Suriddv School Consention. Better Service tor Jacksonville Nailrood. President W. S. Barnum of the Rogue River Valley Railroad arrived home Sun­ day from the Sound where he had been to purchase another locomotive for his railroad. At Olympia lie purchased a fine lo­ comotive that had been used on the road : from Olympia to Tenino. It is of 22 ' .M.mill.ii tiin-r ot Dealer ,K, hi tons weight and for its size is a very I powerful engine and it can ¡mH hilly double the load that either of the two locomotives now in use on the road can haul. The new locomotive was brought to Jacksonville Tuesday evening on a flat car and Wednesday morning Mr. TUESDAY. Barnum with a force of men built up an 7:30 p. m.—Address of Welcome, Rev. i incline and run it off to the main track T. !.. Crandall, Medford. Mr. Barnum has sold their little engine tach made of select- Response, Prof. E. E. Washburn, to Purtland parties and it will lie shipped Jacksonville. at once to that city. Their large engine Pldninq, turninq and ed qrdln and quaran- 8.1X)—Address, Rev. R. McKillop, Ash- they will retain to use when extra work land. is required, or repairs are necessary to other wood nork done teed the best on the WEDNESDAY. their other locomotive. The large pas- on short notice. :: market :: :: 9.1)0 a. m.—Devotional Exercises, Rev. senger coach he lately purchased from the Southern Pacific is being repainted S. H. Jones. Jacksonville. , anti put in firstclass order for use to Enrollment of I>elegates. handle better the greatly increased Appointment of Committees. ! passenger traffic that has come this Reports from Schools. 10:00—Home Department. Rev. 1 P. F. spring between this place and Medford. In anticipation of the heavy freight and Phelps, Ashland. passenger traffic that he expects this Discussion. 11:00—Rest Hour for the Sunday School. summer Mr. Barnum is having new- ties put down on the track wherever the tiea Rev. E. M. Patterson, Medfonl. are showing signs of weakness. For the Discussion. ______________________________ ________________________ / present no change in the time card will WEDNESDAY—AFTERNOON SESSION. be made, only the two round trips a «lay 1:30 p. tn.—Devotional Exercises. Rev. I is being made, but later on additional Mill Calhoun. Phocnit, Ore. H. C. Ckmans, Medford. Ore. Rosser, Ashland. trips may lx- made should there be traffic 1:45—Address by State Worker. to justify the change. Church to County S. S. Convention Work. Prof. A. J. Hanby, Central Oregon Pioneer Association. Point. Arrangements are being made for the Discussion. Real Estate Dealers 3:00—How to hold Bovs in the S. S. holding of the thirty-first annual re un- ' ion of the Oregon Pioneer Association, Mrs. Mary Dunn. Ashland. We have have in our hands al present a large num­ to I m : held in Purtland on Wednesday, Discussion. June 17. All persons coming to, or l»orn 3:30—The Prime object of S. S. Work. ber of Bargains in FARM, FRUIT and GARDEN in, the original territory of Oregon prior Stella Duclose. Medfonl. to February 14, 1859, without regard to LANDS, and TOWN PROPERTY, of which the Discussion. where they now live, are eligible to mem ­ 4.00—Reports of Committees and Elec- following is a partial list. bership. Beginning with June 1-5 Pio­ tion of Officers. neer headquarters will I m : opened on the Question Box. G. F. Billings. top floor of the city hall, where badges No. I—Is 550 acres more or less, 300 acres No 26 H oum - am) 2 lots in Phoenix, lots EVENING SESSION. Rogue River txittom land, all fenced, 60x121) feet each. may l>e secured from the secretary, Geo. g1200. M. L. Darby, Medford. Primary ternoon, June 17, and will include the The land is of fine quality. Price tier No. 31—An MO acre farm seven miles Department, I. N. Copia, Griffin following numbers, Music by Brown's us from railroad, level land. gd soil, 15 Creek. The Holy Spirit, Rev. E. B. band; prayer. Grand Chaplain I). B" acres cleared ami fenced, 2d acres in Lockhart, Central Point. Gray, ls51, Portland; annual address, No. 2—1 s a tract of 1520 acres, all fenced, 1200 acres g< km I alfalfa land; a stream pasture, remainder easily cleared. Resolutions and Adjournment. Hon. C. W. Fulton, Astoria; music, by running through it of 150 miners* Dwelling house well finished, cost ov­ band; occasional address, O. C. Apple- INFORMATION. inches of water with which the whole er ¿500. Bearing orchard; fine well gate, Klamath Falls agency; music by To the Superintendents, Officers and 1200 acres can I m - irrigated. The other and springs; is sub-irrigated, and can At the Teachers of Jackson County, Oregon, band; lienediction, chaplain. 320 acres is higher ground, which is I m - made one of the l>est small farms of £lose of the program the Pioneer Wom ­ Greeting! well situated for reservoirs ami feed Jackson county, Is ow ned by a non­ We urge a hearty co-operation and full en's Auxiliary will given banquet to all grounds. This tract is situated in resident who will give a bargain in or- attendance of all Sunday School workers members in grxxl standing who have the Klamath county, about 20 miles from der to sell quick. proper badge for 1903. Special invita ­ at Convention. Entertainment will lx- Klamath Falls, a county rood running No. 33 I5‘, acres, all in cultivation; free. The reception committee will tions will be issued to the husbands or : by it and a railroad now within about house, barn, etc., near Phoenix; will wives of Pioneers, who may not be pio ­ meet you and assign you your place of 50 miles ami building rapidly towards I m - sold all together or divided. entertainment. Each Sunday School is neers themselves, upon application to it and is certain to pass mar by it, or No. 34. 12*M> acres all improved. Mr. Himes. Reduced rates have been entitled to tie represented bv two dele­ cross it in the near future. A gixxl Fine bottom land, Rogue River run­ granted by all transportation companies gates, Superintendent and Pastor. Send farm house and l>arn and corrals on ning through it; 500 acres under irriga­ reports of your Sunday School, and the for those desiring to attend the reunion. the place. One of the best bargains in tion ami )>alance easily wiuered. Good names of your delegates, to Mrs. D. E. New Candidate for Queen. all Southern Oregon. Price jx-r acre buildings ami other improvements; six Hyde, Ashland, Oregon, at once. This $10. ....................... miles from railroad; near post office and Miss Centenna Rothermal of Medford will aid us in many ways to provide for No. 3 — House and 4 lots in Phoenix. school. Fine alfalfa, fruit or garden has entered the race for queen of the your good entertainment, and save time Price........................„............„............ $600 land. Is the cheapest land in Jackson in Convention. Come to the convention. Grants Pass W. O W. carnival ami now No. 4 — 204 acres of g acres, house and 2 barns, 12 No. 37— 1500 acres, H00 acres of it fine ers will find our stock of staple and at 12 o’clock, and who ever gains the acres lx>ttoin land, the balance, 43 ac­ plow land; all well watered by fine fancy groceries qu te complete, and coveted place of queen will be given ¿50 res, all good land, J^-mile from depot; by lhe carnival committee. She will creek and springs. Large part under prices always the lowest at Nunan’s, Jack­ 12 acres under ditch at the head of the have a brass band at her disposal that cultivation ami all under fence. Will sonville. ditch. Price..................................... $5000 she may send to any or all trains to I m - sold in tracts to suit purchasers. Superintendent W. F. Arant has re­ meet friends whom she may delight to No. 9—400 acres, within four miles of Convenient to market ano in gx house.................... $>50 No. 10 — 23 acres all fenced and in the park, containing 249 square miles, privelege of selecting her maids of honor No. 40—30 acres, on a creek affording cultivation. A house ami barn, about have never been defined and until that is and all other aid. plenty of good water; good soil and 50 fruit trees just coining into bearing. done, the superintendent cannot tell ex­ The following are the votes as they line fruit land. Three acres in alfalfa; 1 '/, miles from town. Price..... $1,000. actly where liis authority begins or ends now stand: g4 acres, all under fence, good 5-rooui house, good spring, water con­ tracts to suit. Will make a dozen or Miss E. Hartman, Grants Pass, 101(1. veyed to house by pipe, 2 g'xxl barns, 20 fine farms. This is an opportunity Miss Prue Angle, Medford, 928. 215 acres of choice land in cultivation, to secure a home in the best part of Miss Lou Briggs, Ashland, 704. good for all kinds of grain, 30 or 40 the Rogue River valley. Miss Carrie White, Grants Pass, 574. acres would produce good alfalfa. This No. 43.— 40 acres of unimproved land. You will always find the best Miss Lucy George, Ashland, 509. is one of the best farms iu the valley, of rich, flaky icecream in my Miss E. Dowell, Grants Pass, 479. Has some good fir, pine and oak. Most 2J4 miles from Phoenix. Price tier store, LEMONADE that is Mrs. Bonney, Grants Pass, 135. of land can lie easily cleared; good acre....................... >35 lemonade. soil, plenty of water; half a mile from Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Adams drove in No. 14 — 400 acres, fl miles from Medford, school and church. Six miles from a good house, 2 barns 100 acres in from the Blue Ixdge copper mine Tues­ Bybee bridge. Price jx-r acre.... .„¿10. cultivation Phoenix. day morning and that afternoon they Cigars, Tobaccos, No. 45__ < )ver 80 acres of good alfalfa No. 15 — 138 acres on Rogue River, 100 drove to Ashland to remain over Wed­ land; 50 acres Bear creek bottom land acres of as good land as any man could nesday to visjt with friends ami to see Fine Confectionery, with a large irrigation ditch. Two wish for. No improvements. Thirty the President. Mr. Adams is one of the first-class houses, two good ban.s ami acres of it could lie made ready for the members of the Blue Ledge Copper Com­ a fine spring house. Adjoining land sell­ Fresh Fruits plow with 15 days labor. Price ..$500 pany that sold that famous property to ing for ¿200 an acre. Price per acre .$130 the Clark Syndicate and he is spending No. 22— House and barn in Phoenix. this summer on the Applegate to look 2 lots (Mix 120 feet. Price................ $650. No. 47.— City property, 2 acres, fine new house, good well and barn. Good land, after important milling interests that he No 25- House and 3 lots in Phoenix, lots 4 blocks from central school........ $750. (Mix 120 each; good house well finished. has in that district. The twelvth annual convention of the Sunday schools of Jackson county will be held in Medfonl on Tuesday ami Wed­ nesday. May 26 ami 27, at the First M. E. church. l*rvparations are being made in Medfonl to entertain the delegates and others attending the convention in a manner befitting the occasion. From in­ formation received by those in charge of the arrangements there promises to be a large attendance at the convention from all parts of the county. The following is the program for the convention: Chris Ulrich SASH. DOORS. GLASS and BUILDING MATERIAL CORN MEAL and GRAHAM Ground Barley, Cracked Wheat and Other Feed. CALHOUN ICE CREAM w. H. M c D aniels CLEMANS