MO. MOB HANGS YOUTH Our Aim THE A D V O C A T h « Brtdg, U ,l v » » ,n T h « N « g r « and W h il « I • t h e Mac«« In Oragon An —O— a d v o c a t e ln d *p « n d « n t Fap»r D « vot*d PORTLAND, OREGON, V O L U M E SO— N U M B E R • SATURDAY, to Ih* In terests o f th « : P eople S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2, 1ES3 Our Goal T H E A D V O C A T E In Every W h it « Horn« In T h « Stata Of Oragon In Nln t««n T h l r t y - T h r « « P R IC E F I V E C E N T S WOMAN COLLAPSES; D IE S MYSTERIOUSLY BELIEF IN INNOCENCE OF TED. JORDAN GROWS w w r a n « fin d s FORTUNE Local News Events EDITOR MARES SPECIAL VISIT INVESTIGATES ALA. M IN G S A T T A C K F A T A L T O MRS. I. L. DAVISON P O R T L A N D R E S IO E N T Mrs. Birdie L. Davidson, a pioneer N EW YORK. N. Y.. Nov. 30__No resident of Portland, succumbed at the Lester G«ilden. 29. accused hy Orris trace of Dan Pippen. Sr., father of the Good Samaritan hospital Wednesday F Albertson, 1026 N W Gllnan street, of being one of two colored men who Dan Pippen who was lynched in Tun- night at 10 o'clock, where she waa car- robbed him of elgth dolarn early Wed­ caloosa. and chief witnesa In his son s rled following a collapse on a Portland Uortlattd. Orf(un, I)**« 1 An Initial nesday morning nsar the Honeyman < aae would be found by the delegation Tractlon Company street car at ■tap towartt »mumme popular opinion Hardware store was arrested Wednes­ to investigate lynching sent Into Ala- „ . . , . a*alti»t thr «arryln* out o th» «Latti day night at K. W. Park avenue and bans by the National Committee for Bl^ dw,Jr * nd Ln,on Arenu« Gllaan street hy Sqargeant Williams »»n t »m « of Thoodor» Jordan w »» tuk the Defense of Political Prisoners. The woman lay In the hospital from and detective Hectetnan and Schaffer • mi Sal unlay. N«»v«*mlx*r 26th. whrii thi* Ppplen. Sr., has not been seen in * o'clock until G p.m.. The officers and booked at polled headquarters «>11 a Tuscaloosa for more than two weeks, called the editor of the Advocate re- *‘.Sav«í Thmidoro Jtua«l/i ' rcmíar««uc» charge of assault and robbery while ar- Reports that he had been klled have questing her to accompany them to the mat In Ilia l'ubile Library Mali al 1 Sprtn*flald. Mo. Dec 2 (A N P l l«t»«l V I C T I M D R A G G E O F R O M J A I L A N D m«*d with a dangerous weapon Albert­ l*en denied, but all searches for him hospital to identify the patient. Mrs. P \l Thu ronforwliru Win fallati till throiiKh rmioalty to examine the po* LY N C H ED FFO LL O W IN G A L LE son told police that one of the men threaten«*«! him with a knife. Golden » tlvr lb«» arra menu» ut» of th»« Interna kat m of a pair of much patched pant» GED C O N FESSIO N T H A T ,1 V ' f ? *22 the T ' , * ' f>»"klin Identified Mrs. Davison In tion grows that he has been quietly . . .... , . . . . _ M 92500. tlonnl IcMlnir D*frii»» a» pari «»f ih« of Iha lata Andy linker. 72. who died A T T A C K E D W H I T E GIRL done away with." Judge Henry B. Foa- 8UD,tIy and Phyaiclan. Dr. protrai uKAinwi lha Oration Huprcin«* a! iha county poor farm n few day» B O D Y IS B U R N E D ter, interviewed by the investigating ^ N o r v a l Unthank. She also reques- Mrs Lucille Morgan continues ill group. stated a» his conviction that the officials to notify her husband. Court » dcflalou. up holdlm lha « *»n u*o. remitted In the flndin* of money at her home tu Commercial street. Pippen. like Willie Jemison. another Mr. I. L. Davison and their pastor, Rev vlftlou «nd tl alb »«*i»t**i»«» of Jordan amoiintlii* to $56.000 00. at (he home My the A hho < lat»*d Pr«*ss witness, had 'left town for his own James Dee Wilson, all of whom im- Mr Revels Cay ton left early Tues­ Organizations r»*»pomi I me to (lit* wp- a mere »hack- of the dlaeaaed. Another lyuchin* wax add«*d to two day for his home in Seattle. He plan» safety. mediately went to the hospital. Mrs. pan! »aut out by th«' Inlartiullouai lut which preceded It early this wee. Conniderahle attention 1» Ix-ln* al­ (I *-V 1 The Pippen disappearance is noted ~ .... ^ w -j-- * "**"* to return Saturday. November 25th to | ht llaft«na«», bava udtipla«! pr«»t«*»t ta- ia« had to the find n» It wiu not known Evidently «xpet-tink TiHtor«. he bau only ag a _______ T of b(nar DarUon « > « uncon*ciou« from the A lit year-old Negro wa» taken from participate In the Jordan Defense con­ “ •»<■ »he collapeed on the street car ■oliliIon«. untiti* Mint Iha palinoli for linker po»»a»»ad vary much of Jail In St. Joseph. Mo., and hanged ference to lx* held at 1 pin at the donned a neat, light-colored tan tweed flaKrant oppre* , lon of aU NeRroe, buatneHH ,uit with which he wore a xuacalooaa, which has followed in the un,u her death- Hence no version of r«* haarlitK b « muntati Affondine to thin world» *ood» Information oh from an elm tree to the cries of Public Library. blue shirt and black bow tie. His shoes wake of the four lynchings there.” what happened was obtainamle from Irvin Ootnlman. I I« 1) Attorney, th«« tallied 1» t«> lha effect that Maker mar­ "String him up” from a crowd of 7000. were newly polished brown oxfords. The l«>cal branch of the . National to « Alfred H. M Hirsch, secre- ■ — ............ r a t h e r c lo s e In t h e according lu « r « l «1 im c n . S e c r e - her. lima for film* the patiilou for a r» ried many yaara a*«> am! reared .«« v including many women. The crime foi Mrs. Davison had been 1 11 for some- r T r J d ' p " S u m ' ? « s*"n'l‘ v*nii '> •“ k. ended in a bushy, parted mas, ‘««T ot «*>e Nato.nal Committee for the ill haMrluK by Ilia Siala Supraina Court eral children which he was under arrest wa» an at­ However, ha and hi* ( <>lor«*d i copli* met last bundui after- ... . . I)ef«-rise of Political PrioonprE nnrt nn» hu n baati attended to December 16 wife and i Id hi ran have live«! apart for tack on a white *irl Sunday night Af­ noon at the William, avenue ' “ 1 **™ “ me * nd under * docu>r‘* nue branch “ > th. front. His appearance reminded autopsy was held Friday morning Varimi» *mup« bav re*l»l««rad prola»t» the pant icveral yearn, hi» children ter hanging, the body wa* soaked with Y. W. V. A. The occasion uus the an­ one of a poet or a philosopher or an of the Tuscaloosa investigators. artist of some kind or another. trom first hand and unassailable , ‘ nual ••!«•• tk*n «»f officer» About twenty alili tha Stala Supremo Court. Inflad toivln* grown up amt left home Mean­ ganollne and set afire. This neat, trim young man. still in »ources the Committee which he heads and the c* U8e death was pronouaced people attended and only a part of the as due to celebral hem irrage In* iha Como 11 f«»r Sof la I K« «»nomi«* while Iha father lived a rather quiet The wtM*k’» previous lynching» were off!* * rs were chosen Clarence lve>\ his twenties, Invited us to sit down; has learned: lla»aarfh. compoatnl of local profa»»* and imoatentatlou» Ilf«* and w u not those at San Jose. Cal . of two men presni« • The remains are at the Miller arfd we di«l so. _ he ma«le some . hurried Not one Negro dared to register this at informed the f group he a» _ • « • »,»*.« tux xi i,iv w , ■•«an around duiupin* J *■ Mlixnd - b » ha» W n a porter BY MYSTCRIOI A "ULd ET white rvcideet of TiiHal-ww be found Jordan. 2» year-old Negro, wa» ar * roil ml». |n»l«ectin* *art«a*a can» and forts were made today to relearn* by for five years in a barbershop on S. would think that Theodore Jordan "had the folowing words: "The Ku Klux any worries at all much less suspect rentad ln 1932 and charged with the on httckw'ut »treat» ron»tantlv looking batten» corpus proceeding» four men W Sixth avenue has resigned. Jimmy Birmingham. Ala.. Dec 1 (A N P » — that he Is the man whom the Oregon Klan ride often. They were down the imirdar of T K Sullivan, railroad »le hare and there and »«'arching ev r nrresed by state soldiers yestenla* Waldron now has the Job. Supreme Court had just decided should other night in full regalia, over a hun­ While he sat at his desk in the Riley want at Klamath Pall» II • wn» triad where u» though he had !o»l mmu The four ar«* charged with partlcip->t- dred strong. Routed a bunch of da»- school at Powderly Tuesday morning. \V. (\ Becton. barber, who is one die on the gallows convidad und aaiilaliced by III«1 Cir thing The day that Theodore Jordan was kies left and hasn't been iug In the lynching «if a Negro .•*» vera* of our pioneer citizens an«l business Green Robinson was struck and fatal­ received at the Oregon penitentiary, heard from since.” cull Court of Khuiiaih County. Kvi men Is ill at his home on Kearney st A f e w month» a*«». Maker liecam«* w«'eks ag«t. 1 was in Salem and out to the prison. Negroes are now excluded from ly wounded by a bullet which crashed italica of thin!-«lagree method» of oh- III and. having no one to car«» for hint As a result, his shop on Glisan Is now Sams one asked me If I wanted to see theatres where they were formerly ad- through the window. No one knows titillili* *voi;fe»*ton»". »avan «if which he wn» carriatl to the County Poor F A V O R I T E C O O K K I L L E D BY A U T O closed. him. I declined because I had pro- mitted. who fired the shot. Jordan algned. and one «if which we* Farm, a» no one knew «if any fund» he The most prominent Negro business Oiit-of-town guests registered at the mixed myself a long time ago that I UHfd |o » uh» U* ut lata Iha « hut! with which he might lx» provided Yaaoo City. Miss., Dec. 1 — (A N P l A would not visit a man under death men in Tuscaloosa have lost the "fa- Hotel Golden West this week are as penalty since a most unhappy exper- vors" formerly extended to them by B R O TH ER SLAYS BROTHER Hal evidence In the «as» I» nnni»m* for After a few month» »lay ther*». white dally publishes the following re­ follows: tntlch public Inlara»! it » Ih«» fact» be­ linker died, ami th«* children were no- port : E M Dusenberger. of New York Ci­ lenoe 1 had had In trying to save such whte attorneys. a one's. To this day. I can feel the Several Negroes whose property "is come known The tmijority opinion tifl«»«l to come and prepare for the Memphis, Tenn.. Dec. 1 (A N P ) "Moses t.«‘wis, «0. one of tlie most ty spent three days In Portland this grip on niv arms of the victim as he toy good for a nigger" I ave either been week. we»-k. He Me Is I, a chauffeur for a party ^ ^ gooo ior a nigger i ave either been An arKument OTer a ,etter from thaIr ,.f III.- O regon Suprem e Court. a* writ A f,.w ()aya foltowlnK Ih.- fun faithful and trusted Negroes of thi» making a tour o fth«* Pacific North- !*_**!_1 f.. L‘ * I . . K forced to leave Tuscaloosa or have left Vl___________ lt^ _________ sister Monday resulted in Anderson I.-II by Justice II.-IHI, <-*.-n w h ile * uh pra| a f„ , r c |ra r|nK a » „ y ,h,. olii fum i- city, and for many years an expert we»t. Hi» employer» stopped at the had he known It could not have been voluntarily.’ done, he would have starved to death Clay. 22. being fatally shot by his bro­ talnin* the conviction and i».-"letn ■' |Urr ,1 |Hr»rt1i.d gurment* from lh«> c«Mik In many homes here, was run Hotel Henson and Mr. Dusenberger collected funds ior for me the ,,, th„ V « V n „ i . I, , rather than die the ignoble death on " A Negro " who uu i»*‘« i e u iunas ther. Buster Clay, 24 years old. a» handed dow hv the low«* *r Court, r«x»tn which tha dead man bail nc- over and Instantly kiM«d here by a * PP« o at tht Golden W est Hotel , .. . , , .. ■ _ ,» lnternation Iwilior Defeiuip uae nhliiMl fin th*. rnrnnr ,*t i • c-. * gallows I wanted to do all I could «»iwrnauon lanor L»eieuse was ootigeu , . ... . . . to le^v* TiKi'aimwa it«» of <*tipte«l In the city, th«* searcher» at truck driven by another Nsgro, (Maude «m ine corner or Broadway and Eve- , go*» »o far a» to »late "W “_tt streets ^or ^or^an on outside and 1 have. lo iea' e tuscaioosa. command the proceedur# In the pr< tentlon wa» attraeteli by « pair «if verv I la Id win. ______ It remained, however, for a little lady The delegation sent by the National Inhn sim . .,r n , „ v i , , of the Jewish race who journeyed all Committee for the Defense of Politi- »ant cage.*' "A Gregory ambulance was called. ra**«*d dirty w«irk trou»er* he«*au«a of J° hn • S ln,,‘' ,,f ° m“ha' N e b ' the way from New York to Portland, to cal Prisoners to investigate the lynch- Th», me port ty opinion nino rommeni* |h(, many ,,„1, 1,,., |^.,| by curloalty *o hut the *‘a*«*«l darkey" was dead when over In Portland for a day while en extend a special- invitation to visit ings was subject to open hostility from on th« "peculiar clrcumstanc»-* ' *t> make furthi-r examination. th» anarch the ambulance reached the scene of route to lkmnevllle. Oregon. Theodore. I told her of my reason the deputy sheriffs who refused to be Hint the "»nm<- officer* that olitnln.-.I nrn nrn all.-a.-.l to hnvn found ntnnny in the accident. Mrs Ada Clark, of Billings. Mont., for not having gone before and also interviewed by them and restrained confession* In tl»- present . « » “ »e re th« niim nf sixty five thmianii.l .1..liara demurred on several others grounds: and suspicious politeness from Judge a nurse-maid. Is at the BeBusoii hotel Instrumental In obtaining tw«i previous jn lh#. pgtof,*» ttl„| |n the por What could I do by seeing him? How Henry B. Foster and Sheriff R. L. ___ ____ The Toy ________ and Joy _____________ makers, composed R E E M P L O Y M E N T B E G I N S IN K Y . this week. convUtlons for which Jordan oervcl k|,tJ( m: n, v' , Vm! !» th\ wl! \ M’’ n w u ! , f,ha,.llblin -'attorney Geueral Thoma, nf aI1 members of the Portland" Flrf Ing m> syrapatn> . H e? would not wisn Knight Jr refusing to cooncrate w . sentence». One of these «ifflcera •» __ __ , - Sam Jackson, of Bend. Ore. is here Igiulsvllle.. Dee. 1 — (A N P ) Accord IO B?W .*,in<;e.., h .*d ??.* .i°" ? -with the delegation, declared: "H you Department requt6t8 ,he cooperatloa W <1 Chandler. Southrrn Pacific «!*• N E G R O H I S T O R Y A S S O C I A T I O N T O Ing t«i advice from the Isitiisvilie Ur­ looking for wnrk. in response to his letters. All these go TuS(.aIooM. y'ou wll, ^ treated «>« Portland parents in their 8th ann».al te< live, who. It I» know n, had »worn ban League. James A Thomas, Execu­ T E X A S F OR N E X T Y E A R M E E T Ted Mullen, a young man about town “ ^ opW wou,d in 8"-v «<»er state-campaign to bring happiness to the to * *«*t” Jordan Marshall. Texas. Dec. 1 ( A N lM - tive Secretary, 30 per cent of the iso«» was held in jail Tuesday i.i connec- L n e wMch rem.ined riurmr ^he If you 8,ep beyond r‘'r,“in bounds. I less fortunate children of onr city, A *row In* number of pr«>fe»»l«»nal with an altercation with a white bour g |n(erview and only vanlsheii do not know how you will be treated Old broken.dlscarded toys, dolls, and President Joseph J. Rhoads of Mi»hoi* .men reemployed by the Reemployment lion matt and Influential leadara «*f pillili«' Colle*«* ha» Just returned t«> the city, Committee f«'r th«* State of Kentucky man and a Japanese. Mullen's bail when grave matters concerning details Xo one can ,el1 * hat wlu happen. books are ery badly needed, opinion are accepting the challenge after ten day» trip, on which ht* filled have been Negmes In a special news was fixed at tt'hiO. 0f bis further defense were discussed. Further information was obtained They request that you bring them to for a fight In Jordan'* behalf »Ince th.» «•UKaKemoiitH In \Ya»hin*toii. I» t As I looked at this young fellow and on the case of Dennis Cross, lynched your nearest Fire Station The Fire Item In the Louisville Courier-Jour­ il«rlalt. than ever ln my belief of his lnno- paralytic, worked in and around a| , . . . . .. ,, haa become known Di Virali Ma. MI. c(|| a||(, rh|c, Kn ln Washington he that the National Reemployment Ser Paul; A W Starks. lamslana; Oscar cence. .tore known as "Hinton's." Some time I™1* " ' remodel a“J rep* ‘nt the*e ° W kl«. »h o apok.- al a r«««nt maaa m««t- tll,,|v„r,M| |,.ym,t# „ddress open- vice bail placed ISO*» men in J«^bfc. Mr. Duncan. larsAngel.-s; J O. I.ewis. Sa- Theodore Jordan Is under sentence before a Negro had been murdered in ¡broken toys making them just as good Ina in Jordan l»«h»lf. ma.1« th« follo« (|i(| |h(i ...........„ .„ i,,,, >lf Southern the store In a dispute arising over a 88 new f ° r Xmas delivery to the poor Thomas, who Is a member «if the Jef­ 1» m. Oregon; II. L. Chandler. San Fran- of d«-ath for the minder of n Th.s Negro woman, said to have been the children of our city. Ina statement: "Jordan haa. I ani con- |)|( A>mK.|a,|(m (,-„r ,tl stmly of N«aru ferson County Reemployment Body, e ls e . Mr and Mr,. Johnson. San Die- Pacific Steward in June 1932 VIIR.-.I frolli a rarefili »tiidy of ih « , |f(1 H||)| , „ at„ ry a lir,. or represents the Negro worker. He m '. r mr MuVer Ark: > n « r P' M l yr i m » ^ r ,8p,w87 d h8y® been com- concubine of Hinton, a white man I ^ s t Yuletlde season, four thousand ( . ( .Muller. Arkanta»; Mr. and mitted In cold blood. No one. after ThprM wprp thrp#1 w«tn4»«-aa. *ii v*. 1 W11J . , v hlatory of ih « raa« an.l th« of , h|1 aaawllltU,n of ,ta ,ltt states that he expects Negroes to he ing. Mr» moaaoin ■ Dr*,,,, seeing M and tllree w,lne8fe8; Ne. . !- poor children had a happy Xmas be- Mrs. A. K ... O’Neal .. - - — — ■ (Cotton .......... N U talking I.MIU, with - HU Jordan ^ ' IV I a II would ntiuni p , , aU * - - - - - - of •* v lil.-uro, th « v lo tini of tl(ltia| Mi»» Alice believe him capable of deliberately ** 1. 1 n 8 one or tiuse and cau9e of the Toy and Joy makers of employed on every one of the 103 pub­ troup); Mr. A. PruRt; un iinfalr trial Or la It a fair trial w hn;. ,he |,|,.n( v|al- lic works projects now in operation in Timms. Klamath Fall». Oregon; K. B. planning to take anyone’s life lhe other two were 9ent up on the Portland F*ire Department, over of having broken into and rifled Hin- Dusenberger. New York City. wliun a man. ar.-al.-il Oli anaplrlon hy |pil (he |lfnr|<|l , h„ Alm>rll.nn The thing that Impresses one with ton s store. They got terms of 17 to riftv Kentucky. These Include river and nrl> thonsanil tnousanu «lollars dollars worth wortn of ot oH oil --------- hi mniost is th«» spirit which lie , , . a rallroail offlr«r «h o hatoa litui and (|M Hl>ma Mlaalon Rocl«ty and other dam projects; highway construction; Mrs. Catherine Byrd, proprietor and He does not complain— Is cheerful— 20 >'ears- in 8Pi,e of th* ,a<•, ,hat aU broken toys were rei,a‘r«,d and reh.v haa aworn lo K*-t hlm la «ontrhti-.l «¿uratlotial foiin.tallniia, in Ih« Inter- barracks f«*r the Ultliens Conservation munttger of the New Golden West ho smiling showing his guests recent of »mall amount of supplies taken billtated One hundred and twelve oa o«a of Mvaa "confaaatoaa" aacnrad M , o( Colla fa Hta .i-ut t- Corps and various municipal projects tel motored to Salem on last Monday snap-shots of friends, “comrades”— ina- from the store were found intact. truck leads of toys were repaired and hy thlnl d«ar«a m«thi«la. lo «ai-ap« th* Naw ( |„v,.n ,.arr|(>1| hlm Im.-k to Val« to visit Theodore Jordan In Oregon ny of whom he has not seen, but who Cross remained as the only witness remodeled last year and over three tortura of whlch h« wouhl bava alanoil jmiv^rmlty wh.-r« 111- non -'Alila Scilo- G I V E N 25 Y E A R S FOR A C C I D E N T A L State Prison. Accompanying Mrs. Byrd have become Interested in the brave «o the murder. He was charged with thousand dolls were again made -««xnw. The bullet passed through her arm. taking leave. The party railed on Mr. George t amiady at his residence on lately . some one Inquired. “Yes'', he _ . . .., . . . , , , thè proaacutlon ls permltted t«> In-1 - - ________ then through two windows and Into Court street, across from the capitol. replied. "What did she have to say". ° " September 24. men posing as to repair and repaint old disoard-d Mann* thè Jury wlth race hutred he C O L O R E O W O M E N A T T E N D another apartment, where It killed member* of the household, they left another asked. "O ’ it was the sort of i,eputie9- lo (ro88 “0U8e' toys. cause thè defendent happen» to he a N A T I O N A L C O U N C I L Mrs. Grace Meade who sat listening After visiting with him ami other mein- letter any mother would write to her b 'm *bat 'something had to be d"’“ " with the increased unemployment aud and o(her torRiTpn asencles devoting defenceleaa colored man?" New York. Dee 1. (A N P ) Dr. Mary to her radio. Miller was sentem'ed to hers of the household, they left for son who Is similarly situated" and he ln connection with his bond. added parenthetically. Of course' took hml out and shot him. Next day. Itev. Ross W. Anderson, prestdent Warlng. presldent of thè National A»* 25 years In the penitentiary on last Portland. you know she hadn't heard the news", a local undertaker was told that ,he,r erfort direct relief the bur- of ih«* Multnomah t'ounty F«tderutloti sodatlon of Colored VVotnen, headed a Monday. Mrs. Belle Taub, of New York City, tmeaning the Supreme Court's decls- "there's a dead nigger down the road, deu of supplying most of the toys to of llttc-niployed and pustor of Lincoln delegatimi whlch attended thè Nailon* wife of Allan Tjaub. one of the Scotts- Ion affirming death sentence). You'd better pick him up." »«o r children will have to be taken Chiifi h. Portland, expreased a grow al Coundl of Woman's atinual meeting N E G R O W O M A N I N V O L V E D IN boro Defense attorneys, is busily en­ Theodore Jordan admits that there The committee waa Informed that rare of by the Portland Fire Depart- in* sentlment agalnst thè method» at thè Vanderbullt tlat»l bere, last W H I T E T O P E K A S L A V E C A S E gaged In aiding the Jordan Defense has been nothing In his life that would the automobile tracks leading to the ment. program She Is giving her time and make him any different front the aver- scene of the murder displayed the rm« to the gigantic task of repairing usim I In convlctlng and seiitencliig Jor week l)r. Warlng wns thè only votili* Topeka. Kansas. Dec, 2 (A N P )- -A talent gratis that an Innocent man will age colored American youth. He has treads of new Good year tires. Hinton's . .. . .h h„» dall, wlth thè followlng. "The case of r««presentative. but there were about sonant Iona) White Slavery case Involv­ not hang. been In trouble before, appaicurly Id*- car a[ao bad new Goodyear tires. _ Theodora Jorilan seems to lie nnothnr ten other delegntes ami life members ing a Negro woman was unearthed cause he was a "smart nigger". He t-,lrtner Infonnatoln on the findings the Port,«nd Fire Department requests of those cuhoh where officers, ln des In attendance who hud a voice and all here this week by county authorities Mr .and Mrs. C. Clemens have nioy Is not the type of person who cringes ()f (hp committee In these two cases ,hat F011 brtt'K these toys to your near- pera!loll to fix guilt upon some one In other privilege«. Among the life mem who were brought Into knowledge of ed from 720 Union avenue North to 822 and bows ami a.crapes In "Uncle Tom" |g a, geml,|ed for publication. In est fire station as early as possible order lo save thler own faces, have hern of the council are Mrn. Snllltt W. the affnlr by a white man who had N. E. Shaver street. i ° U 8qnare , n ’h* order that he cltlxens of the entire Do It now. Don't wall. If you have no face and talks like a man to another. . .. . . . . succeeded lu having n man sentenced Stewart, who la fourth vice-president. applied to the Negro woman, hut later Unfortunately, there are people In this c'’un,ry ma> the significance way of bringing your toys to the near- to hang, concerning whose guilt there Mrs Mary Mclauid Itethune, Mr*. Ad­ declined after accepting the terms, Mrs. Brown Is the new chef cook at^-orld who want Negroes to whimper, ° 2 ,h89e cases, as they already do In e„t fire station call East 4154, and the Is reasonable doubt. Theodore Jordrn dle Dickerson nf Pennsylvania an I finding the woman he was to see was the New Golden West Hotel grill, sue ¡and beg and cry and cringe. And from lhe Scottaboro case drivers of the Palace Laundry Com the history of Theodor. Jordan s life, A qal1 ,or volunteers to Join a group wlM plck up your oM toya at ymir ought not lo die so long ast hora U Mis* Halite Q, Brown of Ohio. a 14 year old white girl, he thereupon ceedtng J. Kennedy. It appears that he had the 111 luck to ot observers of the Scottsboro trial to a.llver them to th. Fir. It. reason to hold Hint he haa not liait Mr« Waring left the city after the went to the Prosecuting Attorney's of-"] hav»> to deal with this type In a series be held In Decatur, Ala . was issued hon" s * nd d'd ver theI" t0 ,be F lr® **• full benefit of a fair and Impartial council to nililr»'»» meetings of club flee where he skore to a complaint Mr. Duck Jordan went to Seattle of |ncidpnta today by the National Committee for partment. Help provide and toys25ttF trial. That Is his human und American women at Atlantic City and Phllaile) which resulted In the arrest of the Wednesday noght to pass Thanksgiv , Despite the fact that the Oregon the Defense of Political Prisoners. 156 partment. Help provide Joy and toys plilu. right." Continued on page three for unfortunate children. ing at home with his parents. | Continued on page three colored woman. P » n w |N C L 0 T H [ S 0 F AGED NEGRO F I S VICTIM CHEERFUL ASIST FIRE DEPARTMENT