Our Al m T M I A D V O C A THE .A Th» Negro an# W hit» Rae»» In Oregon An —O— VOLUME ADVOCATE Independent Peper Devoted P O R T L A N D , OREGON, 30— N U M B E R • to the In terest* of the Our Qoal T H E A D V O C A T E In Every White Home In T h e State Of Oregon In Nlnteen T h ir ty -Throe People PR ICE P IV E C E N T S ■ A T U R D A V . S A T U R D A V . N O V E M B E R I t , 1*33 AIRPLANE DISASTER DESTROYS NEGRO HOME RACE HAS SOLUTION IN BUSINESS PROGRAM Arnnu SALVATION OF HACE LIES IN B U L K OF «AGE BUSINESS --(Tips lly K IU Hrld DECLARED BY N01ED BISHOP IN DYNAMIC ADDRESS S EE S P R O B A B L E U S E OF N E G R O J U R O R S IN C R A W F O R O C A S E llirin ln e h o m . A>a . N ov I T — Ikeclar- Ine ilie l the solvatio n of the '• > In Am erica lire Hi hie ow u hand s; end Klchmond. Va Virginia I* aware tl.v until I hr Negro I..... u l~>» lhal the entire country will In- wat­ r r lii th r c o m m e rcia l w orld hy twain ching when lleorge Crawford Negro nine t « w ork einune them selves ee accused of, murdering two white wo­ operators of business. I h r pooling end men. near Mlddlehurg early In 1931. putting i“ work of "pottolet ssd I* brought hack from lloslon and pla­ d im e s " w h irl! have h ith e rto goue In lo u np ro ductive ventures of d re d com m ercial value Kt*hop II O. Shaw of I h r A M K Zion church gave out a « a m i n e that I h r N r g ro n iU it do hie eh u rr In h rln e ln e ehonl a rh a n a « « f riind ltln ne, u n d rr I h r proposed "N e w U ro l" In hie t r r e r addrree. the l»*ehop ill' rla rrtl. " I h r e a frly and security of Ih r A m e rica n Neerooe H r In i h r develop- Ine end m a ln le ln ln e bueinrea and in d u e lrlre of hie o w n ." " W r ra n o | ir r » lr and con tro l dry anode etorre. arocery elorre W e ran do a r n r ra l n irrrh e n d le ln a bnelnree for o iire rlv re and em ploy I h r e r rv lr r e of o u r ow n people lu euporlnlebd and r a ir y on three h ii* ln «»»c * I don't e r r that I h r N K A le mean Ina V ry much to ue. w hile I have not made a r u m p le !« e n rv ry ol how Ih l« order has affected our people, I do know that m any of ue w ho labor w llh our hand* li«v e Im I our Jobs and ere not b rin e ixetu I h r w e a r outlined un i l r r I h r rode " W e u r rd lo help o u re e lv e », w r ran do II liy pi id I n a our pennlre and dime* and our dollar* for enterprise* Dial mean em p loym en t for o u r people "The Jew le established lu a re rla ln line of endeavor lie hae »|>erlallird in m rrrh a n d le r T h e Italian hae likewise developed hie la lr u le ; I h r C h ln ra r. and other ra re r ll doea aoem lo in « that sll.ee w r are dolna the w ashing and elss s ln a I I I Inu n drlre and clean lua planle. we w ould oraan ler and co n tro l that hiielne»» W r are already trained and especially p n pared for that w ork W e ro s ld give our people decent pay and develop a line of In- dependence that wtil be reapected by c lllin * everyw h ere '(lo in * to heaven I* a fine Ih ln a to keep before up." the Illehop de­ clared. "bu t II ehould ne ve r he forgot ten lh al we muel live on earth W e m u «t lake c h arg e; we muet lead, or we w ill Iw led hy elranae yolree from whom we m ay not gel the fallen! pro­ tection O u r lieopte are hound to lean, lo follow In I hoar direction* w here op po rtu n lty and protection are offered "W h a t we need 1 » men and women wit hrourage and de term ination to *n vr u* from I h r peril w hich w e con­ front I am w llh President Hooaevelt In all of hla plan* Hut we mtial help h im hy helping ourselve* and al*o to w ork hi* plan* W h a te ve r you may think of II. Ihere are m any of lho*e high up who are vigorously oppoalna the P resident's Idea of a "N e w Deal". JORDAN'S CLEMENCY PLEA BEING ADVANCED ced on trial In the Louiidoun County Circuit Court The (rial may be held next month I-ending cttltens of Ible Stale are determined lhal no one ■hall Justly arruae (he Virginia ail- ihorlfle* of trying to railroad tin» man lo the electric chair Commonwealth's attorney John Hal Iraher of l«oundoun. who participated In the extradition proceedings In Hus­ ton before Federal Judge James A l ow ell lia* announced that Crawford will he given "plenty of lime to gel counsel anil otherwise prepare hi* defense." A g i t a t o r s N o t W a n te d ll Is believed that Commonwealth'* Attorney Gallesher I* elvlnr serious ronnldrratlon lo the latter plan In­ clusion of mrmher« of both race* on the panel would areally lessen the poHNlhllltle* of a rev-rsal by the Fed­ eral court*, lu (he event of a convic­ tion The feeling la growing, loo, lhal when a Negro Is tried for acrlme a- gulnst a member of the opiaislle race, ll le only fair that (he grand and petit juries include at least one represntntlve of his own racial group There are Negroes In many rommiinl- lies who are fully capable. Since the Issue of Negro Jury serv­ ice was raised in ihe Scottshoro and Crawford case«, court* In various Southern Stales have taken steps lo accord member* of Ihe weaker race representation on Juries In Virginia Judge Frederick W Coleman Imposed a fill fine for contempt on a white farmer who refused recently lo *1» on a grand Jury with aNegroin Hanover County Circuit Court MEDLEY D IE S IN VET H O S PITA L Salem. Oregon. Nov. 17 James I Sunny Jim I Medley, veteran of Ihe World War. a member of Capital PO«L Amerlean la-glon. of Salem and for a number of years connected wllh a shoe shine parlor on Stale street, passed away after a shodl Illness. Sunday afternoon In the veterans hospital. Portland. Oregon. Medley was taken lo Portland about three weeks ago An operation was performed. It was dlst'orered at that time (hat he could nol survive The deceased, a colored m an. was a unlive of Texas and was In charge of the equipment for Ihe local drum corps for several years and went with the outfit on many long trt|w lie was wllh Hie orgnnlr.nlInn during Its recent frlp lo Chicago He Is survl ved hv a mother and slslre, Mrs J It Mills, both residing In Portland Funeral services were held from •he Clough Harrlck chapel Wednesday afternoon, Nov 15th al 2 o'clock Mu­ sic was provided hy the Clough liar rick quartette The local punt of the American Iwalon had charge during gravenIde services and Rev. I,eo liny Klnard, pastor or ihe First A M R Zion church at Portland, read the ie liter furneral service. Interment was In Ihe l-egtnn circle. C ltrrlcw ceme­ tery. Mr Madley was horn In Hrenham Texas, Feb. 22. 1888 enlisted at Portland August 2. 1918. Served over­ seas with Co. K Sir,ih Pioneer In­ fantry and was discharged nt Camp l s ‘ Wl*. Wash . August 9. 1919 He was a member of Portland post No t ot (lie American I-eglon and transferred to Capital post No. 9 here In 192.1 Capital post conveyed Ihe family of Ihe deceased from Portland to Salem to nttonri the funorul. "In Andrew («atzkon in War' th«* follow iiir paragraph* confirming a atal«*m«*ut mad«* by ma­ ny of th«* conaclentloua obJ«M-tor« a- u i o i i k th* worn«-n th<* «*xjK»nu»lon of which ♦•arn«*d us h o many t*n«*mie»— It ia w«*U worth r«ii**aUng mo here it U: —— O'"- “ You want to know what wan the molt awful thing? The diNilluMlon- ment w i i the rnoMt awful thing the going «iff Th«* war wasn't Th«» war la what it haa to le* Old it surprise you to find out that war is horrible* To find out that the women are hor­ rible that was the surprising 'hlug That they can smile and throw roses, that they can glv«» up their men. their children, the boy* they have put to h«*d a thousand times and pulled th«j covers over a thousand times, and petted and brought up to he men That was th«- surprise' That t k t f gave us up that they seut us' The WOMEN sent us No general could have made us go if the women hadn t allowed us to be stark«*«! on the trains, if they had screamed that they would never look at us ugnin tf we turned into murderers w r find — O— I Charles IteiHl. long time I’urtlamJ hotel waller has caught un tu a Job uu a dining car. Joe Crane, formerly a cook on a private car, la now ihe chef al the Sportsmen Store at Washington and Third avenue. 1 noticed In a weekly journal a let­ ter howling for protection of Atnerl- cans who go to Oeimany. fr«>m mo­ lestation at the hands of the Nazis I wonder if th«» abused Americans had there travelling expenses paid by our war howlers? Wouldn't It be good s«*ns«» to broadcast n message from the Whit House that Americans who travel in Germany do so St their own risk’ Tell them that America will tot semi troops of our hoys over there to protect these adventurer«. Re­ member how Germany warn«»«! the travelling Amerlean public that Ger many would bomb the Uisltanta as there was evidence that she carried munitions of war? Some very fine A- merlrans took passage In the Lusita­ nia i»n«l never r«»ache«t the other side and Amerlra promptly declared war as was Intended. Americans —stay a- way from Germany boycott Hitler in every poslhle way — the economic boycott Is the heat kind of war pre­ ventive* U N E M P L O Y E D W I L L M A R C H ON S TA TE LE G IS L A T U R E Portland. Oregon. No 18— (Specl.il (o The Advocate I — The Multnomah County Federation of Unemployed, composed of Central bodies »nil all Ihe locals of Unemployed Citizens' Salem, freg on , Nov. 17 Plea* for League. Civic Emergency Federation. executive clemency for I neoanre Jor­ Unemployed Councils and Kenton Un­ dan. colored, who*« sentence lo him», employed League, has called a state­ for the murder of a dining car Mew wide conference to he held at Salem. nrd In Klamath Pall* wan confirmed 10 A. M. Monday. November 27, ac­ liy the supreme court Thursday Nov. cording to Richard tsivelare. Vice- nth. are being urged upon Governor president of the Federation. The place Jullu* L. Meier In llegram * from of­ of meetlnw will be announced later ficial* and member* of the Interna­ The object of the conference le to tional l-alior Defense league, accord­ formulate a legislative program for re- ing |o A. I’ , dispatches It before the Special Rhsalon of the Telegram* began flooding the gov­ Hef of the unemployed, and to preuen! ernor'* office Immediately after the Slate Leglalature. The central laane supreme court liunded down It* deep of the proposed legislative program Mon affirming Jordan* conviction in are Unemployment Tnanrance and the lower court. While the court * orkera' relief ordinance. AH unem­ opinion wan pending thmiKand* of ployed and workera' organizations, card* demanding lhal "Jordan Munt both Negro nnd white, hare been ur­ Not Hang ', were received. Jordan, who haa been confined In S A Y S P A S T O R H U S P A N O S H O T P O R TLA N D W OM AN A PPO IN TE D ged to elect delegate« and participate In the conference. Each organization (he Male penitontlary pending the 1» entitled to from one to fire dele­ ■ippenl of hi* caae, will be returned HER T H E N K IL L E D H IM S E L F T O A R T F A C U L T Y IN N. V. to Klnmnlh Kail* for ro-»entenco, gate«. providing the Governor doea nol Washington.D C. Nov. 19— (A N P )— -------- j grnnl the clemency requested hy the Near death from three bullet wounds. ' Portland. Oregon, ~ * Nov. ' 17— Mrs. A L P H A S T O R E C O N O M Y P R O G R A M International ilefenae league. Mrs. Mary Urahant. wife of the Rev Carol Ixmlse Harrlaon. white, a grad­ |Georg« Graham, told sheriff William uate of Lincoln high school. Reed col­ St. Loul*. Mo.. Nor. 17— (A N P ) Not Itumley That her husband shot her 1 lege and atudent at the Portland art COLOREO Q U A R T E T A T R I V E R S I D E C H U R C H times and then turned Ihe pistol on Institute, haa been appointed to the a penny more than 1« necessary, la himself He died from a bullet In the art faculty of Cooper Union, Wew the slogan nf the Alpha Phi Alpha fra­ Tw o bullets were removed York City, according to word receiv­ ternity In making plana for lt i con­ llood Hirer, Oregon, Nov 15 -The brain Harmony Rrnwnettea. a quartette ot fro mlhe body of Mr*. Oraham. ed here. She will be In charge of a vention to be held Dec. 28-31, accord­ ing to Araatt O. Lindsay, general con­ Rhe and her huahand are alleged lo claaa In design colored women were heard here at after ahe returned Riverside church at a Vesper service have quarrelled In addition to her work at Cooper vention chairman. Emphasis will be Sunday. Nov. II. at 4 p. m Each late Sunday night from a Joyride wllh Union, Mra. Harrlaon. wife of Wallace placed upon closing bualneaz Initiat­ Patience Seymour, Harrison, a painter, will depict life of ed at the 1*31 convention and the re­ member of the aggregation haa had Joe Copeland. experience and publicity of a high or­ daughter of Mrs Graham by another Harlem Negroes In murals following gional convanll(\ti held Ih t»32. Mid­ der from the largest cities of the marriage, and Daa Murks The latter the atudy of the Negro In San Fran­ dle Western chapters have endorsed Northwest and they sang well to a three are being held In Jail for Ques­ cisco, where ahe went after gradua­ the program of restraint and economy tioning. for this year's * inhering. representative audience. tion at Reed. I F (ieogae Graham, nf Terrell. Texas, spent several days In Ihe city this week. He aald that he was Just look Ina over this we*tern country of New York. Nov. 17— A new federal which be heard no much. anti-lynchlng bill la being drafted by the legal committee of the ..ational Mrs M E Fullllove. president of Association for the Advancement ot the Mite Missionary Society of (he Colored People. It was announced llelhel A M. K Church for the past here today. The bill will be Introdu­ five years, has resigned In favor of ced in the next congress which con­ Mrs K. King, wife of Ihe pastor of venes In January, 1934. (he church “ It is quite plain to every one that the stales are unwilling or uri»ble to Jim JaraeoTi, nf Tacoma, le here stop lynching” , reads the statement for a viali with friends "the officer* of the law either aid the lynchers actively or else stand Idly The Dinner held Thursday evening by and let the mao do Its work Gov­ at Zion church hy Mrs Klnard and ernors order investigations which nev­ co-workers was a success er discover anything. Grand Juries find no evidence for Indictments. In John Hill, of Pendelton. Oregon, who the two Tuscaloosa, Ala., lynching* I* In the employ of an garage, was of August 12, and the Armwood lyn­ ching In Princess Anne. * ' Oct. 18. In the city Monday on business we hare the plainest proof lha, an Mrs I.urlile Morgan Is reported to by the federal government is ne, oi-d be III at her home on Commercial SI. if lynching Is to be stamped out. "W e call upon every branch of the She le under the doctor's care. N A. A. C. P. and every organization Mr* Sarah Jackson, of U tile Rock. ot colored people in every community Arkansas passed a day In Portland lo test their congressmen and sena­ this week while enroule to Vancou­ tor* first according to their willing­ ness lo role for a federal anti-lynch­ ver, B. C. ing bill. No man who refuses to vote Dad. as he Is heat known In many, for such a bill can be a true represen­ an aged barbershop porter. I* til In tative of Negro voters, no matter what Ihe Center hotel on N W Fifth ave­ else he stands for. We urge them to nue He is penniless and friendless, it write or call In person upon their congressmen before the November e- I* reported. lection and secure their pledges lo Mrs Edmnndton. a member of the vot for such a bill. A personal Investigation of the Arm- Bethel church, was called to Seattle Iasi week to atten the bedside of a wood lynching by U>uis L. Redding, of Wilmington. Deleware. member of sick relative. the N. A. A. C. P. legal commute re­ Jim Mill* was fined »50 in police veals anew the necessity for this leg­ court a few days ago on a charge of islation. This association Is intensify­ ing a nation wide, relentless campaign being a hit-and-run driver. on lynchiug and additional details will l e announced from time to time” J7t Waldron ha* lost nut as porter says Walter White, secretary of the In Ihe Pacific Building barbershop. N A. A. C. P. Individuals everywhere are urged Marion Fullllove hea returned from to write to President Roosevelt and Salem and has gone hack to hi* for­ urge the federal government to stop mer Job as entertainer In the Apex lvnchings. Club. Kvery time I look at a gold star mother I think n f h«»r its ending h« f I m > v to kill or he kill«*«!' And to«1ay we hear mothers talking of preparing for the next war* Why not require a vote to In* taken as to whether we shall be us«*d again to collect the bankers' loans? On each v«»te to I h * written the name and address of the voter. Thos«- voting f«>r war shall tie sent to the fr«»nt m the first draft I»et th«>se who W A N T W AII do the fighting and rot ting in the trenches. — O— Kits Held is nmong those who are sending rongratulntfcui* to Preshtent Roosevelt nv«*r his Russian recogni­ tion. The next thing to happt'n will t»«» some cablegrams of distress to Russia asking for Russia n wheat with which t«» feed America's starving millions Ills program of rutting down the sup­ ply of foodstuffs so that the prices «»f what is left mav mount higher Is the most absurd thing ever suggest«»«! when we think of th«» millions who NOW haven't the price to buy so that * The colored democratic club of Ore­ •hey may keep the wolf from the door gon now boasts a membership of over Hint their «'hiblren's tHnlies covere«!. 150. according to Charles Adams, pre­ Why not give the surplus that is be sident. Ing bum♦*t he enough v«»tcs ed. will not play In the next one or among the starving Americans to re- two camhats in which his (earn will el«*ct Roosevelt — and we know then» participate. are not enough hankers and brokers to re-elect him. — O— T U S K E U E E IN S T IT U T E GETS »10.000 B E Q U E S T Local News Events Tuskeaee. Alabama. Nov. 17— Tua- kgee Institutete will receive »10.000 and the Henry Street Settlement. »60,000 under the terms of the will of Mrs. Thereae Schlff, widow of Ja­ cob H Schlff Mrs Schlff died Feb­ ruary 26 at her home, 965 Fifth ave. | The will, which hae Just been pro­ bated left a fortune of more than 16.000.000. »605.000 of which was be­ queathed to charity. PORTERS RUB T H E IR EYES FAMILY UF FIVE New York. Nov.— Seven soul* met death in a flaming hell last Sabbath afternoon at Red Bank. N. J . when a New Jersey National Guard airplane piloted by Lt George R. Johnson and Sgt. Alfred W Poole, both white, went Into a sideslip and crashed into ahouse occupied by a colored family. The exploding gasoline burned the house down. Johnson and Poole were cremated. Trsped In the raging inferno were Mrs. Margaret King. 28. and her two daughters. June 7. and Patricia. 2; also the children's aunt. Cora Raglan. 25. and a visitor. Edward Wilson of Little Silver. N. J. A ll were sitting peacefully around the dining room table when hell de­ C OLOR EO B A N D C O M IN G scended from the heavens. The plane crashed through the rear wall of the Astoria. Oregon. Nov. 17— One of two storey home of the King family, • he foremost colored bands in the tearing out the bathroom wolls, and United States, now on tour of the then plunged through the flooring of west, played for a dance here at the the second floor to the first floor and Auditorium Thursday night. Jean Cal­ burst Into flames. With gasoline loway and her band of colored musi­ *prea over the plane and house, the cians are known to a large radio au­ fire Ignited with lightening rapidity. dience in the East where they broad­ Escape was impossible. cast from station WOR and Its asso­ The funeral pyre sunk Into the ciate stations. They played at the pop­ basement as the fiery debris of house ular Plantation Club in New York for and plane buried the victims beneath sometime. This Is their first tour of lt. A ll were burned beyond recogni­ the west. Jean Calloway is known as tion. the female Cab Calloway and is a high Three Lives Saved class entertainer as well as director Dolores Crsnt. 12 year old sister o f of the orchestra She Is one of the Mrs. King, bad been sent to the store very few women orchestra directors and was about twenty feet from the She and her band played in the T ria­ house, on her way home, when the non Ballroom in Seattle on Armistice accident happened. She turned and night to one of the largest crowds ran to a neighbor's house. Otis King, father o f the children, that have ever attended a dance in left the house shortly before the ac­ that ballroom. cident; Mrs. Margaret Peterson, grandmother of the King children, who G E T S »500 F O R LOSS OF E Y E owned the house, was away visiting. Like the crack of doom, the crash Raleigh. N C. N ot 17— < a » ' p » Last year John C. Becton and George FTin- waa heard for miles, and several saw ton. lodge brothers, quarrelled because the death plunge, including four or a count of the ballots at the election five pilots who were In the air at the of lodge officers, disclosed one more time. Neighbors said that the plane’s ballot than there were members pre­ motor sounded defective, but this was denied by Gill Robb Wilson, commis­ sent. Hinton knocked Becton down and sioner of Aviation for New Jersey, who Becton lost the sight of his right eye said the other pilots testified that the SAY S T O U G H COP M U R D E R E D as a result. A jury in Wake county motor was in perfect condition and Superior court Monday awarded Bec­ running at full speed when the acci­ dent occurred. N E G R O Y O U T H IN S O U T H ton »500 for the injury to his eye. Neighbor Tries To Rescue I Heroic efforts were made by Ste­ Jackson, Teun.. Nov. 18— (A N P t — O P P O R T U N I T Y L I T E R A R Y A W A R D phen Connico. white, who lives at 24 Smolderiqg resentment filled Negro Cherry street back of the house that citizens here Thursday following the New York. Nov. 17 (A N P )— The Op­ was burned, to rescue the victims. shooting to death Wednesday night of portunity Literary Contest will close Connico saw the plane drop Into the Corinth Trotter. 25. by a white police­ January 15. 1934. according to an an­ house, and heard the explosion, after man. Harvel Penn. nouncement made Wednesday. Last which he ran through the back door Penn, alleged to be hard-boiled, re­ year the prize of »100 was won by Into the kitchen. " I saw some people puted to draw and use his weapon Arna Bantempa. author of "God Sends struggling around the table in the with the least provocation and to slap Sunday" and numerous poems. dining room", he told the police, "but Negroes Indiscriminately, was called The prize was awarded at a dinner the door was blocked by flames. The to the scene where Trotter had hall 1st was the guest of honor, partition between the kitchen and din­ an altercation and fight with a color­ at which Pearl S. Burk, ranious novel- ing room was partly down, and I tried ed cafe owner. Trotter was drunk. to wrench some more away to make Penn and a partner came upon the a hole. serene, used a flashlight to spot Trot­ "Just then another partition across ter and, without giving him a chance, the dining room gave way with a ter- fired four bullets into his body. , rifle crash, sending up such a mass of W hile newspapers reported the in­ flames and sparks that the heat drove cident as a gun duel between Trot to* me back and I had to give up.” and Ihe officer, but Trotter neither Mrs Patricia Knight, white, who Washington, D. C. Nov. 17— Some­ fired, attempted to fire, or had any 'lives at 26 Cherry, said she heard the thing like a cat out of a bag was dis­ chance to fire a shot. An unloaded plane's engine sputter and then stop, cerned here this week when it became saw the plane turn on Its left side and weapon was found on him. known that Dantes Bellegarde, Hai­ drop Into the house." tian minister to the United States, re­ "The explosion came right after it BARANCO. L O U IS IA N A L E A D E R signed hts post as a protest against hit the house” , she said. I ran Into what he described as the "setting up my back yard and saw little Patricia D IE S A T H I S H O M E of an American financial dictatorship King standing on a chair at the din­ by executive agreement over Haiti." ingroom window. She stood there rais­ Recently. Washington and PoFl au- Raton. Rouge. la»., Nov. 17— B. V. Prlnce were supposed to have come to ing her hands with her mouth wide open, screaming, for a moment, theh Harauco. grandmaster of Louisiana terms through an executive agreement the flames came up all around her, and Odd Fellows am> president of the Peo­ in which the United States relinquish­ I didn't see any more of her." ple's Industrial Lite Insurance Com­ ed practically all supervision in Haiti “ Crazy Flying” Rumored pany. passed away at hla home here except that over finance, and propo­ Further investigation Is reported to early last Monday. Death came at the sed to take away the marines next have disclosed that the men were age of 62 after an Illness lasting ouly year. The executive agreemnt was “ stunt" flying, and were very close six days. haild as a forward step by some ob­ to the ground when the plane fell. Funeral services were held at the servers. although It could be seen Four Investigations have been order­ home Tuesday afternoon and later at that Washington had a keen eye on ed. Besides Commissioner Wilson's llelhel A. M. E, Church with the Rev. the protection of private investments Inquiry, Major Robert Copsey, com­ Mr. J. W. Washington, officiating. In Haiti and proposed to continue to manding the Forty-fourth (aerial) Di­ Burial was made In Magnolia ceme­ hold out Haiti's pocketbook in the in­ vision of the New Jersey National tery. terest of these Investments. Guard. appointed an Investigating Mr. Raranco was born in Baton Bellegarde's resignation signifies board headed hy Captain Edwin M Rouge where he reared a fam ily of that there are Haitians who regard Dixon, who flew to the scene o f the eight children and became one of the the new agreement with a wry expres­ accident. The Department of Com­ moat responsible business leaders of sion on their fares. merce sent inspectors to the scene, the city. As leader of Odd Fellows In | --------------------- and the local police authorities also this «late, he waa the chief Influence B O L E Y , N E G R O T O W N H A S conducted an Inquiry. behind the erection of the Odd Fel­ I 2,200 I N H A B I T A N T S Lt. "T u ck " Johnson, who was one lows temple here. He was also deputy of the heat aerial photographers, and grand master ot the national body. In 1 Oklahoma City. Okla.. Nov. 17— Cl- 9gt. Poole took o ff from the Newark politics he wan an active Republican tlxens from the all-Negro town of Airport, headquarters of the air divi­ and was associated, during the lat­ Roley. from Wewoka and Holdenvllle, sion of the New Jersey National ter’s lifetime, with the late Walter held a conference Tuesday morning Guard, at 1:30 p. m on § flight to Red R. Cohen. with John Carlcck, white, state chair­ Bank and return to teat a new type Mr. Raranco’a widow and eight man of the Public Works board, to nf army camera that had been Issued children survive him. Of the three present proposals for fadersl aid for to the unit. They returned from the boy*, one la a physician and one a Boley. Red Rank Airport about 4:45 p. m dentist In this city; the other 1» a I Boley. incorporated In 1905 haa a They were flying over a cluster of student. One qf the' glrla Is a teacher population ot 2.200 and an assessed houses about one-quarter mile from the In thie city, one a student at Flak; valuation of »625.000. airport when observers on ths ground two are bookkeeper«, and ona la the Boley wants a half million dollars saw that the pilot was In trouble, and wife ot a dentist here. aid from the government. he apparently tried to turn b a d . Los Angeles. California Nov. 17— According to Charles Upton "Railroad Clatter Editor", pullman porters were rubbing their eyes last week and pin­ ching themselves to see if they were not in a trance when they were in­ formed that they might be called up­ on to make berths up In a train going an hundred miles an hour, according to the Union Pacific. Trains shaped like streamlined airplanes will whiz along the Union Pacific tracks, over deserts and moutains at that unthink­ able speed and connect Los Angeles and Omaha in 30 hours for the con­ venience of travelers. BELLEGARBE, HAITIAN MINISTER QUITS POST