PACK TW O T H I A D V O C A T E SA TU RD A Y. NOV. 4. — EDITORIALS With ¡R osalie Bird B e a tric e Cannady F ran k lin . . . . E d ito r and Publlahe T. J . F ran k lin . . . . . W illiam Ptckene W . M anager Clifford M itchell tHX-ial Editer . 1IV N o rra i l'm h an k . « Health K«1 ; { Ralph W . L ester - Special W riter Columnist Ashby C. Dicksi’U • sp e cia l W riter » Columnist Abbe' W allace, E. D. Cannady......................... Contributor Duck Jord an • • . . . Special W riter } Seattle Editor ! : Ralph C l y d e .......................Column st Tommy Luke S. W. 6th Avenue Subscription R ates payable in advance One Y ear. $2.50; Six Months. $1.50 9 - T hree Months $1.00 Nancy L e e ............................ Columnist K it* Reid . . . . . . to tilt* Nt>>+ ( ( I d o i i H I st BL 7215 Columnist i QArftelrf 7521 S a y ! You had (no(er tell your friend ----- in watch her aiep. - the Southern P acific may double lu ck on her som e of these days, T he Opening of th<> Roosevelt which read in part: "T h e conservation of human life, and the prevention of accid ental injuries, is of W hile In - ■■ laat Bun vital im portance to our w elfare and day morning. I ant gating over the happiness. lutiti and otherw ise heads o f the "W e sacrificed IS.MO lives through congregation, (all anxious for the Mrs. \V. P L oitiat. Prop accid ents last year Approxim ately 9. C hinam an's afternoon d raw ings) and 000.900 people were injure«! T he eco­ 186! IN T E R S T A T E A VENUE was inspired lo w rite a seng which 1 nomic co sts run close to two billion shall ca ll. I ll sing H allelujah. Hal d ollars. T he stx-ial cost is im m easura­ Chicken and V irginia Baked Ham A Specialty 1 le lu ja h ' every Sunday m orn, if «le ble Briefly stateil. that is our national Lad will bring me au eight «p u f by accid ent problem and it certainly of­ Phone R eseratlon s Mr. T . Brown. Chet early «lawn". fers a most serious challenge to the T R .n ity SIM Mrs. Sherm an Dennis, W aitress Am erican people.? Dame rumor hath it th at — — - — At its m eeting, the Congress formu­ will return sentii very much sadder lated plans fo r continuing its unre­ but w iser, a lth e u g h -----------------Is the m itting fight against accid ents througn king now 134 In that fine work it will be aided by oth er organ ¡rations, such as the Tom I haven't much lim e now. or National Bureau of Casualty and Su re­ ’ll tell you s««me scandal that will ty U nderw riter*. which works unre­ sin ce your eyebrow s, but for the first m ittingly in the in terest of safer, hap­ YOl’ R ■ le tte r I couldn't very well spill ev ­ pier living In certain fields— notably i ery thing Ju s l wait till next week, p a s t p u i : s i : \ t m i K i­ that of industry— the work has pro duced fine fruit. In o th ers— particu i oh. B o y ' ev Ynura for larger keyholes. the public re- U rly the auiom obil sponger has generally been discourag DAISY ing. And the public — vs—in money. in health, in irrep laceable lives (Youngest M entalist on the A m erican T his year th ere has been a start m aiie in i«>wenng the autom obile death Stag e Today) toll. and it » ill be appreciably under I the 1932 level But thousands of cart" leas d rivers still roam the highways. * constant m enace to the rest of us p p 7 — L ast August I lost my ring J b * incom petent and the discourteous 0oe§ fh# on# , have in mind have lt G. C.— The man that I am going witn ani* gives h it wife money to pay on a bill ^ . ‘de tons of m — etal ---- - - at high speeds *- — . ,w v . i n r . diamond i i t m . u i . l r ring i n v is -s in n the t f l e Do#t (h# pay it or n o tf Tour Here ‘»deed. said. An' , Tou. is in in . h .. as the P . resident .___ .! is possession of r a dlamonu man at ring the presentt * * Tea' l b » ll*‘n^ “ > tb« Am erican peo- The airl f n r u J IO » t „ ,m you An* T h is m a n s wife has a per ............. , , _ _ _ . loane«l ------ a this ring *_ j >. in ------ turn *------- toanmt it t*> right to do s s she p lease* with lo i Advocate Pulilishin Company W t Congratulai« and W alcoma tha NEW QOLDEN W E ST MOTEL ------ 0------ OPEMA MOUSE LAUNOMV Cloni plot n lettumtry Servito M m m m m m nm m h' Can you ima glue a young man telling ano ther to com e up some t im e ' I think h«> really m ean! It. loo. ( Y outh' Quo V aille*) A N N O I' N C I N Q III Ths Oh. y eah! Iki you know thaï Misa la singing. "Baby' W ent You P lease Come H om e" for her man In The Ikilles, Oregon Floruit » -♦ WELCOME I guess you've heard about ihm c e r­ tain young m an, who says he'll let his rival (fo r the favors of a certain young Misal have his fun for awhile, so he ean look over new fields I'd tell that young man not to lie so darn sure of his position, beeauao l| heard aotne lim e ago that “the log ger they are. the harder they fa ll“ and then (he girl, herself, may have change«! her mind alam i (hai "Gay I .od iarlo" who saya he’ll lei his riv ­ al play. NEW GOLDEN W EST HOTEL l-oui» G. Gregory • • Sp écial W rite . Contrlbutin J . W heaton . Rntere«l a* Scvond Cla»» ¡la tter in the Poet O ffice at Portland. Oregon Vnder the Act of 131! — — — — — D ear IVe>,lng T om : Host Wishes For Your Success THE ADVOCATE Published E very Saturday at 2518 N E. ! 6th Avenue. P ortland . Oregon Telephone G A R F IE L D 7S2S s - ^ - w. — ••THRU A K E Y H O L E '' (B y Dirt lllsh in ' T t. ! ABBIE' W ALLACE Familiar with every Creer another boy friend 3ou will not get ber h u sb a n d * money Sh e pay* on this le is now expected that the New the ring back B E m ore carefu l in the b iil at j nterv als Y ear will see the approval of all the future and don't loan your Jew elry to The voices of five Judges, sittin g on industrial «.xies That w ill mean that frieuds. d . d . a .— I am in s io u l to know If my the Oregon Suprem e B ench, have call- tbe National R< A dm inistration g ran d farth er left any money and just ed for th e life of Theodore Jord an has completed its first great task At B. S — My husband w ants me to ju st where „ Tw o voices dissented declaring that tbls w rltinF 59 codes, covering the stay at home and slave under him Jo rd an did not have a fair trial in ^ > *c induatrles. have been approved When I am on a job he aits out near An, Yl)Ur ira m | f,ther had llille the K lam ath County C o u r t-b u t the tm ^bundred thlrty-aeven are being re where I work and w atches me like a fat, h ln H it sm all saving* were two voices were drowned out. T h e ln- ' , *,u" t > - s e v e n a re ■ I f r cat a fter a rat and follow s me all the . | a a a r t h e spring whey.- h e s it tern ation al L abor Defense and honest- *arly heartngs By the time this is t ,me. Do you see any rslia f for me. ht, .irlnkina; a .ile r If you will send minded people of Oregon and else- ‘ / a ^ r C^ * ' T . i f h ° ° e 0t i me a map. I shall be glad to work where supporting the I. L. D In i u „“V " J .0** ,dlf„fl‘f “ 1* 7 * . ^ * ,* * An" A separation will bring shout , h |* out r,,r y„„ fight to save Jord an, are aghast, but proTed unl®** »n unlooked-for problem relief betw een the two of you It Is — _ not dismayed, at the decision. T heir I k i . 1“. '" ? , ’/ " !? f'-a,u r'* better that you leave the town that L. r a .— A certain man and wlfa of slogan in the past has been "Jord an in . , . m m ale * e l*' you are In at the present tim e, should acquaintance are having trou ble, do Must N T heir slogan m the !?* ! , , n N l i« . I know a M f t a l* con future shall continue to be. in atron- ,„ ,lv. „ ...J ' " L’ ^ P ^ band will m ake your life mlnerahu* cernm g the husband and want you to tally among large stores, which ad­ should you stay where you are. You tell me should I reveal th is or not.? ger a c c e n t: "Jo rd a n Sh all Not Hang v ertise lead ers" at less than coat in R eaders of the Advocate, which has ,C t . . . ‘ 1 m no longer love him *0 why continue „Out on . -------- - iu. '^ . » o p e that cu stom ers buying them r . , Ih l, . thtng hlll, nllI carried on a tireless cam paign in be- to ,l drag this out. Ans T h is a ffa ir 1* none of your will buy other goods on which profit business If you should meddle In (his half of ihto vlctJm iied N e ^ o yonth. I# m ade. v ery sm all stores, in towns * f ei wel1 . AcquaJI! i ®<1 ®t0^ of bottom -bracket population, will be R. E. T .— I received your astrology a ffa ir you will l o s e the friendship of reading and I waa well pleaaed. The both p arties .-nnrerned of Jord an § case. T hey know about the immune to code provisions brutalities of third-degree trial meth- o n e important NR \ nrobien answ ers to my questions have helped ods used to force a confession from ¡nK IO be th e attitud e of the c^reM m* * Br' at “ * * ' W ' M you P1* * * « Blv* V.V.— I am about to loae my home, the man accused of the m urder of a Here s where the recovery adm im stra- m* * ° me ,nform a t '° " regarding your will I? w hite Southern P acific Railroad stew- , ion m.d e a possibly far r e ir h ^ g m i l ,ueky nu'T,ber d r,am Book ’ ard. T hey know that all the evidence, take. When G eneral Johnson exclud- An" ' A w111 "aT#' ynilr b°tne aside from the extorted confessions, ed two reporters from his conference. An* My nt' * L u rk !r •'‘ « " i ! » r Dream for you I see you at work within a was circu m stan tial. But ln Nordic A- because he did not like what they had are now of the press, if you few weeks and my advice now is for m erica. even circu m stan ces are not been w riting about NRA. he was do- “ ' “h *° K'‘* on,> ■Imply »end one d ollar you to get out and begin m aking con- neede to sen ten ce a black man to ing the unprecedented. Then he ,ut an" wl11 recelve y °ur co Py by re- ta e ls with people concerning a Job death. A ccusations, alone, will tighten his foot in deeper by advocating a 11- ,urn mail ani* lny a ,,,,'ce on y id f most Y’ou will be repaid the rope aropnd his neck, whip the censing system for papers, and Just in>P°r ,»n t questions ------ mob to furry, and com plete # .c lynch about every m etropolitan editor In the ------------ M- J -— A friend stk ed me to writ# you ju s tic e for the Negro race. country ran for his typew riter tin W w — 1 * * nt » « "’«one a letter. P lease to find out If her m other or sny of R eaders of this paper are aw ai*. too top of that, an NRA rep resen tative In te " m* d,d th *y r«c«lve ’«? her relatives ere living.............................. of the splendid spirit of unselfish cou- the South called on the ed itor o f a rage which Theodore Jord an, w aiting medium-sized paper, told him that if A n ,: y ° ur '« “ t wa* not received Ans I get the Im pression of a sls- day a fte r day for the life and death he didn t stop making unfriendly com- by *h,> Person for whom it was intern te r who live* at the present tim e In decision, has shown. Only recently Jo r- m ent on NRA labor provisions, he'd T h i" special delivery le tte r was New York n t y . In re fe re n ce to her dan wrote to a personal friend. " I find him self in trouble. The editor »¡*ned for by a person whose in itials m other It Is unfortunate hut I cannot mean nothing in th is fight the fight »poke up in his paper and found the are R D. T h is inform ation can be co n tact a cle a r vision in her case I invoices us all. But to those of us whole press, including the most real- checked at your local post o ffice do not believe she Is alive who have followed the cam paign for ous supporters of the Roosevelt pro- bis freedom . Jord an has grown to gram, behind him T h is threatened mean a great deal, and his courage press censorship is vitally important NOTE — Your question printed free in th is column. F or private reply m akes it possible to carry the battle and sparks are going to fly when it I send 25c and self-addressed envelope fo r my New A strological Read­ forward so th at the slogan of his de- really com es to a head, ing and receive by return mall my advice on th ree questions free. fenders shall be realized. G eneral belief is th at Mr. R oosevelt Five men have voiced th eir decision, i* heartily in favor of a free press-that Sign your full name, birth date, and co rre ct address. But th ere are m illions, Negro and hi» m istake is in not holding tight A ddress: A BB E W A LLA C E, P. O. B o* 11, A TLA N TA , G EO RG IE. white, throughout the country who enough rein on some of his assistan ts. have not had their say. The heroic — ^ --------------------- cam paign, led by the International F IR S T A. M. E. ZION CHURCH L abor D efense in behalf of the Scotts- ---------- boro boy's gives encouragem ent to the Services last Sunday were well at- deierm lnation that the challenge of ,Pn,,ed all day. Both m orning and eve- Jo rd an 's friends shall be vindicated ninir- tb e Holy Communion was ad- I jjw iJ JOKDAN SH A L L NOT HANG' m inistered At 11 a in a general tes- BtHHRiimUp ----------------------------------- tim onial service followed a brief ser- T H E Y SA L HE SH A LL O IE! November 9th, 1933 marked the 32 ann iversary of the Boston Guardian. a race organ published in Boston, the Home of Abolition, and dedicated to the principles of equality and oppor- tunity for all men regardless of race or color. During these 32 years the Guardian. thru its self-sacrificin g editor, W illiam Monroe T ro tter, as a medium of con- stru ctlv e race propaganda, has become enshrined in the esteem of black peo- pie everyw here. Its unfaltering devotion to the Ideal of service for the race maln-s T he Guardian an institution. T he stability of th at Institution, as with m ost oth er publicist service agencies, requiring fi- nan ces for th eir perpetuation, is ever om inously threatened. In the case of T he Guardian, the prevailing business d eflation is peculiarly depressing, due to the fa ct that it has ever been m ore an organ for race propaganda than an en te rp rise '* w conducted . - « . « . v «>«rf«s * for — - J profit. /i w i l t . All th ese consid erations move this new spaper to urge race-lovers every- w here to rally to the aid of this ven- e ra b le jou rn al, to the end that the noble principles for which it stands may not lose a devoted champion. A y early su bscrip tio n for this national ra ce organ at the nom inal sum of two d ollars, addressed to T he oston Guard- Ian. 5« P em berton Square, Boston. Mass, will help Monroe T ro tte r to con- llnue h i, courageous fight for the race, A CH A LLEN G E TO US A LL W*»t ' Vf>r ran hitrh ami th ere was sjreat re* jofeinsr. |D the evening the pastor preaihed „ powerful, soul stirrin g sermon from the su bject. ' W here Can I Find inm There was hallelujahs, shouting and general accord. The choir, under the baton of Mrs. K ath erin e Gray, sang and Mr Burt Turner, accompanied by Mrs Turner played a saxaphone solo w hbh was well received Mr. I. H. Payne was baptised and feilowshipped Into th«- church Mr. Payne becam e converted the previous Wednesday night at pray pr m eeting and expressed a desire to unite with th " church. An up-to-date card system has been Initiated at the church which expedites financial m atters and it Is being rapid l5' accepted by the membership. Kigh- ,et‘n 'I ’Hors was laid on the collection la b ,,‘ ‘luring the Sunday's services, wfhi,‘ b "peaks well for the membership ^ion church. „ R evri La-Ley, 0f Fresno, California, E. L Jam ison and Rev J. 1 4 , ■ Rev ■ i , | -«* * , , , the pastor. Rev Kinard ,/tb »•'•'vlcea. Rev, Mr l,a l>-y, a ? u 11 Am* rb 'an wb" wa» form erly in i rit ,,ur cb u r,'h at Fresno, gave .,r' , buf in,Pr,'*tin g , inform ing and af ,h " evening „rv li, „.m v* , banl anf* ch ltte rlln * dinner Ihe c rhursday. Nov. ir,th a i -.„.i , 1,, - i i rVJ ? !r h,,,iina a( 6’oclock 2, ,o be « iv!n n ' . t " ’ ': T h l" ' ll,,n,-r church m ortgage f,!nd t I” ^ ° f ’ h" tain s that hav been a p p ,T in w a re ™ « ^ 0. T o t E arly in O ctober the N ational S afe- Mrs I. B. Vessel* ^ n e w ilf 1" !y C ongress m et In Chicago. It was m em ber of the church h»*« greeted with m essage from P resid en t pointed as elasg leader * " ',een * P’ high -BROWN HAIR GROWER WITHOUT AN EQUAL - W ithout a doubt, the best a rticle of Its kind — a com bination HAIR G RO W ER and HAIR ST R A IG H T E N E R Park 4 rut — W ISM E S Yamhill TM E- NEW GOLDEN W EST HOTEL “ REVEAI I N f B U S IN E SS WOMAN A CALL FROM NEW ENGLAND ______ 'Director's Imperial Auction (Hurt EVERY r—. . . . . . . ( CON GRA TU LA TIO NS and W ELLCO M E ! ♦ X % : : < V SU C C E SS TH E Paper NEW GOLDEN W E ST H O TEL P A C K E R H C O T T COMPANY Tw ine and Ja n ito r Supplies Br. 0666 0 - • Congratulations New Golden West Hotel Miller ¡VI ¡tier & Tracey Q uarter of a cen tu ry'« «ervlce — plus the trem endous volume of funeral« which they have di rected— have fam illartxed MIL L ER A T R A C E Y with the creed and cerem onial of each and every denom ination of C hristian religion. CO N G RA TU LA TIO N S — and— Hist i-Hrs Fur \'«nir Success NEW GOLDEN W EST HOTEL J . O. Phlllabaum Geo. W. Danner LlceniU'd Ktnhalm«*rH and Funeral D irectors FROM Wakefield, Fries & Company. Inc. REA LTO RS i 236 S. W. BROADW AY ■ < t AT. 3183 » S » v / .» H. W. Brown Fun eral D irector Harry L e tte rs In Charge of Cri'dlls We are a b l* to arrange the per­ sonnel of the serv ices as desired by those in charge,, but should you have no ch oica, you may call upon us with the confidence th at every detail will be a tte n ­ ded to co rrectly . DR. OE NORVAL UNTHANK E X T E N D S I l l s G R E E T IN G S AND B E S T W IS H E S TO T I I B MANAGEM ENT O F NEW GOLDEN W EST HOTEL DR. S. HIRATA C O N G RA TU LA TES Signe Ferelew Licensed E m balm er B ea trice Reed A sst Lady A ttendant Gives the h a ir a MANAGEMENT OF TH E NEW GOLDEN W E S T H O TEL And W lshea It S u cceta natural so ft and silky appearance, stim u lating h air growth in the m ost hopeless case . n m ^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ m \ A ix o a l N Our High Brown H air Grow­ e r stands as one of our high e st ach iev em en ts — It Is a preparation we look upon with pride. Mae wood O rganist C. L. Davy Licensed Em balm er success in operating Makes th e h air so ft and luxurious, sllm u lat I n g a healthy growth. — Distributed H air cro W í R O V FH TO N HYGIENIC CO - , ¡9 .in MADE ONLY ).S*( f ^ ® T H E ADVOCATE 251« N. E. 26th Avenue Portland, Oregon B Y "THE J . r ■ r*i rV > i I THE by— • Ö^E^TON HYGIENIC MFC.C& ; fT-f With eVery w’/.s/i '¡or your continued 1V ÏK // /> U Um4'm . mi » t* UMlIUUMj m * uamuauiiiiiiiiutiuuuj uí J uíí . u J j ujh W » m m m m m m m n m m . Adnuld Jen sen Hupt. Aulo Equipm ent W, C. McCraa Casket Factory Superintendent Miller & 1 raer y 714 H W 20th P lace al Morrison BR. 2619 BR 7692 Wrlsl- for Our Booklet 'W hen B ereavem ent C om es" New Golden West Hotel Collins Eruin Liauo Company A LD ER W A Y BLDG. BE 6889 I I |