NATIONAL COMMUTEE FOR DEFENSE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS TO INVESTIGATE LYNCHING CONDITIONS Our Ai m THE A D V O C A f ¿ Tn« Bridge l i t w H n Th« Negro and While H.cee In Oregon —O— THE- An V O L U M I SO No— 7 ADVOCATE In d * p «n d * n l D cvoltd Pmpmr PORTLANO. OREGON, to th* In lvrcaU mf th* Our Ooel T M I A D V O C A T E In (v e r y White Home In The State Of Oregon In N Inteen Thlrty-Throo Pooplo SATURDAY, November 11, 1133 PRICK P I V I CENTS THREE RACE MEN APPOINTED TO GOV’T JOBS SUPREME COURT AFFIRMS DEATH SENTENCE PUNS INTENSIFIED m i K 101 H U N G 10 EE FILED. TO APPEAL TO GOVERNOR FOR ASSISTANCE GOLDEN WEST DOTEE AGAIN SUNDAY PUBLIC INVITED opening Local News Events Kemqilr Itianrhard la employed aa clerk and operator at the New Golden : Went Hotel. LYNCH THREATS BLAMED HE WHO RUNS AWAY WILL ON ECONOMIC ORIGIN LIVE TO RUN ANOTHER DAY New York. Nov. 11— A delegation Mina Barbara Hubbard la the maid at the Paramount Theatre which im­ epresentatlng the National Committee for the defense of Political Prisoners, pelled Friday of this week leaves Thursday November 2. for Tu»- Mr and Mr*. Jerome Franklin and caloosa. Alabama In that city, the re Attorney John Jamison have been In cen* « ' ‘ ‘Da of fo“ f Ne* ro **■***■«•• vlted to attend the meetings of the ‘ » e Committee will conduct an Inves- Club They were present “ « • « ‘P»- '» ">e elated purpose of the Friday evening at tha meeting of the delegation, according to Alfred H club at the home of Miss Kulh Griffin Hlrech. Secretary of the National Com- In Kastmoreland " “ tee for the Defenee of Political Prisoners. "N ot only to investigate. NAME THREE NEGROES TO W A S H ­ INGTON POSITIONS HUNT IN FARM BUREAU Dr. Johnson and Dr. Waaver Gat Poata Aa Aida To Clark Foreman Washington. D. C.. November 11— (Special by Ivan Cannadyl Hubert Scott, companion of Edgar Three more colored men have been ap­ McCbrlaton, alaln colored convict, can pointed to federal poata. Dr. Clark Foreman. Adviser on Eco­ thank hla agll and nimble feet that he la alive today. These same feet ena­ nomic Affairs in the Department of bled Scott to outrun the bulleta from Interior announced Saturday that Dr the gun in the hands of Patrolman Joseph Johnson of Columbus. T3hio and Nick Perainger. ho accosted McChrle- Dr. Robert C. Weaver of Washington. ton and Scott at 1st and Pine streets D. C. had been appointed assistants laat Monday night. The Patrolman, af­ In his office. Dr. Johnson, who la one of the lead­ ter receiving the reply that the two were looklDg for a place to sleep, told ing Democrats of the countrf and who them to come along to the police sta­ served aa a member of the Advisory tion to see If they were O. K. Mc- Committee, popularly known aa The Chrlston 22. an escaped convict from Big Four during the last campaign, the Tennessee State Prison where he la the second Negro Pemocart of pro­ was serving life for murder, drew a minence to receive an appointment un­ platol and fired at the officer. Lucki­ der the Roosevelt Administration. He ly for the officer the gun miss-fired is expected to represent Dr. Foreman's several times and gave him a chance office in the field, serving In an educa­ to draw hla gun. Officer Perainger tional capacity and carrying th groups fired a shot Into McChrlatoc'a head, In various sections of the country In­ fatally wounding him. Scott, alarmed, formation regarding the benefits to made a get-a-way, but waa later found N egroe« under the different National in the railroad yards waiting for an Recovery Acts. out-bound train. Announcement was also made by When Interviewed by an Advocate the department of agriculture of the reporter In his cell at the police sta­ appointment of Dr. Henry Hunt, prin­ tion. Scott, who is booked there on cipal of Fort Valley. Ga.. Industrial a charge of vagrancy pending police School and Spfngarn Medal winner in investigation, stated that he had left 1930 to a position in the United States his home In Denver to go to Seattle Credit Corporation. Mr. Hunt will have where employment awaited him. Wlflle headquarters at Columbia. « C. from on the m i h two days n taken In man. an wall an other© from outald© the State who are Interested In the baritene, known throiighout America les has several small hotels and then Miss Ruth Bruce, gramlaughter of Mrs an automobile They were at the time campaign culled on Jordan Wadnen and Europe appeared In ali all Negro there la the Dunbar But when I came J C. laigan of Interstate The votm* being transported from the Tuscaloosa day evening to offer annuranc© that Art Program, romprlatng tiarltone ari­ to Portland. I found Ihe colored peo­ duo won the Tnmmv e prize In Jail t0 ’ be Birmingham jail for safe lo«. reatini*» eie., al thè t'hrlallan ple had not progresacd In a business a Journal Junior Contest the fight In hi© behalf will continue keeping " A third prisoner. Elmore ______ Clarke, escaped with bullet wounds. William Sidney, young organiser of chruch on November Ind at ! n'clock way since 1 wss here a good many The people of l'end Idoli had a rare the International l*«hor TWenne in C Clemens former proprietor of the * * ’ br*“«“ wer* defendants In an al- years ago— Indeed, they seemed to Oregon, Ia*ued a ntatement. declaring opportunlty of hearing thl» glfted ar­ have gone backward and an I thought Amerlcan Lunch Room on N W 3rd l<>aed »♦ »-o rim e " International La- ti«!. who I» ■ rou»ln of Kolnnd llaye» thut tha campulgn In the cane will I k * I'd settle here and open a hotel in the avenue. has landed a porter a job in b °r Hofense attorneys In charge of broadened and Intennlfled. and urging and Iraveled e ile n »lv e ly Ihrouahoul business district to accomodate them a barbershop on E Morrison street ,h<*,r ca8<> had earMer been rnn. out ______ of town by an armed mob. organization© and Individuals to lend Europe and America He I» glfted tir “ Of course everybody has not given their nupport by wiring and ©ending nature wlth a fine, xesonent. rlrh ha»» men encouragement but I've leased George Washington, who is said to Th,> Notional Committee for the De- encouragement to Jordun and protent© voice of eirellrn t quallty and range. the place for a term of years and I be an expert In the harheoue bualness fen*e of Political Prisoners' investlga- capatile of performlng any work that am going to make a go of It.“ to the (lovernor. Is now doinx business on Wednesdays ’ >n 1,8 return from Alabama the The whole place Is newly decorated city Monday He Is considering a busl been thirty five Illegal lynching© of The funeral aervlcea for the late and the furniture throughout la prac­ ness proposition whl- Y If accepted Committee will stop in Maryland to Negroe© In thl© country ©Inc© the flr©t Mr« lilxte W illiam « was conducted tically all new with nice new mattres­ will cause him snd his family to move Investigate the lynching of George of the year, and the Jordan ©aa© ha© Wedncaduy, November Mh from the ses and linens on the beds Arm wood In Princess Ann. Md., on, hack to Portland all the factor© of Illegality, ©scept the Miller and Tracey Funeral Parlor*. October 19. Kverythlng has been carefully, plan­ mank© There never ha© been any Reverend Janie» llee Wilaon. panlor ned and arranged, making the place The Committee. In order to make Henry Williams of Elkhorn. Indiana question a© to the third-degree meth­ of Mount Olivet li»p ll«t Church de- very attractive and Inviting. Many I© here with hi© employer who I© a thi* investigation a thorough one. I od© used In extorting ronfen©lnna; In llvered the eulogy; Mr». Holiena Mar­ rooms have already been rented and salesman, making a tour of the Pacific nGe(V* additional funds which should ■ the prejudice of the court which ori­ lin and Mr» Mabel Hemleraon were others have been spoken for. be >ent to 15S Fifth Avenue. Rooms ! coast. ginally tried and sentenced him, and the aololnt», Mr». Beatrice Heed, at­ . ______ 53«. New York City Mrs Byrd's three-room apartment on In the fi/.nieup nature of hi© convic­ tended. the fourth floor Is furnished through­ A Jury In circuit court this week tion. From the ©land point of th«» In­ The aervlcea were attended Ity Bor­ out with brand new furnishings In­ failed to agree on the appeal case of | RADIO ARTI ST BEATS EX-WIFE ternational latbor Defen a© which I© rowing rlallve», friend» and acquain­ cluding an electric range and an over- Mack Johnson who was sentenced to the stand-point Jordan hlmaelf whole tance». «0 days and fined $1I>0 In police court ,' ° 8 Angeles. Cal., Nov. 11— Although Mr». N. n. Watson, a time- stuffed living room pieces h««artedly endoraea Jordan helotig© honored friend of the deceased »at Mrs. Byrd has six children, one of several months ago upon conviction wb « ’ was once considered a perfect to. flrat the American working claaa. with the family. whom. Miss Sylvia l.ewls, will gradu­ on a charge of driving while Intoxlra- ’’’ «rrlage and a beautiful romance has aecond to the Negro race, lit la up to The floral tribute» were very pretty ate from a business school In Denver ted. There may be another trial In the *on* *lnce come to an end and he has u© to ©live him. ami I can ©ay. with and effective Interment wa» had III In February. She will then rome to esse. married again Henry Starr, noted confidence. In behalf of the I U ) that Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. ______ pianist, singer and radio artiat, Is said Portland and keep hooks for her nm- we are going to nave him." James Madlev. of Salem. Oregon l'es *° ha’r'> recently subjected his former Iher. Her eldest son Is clerk and eleva­ Attorneys Solomon ami l*evlnaon. SENTENCE SL A YE R S OF CHINESE tor operator at the hotel Other assis­ critically III In the Veterans hospital * lf^; MHrle S,arr' *° a v , r >' " eT,re iiMRoclatcd with Irvin Goodman in tants nhnut the hotel al present In­ In Portland. It Is said that his rnndl , . . . . , „ . handling the legal phaaea of the ap Aooorrtlnic to her story, tearfully told Memplil», Tenn., Nov. 11 Kolarnl clude Mr. Kwng. of Kansas City. Mo; Hon Is very grave and the end Is ex- peal to the Oregon Supreme Court, llalNon. l.uctilliiR and Clarence Mr. Duncan, and Mr. Sanimie Blan­ pected nt any time a re,P°Fter at her home, she was din­ both made It clear that they will con Pruitt »e r e found IfUltty by a Jury chard. ing at a tea room in company with two tlnue to l(»iid their aid in carrying for­ Tueaday night of the murder o f Joe Reading physicians and two well known The signs In Ihe grille formerly rim ward the fight. men. when Henry entered. Tong. Chlneae merchant. Ilntaon. who by white people, "w e cater to white CREOLT KI TCHEN CONVENI ENT- Th«» International loihor Pefenaa as­ fired Ihe »hot, wa» sentenced to life trade only" hnve been taken down for Seemingly he flamed Into anger and L Y LOCATED ked that the following app««al he Imprisonment. I.eo and I'rultt were Mrs Byrd has also taken over thla asked to speak to her privately. Un­ thinkingly one permitted him to lead made: Anyone d«»alrlng Information on given sentences o f not more than 35 part and will opernte the same with her Into an adjoining bedroom, hut the Jordan caao and deatrtng to aa- years each. the necessary help alat In th«« campaign ahould g«»t In One of thè nlcest. cleanest. and ntost no sooner had they entered than he Mrs Byrd Is not exnctly a stranger touch with ih«» International I«abor B U N D MAN MAKES CLOCK In Portland. She lived here awhile a convenlent eatlnx place» In town is locked the door and began heating her He blacked both eyes and crashed Defenne, 601 Mackay Itulhllng. Port­ good many years ago and Seattle Is Mullen’a Creole Kltchen on N. W Sri land. New Orleans. La.. Nov. 1— W illie her native home. She has many friends avemie at thè corner of Flander» st his fists so brutally against her body Jackson, after nine months work, fin­ with whom Rhe went to high school Mnllen la well known as a fine chef, thut ahe was badly Injured Internally. JUDGE L O W E L L VACATES ished Monday, a mantel dock of m.i- where she graduated. hnvlng. for a nnmher of years. served . C RAWF ORD WR I T hnauny and wulnue Inlay. Jackson Is Kverythlng la In readiness for Ihe on private cara In that canaelty. CARVER ON TOUR lloaton. Moaa.. Nov I I —Judge blind. Hls slster. Mrs. Reitero» le tte , and gala opening Sunday (tom orrow ) Nov Jam«»© A. Low ell of the Pntted State© The clock Is 32 Inches high and 20 12th. Mrs. Della Scott are hls ahle assi»- The opening bids fair to he Tnskegee Institute. Ala., Nore. 11— Platrlct court, vacated Tueaday the Inches across the base. It Is surmoun­ «anta. Mullen'a Creole Kltrhen la do- Dr. George W . Carver, director of ag­ writ of hah«»aa conptia he granted laat ted hy ornamental carving und tow one of the amartest social functions of the season. Ing a splendili business, arrording to riculture research and consulting che­ April to George Crawford, ©ought by carved birds. all reporta. mist left the Institute Sunday on a Virginia for trial In connection with For many years, before he went lecture tour which will take him to the ©laying of two white w«>tnen. blind, Jackson worked ns a clock and . DI SPLAY AFRI CAN RELICS Everybody Is talking about the Ar- the following plaraa in Georgia: State Vacation of the writ followed action watch repairer In a factory nt Baton m isfire Dance Saturday night. Nov college. Savannah; Macon; Fort Val- of the Circuit Court of Appeal©, and Route, latter, he repaired furniture Chicago. Nov. U — (ANP1 An exhl ley; Statesboro; Louisville; MilTedge- th«» Unit«»«! State© Supreme court In ro- and started saving «craps of wood. bit of African relics was placed on 11th at the Elks hchne — ■— vltl and the Lo gCabln Community veralng the decinlon of Judgt^ («owed. He »aid that he had fitted more than display by the Uulon W elfare League Buck Clavtnn presented the Advo- Center near Sparta. Dr. Carver was Crawford haa been turn«»«! over to a thousand scraps (syunres' of ma­ of Illinois at Its clubhouse here Wed­ rate with a large autographed photo- accompanied by H. O. Abbott, head atate uuthorltlea for extradition to hogany and walnut Into his clock. nesday night. graphed of hla band. of the printing division. Mrs. Catherine Byrd ROPRIETOR Announces T h e Gala Opening of the New Golden West Hotel West Broadway at Everett St. COME AND I NSPECT THE N E W L Y DECORATED AND B EA UT I F UL L Y FURNI SHED HOST ELRY Sunday November 12th TO T H E G ENERAL PUBLIC Open A l l D ay REFRESHMENTS SERVED FROM 2— 5 P. M. M U SIC AL PROGRAM — A L L ARE INVI TED