SATU RD AY. F IB M U A R V t i. 1SSS .............................................................................. r a r o » ) FILIPINO WORKERS PROFIT BY NEW PULLMAN CARS nlTrn__ ¥ 5 ' Introduce Cast Negro PATED N EG R O SLAVES ««.*.«.». »»?««><•»».«. t N.A.A.C.P. AT T O R N E Y AERE TO BE DISMISSED FROM JORDAN CASE ' CHEROKEE H IC O R D I SHOW PRO Cl AM A T ION ORAW N IN I N ] o — STARS OF "GREEN PASTURES" APPEAR IN PROGRAM AT <1 ( rim ili! ; thaï II« purpoaea were to; • Id «m i noi hinder I he rotinlry In | which v e lire I make IliU blank HOWARD UNIVERSITY atatemeni to you In order limi you' “ TECHNIQUE OF THE M ASTER" Continued from page mi« PRISONS and PRISO NERS (By C LIPPO RD By Kaymund Andrea, P R.C, (lioali rut Ian Brotherhood — Itoalcru- It la significant that p-lsonera clan Park. Han Joae. Calif ) •hould pay tributa to that great man "Technique of the Master" la vol­ who liberated more prlaonera than any ume thirteen of Ihe KoalcrucUn Li­ other executive In the blatory of our C. M IT C H E L L ) coin freed Al leant we hare no ex- RALEIGH. N IV. Poh Prealtlelit , nm* t,,r n' ,t broking ahead and pre- par,n* ouraelrea for that great day Lincoln's Emancipai Inn Proclamation. may he advlaed wh*n nome emancipator will aet ua Important na II waa in ihe progresa W ASHINGTON. I» f . Pel. 23 Rich free. of free Inrrrnm etit In ihn wealnrn Now. lei mr apeak to you peraonally brary. and la particularly aullable for r <»untry. And the eateem that an ex- uni II llarrlaon and 36 members of world, waa toil Ihe only edict of Ila Youna fellow, you are Buffering from .... — -----------— ------- ------ - — ....... . ...... .. » ......................... . ■■■■». . Th. pM tur„ . . rM t r„ d the etudent of Roalrruslan Prise!plea «cutlre 1 « held In by prisoner! la If we are lacking In acholaatlc train- kind that haa been laaued In the II- • terrible dlaeaae; you are Buffering . . 1 ™ clearly defining the aolrltual reaction baaed almoat wholly on the execu- Ing we have opportunities around ua ...... . u ,.,......... ................. . ... . . ............. . . _____ before Interracial audience of atu rI . . . . . ______ lilted Hlatee, an examination of the re from a diarrhoea of words anil a con of the soul In Ils work for the Mas- record of giving freedom. In abundance. Allwe need la the de- CHICAGO. III.. Peb 23— Railroad denis and friends at Howard Univer­ corda of the t'herokee Nation diado- allpellon of lileaa Thai tllaeaae haa trr Of course, we are referring to the »I f *. ambition, and fteralateoce to ma» circles here have been watching with sity laal Prlday after mam. aea In Ihe archiven of lhal once pnw « aimed your conviction and placed you • • • great emancipator. Abraham Lincoln. **r •*. Those other four million prtao- Intense Interest the new development On Ihe program with Mr llarrlaon erful Indian tribe la found a prods «>■> Ihe scaffold You are tuo amari According to the principles estate the sixteenth president of these United D« r* « » » » wltb 'be desire and ambi ¡n feeding passengers which has been waa Ihilnd Haynea. alar of “ llallelu- matlon. drawn up In la«3. by which all for your own good ami too Ignorant Halted In this book Ibe voice of Ihe States Without entering Into any Mon- f ould not secure the facilities Inaufurated upon a number of ralh hall." who sang "Aat the End of Ihe Negro held aa slaves by t'herokeea for anyone elae'a good ea well You Master la Ihe constant Inspiration to ctmlroveralea on Ihe Indirect causes of ' or edurallonal training (hat are our* roads recently Regular dining cart Road." dedicating the first rendition were given their freedom are curse and n«d a help to your own to Prestilenl Johnson and having atu- In Ihelr earthly Incarnation, hla acta we know that he waa the right here. hare been supplanted on several car- The story of the finding of thia In people Your own statements on the (lenla and friends join Ihe second who ar* carrying on Ihe good work of Instrument through which approxl- Why, even Lincoln Ihe emancipator rl,“r* and ,n 'b elr places "restaurant tereatlng hit of Information cornea witness stand put you on the scaffold, Ihe Master, regardless of one's voca malely 4 millions prisoners were Mb- did not enjoy Ihe facilities for acqulr- fa r " operated by the pullman rompw- chorus. from Bryson City, N C , once In Ihe end you will talk yourself Into Ihe tlon. In*liefs or aspiration» crated at one atroka of hla pen. Ing an education that every prisoner. nY bare been put Into service. A re- In hla aildreas. Mr Hurrla«m. popu-; midst of Ihe territory Inhabited by noose * * * The prisoners In question differed especially In Jackson Prison, ran en- r ‘‘n' announcement from the head- larly known as "The laird." gave ex j Indiana of Ihe t'herokee Nation amt The author places emphasis upon even greatly from those all around us J°T 11 be desires to Improve himself Quarters of the Pullman Company here Now. I say this lo y«iu, with all char perlenres of the company during Ihe where there alili realties many of the requirements, sarrlfli-e» and ohll They were prlaonera at blrtn and grew A * 'b e most, all that a prisoner here disclosed that *4 of these new cars lly. ami you «-an get yourself a «-ouple three year« existence during which their descerníanla gallons that must lie conformed to In up ,lnd,.r a ayatem that did not even baa lo do to acquire an education la W(,re in service upon 19 railroads. Tha of dictionaries ami three more ency- tlm«- 1207 performances had been gl- The act referred In was passed by order for Ihe adapt lo recognize and p,.rmj| them ihe freedom of thought. to walk from bla cell-house, or shop, chief concern over the new tnnova- rlopetllas, and you wim't know what yen. Members of the cast were Intro­ Ihe Cherokee Council al Cowakln lake advantage of these spiritual In at no time did they enjoy the Irene- ' « 'b e school-room. Lincoln had to t*on 'naofar aa Negro railroad worker« ït a all about then Aa far as I am ducer to the uudlem-e aa examples of Prairie. In lam Spring Prog waa Ihe ........ rued, I am through with you and people who worked with an objm-tl*« ■p,r* ,,OM wkk h art SS rn of a s. I, -m > km w *PH» call« all day and then walk m ile, are concerned, haa been the fact that im through with you ami apeaker for Ihe council The ari de- I. :f Mi. ||ft|| * M t l l ) uf 111Ild N ,r* on thr Srd day of February, la thr J°hnaon recalled the privilege Technique of the Mailer, all were not prepared for freedom, al* yond the pale «if American law Mow moat contemptible thing that I have wi*trh Howard Unlveralty had In con of which no« only streng/.en« but adds ’ n* r " b o will fight for our cause, pro- aa a parlor or lounge when they are . . ___ L of all auch .. though they desired It. but we do not ring . . to society v that we r can an h o r e equipped .i > h - chairs, e . i.. . sofas . . . . . and . . . t la . frrrlng Ihr h-m.rary .irgrrr of n.aalrr , Krp, |(.r |K,W„ to ,he work be . m more with ever, their government waa faahlnned ever aeen condemn Lincoln « act because aome. useful to humanity with our freedom, some Instance« radio service. They are after that of the United Statea Home “f mi %,r .............. f,,r taapirwE amila caught unprepared, did not make a and at the opt ortune moment and with said to have proven a success In most Indiana held al*«vca hut their loyallty N'.w air, that la my peraonal opinion „lahlng himself m thr American dra ------------------ ml <«i|-y of this H , allriilioii Ihr NEGROES MOURN PRIEST I am forwarding a copy o f thia m> ||e further called attention to the very goe . nd «aid lhal all things are possible half has been wasted effort --th e raat- „a in Ihla country , ________ record that millions of the freedmen ready to take our placet ts free men. less dining departments. They ope­ the Oolden rircle". In IHS5, and the Ing of (»earls before «w ine I want l* . Albert lluahnrll Hart, professor N EW YORK. Eeb. 24—The Right hare made, will ever attest to the wta- realizing fully the responsibility *t- rate with a cook and one or two wai­ chief object of thia organisation waa hlm to kuow that I appreciate the emeritus of history at Harvard Uni- Rev Magr Thomaa M. O'Keefe, pas d«m of that great emancipator. tacbed to our freedom, and like the ters which In most cases have been to help preaerve alavvry aa an Insti­ work that he haa done, and I want veralty; Dr Jesse E Mooreland. of tor of 8t Charles Borromeo church. E’,*,n • » prisoners we are today prisoner« Lincoln freed let our Bubae- Filipinos with a sleeping car porter tut ton ■PPr*r ' ' " ' '*»•* t. • » ■ lawyer. New York City; and John K Hawkins, here. 45 of whose «9 year« of life mo™ fortunately situated than were quent actions prove to the world that usually running in charge. Aholltloniat Indiana were ortanlxed h,m would hank on the rerord hr haa made Washington. D. C.. members of «he were devoted to ministering lo colored those millions of prisoner« that Lin- our emancipator was wholly juscfied For several years the Pullman com­ tut«» a group known aa "Keetowah ** pany haa been experimenting with Fil­ An lutereatlng fait la that approxi­ but that I will not be a party or parcel Executive Committee of the Board i»f Catholics, died Sunday night In the ipino attendants on the club cars of mately Cherokee Indiana joined to a mun«*y ralalng achrn»#\ of which TrosHHMi o f th* University attended rectory after a ahort illneaa you. sir. are to he the recipient by the performance, Monalgnor O'Keefe, who served as such crack trains aa the 24th Century, the conflict of the alxtlea, while 11,000 the aavlng of a life which au far haa assistant in the Church of St. Bene­ the Broadway Limited, and Libertv, aided with the Union In IM I, the never beuefitted Society. dict the Moor all of his priestly ca­ and the Commodore Vanderbuilt and '‘nation ' met In convention ami «le«-id PERMISSION TO A P P L Y reer, with exception of the past three ¡2 other limited and extra fare flyers. rd to atgn a treaty with the Southern Truattng that with the aid o f dtetton- years, was beloved by FOR ENTR Y TO U S. GRANT- M all the colored , Mr L D M“ h,'ne' promtD" U Por*' ^ M him ^ M r .nd Mra John The presence recently of nnmerona U«»nfedera« y, hut when the tide turii«*<1 nriea and encyclopetllaa you ran under- Itople in general and colord Catholic. l « d attorney and writer who ha. oc- month old child of Mr * nd J ^ ‘' new Fillplno. in one w two r, n road agalnat the South. It waa deemed es- aland what I mean. I lieg leave to re­ ED KID CHOCOLATE in particular. He followed the colored rupled o ffice. In the Panama building Qoren. on February 22nd at the home yards in Chicago where they are un­ pod lent I«• make tm auch treaty, and main, population in Ita movement for lower tot aome time, announces his removal of It« parents. S30 E. Sherman Street dergoing intensive training for the new thoae «ah«» had aided with the Confed­ NEW YORK Keh 23- Kid Choco- to upper New York when 3(1 year, ago to 514 Dekum Bldg , where he will of tubercular bone from which serlrce the In- ca.nsed reporta to spread like Your moat obedient servant eracy were made Ineligible to ho|i| W. Robinson U « . ind hi. manager. Lula UuRlerrex. the Church o, _Benedict the Moor he glad to see h i. C e n t , and friend, f n« had suffered tor^ - j e . r wild fire among Pullman Car Porters office in th«» tribe Su« h w on» regard (Signed » (\ Funeral services were conducted by have been granted permission by Ihe was moved to 53rd st. And following and other employes that grave chan- «•«I « n having "suri •*ede<|" from the Rev. Daniel G. Hill on Friday morn- CWH Y u S department of labor last week the further transfer of the city '« col- Mr*. A. Ballard of Norfolk. for Uhf-ri'k* «• Nation n ' o'clock" from the Miller and * * » "> »‘ r position, - e r e Im­ lo reapply for admission lo Ih l. conn- «red population to Harlem, he was as merly of Portland, sends her renewal Ing at minent. W ell posted porters are auth- IH Dlctale,| In the presence of with Mrs Beatrice He waa to the Advocate In a recent letter in Tracey Mortuary oritiea for the statement that the ef­ Iry. on the recent barring of Choco- signed In 1929 to 81 Charles Clarence Ivey and V K Keene, The deceased leaves be- mude a domestic prelate In May. 1924. which «he asks to be remembered to attending. fort at unionization among porter*, late from this country. ce W P Myera sides his parents, a sister. Donna Jo AU 8PLU N D DRUG STORE friends. which has been strenuously and effec­ Warden and cousin. Doris Anderson. John tively resisted by the company, has eOe Mr Ivey. Federal prohibition agents, recently Wesley Goren was the ^grandson of M ( q r<.prlMll) by ,h(. u t, „ , nd thst arrested Frederick T. Douglas* and 'he late Rev and Mrs^ J. \N. Ander- ^