SATU RD AY. N O V C M B IR 4. ISSI T H I A D V O C A T I RAO« T H R U - - RYTHMIC AGGREGATION INVADES CITY % < ;€ l « l l l < Ì I 1 U S Iilnpitnl nv»-r lu J'ortlttllil M<*ut|jty fit ¡rout* to iirnlr horn«. T b «y huvn vim- I< m | tlm World'll Fair lu rhlrafto and ! othrr |ioiiit n of liiti*ri*it lu D in « « hi « ml I'm lflr NorthwfMt Mr llrymit 1 » m In i on I «•■tut« ami »ay* llta(| III» llUlltlMa 1» K«»ii and the a fore men made themacivea the rno»t talked of 111 ««» Mr Taylor I n un IndiiNtrlouN and the big Oregon State football ral- tlon Kdwarda formed the argum*«nt. 1 * 4 ,ja<'*|ln* ft. C.. before headin south Mr and Mr» Joe Morrell and Mr and Mr» Ia«e Itoy Klnard, Mr and this newt«s? vehicle for the famous lt4 * * . r**d ^ell an easy vk-ilm to Ed- The personel of the Harlem Gentle- miti M i» t’harI ch Junten «pent a plea Ml » ti tm Saturday, Oct. 31»! Mr» Mar- Ih. May To la>ve . 1» »aid to be Tlu. abuglve Thye Mbou|d^r took lu pet and Director. The 'Three Step- tendered an Informal reception to Mr». The late Charles '«llpln who play rU attended the funeral on Weduea* richer in comedy element and for that to)1 ln the ae(.ond ,eg»lon and Edward* Son»-',ta M »n c e r* and Alma Traver*. RUBY K EELER, one of the many H H Purifcp who will leave uluMit the ed "F.Miperor Jone»" In Fugen« 1 d«y Nov 4th went down on hi* back in 10 minute* *ocali*t. furnish the artistic dancing star« and 200 beautiful girls who are middle of the month for Fresno. Pall- O'Neil’s furiiou» play Mr. Gilpin was reuHon .lecidely refreahln* h T d * opening vaudeville program con- and jq second* Ted was having the and eong number* for the troup , i featured in "Gold D.ggers of 1933", fornla to Join her husband. Rev It | | on the legitimate «luge and until hi» a| ata uf ,dktn ntollcr act* A big Noclai event 1» 'he Armistice o f except- tetter of the luck when Harrington These handsome young fellows (I which opens Monday at the Capitol Camp who b*s Ix-en tran sfer«! from death, was balled as a great actor . . . .m .r u in m M l oim ln Iktnte given tonight (Set Nov 11thI lug direct to massaged T h ye'» eye. »ay handsome, because In my estima- Theatre in conjunction with a de <;<-nfer The recent motion picture of the p “r7und fmm Ih ^ W s ro e r Bros, _______ __ , , — , ,------- . , hv Sgt JoMeph White Camp, Spnnlnh rner thea- _ .. „ > Don and in that of others, they are luxe stage show. American War V et» ut th»* Klka Home enc«« to the '/Ann church at Fresno play wbkh was shown at u local the tre In lam Angeles, and the big Fox lA*‘ ° ! Victorla B ( . and classed In the sunerlative tne superlative Oe- on W illiam » Avenue Kverylunly I n M««sdsine» Mamie Hfnhfou und I« (J atre, starred Paul Ho In* son . , ! i 'h r night's beat wrestling exhibition *rer of that guall.v, play with A cer- Peck preaided ut the refreshment tu going' hie 1 T it ! ‘ f ‘c,*. p<’ ll< y '* Jensen won In a dramatic finish that Ulu m »*nrtlc syn< o p tio n which take* If you love FROM THEDORE JORDAN , HLh n ,.',h,l r ranJ' " »aw Martin fall to drop hi* man wnb ,h* listener way back to Harlem; Into The Misses Uwendolyn ami Violet of veryonei. poiketlaa.k. with cent« , awan d|V(. or th„ r0IM.H u _______ wa, the realm of daming feet and «waying CREOLE COOKING ropes. The Martha Washington Sewing and Hooker hwiketl very pretty with their “* - - - In some strange sa Theodor« foidao • sailed » hl» stau - balcony price any day In the week second fall for the Canadian He rr.»u * bodies, pulsating frogeant cirsage» of pink ami yellow Hoinemaklng flu b met Thursday with mi nt In whlch hi* exp ress«! rumplet« — visit— ui,Y time in the «lay. lu addition the first In the scheduled one-hour va* e rythm Whether the tune is sweet rosebuds Monday night at the gala Mr» Thelma Flower», hosteau at *1‘*r confidence In the I I. !> and called the lower floor price from II • m to bout with whip wriatlork* and l«>»t the or hot* «heir interpretation of it is A delicious opening of the Concert »••nitnn of the home on llblsey street up*ui all workers In trade unions and . 30 prn also will he ^6 cent» from Hecond to well directed kick on the »uperb. All their songs are sweetly Portland Symphony Orchestra at the luncheon was served The club pre­ organlxfttlnnrt. Negro mid White anti Monti ay to Friday and after 6:30 pm chin. <*r hotly modulated and arranged. sente«! the W illiam « avenue V ' W V A t'lvlc Auditorium 4th avenue near Flanders particularly member» of the N A 40 cent». _______ Jensen will meet Bob Meyer* In a Their immediate show is a clever, with one dozen nice cup-towels A F IV to rally to his defense: bout on next week'» card, it waa an- J*'ean* fn*t-movlng vehicle, approprlate- A group of voting people ujotfinhlfd Lots Of Good Things To Eat “ This fight Is p«irt of a larger strug­ J* a£po*®t®<* w*th a dancing number The Work Fonimittf«* of the W ill gle for the liberation of the oppre»Ncd **|’M NO A N G E L " COMING— OH YES! nounced at ringside at the home of Mr ami Mr» Jerome Hob Kruse of Oswego put awav Billy , *le * hree Step-sons who tapped — served by— Franklin in Irvington Monday night Ism» Avenue Y W F A held s so Negro people, for the freedom o f the W ITH MAE W EST Burns. I>enver heavyweight, in the *e- ,h#*'r way into ,he heart* of all those to meet and mingle with "liuck ' ('lay « lui tea ThurNtlay nflertionvi nt the Y »(»pré»»«-«! winking cla»*« N«» matter Rebecca Lowe and Della Scott cond round of a three-rounder w ith an * b° w itnessed their brilliant perfor- toil und hl» Fifteen Gentlemen! from A lovely program w »» had during the Whnf happen» to me. Theodor«« Jordan Mae West, the famous "Come up and airplane spin Bobby Fvans of Long niance and then the blue* number 9 ung Harlem ' who lopped the Vaudeville hour» this struggle will sud must go on *ee me sometime" gal of "She Done Island and Fete Belcastro of San Fran- by M i»» Alma Traver*. created no lit- the i'antage» theatre the past week Hitn Wrogn". came Imck to Portland cisco drew in three rounds neither of R^n*ation. Miss Travers is the □ - The very llk«hle boy» In the jtand en- H,,T la* Ley of Fresno. Fallfornla 1 » RAYMOND CAGE'S REMAINS voting lady., whom Ripley reported in yesterday In her latent. "I'm No A —' i the heavies ftettiuK a fall Sgt. Joseph White Camp tertalned with humoromi »ketches »m l v**IHwg with Hev and Nfr» Hoy SHIPPEO HERE FOR BURIAL hla "B elieve It or N ot" column, as the and JudRtmt from the opexitiic day -------- unique mush si nttmhers Among the Kinsrd during hi» Portland stay lie lady who keeps pin* In her mouth as * ___________________ SPANISH ■ AM ERCAN W AR evening » diversion» were dancing and leave shortly f**r Walla Walla, Raymond (’ faite, eldest son of crowds . , at the . . . IJberty . . . . theatre, ,, she ... I she is singing, sleeping, and eating. V E TE RA N S a delicious buffet supper Washington where he hss been »«*• M r J oe fa it e , o f A lb a n y . O r e « o „ d ie d t" ‘ re . , " r » » Portlander» enjoyed every moment »Ignetl to the /Ann church In I'hoetilx. Arizona, Nov. 2. where net herself a difficult task bettering of the "Harlem Gentlemen’s” scintil­ —and— Mr snd Mr» Wsldo llogle. Mrs he went »«imetime ago in quest of her first picture, which lifted her to lated. syncopated presentation. Much George Scott Mr George It llsrdln. The Vlglantes t'liib met Thursday health The remain» were shipped by the height* of screendom almost over- credit 1 » attributed to the able direc­ Ladies Auailliary Meets every Mr W G Ford. Mr Isadore Msney rtt the home of Mr and Mrs A Love, the Reynold» Funeral Home In Fhoe- nl*ht tion of Buck Clayton, who. although ^ ul f rorn every standpoint story, anil Mr Mtid Mr» Herrle Tinsley as ^ ^ Hroailwgy Mr» llelle John- nixe to the Miller A Tracey Funeral young in years, is old in experience 2ND A 4TH SATU RD AY NIGHTS «emhleti at a beautifully appointed din "on Mrs Live*» sitter In-law, wa» hos­ lion... in Portland on Friday. Nov. m h,'r ° * n Performance, souk » wise- and la also a very accomplished musi­ crack*, and comedy, "I'm No Angel", tler at the htmie of Mr snd Mrs Tin * v**rY Interesting and profits- ln*r 10th. A t V E TE R A N S H A L L cian and director; tn fact. Mr. Clayton A brother of I he deceased Mr R -aslly excell» M l»» W est'» previous »ley In Albert* la»t Sutnlsy at 6 «»’ hie meeting waa had la rated a« one of the foremost trum- County Court House \V f a « e r,'»Ides nt H I!« N E First Pl>'«re clock The occasion wan th«« birth-j peteers in the West. Buck Clayton en Mrs Sarah Lave. 66 N E Broadway avenue In Portland Protwhly the most Imitated woman of a family of musicians. His The deceased was an accomplished •»> America In the matter of fashions, tre-plece of pink i •«e» w ith four pink Plans to leave early In December for n father is a base singer and la also taper» In cry«tsl hnnen Adorned the three month» visit smith She w ill go numli um and also »ana well He spent ,"5rlp of wslk manner of »peeeh. hair- accomplished with all musical instru­ table with It» white linen cloth Kx h> wn> of Fallfornls, »topping o ff m several years ln Fhlcago where he dress, and all the other intimate de- ments; his mother is a pianist of note. qulslte white china etul>elllNhe«l In Oaklnnd t«» vlalt friend» In la«» Ange played for church choir» and pursued **»h» of a woman personality. Miss Both parents are prominent in mussi- hint k and gold and Ido«»«!-red gla»» If», she will he the guest of a time his tmi»i« ul studie» until hi» health West In said to fully live up to every cal circles in and out of Buck's birth­ ware were used A delicious 3-course honored friend. Mr» Fora Bovkin» failed and he wan commelled to return expectation of her mlllon* of follow- place. Parsons. Kansas. era. repast wa» served Mr Tinsley presen­ ¡From l*na Atigelen. »he will go to Or­ to hi» horn«* In Portland Portland has seen and heard a fa­ Funeral ui rangements have not "I'm No Angel", written by Miss ted III» wife sn electric Iniudolr «lock. ange Texan, to vlnlt her hunhand'n re- Huadreds of thoaaanda fotnd mous hand and now bids it farewell. 1 following: th« Ad Tic« of West herself, presents her in the pic­ The guests were not apprised of the lMtlv«»n Minn Gunnle I*oVe anil Mr* been complete«! hoping for its early return. r a ik tv n t u a i a turesque character of a rowdy, wise­ fact that is w ms Mrs Tinsley's birth­ Addle IsOVe. In Alexandria. I ji . Mrs Ç- T h l» noted C a t h - cracking. carnivnl dancer and singer. Isovc will pnnn the greater part of day. ollo priest ex- She plays a lion tamer, has nerve e- her time vlnlting her brother. Mr Kr- p l a i n * 1 « h la AU S PLU N D DRUG STORE nough to put her head In a lion's rMn I*ove him a host of Mr» June Atlatn». of Spokane, en nest Smith mouth, snd becomes a sensation In a route to Vancouver. II F Is visiting friends In Portland where »he m oOo New York circus. There she captivates prominent in church and club circle», relatives In Portland society millionaires by the same tac- who wish her sll th«* happiness that Sixth A Glisso Streets lira that she has used on thousands Mr and Mrs II Bryant, prominent the trip hold* for her and a safe re­ of stickers-throughout her circus tra­ and ws-althy rltlSen* of Alber«|iierque. turn home. th e o s a s i * sa d vels. New Mexlctt. and their »mall »on. PO R TLAND . OREGON s y m p t o m * o< Her "tall dark and handsome" again m a e y disorders such as Is Cary Grant. Edward Arnold and A K R A F T -P IIE M X PRODUCT Gregory Ratoff have prominent sup­ 0 ... porting roles MULLEN'S CREOIE KITCHEN Thousands prefer it to mayonnaise! Sufferer« FREE HEALTH BOOK Stage Stars Know HOW,.END (RAY. FADED HAIR AT C A P IT O L TH E A T R E S m iles Godtlioy i Maktt Hair Beautiful Again "K e e p your youth »n«1 Pop­ ularity*' advise» M itt l>«»liy M<( titm ttk "by keeping your hair brilliant and cost H ack." t/>°t B e g u i l e (fo d c iro y 's I.«riru «e ll s i r < «d u rin g i« simple Co use. T a k e ' o n ly s few minutes in restore »freaky, o ff-to ln r o r » t o r c h e d h a i r — h a ir turned grey hcftirc it» time. B rin g s n »c k t h c o rig in a llu i- troiM, jet black c o lo r m i adm ir­ ed hy everyone. Leaves» hair soli ■ nd radiant— no dyed lo o k . T r y it today. Satisfaction guarun* teed o r m oney ba «k. GO D EFR OY'S LARIEUSE fr e nc A H A IR c o lo r in g SPECIAL REMINDER, I f /ruggii t (.mnot supply you — M ail Coupon. GonroioT Mixi r o I I j I • ))o 4 Olive St , St. louii, Mi». Vn.l me p<*tf«iil a full *lve of Gotlcfroy''• I juicim C I renih Hair («tlotinn 1 "m aenduiK )i i\ (itampa or |»»«t nlhit m>>ory orJrt). Name A«IJrr«a ............ Ti»wn State O ff A T water 1703 P h on «:— He«. TAbor 4186 Dr* D e iic rv «il tJ n tlid iik < - Physician and but ycon - OFFICE: A R A T A BUILDING A R A T A 111,00. — « N. W. 6 th Avo HOCHS: 19:30 t. 2:30 530 (I f no an»wi>r, Call BE 3181) Sunil y a ami Evening h» appoliilmont H I H IH M H I H I I I M H M H I H H I H I H H H H U t H H I I M H n « H o llid a y Si H o llid a y T o n n oriitl P a r lory I2f. NORTH SIXTH STRF.KT :: FORTIAND. ORF.GON Equipped With Th# Very Lstest, W e Are In A Position To Car# For Men. Women and Children Com» —Let lit Srt nr You/ HOLLIDAY A HOLLIDAY WTion *Vin 1» satiny, soft and light, then smiles beguile and your beauty is alluring. Dr. Fred Pal­ mer’s Skin Whitoner Ointment soften* and lightens the darkest skin, clears up jumple*. blotches and tan mark«, and does away with that “ oily, shiny" look. Use this preparation regularly to make your »kin soft, delicate and alluring. This amazing Ointment i» made in the famous Dr. Fred Palmer’s Lab­ oratories whero are also made those other beauty aids you know so well: Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitoner Soap. wSkin Whitener Face Powder, Hair Dresser and Hid Deodorant which may be had at all drug stores for 25 cents each or will be sent postpaid upon re­ ceipt o f price. Dr. Fred Palmer’s laboratories, Dept. 4, Atlanta, Cia. Send 4c in stamp* fo r a generous trial sample o f the Skin Whitener, Soap and Face Powder. SiiivRVRitener DR.FRED PALMER’S ' « f t l ' S YOUR COMPIIXION YOUTHFUL* 7^ o w 1 T ee ^ FULL OF PEP* A ft e r In k in g L y d ia F.. P in k - h a n i’ a V egeta b le C o m p o u n d Th at's whut hundreds o f women eay. It steadies the nerve* . . . make* you eat better . . . sleep better . . . relieve* periodic headache and backache . . . makes trying days endurable. I f you are not as well as you want to be, give this m edicine a chance to help you. G et a bottle from your druggist today. That glorious musical production. Gold Diggers of 1933." considered one of the biggest motion picture succes­ s e s ever made, opens Monday. Novem her 13 at the |H