PAGE TW O T N I Published Every Saturday at ¡S it N K. ¡tth Avenu*. Portland. Oregon Telephone G AR FIE LD 7MJ Deal rice Csnnady Franklin T. J. Frankliu W. J Wheaton . Clifford Mitchell Ralph Clyde . . Found*: . Editor Kits Reid . . . . — BAPTISTS— Columnist Columnist DeXorral Cnthank . . (blent were the aaserlliina made 111 III# conception to lake ahapo a suffering daya preceding the unification of Hie more liitrueo than any It has yet e l atatee of Hie North American eolith perlencvtl will have lo bo Inflicted up- ueiit regarding the Inauperable harrl- on humanity? Could any thing less era that stood In the way of their til than the fire of a civil war with all ttmate federation' Waa It not widely p , violence and vlclaaltmlea a war ami emphatically declared that Ihe that nearly rent Hie great American conflicting Inlereatat, the mutual ilia- Republic have welded Ihe etatea truat. Hie dlfferenrea of government not only Inlu a I'nlon of Independent ami habit that divided Ihe a la t' units, hul Into a Nation. In spite of all were such as no force, whether apirl- the ethnic dlffereiicea that character- tual or temporal, ci'tild ever hope to Iced Ha component parta? That an fun harmonise nr control? Ami yet how dameiital a revolution. Involving am h different were the romlltlnna prevail- far reaching changes In the atrurture trite a hundred anil fifty veara ago of society, ran he achieved through from those 'hat t-hararlorUe present the ordinary proreaaea of diplomacy day aorlcty' It would Indeed lie nu ami education tteoms highly Imprtdia- exaggerallon In aay that ihe ahacnce ble IVe have lutt to turn our ga*e to of those fn e ll l ii e s which modern scl- humanity's blood stained history lo re- entlflc progress has placed at the aer- aiUe that nothing short of liitenae vice of humanity In our time made of menial as well aa physical agony has Ihe problem of welding Ihe American been able lo predpllala those epoch aiatca Into a single federation, elm I making changes that constitute the Ur though they were In certain tradl- greatest landmarks In the history of Ilona, a task infinitely more complex human civilisation Health Ed | _ , , ' Luck Jordan . . . Seattle Editor! Columnist _______________________________________ — EPISCOPALIAN— Subscription Rates payable in advance One Year. (¡.SO: Sis Months. (1 SO Three Months $1.00 Columnist St. Phillip« Mission Knott xnd Rodney Sts. Blame Cola*, la v Reader Columnist TH E FAITH T H A T LIFE IS STRONGER T H A N DEATH than tlml which conftillls a divided humanity In lla efforta to arhlova the util'll alien nf all mankind T o (aka but one inatanca. How con- wh„ that for so exalted a SHILOH B A P TIS T CHURCH Fast Tth and Fverett Sts Rev. O 13. Hardener. Pastor Social Editor . THE FED ERATIO N OF M AN KIN D _____ Mt. O LIV E T B APTIST CHURCH East First and Schuyler Sts Rev. J. O. Wilton. Paator Columnist Manacer ' Nancy Lee I. Contributing KJ ^ Rosalie Bird . (By Khnghl Effendi 1 Entered a* Second-Clean Matter In the Post Office at Portland. O rejón Under the Act of 1M! . . . . W illiam Ptckena K elly Miller . . SATU RD AY, A P R IL 1», ISIS Churches Observe The G o a l o f a Annnal Easter Festival NewWorldOrder THE ADVOCATE E. D C AN K AO T, A D V O C A T E — HOUSE OF PRAYER— .stacle and fight It to the end —and | by its example, to teach all men that Gt>d makes no mistakes when He I -h,v~. s the instruments to carry on His work and to execute His decrees The halos are gathering over his sepulcher When another sixty-eight .**»»> =•<>•« have passed that sepul | <-h«r will be a shrine befor, which the children of the Republic will gather to renew their vows of really to (heir I native land. I House ol Prayer Fast tOth and Grant Stt Robert Searcie. Pa.tor In a spirit of solemn festival Easter Is celebrated, commemorating to all Chi iatians the miracle and mystery of — METHODIST— Christ's resurrectiou Its season in the Northern hemisphere is the spring- Bethel A. M E. Church Re> Daniel G. H ill Ir . Minister time of natures rebirth, a perannial drama of life arising anew from the death and darkness of winter The First A. M E. Zioa Church story of Scripture and the visible *17 Williams Xve wonder of the earth's transfiguration Rev. Lee Roy Kinard. Pastor BOOKER T. W ASHINGTON tell alike of the triumph of life over death, of hope's victory over despair, Today. Easter, was the day which of the dawn that ends tha night of .. »»». . .J the renowned Booker T Washington doubt and waiting B ETH E L A. M. E CHURCH Eaatar Is a Christian festival hut USualK observed, in his lifetime as all nations and peoples from ancient his birthday anniversary, not knowing Rev Hamel 13 Hill. Jr . Pastor times have acknowledged the symbolic exactly when he was born and who significance of the coming of spring was his father baa a letter to the editor In my be- Washington, born in ISSO or 1!>59. Easter itself is linked to forgotten half, ami while I haven't spate to ceremonies by which the sun was wel­ a slave, fast rose to the supremest comed and the earth rededicated to respect and honor of his feilowmen of I quote It volitatimi, here Is one para- beauty and fruitfulness This was al­ both races in America and during the | graph ways a m ystery: it is still a mystery administration of Theodore Roosevelt, By CLIFFORO C. M ITC H E LL ' 1 do not know Mr Mitchell nor do and a marvel, though man has learned it is said that he was seriously con- I know for what infringement of the a little knowledge and has made the sidered by the great Roosevelt for a FIFTEE N PAPERS IN FOUR WEEKS law he Is now ronfluetl, hut there seasons his servants. The flower that berth in his Cabinet, The Rev Mr J 11 Wilson, pastor Race"; Wednesday, "Our Riches Thru springs from the seed, the glory of Washington was known as the fa- breathes through his articles that of Mount Olivet Baptist church the l*Hs Poverty of C h r i s t T h u r s d a y , it waa just four weeka ago that I green that sweeps the hills in spring- ther of industrial education in Amer- spirit ot altruism of aeevlce. of rare The Christian l i f e " and Friday. past week has conducted the "Chapel Ume are manifest miracles They ica He recognised the nobleness ot started sending the releases of this loyalty and thè spiritual Ideala of pa "Christ and the Church". fortify and justify the faith of those work. Indeed, he loved work too well Chimes" religious service* over radio The people of Ml. Olivet and the strictly personal column to all Ihe pa trlotlam that might assuredly be made who belelve that on Easter morning and never knew when to stop; he station K A L E The services consisted colored people In general feel highly per* receiving my other weekly fea more effective If he could he freed a stone was rolled away from a sep- responded to every call made upon of IS-tninute sermon each morning, honord that Itev Wilson waa ehoaen ulcher in Palestine and death was him for service. Too often, for he beginning at 7:t& o'clock The serv from among the ministers who make lures and from the "exehaugea" al­ from the smothering confines of prl found vanquished in the Resurrection possessed only human strength, and ices which are under the auspices m up the Council, to conduct the service* ready aeon fifteen of them have used son walla and enabled freely to devote * * * so in the month of November in 191». the Portland Council of Churche* were through the week leading up to the It hta Cod given latents lo the progrefla In the simple words that tell of the he passed into another realm. But the presented by Rev. Wilson beginning glorious Fataler ll«y and elevation of his rare and the en­ earliest Easter, there is evident the world knows that he Is not dead for ?,D. !*"* morning and ending Comments from many who listened wonder of its witnesses and the joy the spirit of the m an—which is the I hiring th* \Vt*«*k “ Thta and That'* thronement of Justice and equality f ywte' rUmy* Monday's subject are j0 the effect that Rev W ilsons with which they found their hopes only important thing— lives today and was The Exaltation of Christ la iv e "; message* were oloqeunt and Illuminât wan notot! in ths» follow lug »1« jmp«'rfl throughout our well loved America " come true. For in the dark honrs of will live forever Tuesday. "Running the Christian tng for the flmt time Gethsemane and Golgotha all seemed In many places of worship through- ZION A. M. E. CHURCH Coinml>u* Voice, Colunibu* Ohio; Miscellaneous lost save an oft-repeated promise of out the country, today, the name of MOUNT O LIV ET B A PTIST CH URCi resurrection, and hope alone was left this great leader of a race and ser- Rev Le< Roy Kinard. Paator Mr* Florence W Oakfleld. editor: "lied Fog" by Bruce Harper, Rsv. J. 0. Wilson, Pastor to warm the heart o f faith and give It vant of humanity, is being extolled, Isouiavllle lender. l*outaville. Ky I a new hook lo review from the Caxlon courage But the promise was kept L a s t S u n d a y N ig h t W illi« Cole, editor: Detroit Indepen Printer., Caldwell. Idaho Magaslnea and hope waa justified, and the mir REAMS FOR DISTRICT AT T O R N E Y Mr Virgil K Keene and the mem­ LêMX Sunday night at the church Ihumlt Mu li WtttlftM 1 Hot* recently received and read. The N e­ acle of Easter morning became the bers of the Trogan boys dub worship cornerstone ot Chirstlan faith and ped with us and Mr Keene and liar the delegatea from the colored church Inaon. editor. Detroit 1'eoplra New», gro Market for March, anti Ihe April Truly and sincerely we trust and doctrine. old Gaskin. advisor anti officer re­ ea to the Older Oiría Conference hoi* Detroit. Mich Mr» lleulah A Young, laattea of. Iloslrrurlan Digest; Modern hope that Evan Reams one of Medford In a more ancient story, written it„r . Omaha _______ dulde. P g Omaha. Neb. Thinker, and the Bromeman lie spectively of the club, gave brief talka. _ the first of the month at Corvallis. ( I „| ____ ___________ ______ _ _____ . Oregon s most prominent attorneys when no legend lacked a The pastor invited them to worship Z * ' " * " lBtg P r« ' « ' lon “ f Charles C Galloway, editor. Carolina relpt I* acknowledged of pertinent __ and the equal of any In the state, will R hope waa the last gift of the gods to Reverend Wm Decker Johnson •if Zion again. state-wide meeting «aid T . IK„ _ _ n||||) . stale-widem eeting The program, said be appointed by President Roosevelt N C , 1 Funtelllo- rommunlratlona from Ihe following a world infested with evils and sor­ to have been eicellent. was as fol- Tribune, to the important office of I'nited Sta- D D . Presiding Bishop of the Four Shoghl Kffrndl. Persian Colon» Haifa. rows. And hope might have died and low« l*relud*\ piano solo Mis« Nellie Nantnn. editor tea District Attorney for Oregon, the teenth District, who will be the guest This Sunday Morning left the world desolate were it not for Franklin. Bethel; ” 1 am the Confer­ Palestine Congressman Oscar Do- Im-Mentally, the Amaba Guide waa offee he is seeking And it can truth- of Bethel A. M E church of Portland A beautiful and inspiring program ence Spirit” , a candle service, parti the promises made and kept with ev Prlral T w o letters and a dipping ery cycle of the season? These have ®*'d ,e* r o f lm P*r,Jal Oregon on Sunday and Monday. April will (*» rendered by the Sunday School dpated in by all the delegates; Splri- the first paper In the country to use .. . at 10 30 Easter morning nourished in all ages the faith which contradiction, that no better man for tnal. "Steal Away to Jeaua . by the "IHgsaGng the N ew *" aa a front page from Murt II DeFoe. editor Charlotte At I I o’clock. Hinhop J W Martin, delegate», Scripture Reading. Pirnt feature t'ommlaalnner is the "assurance of things hoped for. that high office tan be found in this That was two and a half Republican Tribune great state A petition has been sent The ’rlsit o { Bishop Johnson marks of (¿os Angeles, btshon of the Ninth the proving of things not seen." They lloalrrurlan Corinthians. 1-13 verse». M i»« (»adore yearn ago and it has been there every J°hn C Dancy, Detroit to the president asking that he be ap- Hi* first visit in five years of one of District, will bring the roaster mes­ have taught men to work and wait Morton. Bethel. Prayer. Mia. Lillian w„ k , lnc. Th„ , m„ , ,hlrd M|ir Brotherhood. Han Jose. California. pointed. It contains the names of lead- the Episcopal leaders of the church sage Th»» text of his sermon will be and trust in the future, to keep cour­ Bellard. First A M K Zion. " I f We Mrs Myrtle W Campbell, writer of found in Philltplans 3 10-11: I would fn .le r .t n o d age through darkness and doubt, to Ing democrats; also some republicans, to our cj,y r e . ......a M is . . ¡ . „ M in e ................. h,H,k ......... Th' „ , It goes without the saying that if Mr . ______ _ . know Him In the power of the Res­ Williams Ml Olivet OMer Girls second paper to uae tnv "Prison* and I ortland. Oregon Bulletins from seek for new life and happiness, even Reams should receive the appointment ' B,,hnp '* * m° * ‘ urrection and the fellowship iA Hi« pt of Com > in the presence of suffering and Prisoner*" release*, and the fifteenth t J » 01e* A Jackson (I S Conference History. Mtaa Chrystalee it Will meet the hearty approval of all Fr* * fh *‘r and hta sojourn with ns will suffering* with my nature transform * * »ource of inspiration to the ed To die as He died; to see if |, too. $ $ $ ry of the Conferenre. Bethel; Sonic ager. Hiipaton Informer L. II King, can obtain the resurrection from the delegates; Report of Friday’* Session uimi. It has been said that the times have as being an upright attorney and a church and community. editor world W Palm Beach. Fla Another letter arrives from Hennto" dead ” Moffatr’s translation taught is again the value of faith and in Misa Lillian llellard. Zion; Congrega * ° ° a d X i f l r T i f , ' ? ° n<“ to mu‘ * A supper . . and cirlc wav toward hfdpln* pro- w community . . .. the need for i t If this is so. then Christian Endeavor service » i l l he tlonal sinning. Report of Saturday Roxborough of Detroit In last week ■ Ihs. r s e x ______ «... A .w- w«*l<*ome Will be h*ld Monday nirht. held al S 45 under the leadership of morning's program. Mlaa Nellie Frank- roltimn I quoted the Senator's letter thi. year's Easter will he widely oh- April ¡*,h the lecture room of the this year s Easter will be widely ob- • Miss Lillian Hellarri. president Hn. Bethel; Spiritual. "Swing Low. to Frank D Fltigerald. of Ionising church Come to Bethel on April ¡3rd served in serious and thoughtful spir- In the evening. Bishop Martin will Sweet Chariot", delegates; Report of Below will he found Ihe reply made and 24tb. It. For these are times of doubt and again preach The aubjert nf hta even. Saturday evening's session. Miss Isa PU LLM AN WAGE POLICIES ing sermon will be "A Thriving dore Morton; songs "T e ll Me W hv". Michigan s Secretary of Htatr: discouragement and hope Itself is this, vet it loses no opportunity to Church"; text Acts 4 $1 "And the "W e l » v e Geneva", bv th« ’telegatt-* My dear Senator weary of waiting for light and leading. Not content with lowering the slash the wages of Hs employes Its The modern man is perplexed with multitudes of them that neielved were Report of Sunday morning and Sun ” 1 have your letter nf Ihe 2lat In- many problems, but those that touch wages of colored porters, the Pullman em ploy«, seldom travel aa pa.sengers of one heart and one mind " day afternoon programs. Miss Geral­ stance (M archi him closest are old as humanity itself w°.l2 r ^ v e N » “ a cars. It Is tni*. but keeping A e lr Special music will be rendered by dine Williams. Mt. Olivet "I have taken quite an Interest In He seeks life's purpose and its destiny. wage levels still farther by employing wages down helps to depress the the choir Easttr Sunday's Program Clifford C MHrhell It seems to me — AND — „ aware . . . rr of hs uo own uwn bewlderment uewtuerm*nt Tt, o T an,) Jap,n,;",‘w Incidentally wage level of the nation and so He is Reverend Kinard. paator of the At 9 45 p. m the^ Sunday ^Schtutl he has paid Ihe [trice anil that hi* case church urges all members and friends and troubled by the sardonic certainty out ^ “ " t k ' r h ^ of sl^p l'n g ^ h‘U — LAD O r ’ m ' e N program will be rendered under Ihe death. I.fe makes him many many prom prom- Porters, the Pullman po rters' labor or- ’ April 13. to Tie at church early and In their leadership of Mr George M Payne, now ahnuld merit aonie attention He pews before Bishop Martin starts to laes and asks much of his energy and ganixation has done wonders for himself and has by employing Oriental The Young Colored Democratic preach so as to get the greatest bene­ Supt . assisted by the leat hers. ambition, but grants no guarantees of worgerg ’ been a goral Influence In the inatltu- The pastor will preach al II a m , Club of Oregon met Wednesday night fit from the service. peace or prosperity or happiness And Last year the Pullman business was at Williams avenue branch Y W C A tlon during Ihe past three or four yr*. he wonders whether this is all a sorry Prayer meeting Wednesday night on ' The Immortality o f Ihe So til". In th* Evsnlng Jest, a pointless prank of fate, an in­ operated at a loss, for the first time in and after a successful business meeL was well attended. “ I feel, a* you do. that were he — AU SPIC E S- _________ cident of _ the restlessness of lllP life upon ne“ rlf '»« - 'b ir d s of s century Pull Ins at which time two new members The Chicken dinner given Thursday i The Mount Olivet choir will present given hi* liberty now he would be able probably Ihe most Impressive Easier a little planet, spmntng aimlessly from '•n r o lM ' ' » » " -I by Stewardess Board No. 2 was a suc­ Sat red Concert ever rendered by the lo make good and support himself nowhere Into nothingness D "* '|>e resu r of a depression that luminating address on the history cess. "O f course, these things work out , , S h* " ru' drastically the income of the and purposes of the democratic party 1 group here ... ... , American traveling public by Mr. Dellmore lAssard. attorney | In an array of beauty, the choir will slowly and I have been so busy with The hristian rind*» a sufficient an- Pullman business is one that de- and versatile president of the Wiliam open with composition* portraying Ihe ()thar thln„ , | hltv,. h„ , „ swer in the significance of Easter roor- pends almost entrlely on high Income ette Democratic Society pathos and suffering of the agony hour . .. nine. The foundation of his faith Is levels. The Pullman company knows Of Chris, The rholr will carry you rh* n' " ,n * '" • ' h" r * * " ,h* the promise of resurrection and its su- __ _________ _____________ through the entire Passion and liter- *' deservea. However. I am going to FOURTH A MADISON STS. preme fulfillment In the risen Christ. ary expositions of Ihe Seven foist follow It up and am In hopes to get But the question is older than Christi­ Words of Christ and the meaning of gome action before long " anity and its answer as old as the ev­ Piaster In a practical sense. Singing , , . erlasting hills and the seasons which forth Jubilant and triumphant awaken­ visit them. Life is stronger than death ing. th f hoir will th* concert | On ihr» «'tutorial paio» of th«> Wash­ and is forever renewed in joy and lov- with the famous Inflammatus et Ac LOUIE AND HIS BAND ington Tribune, and on th«* front | m * k «- liness. Darkness promises the dawn, census'' (When Thou Comest). The winter gives way to spring and sum­ theme of this work I* the conversation ,,f ,h*' ' 'dorado (D enver) «talesman, mer. The past may be forgotten; the îant between the Saviour and Ihe Thief John II Paynler, author ("Fugitives j ADMISSION — — — 35 Cent* future is worth waiting and working who was crucified with Him Mrs of the Pearl” ! of Washington. I) C ' for. Mable Henderson very ahly sings the ' ' For every flower of spring declares *,*«*» ■ «, ID obligato In this number anti Miss liar 0 "»............ .......................... ............................... ...................................... ........... that nature is no pessimist and has burn Hubbard sings the lending role. kept her promises sinc e the world be­ Misses Geraldine Williams and Gene­ gan. And man. who is by birth a child va Ivey read Ihe Interpretative Hues of nature, may learn from this living Easter Monday Night lesson to deny his own doubts and On Monday night .Ihe Baptist Edu­ Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair Without a doubt, the best article of Hs kind — a combination HAIR keep his courage for the work before cational Association nf Portland area W ill also Restore Ihe Htrenglli. GROWER and HAIR STR AIG H TEN E R . Give* the hair a natural him. will meet with the Ml Olivet Baptist Vitality ami the Beauty of the llalr. soft and silky appearance, stimulating hair growth In the most church at the church The ladles nf Ihe If yom llalr Is Dry amt Wlrv. Try hopelesa case. church will serve the usual 25 cents L IN C O L N 'S D E A T H EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER supper at 6:45 and at 7:30, the pro­ If you are isilhereit x* iff■ Falling gram will begin promptly. Song serv fBy E. D. Cannady) Our High Brown Hair Grower Dandruff. Itching Scalp or any Hair Ice led by Rev. Russell B. Thomas, of April 15th marks the sixty-eighth stands as one of our highest Trouble, we want yon lo try a Jar Lents. Special music by members of anniversary of that day when the tired achievements — It Is a prepar of East India Hair Growsr. The re­ Mt. Olivet choir; "T h e Church Vaca- j soul o f Abraham Lincoln took Its atlon we look upon with pride medy ronlitlns medical properties tlon Bible School" will be discussed by : flight and an amazed world, as It Ilia) go to Ihe roots of Ihe llalr. Dr ('. S Plinnell The Inspirational ' watched, first realized that never be­ stimulates Ihe skill, helping nnltire address will be given by Rev Ralph | M ake, the hair aoft and lux­ fore had there been just such a man do Hs work W Howe, Hellwnod The public Is cor­ urious. stimulating a healthy as was he; that such another would dially Invited to all of our services probably never be seen Horn in squa­ growth. Leaves the llalr soft ami silky Per lor. reared in heart-breaking poverty fumed with a balm of a lliiiusanil A cordial Invitation Is extended to suffering privations enough to break flowers. The best known remedy the pastors and their congregations of Distributed by the courage of other men. the marks for Heavy anil Beautiful Black Eye- all the Portland churchea to attenil a Eyct — e y n — eye*! Looking •( you. Ap which were stamped upon his sad llrows, also restores Gray llalr to receptlpn to be given Easter ilioimay praising you. And you want to mm aij face; denied all graces of person; the Hs Natural Color. Can tie used with nlghf al Zion parsonage In honor of these Beauty Contest* each «lay brings! T H E B RO A O W ILL world never dreamed that when in Hot Iron for Htriilghtenlng. Then u*c Camay, the Soap of Beautiful , Bishop nnd *Mrs .1 W Martin mid DRUG STORE his cradle a radiant angel bent and Reverend and Mrs late Hoy Kinard Women, before you use powder* and stamped upon his baby lips the signet PO R TLA N D , OREGON FThe public la also cordially Invited. cream*. Camay — gentle, lu iu rn u i, of Immortality. In tils nakedness, he Pries Sent by Msll, 50c; 10c Extrs for Postage creamy .nice — will give you the »wcer, went out to meet the world He fought O B TAIN S DIVORCE clean loveliness the whole ,world find* his way through the world's obstacles AG ENT'S O U TFIT to art** rive. And you 11 win each Citric which grew more and more difficult Daily Beauty Contest! lo surmount until to the very end 1 Hslr Grower, 1 Temple Mrs Rachael llellard was granted n I Then his call came and not until OH, 1 Shampoo, 1 Prettlng divorce In Judge Gilbert's Court re S. D. LYONS Oil, 1 Face Cream and dlrec- . then did the world realize the height cently from her hitahnnd, Milton llel­ \ C M 1C A O Q _ _ tion for selling, %2. 25c Extra and depth and strength nf the soul lard on Ihe grounds of cruel and In 316 N. C E N TR AL AVE for Postage. that had been hidden within his un human treatment. Four minor children O K LAH O M A C ITY, O KLAH O M A ■ •!' u all of whom are girls were given Into galnly form, but which was e- m jm u n ! Ms J0 +.Æ .V o . « m m m . v m HHHIIIHMHMIHIIHIHIHH T7t« So s o of Btoutiful W om en the custotfy of their mother. Hough lo meet 'n sll'-er? -v r 1 BETHEL CHURCH GUEST “ This & Thar FASHION SHOW ."tnT fnUh«n£ red“c* ,*■ DANCE! £¡2 V' S IOW'■", ’T* TT h ICH-BROW n St. WI N P H IL L IP S Guild ~ ITALIAN HALL . APRI. 17 , 9P.M . HAIR GROWER W I T H O U T AN E Q U A L . THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER EACH DAY’S h ic F B ^ w T x BEAUTY CONTEST! ^ MADE ONLY GV TH E OVERTON HYGIENIC MFC.CO. CAMAY