Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 22, 1903, Image 5

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Highest market price in cash paid for ! Burkart, a prosjiector who was coming
wool. We have wool bags, fleece twine, out from the mines on his way to his
sheep dip for sale. Nunan, Jacksonville. home at Lebanon, Oregon. Neither of
the men were seriously hurt, but had a
Miss Mvrtle Sutton was a visitor in
N. S. Bennett, a fiaitgrower of Eden close call for they were dragged some
Medford, Tuesday.
precinct, accompanied by his daughter, distance in the wreck of the stage. The
Dr. R. G. Gale made a professional Ethel, was in Jacksonville Thursday cause of the trouble was the neckyoke
with a wagon load of prunes which he coming down at which the team began
trip to Medford, Thursday.
sold to the local trade. Mr. Bennett
Mrs. Dckuui and her daughter Miss states that his prune and apple prospects to run and they got ’»eyond the control
Humason, of Gold Hill, visited Mrs. J. were never lietter and that lie will have of the driver ami plunged down the road
leaving the hack in pieces by the road­
Nunan on Monday.
the fruit ou his tress just as in former side.
Clarence Mathews, a Yreka boy, has I years.
come to Eilen Valley to spend a month
School Notes.
The Socialists are planning to hold a
with his grand|>arcnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. grand rally and picnic at Phoenix Satur-
The Central Point school will close on
W. Mills.
<l.iy. T. É. Latimer of Portland will be Friday June 5.
Gilbert Anderson, who has been in the principal speaker and addresses will
The Jacksonville and Medford schools
Eastern Oregon for the ¡«st six years, is 1 also I m ? made by other persons. A gener­ will each close on Friday of next week.
spending a week with his parents, Mr. al program of pleasing features will also
The Talent school, of which Prof. Car­
be rendered. The public is invited to
and Mrs. J. I). Anderson of Eden.
come, bring their lunch baskets and lock is principal will close on May 29.
The infant Ixiy of Prof, and Mrs. E. E.
Mrs. Alice Beacon will close a success­
Washburn, who has been quite sick for have a good time.
Judge Hanna will leave on Wednes­ ful term of school this week in the Tolo
the past week, is now slowly improving
day next for Oakland, California, to join district.
with every prosjiect of recovery.
A well taught term of school was clos­
Mrs. Hanna, who went to that city two
E. J. Mahan and C. L. Galey, two of weeks ago. where thev will attend the ed today (Friday) in the Applegate by­
Ashlands energetic young men, were in
exercises at St. Man's Miss Dorothy Day, who returns to her
Jacksonville Thursday. Mr. Mahan was commencement
College, at which institution their son, home at Murphy.
a former pupil of Prof. Washburn, and Herl>ert, is a student and from which lie
The Table Rock school closes this
while in the city he called on the will graduate at the close of this term, week ami Miss Flossie Briscoe teacher
Professor to talk over school days.
i Judge and Mrs. Hanna and Herbert will is said to have given the patrons of the
school the best of satisfaction.
Marion and Weldon Hartley have return home aliout the sixth of June.
The Mays creek school, above Wimer,
bought of their father, J. IL Hartley,
State Superintendent J. H. Ackerman,
his Griffin creek ranch of 200 acres for on ix-half of the executive committee of has been temporarlv closed by reason of
J4000. The land is partially improved the western division of the State Teach- smallpox. The teacher, Chester Easter,
and has on it a line young orchard of 35 I ers Association, has invited Prof. E. E. is s|K‘iiding the brief vacation with his
in Ashland.
acres of prune and apple trees.
Washburn to deliver an address before parents
The Purcel school closes today (Friday)
Rev. S. H. Jones left Thursday for the meeting of the Association, which and the teacher, Miis Ether Florey will
California, where he will sjiend three or will lie belli in Portland, June 24—27, on return to her home in Jacksonville. The
four weeks attending to some business the subject of the ' Kimi of Thinking the patrons of the school credit Miss Flory
matters. During Rev. Jones absence Primary Grades may Cultivate by the with having been a very efficient teacher.
there will be no preaching service at the Study of Literature." This honor came
School in Dist. No. 8 east of Talent
Presbyterian church, unless a supply can as a surprise to Prof. Washburn, and the will close Friday of this week. The
be secured.
teacher P. M. Corum, is credited with
is tiie only person from Southern Oregon conducting one of the most successful
A packet memoranda book, found by a who has a place in the proceedings.
terms ever taught in that district.
person, has been left at this office, to be
The Gold Hill school closed last Fri­
A runaway took place Thursday morn­
Called for bv the owner. By letters and
a due card from the United Brotherhood ing on the Steamboat-Applegate stage day after a successful term of eight
of Railway Employes which it contained line that ended in a total wreck of the months. Prof. J. C. Jory, the late prin­
the book evidently belongs to W. H. stage and the badly bruising of the driv- cipal for the ensuing year. Miss Ella
I er, O. E. Rose, and of a passenger, J. A. Griffith has been elected as one of the
Ferguson, Medford
grade teachers, but the other out has not
been selected as yet.
The residents of the new district re­
cently formed at the hatchery on upper
Rogue river are very enthusiastic in their
work for their school and now have the
lumber all on the ground and have com­
menced the erection of a building and
they expect to have their school opened
within the next two or three weeks.
A new school district has been estab­
lished on Big Butte creek from portions
of districts No. 70 and 23, by the county­
board at their session last week. S. S.
Pentz, E. E. Raymond and Ben Fredin-
burg have been appointed by Supt. Daily
to call a meeting for the purpose of Meet­
ing the district officers. The new dis­
trict has 18 children and it is expected to
have school begin within the next two
months or so soon as a building can be
Jacksonville School Examination.
The state examination for the Eighth,
Ninth and Tenth grades in Jacksonville
High School began yesterday (Thursday)
and will continue during Friday and
Saturday. The questions, which are to
lie answered in writing cover reading,
writing, spelling, mental and written
arithmetic, grammar, political and phy
sical geography, physiology, United
States and European history, civics, liter­
ature, algebra and Latin.
The pupils taking the Eighth grade
examination are:
Almond Wilcox, Ben Ply-male, Lean
Hanna. Earl Peter, Donald Colvig, Hol­
man Peter, Grace Raypholti, Clara
Grimes, Clara Elmer, Emma Wendt, Ida
Fick and Mary Peter.
Those taking the Ninth grade examin­
ation are:
Leona Ulrich, Mary Colvig* Myrl
Peter, Eddie Donegan, and iGeorge
; \
Those hiking the Tenth gradet examin­
ation are:
Jess Applegate, Geo. Henry, Bertha
Prim, Emma Grimes, Jessie Wilson,
Flora Thompson and Nellie Reames.