Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
JwcKaonville, Jackion County, Oregon. Friday, May 22, 1903
No. 2
will lie no liklihood of danger from fire MAY BE A SECOND ANACONDA.
from that cause.
When the plaining mill i* put in oper­
Work Brinq rushed I pon the Iowa I umber ation only dressed lumber will la* ship|ied Appleqatr Copper District Promise* Io
fqual Montano** Great Copper Mme*.
(ompunv's Ptainina Mill More Improve­ and it is expected that in addition to
—Jacksonville to Be the Shippinq and
supplying the local trade, not less than
Stylish Hats in
ments Made at Sawmill up the Canvon. two car load* will lie shipped each day
Iradinq Point for the Copper Mine*.
all designs and
I to Council Bluffs, Iowa where it will lie
Work upon the big plaining mill is be­
shapes to meet
Of the p>ro pects of the now famous
ing pu*hed with the utmost npred by yards in that city. This yard is one of Blue Ledge copper mines on the Apple­
the requirements
President C. Hafer. All the men are be- the largest in the Middle West and has a gate and of the development work now
,j.ing employed that can be used to an ad-
and the fancy of
being made by Patsy Clark and his syn-
Z vantage ami it is expected to have the states that such is the demand for the dicate of Spxikane coppx-r miners the
the most particu­
' plant in otieratiou within the next 10 highgriule lumber that the mill* here Spokane Spokesman Review has the fol­
Uays. which will make it only four weeks turn out that he can market at a good lowing to say:
lar purchaser at
hoin the day that work was !« kuu upon price every car of lumla-r that he can se­
“Unless the bottom drojM out of the
the foundation to the day when the thir­ cure here. In addition to handling mine, the Blue ledge is one of the
teen different machines, with which it is their own output the Iowa Lumber greatest properties in the country,” said
tx-ing tilled up will be started up andem- j Company will also handle all the lumber Patrick Clark yesterday. Mr. Clark and
plovment to the 30 additional men to that they can buy from the other mill» of | his pmrtner, B. C. Kingsbury, have re­
Jacksonville's already large jsiy roll. I this comity.
turned from a visit to the copper wonder Jacksonville,
Monday morning Foreman J. U. Willeke | The Company had their mill shut down in Siskiyou county, California, five miles
with Ins force of carpenter* completed last week while making some improve­ : south of the Oregon line, which they
the tai lory building being just a week i ments which will increase its capacity. have bonded, through Dr. J. F. Reddy,
“The lay of the country is admirably
and a day in doing their work. The | A larger and stronger carriage was put in for a sum said to lie ¿ViO.UOO.
adapted to the economic mining. Wood
building, which is 127 feet long ami 36 and a lath saw is also being installed.
“So far as it is developed, it has the 1
feet wide with la hxit sheds along each The disposal of the saw dust has been most ore in sight tor a prospect at the and water are there in abundance, and
side, is tar letter constructed than is the quite a hindrance ami a large brick pit same stage that I ever saw in my life. the ground is so steep that it is possible
average mill building and is so solidly has been constructed that burns all the A drift has been run for 125 feet from to reach a depth of 2,00) feet by drilling
put up that it will never get rickety ami dust from the mill. The mill now is in the point where the ore body was found, a tunnel of moderate length. With long
get the machinery out of order and its first-class order and from this on it is ex­ and for the whole distance the tunnel is tunnels it is possible to get a depth of
construction is a credit to G. L. Scher- i pected to push the output to close to in clean chalcopryite ore, with not a sin­ perhaps 3,000 feet.
merhurn, who had the contract for its | three-quarter* of a million feet per month. gle bit of waste as large as a pea to be
The inauguration of this big industry found for the whole distance.
"We have until December next to
Monday Mr. Ia-w Wentworth, an ex­ by the Iowa Lumber Comjiany ha* been cleanness of the ore is one of its most make our first payment under our bond,
pert machinist who came out from Omaha a large factor in bringing to Jacksonville extraordinary characteristics. In appear- and we are pushing work with a crew of
with President Haler, who assisted him a prosperity like it had in days gone by ance it much resembles the War 1-Lagle about 50 men. They have started a tun­
in Chicago in selecting the machinery, ami the citizens of this place appreciat­ and the Le Roi, such as was shipped out nel lower down the hill. I have arrang­
which is all of the latest aii’i lest make», ing this fact have done all within their of Rossland in the early days of the ed with the Coyle's Diamond Drill Com­
with a number of helper* began putting power to assist the company in making camp.
pany of Spokane to do from 2,000 to
tip the shafting ami pulleys from which their venture a success. The feeling of i
3,000 feet of diamond drilling, and the
the various machines will lie driven. co operation is fully reciprocated by the | “Crosscuts have shown that the ore drillers will get their outfits on the
One 3', inch line shaft will lie extruded Iowa Lu mix-r Company and President' body is 20 feet wide, and on the foot­ ground about the first of the month.
the entire length ui the building and Hafer desires to express his appreciaticn ; wall side there is a horse seven or eight
“It is a $2,000,000 proposition to
upon it will be attached the pulleys to that his com|>any fe<-l to the citizena of' feet wide, beyond which there is another chase the property, carry on deve
which the machines will lx; belted. The Jacksonville for their many acts of good high grade ore shoot from three to four ment and put it to a productive stage,
pulleys are all the beat make of wood will and generosity.
feet wide, which runs from 12 to 15 pier for it will lie necessary to build a rail­
split pulleys. The line shaft is hung by
cent in coppier. That would ordinarily road 40 miles in length to carry out the
Dales to Remember.
heavy iron hangers each fitted with
lie considered a fine showing in itself, ores to connect with the Southern Pa­
spiecial oil Ixixes l<< prevent oil from drip Saturday, May 23—Regular meeting for but it is entirely outclassed by the main cific at Jacksonville, Oregon, and will be
ping on the floor. All of the machinery
May at Medford of the Rogue River showing in the tunnel.
The big ore necessary to erect a smelter to treat the
will lx- belted direct to this line shaft
Ixxly, 20 feet wide, and, so far as proven. output of the mine. The ore is com­
Fruitgrowers Union.
thus doing away with the maze of lick­ Saturday, May 23—Regular meeting in 125 feet long, averages from 4 to 5 pier paratively low grade, and must be hand­
ing and pulleys that are found in many
Medford of Jackson County Dairy­ cent coppx-r, and from $4 to $5 in gold. led in the most economical manner pos­
Estimating copper at 12 cents a pound, sible. If the property continues to show-
men* Association.
The boiler and engine room is built at I Saturday, May 23—Republican grand which is considerably below its real up under development as it is showing
the west cud of the main building. Chil­
rally at Wilson’s opera house, Med­ value, the ore is easily worth $15 a ton as now, it will easily supply ore for a 500
ders Bros, who bad the job of setting the
ton smelter. But all of these calcula­
ford. Address by Hon. Geo. C. Brow­ it lies in the mine.
boiler < ompleted their work Wednesday
“The showing underground, however, tions are dependent upon the chance
evening am) abetter built furnace is not Saturday, May 2:’,—Republican rally at is not the «inly surprising thing about the that the ore holds out at depth. Frank­
to be found in a mill in Oregon. The
Ashland addressed by Senator C. W. piroperty. The le«lge has been staked for ly, I believe that it will, but its per­
main walls enclosing the boiler are built
the length of Hi claims, and has traces manence is the thing that we are now­
of stone, while the furnace as well as the Saturday, May 23—Socialists picnic at strong and vigorous over the mountain trying to prove.”
entire space back of the furnace is well
Phoenix. Addresses by T. E. Latimer for four miles. The outcrop is from 100
lined with firebrick. The Ixiiler rests
of Portland, and other speakers.
The Quaker Doctors, who have been
to 200 feet wide, and in places the vein is
u|x>n sujqxirts made ut railroad iron set Thursday, May 2B—Democratic rally at eroded below the level of the walls, holding street shows in Jacksonville for
upon end on topi of which are heavy iron
Gold Hill, Hun. A. E. Reamesspeaker. which are of schist. The lode stands up the last ten days, went to Medford Sun­
pilates and upxm these plates are iron rol- Thursday, May 2M—Entertainment un­ firm ami strong at an angle of about 60 day morning. They expect to remain in
ley* which take the weight of the boiler
der the auspices of the Jacksonville degrees from the horizontal.
that city for five or six weeks.
from the flanges. These rollers under
High School at the U. S. Hall.
the boiler flanges are for the piurpxisc j Friday, May 2D—Grand Ik-mocratic rally
of allowing for the movement of the j at Medford. Addresses by Hon. A. E.
boiler as it expands and contracts in being I Realties and Chairman Sam White.
heated up> ami cools off, thus preventing Friday, May 2D—Commencement exer­
this boiler movement from cracking the i cises of Jacksonville High School at
walls of the furnace ami endangering the j
U. S. Hall.
building by fire. The engine will lx- set , June 1—Election in First district.
upxm a heavy concrete lied, thus giving it Friday, June 5.—Commencement exer­
a rigid setting so essential to the perfect
cises of Central Point High School at
working of that machine. The engine is
Brick hall.
now being set up ami adjusted by E. A.
17—Thirty-first annual reunion of
I.anglcy, who will lie the engineer for the
Pioneer Association at Portland.
factory ami so careful ami thorough is
Mr. Langley in his work that there is June 17—20—W. O. W. Street Fair and
Beautiful designs in ceiling, side and border
Carnival. Grants Pass.
every certainty that the engine will, when
wall paper
the steam is turned on, start up as smooth­
Proqres* on hlamuth River R. R.
ly as a new clock.
A gravity system of water works will
The first regular train on the new
go in at once to provide water for the! Klamath River Railroad started from
Floor Oil Cloth
Ixiiler and for fire protecrion. A large , Lairds, a station on the Southern Pacific,
Japanese Matting, •
reservoir will be built upxm the hill back at alxiut 3 o’clock p. ill. last Thursday
of the factory ami water will lie pipx-d to | and made the run to the temporary
Nottingham Lace
it from a spiring on Hoffman's place. terminus, a point two miles east of
All Wool 3 ply
From the reservoir the water will be Pokegama, in about two hours.
brought to the mill and the lumber yard. ! distance is 30 miles and considering the
Window Blinds,
Hemp Carpetings,
Fire plugs will be put in about the mill ' fact, that there are two switch-backs and
All Wool Rugs.
and the yard to give hose connections for that a tiart of the newly laid track is not
fire protection ami a perforated piipie will ; vet ballasted, the run was very good.
run along the ridge of the roof on the Passenger coaches for the new road have
We cut, sew and lay our carpets
mill building and when the water is not yet arrived, though expected every­
turned into it the entire roof can be day.
Passengers who were on the
flooded. In addition to this gravity sys- ‘ trip Thursday rode on a flat car, and
Buyers can he assured that the stock is entirely new and
tern which will have a head of over 100 . being accustomed only to stages in that
Prices always the very lowest.
feet thus giving a good pressure, n pow­ district they thought the flat car as much
erful steam pump) will lie installed for superior to a stage as is a Pullman
emergency cares.
Thankful for past favors; soliciting your patronage.
sleepier to a flat car. A crew of men
The entire mill yard, which is over an are still pushing the track on toward
lie arc respectfully,
acre in extent, is on a gravel liar formed Klamath Falls, and they are also build­
hr tailings from the gold mines upjack- ing a branch road to the northward
s£n creek and it makes a yard that will tapping the timber licit in that direction.
l> thoroughly drained an<i will be free
f om mud or dust. The entire yard is be­
Wanted, board and lodging with a
by a
ing enclosed with a high picket fence to private family by a gentlemen. Address,
keep out trampis and boys so that there Boarder, care of Sentinel.
Miss Hoover’s
New House
NUNAN 9 Jacksonville