TH E The Advocate T he B ridge l i l w i m T h e N e g r a ami Whit* Haca» In Or egon An V O L U M I I f — NO. 12 In d ep en d en t A D V O C A TE , Peper D evoted PORTLAND, lo ih « OREGON SATURDAY In tereete mf th « OCR GOAL The Advocate In Every White Hama In Oregon In IM I P «o p l« 1. M A R C H 4. I t i : P R IC E P IV I C IN T I SA VAGE MOB L i NCnS MAN FUN MONUMENTINI HfflWR RATE AVIATOR -a OB* ‘Digesting . . . . . Tße lyetfs ut curroKO c P A ID IN mitchkll FULL Waro I 1« eoi a rkarge on Iba hum- bla servir* (hai I bara attempted to render through ihla rulumn alara Ila la m p llo » nearly ib r n reara ago. I would runaldar tha bill "paid In fu ll" after reading lha editorial, preauniab* lr br "B ook" l a i » ion in the Kanaaa Whip, of Topeka, laaue of February fill, reading aa follow» N O. 30*47 DENIES ASSAULTED BY RACE M A N «!i POLICE PROTECT “DE LAWD” WHITE MAN E LOCAL NAACP OFFICIALS CONTINUE BRUTAL’ FEAR H AR O N MAY BE ATTACK ON IORDAN FED. OFFICERS TAKE PRECAUTION: THE L O U IS IA N A L Y N C H IN G AS R E L A T E D BY A CO LO RED MAN EYE W IT N E S S TO T H E ORGY • Reprinted from the Pittsburg Couri­ er of February 25th) 'I Never. Forget The Crie# of That Dying Man. Phantom Reporter writ­ es aa He Recalls That Night of T e r­ ror. LOS ANGELES. Calif.. M a rl—A N P — Death la always tragic but In this new venture that Mr. Banning tried- so hard to lead the race they should carry on. He la a martyr to the cause, and a noble young mao died nobly. Steps should be taken to provide a monument to hla memory. Thus spoke Rev. Dr. Oriffith. pas­ tor of the Second Baptist church as he conducted the last rites over J. Nashville. Tenn . March 2— (B y A- Herman Banning in tha beautiful cha- >’ P ( — Proof that not all the tales of pel of Conner and Johnson's Under- attacks by Negroes given out by the taking establishment last Thursday, police are tr t". was contained in n He was burled on the hllladsle In Ev- signed statement Tuesday, placed In ergreen cemetery the hands of police here by J. L. Me- Pall bearers led by Wm. Powell Cloud, that somebody had erred when were dressed la black aviation unl­ it was reported that a Negro had at- forms with a gold wing insignia pinned tacked his 22-year -old wife. j°n the left breast. The body of Ban- Mr. McCloud admitted that he and uing was dressed the same way. There hla wife had been held up by n color- was not a dry eye In the little gather­ ed bandit, hut asserted In their state- log. Mr. Sam Moore, white, owner of ment: "The Negro told us he waa not Banning cross-continental plane and going to hurt us. but wanted our mon- other white friends were as deeply ey” . moved as the colored mourners. Step* He was at a loss to understand how will be taken at once to purchase n anybody could hare reported that hla monument, wife was attacked. Som e« here wllhln the broad eg- CO LO RED SL A Y E R H AN G EO SY NEW YORK. March 2— (By A N P l pana# of the United Htatea of Am eri­ F R E E I D E N T I V E Y ' S L E T T E R S A Y S SO UTHERN MOB I —Marc Connelly and Rowland Steb- H I'S NOT SU R E OF C O N D E M ­ ca. a brilliant mind, a regenerated bins, author and producer, respective­ N E D M A N S IN N O C E N C C Editor's note: Becauae of the tense »otti. anawerlng lo lha No "10447", (A s reported In the dally white pressi ly. of "The Green Pasture»", were re- feeling In Louisiana following the lyn­ bide» hi» lime and awaits lha hoar llluggold. l-a . Feb 20 Nelaon ^ue, (wj ,n , letter Tuesday by the N. ching of Nelson Mash the name of when "e a rle ir" »ball roll bark Ilka Yet On Ot he r H a n d He W o u l d B a r g a in Nash. Negro, who kldnapel a hank A. A. C. P to cancel the remainder of this eye witness to Ringgold's "Bloody W i t h H i m If Jordan W o u l d Donoue- a scroll; tke priaoa bar» ibal rwatraln caabler and hi» wlfa In an attempted (he engagement of the »how nt the eo Ot he r O r g a n i sa t i o n s A n d In d i v i ­ Sunder” has been withheld. hi» freedom until Ibe full measure of robbery and killed the man. for de­ National Theatre In Washington, D. duals. W ho l» Content Of Latter I* justice Is meled out; and "society" fending the woman against attack, C. H i g h l y Illu m in a t in g O n St an d T a k e # SH REVEPO RT. La.. Feb. 1»— I've ha» collected II» full debt was lynched by a band of angry cltl- The Association gave two reasons Just seen a human wolf-pack In full "H e pars' He p a r»' H » p a r »' Th» rena at ths scene of the slaying yea for ,u ^ n e s t : becauae threats had cry! I've Just seen men — yea. and »(rlped or grar uniforma are symbols L O C A L M I N I S T E R S A N D O T H E R terday been made against the life of Richard women, too —stripped of their veneer P R O F E S S I O N A L S O E N O U N C E O of an InaittuUon lhal crucifies human Ae news of the crime spread sever- H Harrison, who plays the role of of civilisation, tnke the life of an ig­ »oula lo araugs (he Illusions of sort al hundred ctttnena organised posses "De Law d" In the play, so that It Is norant. deluded, black man C all e d "Oodl»»» and C o m m u n i s t s ” a ir ; ibal H la a moral fore». capable and raptured Nash 15 miles away and necessary for him to hare police pro- And t omgbt. as I ait here trying to of mating out Juallre lo (bo»e who bmught him hack to Ringgold, where tertlon. and becauae withdrawal of the write the story of Ringgold's “ Bloody (By Dawn Uovslacal Iranagrea» Ila r lr ll and moral cod# officers said he confessed the slay- play would serve aa "a rebuke to the Sunday” , a day which blasphemed Hhn j'ortland. Oregun. March 3 -S p e c I "W ere I (o name ibe moat brllllaal A V IA T O R 'S W IFE IB D E STITU TE Ing intolerance and prejudice In the capt- who gave His life that we might live. literarY men of my group, the No to The Advocate—Correspondence now The crowd spirited the Negro away tsl of the country.” I can't seem to close my ears to the 10447. would stand heelile Ihoee of In the hand» of the Jordan Defenae LOS AN G ELES Cal.. Mar 1 (A N P ) to the scene of ibe slaying, hanged Mr Rtebbina who. with Mr. Connel- crlee of that mob of bloodthirsty Dullols. ri< kens. Simmon» Hughe», Committee Indicate# that Clarence K — Mrs. Herman Banning, wife of the htm fmm a tree and riddled hla body |y, strongly denounced th# policy of whites whose throats rumbled to the and W ilkin» And were I obliged to Ivey. Charles Robinson, and other of­ transcontinental aviator who lost his with bull«la racial exclusion practiced at the Na­ cry. " W e ll burn him at the stake!” choose from Ih » whole fieut ih » one ficial» of (he National Association for CHICAGO Mar I — (A N P ) A move- life two weeks is reported to be ill and tional theatre, staled that the exla- Nor can , ahu, ,h# tK o n ilfii cry whose »la r shines the mor. fu m an ! the Advancement of Colored People tenre o f a contract would preclude i „ f ^ NeUon Maah whoae rolc, ro ment has been started to seek plays destitute at her home. 101» E. 25th at. from amid the greater number of are continuing their campaign of at­ by and of the group, on the part of Banning had been able to make but giving consideration to the requests muted app«.a| „ he kx>k#d •hackle» that retard each in hi» tack on Theodors Jordan, colored, now A Dllworth Faber according to an an- 1***1« money as a result of his aerial sphere. I would seek lha solitude of under sentence of death at the Oregon Hessen» snd chanted "Oh. God' For- '« „ c e m e n t made k m ' exploits and died without providing Stale Penitentiary. give them, for they know not what fhe grim gray walls of Authors of the group are being urg­ for his widow. Insurance for aviators they do.” The organisation which, a few days prison, lo pin upon the breñal of No ed to send in their manuscripts to the is practically impossible to obtain. 10447, a »tar of hope; (he gratitude ago. assuming the responsibility for ‘‘A Bl oody S u n d a y above address for consideration. Ac saving Jordan from the gallows. Is now o f a race Tonight the hands of more than 300 cording to Mr Faber, all manuscripts MRS. Y O U N G S D E A T H C O M E S AS indulging In a series of letter-writings "t'nromplalnlngly. he languishes be­ white men were drenched In the blood wm be carefully read and considered SH O CK TO M AN Y hind steel and stone and writes beau resulting In atlacks addressed to Jor­ of a 24-year old Negro, aftermath of with the idea of producing those se- llfully of the heller things of life, dan which have aroused wide-spread , i,n« of *•>« »rentes! travesties on Jus- lected in Chicago during the Spring, like a great 'General'; directing a Indignation In many quarters. i ,ice ,hl* country has ever seen. Summer and Fall of this year The death of Mrs Ella Young, of I J I M week The Advocate published liattle on many ironia, he conducts They told me that Louisiana was A „ manu*cnpt, should be typed on 4i>24 N. Garfield avenue on last Sun­ a system of Information so »(upend In full a letter written hy Charles Rob just a step removed from barbarism ,)ne side of the paper and those not day ws* s distinct shock to her many •U». a» In affect the reader* of more Inson. attorney, called In by the N A Tonight I'm willing to believe It. I'm selected will be returned to the writ- ihan half a hundred (colored i new» A C P. on the rase, to Jordan, and friends whs had failed to realtxe Just wtillng to believe, tonight that a N V |ers. "We believe " said Mr. Faber, witnessed by Clarence F. Ivey and V. *»ow III she was. The end came about palter» In the United S iale» When I gro In some parts of Louisiana dare we ,r e opening up n real chan see No 10447'» rolumn alongside that K Keene Robert Creamer, local at- - *’ ** Sunday of acute heart attack not call his soul his own. know his nei an(j opportunity for Negro Writers N E W YO RK. Mar 1— (A N P )S ecrecy o f my own. »haring with mine the torney, commenting upon the letter >'*’ « wa* found lying by her bed dead body Is not his own. and also that out of our efforts will surrounds the production of the Hall aallj by her next door neighbor and friend. esine page». It |g with a feeling of T o w n Had Been Ugly be the means of discovering much ta* Johnson group o f singers in a play "It Is one of the most rlclnus exprea- l* Jamison, of 4028 N Gar- doubtful e<|Ully of what fa ll» from my AU day Ion gt he city has been in lent in the group.** sponsored by a white producer from slons of animosity 1 have ever read •»•‘ tiue who had Just been over pen. lhal I appreciate the honor an ugly, bloodthirsty mood. I'm light­ Mr. Faber is well known in Chicago the Rialto. Rehearsals have been con- It is certainly s brutal thing to send ‘ ° on h« r a few hours before and j "Surely the kind hand of Provi, skinned. and even down here they and for a number of years has been ducted in local halls in Harlem for the * * ” ’ **• "P ****’ ' * r* ' oung all night deuce, searching oyer the universe to a man under sentence of death.” don't know that the blood of Negroes interested in the “ Lelttle Movement** past month. Guards have been posted Although Robinson. Irey snd Keene •»> Saturday to minister to her. for those who suffer fate, will touch flows in my veins that has the support and cooperation at doorways to permit no one to enter Mrs. Young was horn fifty-four the hem of hi» garments, and cause In llie above-mentioned letter announ- of Mrs. George Cleveland Hall and save members of the choir and the to fade the cruel stripe», the stigma red their Intentions lo withdraw from Tears ago In Kansas City. Mo and she (Continue«) on pane two) other social leaders of this city. • principles. been a resident of Portland for of a prison slave that ridetti »w lfily (he case declaring that Jordan a police record, among other factors, had In- ">«»■• *•>«" «*‘**>< T «» "* »•»•> » » » • " a» the wind», to »c a lle r It» filth and T U R N E R S P E A K S AT fluencer their decision, the following officer and member o f Bethel church. , II» tirami, even before hi» going F E L L O W S H IP M E E T IN G G ______________________.Bethel choir snd chorus; she was a 'T h e law of reciprocity' I» it not talented anil Industrious woman snd (Continued on page three! •lead? Arise and loos* the shackles; Eugene. Oregon. March 1—Geneva hud many friends w id ely has been paid’ Olve to him Turner, junior in sociology, at the U. Funeral services were held Friday. the rewa.fl of your bargain, as lie ha* of O.. spoke on the subject of "The March 3rd at Bethel church with tl\j> F ra n k li n D. Roosevelt given In you Hear his knocking at J. P. Finley, morticians. In charge • A Novelette b y - T r e n v a n t ,hat a Rmall car ha(1 hera 8M>n rt„ h. Outlook of t he Negro Youth" at a your door, which echoes the ears of Rev. Hill delivered the principal eu­ Anderson Eastern Neerspa- ¡nK into the alley between his place World Fellowship meeting held re­ twelve millions of colored Americans? F ra n k li n Delano Ro osevelt who was cently at t he Y. W. bungalow. logy and the church choir furnished Ily his adrice and gentle kindness un­ per writer |and the theater, immediately after the • he music Interment In Mount Scott ‘" ' “ ^ r ,U d “ th* ‘ » '" T - ” ' « " « 1 Miss Turner, of Portland, gave an der reversed rondlUnns. he has light­ shots were heard., but no definite des- dent of the United S t a t e s of Am e ri c a (F or the National Feature Service) Cemetery. economic and social background of ened the yoke ahnul their necks and scrltlon of the car could be given by toady, Sa turday . M a r c h 4, 1933 at the the American Negro, his home life, Surviving are three daughters and lighted the darker avenues of their li­ A story of what happened when rl- the spellbound bystanders. Olive Les- N at io n 's Capital. People from all ove r and the problems he 1» dealing with seven grand-children: The daughters : ves. and awaits al the fork of the the United St at es attended the color- val racketeers In the Nation's Capitol ter. termed by most critics "the pret today. nre Mrs Edna Henderson, of Chicago; road! to lead them through green began muscling In on each othtT's ties! soubrette on the stage today" was ful affair. During the term the group has dis­ Mrs. Mae Olhson of Merced Falls. pastures watered and grown In the fields, and territory, and how a woman playing at the Rialto on the next day JO RD A N A P P E A L B E IN G cussed conditions in various phases Calif.; Mrs Cleota Halrher, of Brem-j ' "— flickering shadows of a gloomy prison and a reporter ended It in a great bat- after the latest killing occurred She PREPARED erlon. Washington; a son In law Mr I Owing to lack of space, a large of life In America. by the ray and hope of one that has was Joe French's sweetheart, and had tie of wits and chance. M. M Hatcher of llremertor.. The amount of corespondence In connection lived not alone for himself; hut for been given everything her heart de­ March 1— grand-children are: Benjamin Moore. w**l> * *>« Scottaboro and Jordan cases P O L IC E S E IZ E P R O M IN E N T Klamath Falla. Oregon them and their (lod which Is his sired by the notorious gang leader, and FAR W E S T P H Y S IC IA N Irwin Goodman. Portland attorney re- of Chicago; W alter Gibson, of Merced l*a<* *° ,,e omitted from this Issue, French were the leading racketeers rhCkete„ ..The Spw tator-, that •Iso. tallied as co-counsel for Theodore Falls. Calif , and Melvin M. Jr.. Cleota in Washington, and had a corner on know<„ newspaper columnist, whose “ It has been my pleasure to ex­ LOS ANGELES. Calif., Mar X - (By change with No. 104(7, complimenta Jordan, young Negro, recently convlc- Marie. Christina Odell. Frank Nolan The Advocate would appreciate It almost everything. Including the num- Identity -------- ------------ waa a punie ------ -- to . the . . . ------ many rea- Marmilllon was taken In and arknowledgmenta to each for his led of the murder of F. C. Sullivan, anil Gerald James llalclier of Bremer- very much If our subscribers would b'"r*' n,* ht >’lubs. liquor, and what-not. denj ^ cnpltol papers, who feared AISiF ’ ^ an(1 hl8 uncanny , blllty to fer. to custody by the police and held with- writings It Is my further pleasure to 8 P. dining car steward and senten- ton. Washington Mr and Mrs Hat­ pay «heir bills promptly so we can un*“ Brooks ttnd “ no,hpr “ ">hltlous Ma ^ nnaheath the sword In his name, as red lo he hanged, arrived In Klamath cher motored from Bremerton Mon- give you your paper on time " " » " l * '» • Rre‘ ‘m* n' B,arUH' pa» ,n* ret out their misdeeds, was upstairs out b* il ,n ‘ onnpc*lon wlth the d« a,n ________________________ «h,,m ln‘ ° ,hp «'•‘•ground By accl- a l p t lk 4 M r drinking 8 percent of ‘ 17-year-old daughter of Mrs. Viola he has for the millions of us. To scale alls FonMilay morning of last week day t o attend the funeral and look dent or maybe not. on September 2 . when F>ppman was shot, and Scott. 1539 E. 39th street. the helghta of society, higher to the to make a thorough survey of the after Its arrangement, The funeral was largely attended A I D S W H I T E M A N I N F L O G G I N G Federal cops raided Buck's smart nlte looklnk The charge against Marmilllon la lhe w|gdo, Ma 4lh Impregnable wall, which like an Ice case with W. P. Myers, local defense and the floral pieces were numerous. club, the Alcolon. and found ten quarts floor of TantMe h r watched the murder by abortion. berg, alaude haughtily In contempt of counsel. W ILM IN G TO N . N. C.. Mar. 1— A N P of liquor on Ihe premises, and pad- course of the fleeing car. Archie Henderson, girl's sweetheart Goodman lias been retained In thoae who are beating back , . . stated he gave physician }25 to treat “ In closing, muy I admonish that uaalst In the Jordan defense hy the In­ C O L O R E D D E M O C R A T I C C L U B NO. Dalias Bradshaw. 24-yearold while locked the brlght-spot. White and The police advanced the theory that hgr ^ 2 O R G A N IZ E D man. and Roy Jones, about the same French were jailed, and released on we all shall t ake up the gauge of bat­ ternational l-abor Defense Society. Brooks and Freeman had conspired age. have been taken Into custody by bail, for their trial, under Federal Mrs. Scott claimed physician told tle our cry shall be: 'U tterly for No. ' The Portland attorney ordered a to "frame” White and French, and On last Sunday afternoon al the the police and are being held pending laws. One month later shots rang her daughter had been pregnant for 10447!' I .et It he In unison, that Its complete transrrlp of testimony made put the liquor in the Alcolona. and volume will he like the peal of migh­ to present In the appeal of Ihe case home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Payne, of the outcome of Injuries Inflicted upon out. and when the excitement and then tipped off the Feds knowing three months. Dr. Marmilllon Is president of the ty thunder which will rock the foun to the Supreme court. Al randt. clr- **« Cherry street, a senior democratic Stacy Holland. 21-yearold white man. hubbub had subsided. Harry Brooks that the cops In that neighborhood Bradshaw and Jones are said to have was found riddled with bullets. The I. Z. Western Medical Association and own­ datlon of society, to e el.o through cultli court reporter, began on the <',uh was organised with Mr were being paid for laying o ff the A l­ the hells of Justice and expend If» transi rip Monday, and It la estimated Triplett, president; Marvin McGinnis. lured Holland Into the woods where next night while the police were un- colona. and that French and White er of the Marmilllon building at Thlr- force In the dark archives of Mockaon that about 30 days will he required ^1™* ' * c* President; t. H. Payne. Sec they tied him to a tree and whipped bending every effort to find out who had engineered their deaths as re- -ty-third and Central avenue Prison' — When the victory shall have for the work The appeal will then on,l v ,c * President and F. D. Young, him After the whipping. Bradshaw Is killed Harry Brooks. Al Freeman was venge Buck and Joe were arrested be filed Immediately. secretary Another meeting will he «aid to have shot him. shot to desth in a hall of bullets In >n(j oharke)| „ j y , the killing» Olive ^ ounB c ° l<’ t'«, , . „ ¿ " „ . T . . , ! n*««*lng Thursday night, a report of e comparative atrnnger, gladly do I hanged on Fehrusry 17, has been da5r a* 2 v M and all prsons of the the police. Bradshaw asked him If he to the Rialto theater, where he used >nil and "The Spectator" wark and interes- which will appear In next week's Issue mark the hill for my humble service— granted a 44-day stay of execution * * 1' of 25 an<* 0T,,r are cordially In- would rather be shot In the head or In this front as a shield for his real . Vlied to bo present. the heart. Holland selected his bead, business. No clues were left, except) (Continued on page 3 Col 2 ) i?t The Advocate. ‘ Paid In Puli'. pond!ng the filing of »ppeal. SEEK NEGRO PLAYS L Our New Leader A MYSTERY “R A C K E T ”