THE COUNTY NEWS Short Paragraphs Regarding Doings Throughout the Length and Breadth of Jackson County as We Succeed In Capturing I hem. SOME ARE NEWSY: SOME AKE NOI W. J. Wimer, of the Deep Gravel Min­ ing Co. of Waldo, made our office a call last week says the Grants Pass Mining Journal. Mr. Wimer says they have made a good run this season thus far, and are now thinking of putting in a link belt elevator so they can handle their tailings and save more gold. From the large bags of gold seen at the Iwink a few days ago. as a ¡mrt clean-up from this property, we would say that the clean up must have been most gratifying. n RYÄNS Rev. Father O’Brien, of Portland, has been holding a mission in the Catholic church this week, commencing Tuesday John Simmons was at the county seat and lasting until Sunday evening. The services have been very interesting and Saturday. have attracted many outside of the regu­ Arthur Stevens was a Jacksonville visi­ lar cong legation. tor Sunday. Special services will be held at the M. E la-ginning Sunday March 12th Frank Cameron of Applegate was on and Church continuing through the week. A this Creek Sunday. pressing invatation is extended to all to attend. Tbos. Yocorn tarried a few hours in A. J. A rmstrong , Pastor. Jacksonville Saturday. Orders taken for custom and tailor Harley Swagerty of Medford spent made clothing. Goods are right, prices Sunday at the Mill. are right and you will l>e treated right at Furness the Chothier's. A. J. Stevens did business at Ashland Hawk, the harness and shoe man, now Friday and Saturday. has his shop in the Learned building op­ Adolph Shulz, of the Valley, was in posite the U. S. hotel. Good work at reasonable prices. this neighborhood Friday. Mikt and Miss Maggie Sidley were in Miss Emma Margreiter of Jacksonville from Lake Creek Sunday visiting rela­ visited with home folks Sunday. tives at the county seat. Boorman’s Creek Items. Quality of Goods, Selec­ tion of Stock, and Reason­ ableness of Price are factors always considered in dealings with customers so that they may be satis­ fied with their purchases hoá 0)6(0 S m ? Frank Ankeny, of Sterling was at the Mrs. Tobe Brouse and Mrs. Hyde county seat Tuesday on business affairs. Rickey visited Jacksonville friends one day the first of the week. Miss Ethel Crump and Miss Beulah Gus. Newbury and family spent Sun­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Kincade were in Jacksonville Saturday. day on the Applegate the guests of Mr. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE John Morgan and family of Fresno and Mrs. Miles Cantrall. ( < iUNTY ' » | M KSON. California will soon become ressdeuts of NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS. Miss Edith Cranfil, of Medford, visited Poornian’s Creek. In the matter of the estate of Phil Cleave the county seat Tuesday. deceased. Ed. King, of Jacksonville, and I’eter Miss Mollie Ray was in from Ruch Notice is hereby given that the un­ Denhof, of Medford, were Poorman's visiting friends Tuesday. dersigned has been appointed Executor creek visitors Tuesday. of the estate of l’hil Cleave, deceased; Quartz and placer location blanks for all persons knowing tin him Ives to be in­ Mrs. J. W. Margreiter returned home sale at the Serjtinel Office. debted to Mid estate are hereby notified Sunday after a few days visit with her “Schillings Best” l>aking powder at to call at the office of Realties & Reames, at Jacksonville. Oregon, and settle the daughter Mrs. H. G King. Lester & Schulz. same; all persons having claims against Geo. Walters and son Herman of Daily & Elmer, the new real estate the said estate arc hereby notified to pre sent the same, properly verified, to the Humbug Creek was on this Creek Fri­ firm. undersigned at said office within six day on business. The Sentinel gives the mining news. months from the date of this notice. Dated Jan. 2H, 1905. PHIL R. B liss . Chas. Young and family who have Realties & R< ames, Executor. been living at Jacksonville for some Attorneys for Estate. time have now become residents of this A—' DENTIST Creek. JACKSONVILLE HARNESS AND SHOE All Kinds Of Harness Work Done Prompt­ ly. Fine Shoe Work A Specialty. Prices Reasonable P)R. T. T. SHAW Woodville Whispers. Miss Mabel Schindler spent several days in Grants Pass with Miss Frances Humphreys this week. All work equal to the best to be had iu Portland. Crowns, Bridge work and Artificial Teeth on either rubber or celluloid plater Jackionellle - . Oregon QUS -* Mr. R. Tweed, Robt, Tweed, Gracie and Will Sams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hair. Geo. Wright and Pyburn are engag­ ed in hauling the power poles from Foot's creek to Green’s creek for the C. W. & P. Co. NEWBURY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Champlin arrived from the East last week and are now on Foots Creek. It is reported that the Champlins are going to build a large summer residence there soon. A large number of friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Short on Foots creek last Monday and everybody had a fine time celebrating Mrs. Short’s birth­ day. ________ ____ Zach Cameron was in from the Apple­ gate country Tuesday to attend the fune­ ral of Walter Offenbacher. CHAS. DUNFORD Will practice in all courts of the state. Office on California street one block south of the court house. - • Praying and heavy team work. Light express transferred. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Oregon ' W. H I C K E L I • JEWELER Watches and clocks repairer! promptly and all work guaran­ teed . Office opposite U. S. Hotel. On the 25th of this month there will be Jacksonville, a basket social given at the school house on Foots creek, the proceeds to lie used PHYSICIAN in repairing that building. Mr. Gibson is making extensive im­ provements on his property near the Ward’s creek bridge. A fine new fence besides some out buildings greatly help the premises. JACKSONVILLE • • • • TRANSFER W. R. Hawk, Proprietor. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW A large number from here have been ! Jacksonville, attending the union revival meetings by ’ Dr. Toy and Mr. Dixon at Grants Pass. ' Oregon SHOP i Charge» I SOUTHERN OREGON STATE NORMAL Ro aso n a b!o Society’s New 6ame. * New buildings; Well equipped gymnasium; Am­ ple an beautiful grounds; Up to date training de­ partment; Wholesome in­ fluences morally and social­ ly; Healthful surroundings: Expenses nominal; Ciadu- ates of this school com­ mand from I45 to >«5 per month. “Trail” has taken society by storm. It is something new, something different. and SURGEON “Trail” as the name implies, is found­ ed on a popular hunting sport, is played F. It. BOWEHSOX, M. !». with fifty-three fine cards tn four colors, representing a fox to 1* chased and Office in Orth's Building. Hours: 2 to 6 and 7 to If p. m. caught, and four packs of hounds of Jacksonville . . Oregon thirteen each. “Trail” has constantly recurring inter­ est for players as they perfect their play­ ing from evening to evening, in marked For Catalogue .Address contrast to certain r< < ent boistrousgames that bore the players at the end of an C. H. THOMAS hour. I....).., o< IK« Ro.rd or Veterinary Surgeon. With the one pack six other splendid, B. F. MULKEY new, copyright games can be played. Medford. • Oregon Two Pr«aid«nt Educational games, and two games < >MK