Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 22, 1903, Image 6

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Jacksonville School fntertainmenl.
Thursday evening of next week the
Prof. A. J. Hauby principal of the Cen­
tral Point school was in Jacksonville scholars and teachers of the Jacksonville
Thursday to consult with Supt. Daily in High School will give an entertainment
regard to some school matters. Prof at the U. S. hall the proceeds of which
Hanby'-. school will close with the first will go to meet the cost of commence­
From the finest Ladies wear to the heaviest
week in June and so well are the board ment to be held the following evening.
pleased with his work and that of the The remainder after these bills arc paid
three teachers under him that they have will lx* used to buy lxx>ks for the Svhixd
Loggers’ shoes at a price that will meet all
reengaged them for the next school year. library. An admission fee will lx- charg­
Prof Hauby is holding this week an ex­ ed of 15 cents for children, 25 cents for
amination for the Eighth grade pupils in general admission anil 35 cents for reser­
his school. Those taking this examina­
tion are: Glen Pleasant, Jonas Olson, Ada vassing the town selling tickets and they
Dickworth, Mav Yocum. Eva Norcross, should meet with hearty encouragement
First-class Groceries our Specialty
Corda Gilmore, Maud I.ee, Celia Calev. fiom the citizens of Jacksonville fortheir
Maud VanVliet, Vie Hanson and Jessie enterprise and the school library fund
should be given a generous increase. In
The Ninth and Tenth grades will addition to the features supplied by the
school the program for the evening will
have examination next week.
The Baccalureate address to the gradu­ be greatly helped out by some of the
ating class of the Central Point High best local and Medford talent and those
School will lie delivered by Pres. B. F. attending can be assured of a delightful
Mulkey of the Southern Oregon State evenings entertainment.
On next Friday evening the regular
Normal, Sunday evening May 31, 1903.
commencement exercises will lx: held at
inc exercises win
will be
De neiu
held in me
the Brick
iiticr .
Hall, to which all are cordially invited. l*’e • S. hall at which time the dt-
the pkmias will be presented to the gradual j
The commencement exercises for tZ„
Emma Wulf, who is clerking in Th
school will be held on Friday evening ing class. Prof. Washburn has not re- j ; Boss candy kitchen, s|x-nt Wednesilay i
June 5 at the Brick hall. The programe
has not been arranged, but so soon as the Prof. Van Scoy or President Mulkey, !
The E. B. N. L. met at the home <»i
details are arranged it will be announced- will deliver the principal address of the
The details of the program ' Leona Ulrich last Saturday evening, \
will all be arranged within the next few­ very pleasant evening was spent.
Republican Rails.
days and all be in readiness for the even­
Congressional Committeeman Henry ings exercises.
T. J. Sims from Williams creek has
moved into a house belonging to L. F.
D. Kubli is making preparations for two
big rallies to be held in this county Sat­
Lozier near the Grove school house.
Death of Mrs. Martha S. Allnutt.
urday evening of this week. One will be
A case of diptheria is reported at
The death took place at the Ish home
at Ashland at which United States Sen­
Phoenix but so strict a quarantine is now
ator Chas. W Fulton will speak and the on Tuesday, May 19th, of Mrs. Martha established that there is little likelihood
other will be at Wilson's opera house in S. Allnutt. Mrs. Allnutt had come two
Medford and at which Hon. Geo. G. weeks ago from her home in Virginia to of the disease spreading.
M. J. Corum left Thursday for Missouri
Brownell will speak. The Medford High spend the summer with her sister-in-law,
School band will furnish music for the Mrs. Jacob Ish. Last week she was tak­ for a two months visit at his old home,
en with bronchitis ami despite the best which he has not seen for a long num­
A special train has been chartered ami medical aid she steadily sank, passing ber of years.
Mr. Corum is one of the
a free ride will be given to all who wish away Tuesday evening. She was con­ well known pioneers of Central Point
to go from Jacksonville to attend the scious almost to the last and she went to and he is the owner of a fine furm west
the beyond cheerful in the hope of meet­ of that place.
rally in Medford.
ing her Redeemer. She was a devout
Democratic Rallies.
H. Callahan, a prominent mining man
member of the M. E. church, South.
The Democrats have arranged for a The funeral services were held Thursday of Spokane, arrived in Jacksonville Thurs­
big rally at Gold Hill on the evening of afternoon at the Ish residence. Rev. M. day and Friday morning he left by stage
Thursday, May 29, and at Medford on L. Darby conducting the exercises. The for the copper district on upjx-r Apple­
the following Friday evening. Hon. A. interment took place in the Jacksonville gate. Mr. Callahan s|>ent last summer
’---- *“-------
E. Reames will speak at each of these cemetery and a large concourse of peo­ in prospecting in the Applegate
meetings and the Medford High School ple accompanied the remains to their and expended over a |ltMm in money car-
‘ . He ha* se­
ryiug on prospecting work.
Band will furnish the music. A free ex­ last resting place.
cured five claims that gives every indica­
cursion train will be run from Jackson-
Charlie Lyons of Medford was in town tion of lx-in g very rich in copper. Mr.
sonville to Medford on the evening of
Calahan while nothing of a liootner is
the Medford rally and the band will Monday on business.
p very sanguine as to the outlook for the
come to Jacksonville and play several
Mr. Sparks of Thompson creek spent Applegate copper district and thinks that
selections before the train pulls out.
a few days in this city this week.
I there is a gcxxi prospect of its becoming
Mrs. W. M. Colvig and son Donald one of the great copper producing sec­
A bright, strong boy wanted to work
tions of the United states.
were in Medford on business Tuesday.
in the Sentinel office.
Central Point School Motes.
all kinds
W. L. ORR &. CO.
A meri
How Can I Keep Up with
the Times ?
T is pretty hard to keep well informed on the
political news, the scientific news, the literary
news, the educational movements, the great
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magazines. About the only way it can be done by
the average busy man and woman is to read a
magazine like “ The Review of Reviews,” and. as
it is the only magazine of the sort, it is a good
thing to send $2.50 for a year s subscription.
On Thursday, Mrs. John F. Miller
gave a package luncheon in honor of
Miss Colvig, which proved a most novel
affair, anil all present voted her a charm­
ing hostess. Graceful ferns and stately
palms filled the entrance, lillies of the
valley and roses were adornments to the
parlors. After some rather unique games
were finished the folding doors were
thrown ojien and in a soft pink light
a most delightful hour was panned in the
dining room. When Miss Colvig opened
the package* it seemed evident her
frienos realized her true appreciation for
many dainty and useful things as will
as woollen sjxxms and wire dishrags etc.
etc., were before her. Miss Colvig deep­
ly appreciated the good spirit of friend­
ship and hearty good will that her
friends evinced toward her and the re­
membrance of the «lay will be one of the
truest pleasures of her life.
W hite & T rowbridce
We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon of
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