LOCAL HAPPENINGS Weather Report for Iebruary. F U R _N IS H LN C S Following is the report of U S Volun­ teer Weather Observer E. Britt, for Jack­ Brief. Breezy Notes Regarding the sonville, for month of February .longitude Various Events that fake 42 deg 18 min west; latitude 123 deg 5 Place at and Near the County min north. Seal, By this the Only Paper. During the month there were 14 clear days, 7 partly clear «lays and 7 cloudy , days. NEWS WHIlt If IS YLI NLWSY Temperature—mean max. 56.67; mean min. 34.88; mean 45.77. Max. 71 on 26th; min. 17, on 12lh; greatest daily range Dredger Output on foots Greek. 33. Precipitation—Total for month, 1.08 A recent dispatch from Medford Mates inches. Greatest in 24 hours, .47 inches th.it shipments of from J8OO to f2OOO in rtuni(y for the change of power der. After trying several cures the Roseburg Oregon Octobers 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compli­ from steam to electricity, the pol«» ami stor«-kee|M-r here recommended this re- i tnedy and it completely cured me.” ance with the provisions of the act of wirrs having been strung from the power There is no use of anyone suffering from MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE FOR JACKSON Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An COUNTY. plant of the Condor Water & Power Com­ th.it painful ailment when this liniment Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the V Carter, Ashland................................... Senator . can be obtained for a small suin. One E. pany at Gold Kay. W. I. Vawter. Medford..................... Representative I Statesol California, Oregon, Nevada and Von der llellen Wellen...... „.... Washington Territory,” as extended to A few years ugo it was decided that application gives prompt relief an«l its H. continued use for a short time will pro­ D. H Jackson. Ashland.................. all the |>ublic land states bv act of Aug­ dredging could not lie profitably follow­ duce a permanent cure. For sale by COUNTY OFFICERS. ust 4 1892. ed in Southern Oregon, and the decayed City Drug Store. George W Dunn.................................. County Judge ! CORNELIUS BUTTER BAUGH. John S Orth........................................................ Clerk I of Ashland, county of Jackson, state hulks of several "gold ships" now going Robert H Dow ................... - ....... ............. Record« Jo «eph M. Rader........................ .................. Sheriff of Oregon, has this day filed in this office to wreck on Southern Oregon streams Gentlemen. D. II. Miller................................. ............. Treasurer his sworn statement No. 6457 for the are silent reminders of wasted capita) Wilbur S Jonen............................ .............. A ssessor purchase of the Lots 3 and 4, of P H Daily..................................... ..Sujieriutendent We take your measure for tailor made ami energy. However Manager Champ­ of section No. 6 in Township No. 41 s, ............... Coron« Dr W I, Cameron ...................... lin states it was not the fault of the suits, cloths guaranteed, perfect or no Gar! T Jone»................................. ............. Surveyor Range No 3 w and will offer proof to acceptance. Our Samples are the very- Joshua Patterson. Talent........... ... Commissioner show that the land sought it more valu­ •• diggings, but of the machines. Dredgers latest patterns. Call and see them. George Brown. Eagle l’oiut...... able for its timber or stone than for ag­ thst will ojierale successfully in other N unan T aylor C o . COUNTY COURT. ricultural purposes and to establish his County court meet» on the first Wednesday claim to said land before the Register districts of the West will not handle the after the first Monday in each month at the 1 and Receiver United States Land Office, « < mented ground and heavy loulders of court house in Jacksonritle. INVALUABLE FOR RHEUMATISM Probate court meets the first Mon«lay in each Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 27th the Southern Oregon channels. . have laen suffering for the past few mouth. day of December, 1904. CIRCUIT COURT. year with a severe attack of rlieuma He names as witnesses; Frank E. tism and found that Ballard's Snow Lini­ Hon. II K Hanna....................... *. Circuit Judge Kincart of Oakland, Oregon; Harry W. March Jury List. ment was the only thing that gave me Hou A E. Reames...... ............. District Attorney | Miller of Myrtle Creek, Oregon: Max W. Circuit court for Jackson county convenes at ' satisfaction and tende I to alleviate my Jacksonville on the fourth Monday m March, first Luckenbaek of Medford Oregon; Solo­ The following is the jury list drawn pains. March 24. 02: John C. Degnan, Monday in September and second Monday in 1 mon A. Landes, of Ashland, Oregon. December. Any and all persons claiming adversely lor the March term of the circuit court Kinsman, Ills. For sale by City Drug Store. TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. the above described lands are requested 1965: Emil Britt........................................................... Mayor to file their claims in this office on or be­ J. Nunan. . ..................................... Councilman ' fore said 27th day of December 1904. Mound. D. W. Bcelie, FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE. Theo Cameron................................. Lake Creek. J. T. B ridges , Fred Tliunilierg, S Orth........................................... Loss of appetite always results from John J. H Buffer. Sr..................................... . Register. Talent. Win. Addison, faulty digestion. All that is neede«l is II- nr i Dox .................................................... Recorder Sams Valley. W. W. Eddington, a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach James Cronemiller..................................... Treasurer Renault ................................................Marshal and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate John S. Mat lies, Woodville. Henry Wendt........... ............. Street Commissioner WHITER the stomach, strengthen the diagestion City council meets the first Tuesday in each Sams Valley. J. L. Bowe, and give you an appetite like a wolf. month. Medford. Polk Hull, These tablets also act as a gentle laxa­ JACKSONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Mound. i.ce Watkins, tive. For sale by City Drug Store. T. J. Williamou » Peter Applegate? ................ „...Board of Directors Wimer. Josh Neathammer, C I' Briggs > THE GUARANTEED F. K. Musty, Meadows. Gus Newbury............. —...................................... Clerk A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE FOR S P. Robnins...... .......................................... Principal Willow Springs. F. M. Ferguson, CHILDREN. JACKSONVILLE JUSTICE DISTRICT. Meadows. J. B. Welch, In buying a cough medicine for child­ Henry ................................ Justice of the Peace ren never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Frank Dox Wm. Van Dyke, Ashland. Kasshafer......... ... .......................... Constable Cough Remedy. There is no danger R. Oatman, Talent. JACKSONVILLE POSTOFFICF. from it ami relief is always sure to follow closes for Medford train at - 9:15 a m L ike Creek. W. C. Daley, It is especially valuable for colds, croup Mail “ “ " •• - 8: 15 p m Ashland. W. F. Holbert, and whooping cough. For sale by City- " arrives from Medford at - • 7:30am “ “ " •• - - 12 noon Drug Store. Gold Hill. C. Vroman, THE CHILDREN S FAVORITE “ - - 5:30 p m M -I close» tor Lower Applegate Stage 7 15 a m Frank Cameron, Union. ■ CWARC or IMITATIONS. -• ' " Upper 7 15am STARTLING MORTALITY. THE GENUINE PREPARED OCIL7 DV 11. II. Goddard, Talent. JACKSONVILI.K APPLEGATK STAGE. Statistics show startling mortality, 3a!lard-Snow Linlmcnc Cu. Medford. E. D. Elwood, H enry W endt , Driver—Leaves Jacksonville from ap|>endicitis and peritonitis. To daily ST. LOUIS, rvio. except Sunday at 7:30 a m., arriving at Ap­ Ashland. C. C. Fisher, prevent ami cure these awful , plegate at 11 a. ni. I .eave Applegate at 11:15 ar­ Central Point. J. 11. Downing, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr. riving at Jacksonville at 8 p. m. Close connection made with stage to Steamlioat and stage to Kubli TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3. 1878—NOTICE King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of and Eagle Point. W. W. l u nch, FOR PUBLICATION. Davidson. 14 Custom House Place Chicago, says: United States Land Office, Jacksonville. JACKSONVILLE COPPER MINES STAGE. Chas. Nunan, “They have no equal for Constipation Roseburg Oregon, Oct. 4, 1904. Guo. N. L ewis , Driver — Leaves Jacksonville Ashland. R. L. Bush, Noti« is hereby given that in compliance with and Billiousness.” For sale by J. W. at 8.00 a.m. Mondays, and Fridays for Ruch, Uniontown, Purcel, Watkins and Joes Bar, the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3rd, Wimer. J. B. Hillis, Robinson. 1878, entitled “An Act for the Sale of Timber returning on the following days. Lands in the States of California. Oregon. J. H. Whipple, Woodville. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD STAGE. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend­ Vest Stephens, Phoenix. to all the public land states by act of August 4, THE COLONEL’S WATERLOO. F rank B kllingbr , Driver—Leaves Medford ed Jacksonville at 6:30 a m Leaves Jackson- ! 1892 Medford. E. P. Bennett, Colouel John M. Fuller, of Honey for JOHN AITKEN. ville for Medford at 7:30 a m. Connects with Ashland. W. F. Loomis, Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, Lower Applegate stage and With Upper Apple­ of Ashland, county of Jackson, state of Oregon- has this day filed in this office his sworn state from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a gate stage for the Blue Ledge copper district. J. D. Buckley, Union. tnent No 6467, for the purchase of the SEJ4 of recent letter, he says: “I was nearly R. R. V. TRAINS. of Section No. 2, tn Township No 40 Range No. 3 west, and will offer proof dead, of these complaints, and, although Leave Jacksonville for Medford at 9:30 a . m. j South, to show that the land sought is more valuable I tried my family doctor, he did me no and 3:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Jacksonville for Buy Your Wall Paper at fiome. its timber or stone than for agricultural good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great at 11:30 a. m. and 4:50 p. tn. purposes, and to establish his claim to said land SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. before the Register and Receiver, U. S. land office Electric Bitters, which cured me. I con­ Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day of Northbound at Medford, at 4:16 a tn. and 4:44 at Why patronize agents and send your sider them the best medicine on earth, 1W». p. ni. Southbound front Medford at 11:25 a. January, and thank God who gave you the know ­ He names as witnesses: Frank E- Kincart money away when you can do as well tn. and 11:52 p. tn. of Oakland Oregon; Harry W. Miller of Myrtle at home, and every dollar sent out of ledge to make them.” Sold, and guaran­ Creek Oregon and Louis R. Ulen and John A. L. teed to cure, Dyspeps a, Billiousness and Shelly both of Ashland, Oregon. AGONIZING BURNS, town hurts you as well as you merchant. Ridney Disease, by J. W. Robinson. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the are instantly relieved, and perfectly heal­ above described lands are requested to file their Besides if you run short you can get ed, by Bucklin's Arnica Salve. Riven­ claims in this office on or before said 5th day of more without additinal cost, or if you If you have occasion to visit thecounty bark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: “I January, 1905. J. T. B ridobs , Register. have any left it can be returned and get seat ami dont know where to stop, in­ burnt my knee dreadfully; that it blister­ 9-14 12-23 quire for the Taylor House where you ed all over. Bucklin's Arnica Salve stop ­ your money. Come in and see my stock can secure first ciass beds and meals by ped the pain, anti healed it without a Experience outside the Morman ami get my prices. I can please you. the day or week. Transient trade solicit­ scar.” Also heals all wounds and sores. church has taught that one wife is enough c. w. conkijn . ed and all treated right. 25 cents at City Drug Store. for any man. FOR CENTLEMEN JUST RECEIVED A NICE NEW LINE OF SHOES, HATS, TIES, SVSPENOERS, IN FACT NEARLY EVERYTHING WORN BY MEN. NOBBY LINE FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADLINSPECTOU^TOCK J. M. CRONEMILLER. DIRECTORY. Jresm Vermifuge WURM I EM