Last night he spoke at Gold
his absence his law office will be in Hill and tonight lie speaks at Medford,
charge of Gus Newbury, who was recent­ which closes his campaign, as tomorrow
ly admitted to the bar, and who is well is Decoration Day and Monday is elec­
know u to all citizens of Jackson county. tion day.
New House
Beautiful designs in ceiling, side and border
wall paper
All Wool 3 ply
Hemp Carpetings,
Floor Oil Cloth,
Japanese Matting,
Nottingham Lice
Window Blinds,
All Wool Rugs.
We cut, sew and lay our carpets
Buyers can be assured that the stock is entirely new and
desirable. Prices always the very lowest.
Thankful for past favors; soliciting your patronage,
lie are respectfully,
NUNAN 9 Jacksonville