4 PAGE TWO T H E A E D IT O R IA L S distinguish the stun-r«1 from the Ir* l-oater ami more than a strewd law yer'a ability In loading a witness up to a decisive climax llohmd all ihla there »tumid ha voarn of r ip a r ia n « In developing those attributes The man. too. should have a nature so generous and so disciplined by his sense of Justice that popular clamor cannot In fluence his a d s as often awakened by a false as a true showing With a Itch a man In the office, the deprave«! w««ul«l. hy a black art-lnstlnct. evade the city and those hens would cease to ply their sinister callings knowing that there was an e>e always watch Ing them Since there is to he a change In this oftlce. we hope that the mayor- elect. Joseph K Carson. Jr., has ap­ pointed the right man for the Job l A U m O A V . J A N U A R Y 21. K M A D V O C A T E < New World Order «SOCIE y ! VERBAL SNAPSHOTS i. ■ Y W. W H E ATO N Mre l.ury Nash, of Oakland, C ai, 'that r« tiglons have perished and nre » » Itole «in Tuesday lo viali ber inu­ The gallery of Ihe It, 8 Senate waa born'. tili, John llerudon. Founder E D. C AN N AD Y, . . Might w< not alr<-ady discern, as s i packed Moniluy. Jan 9. In anticipation scan the political horllou. the align of eeuaattoniil nralory during the re­ Mrs Sarah William», of Itemi. Ori- , ment of those (u rrrt that are dividing sume of foreign debts There was plen­ Published Every Saturday at ¡111 N Enlertnl as Second l lass Matter In the afri-Mi III« ««Illtlllent of Kurope ‘nt«i ty skirmishing among Ihe outposts, s a » n visitor tu Ihe City on Snudar E. 2«th Avenue. Portland. Oregon P«'st Office at Portland. Oregon amps ef potential roinl>atan(a. deter- with now and then, n salve which W'hlle bere »he was Ihe guest of Mia Under the Act of 1912 Telephone GARFIELD 752S mined upon n content that may mark. geve warning of pending battle There J WiU'ams of llevch elreet unlike Ihe last war. the end of an wag a rumble, then a roar as two of epiteli, a vast epoch. In the history of Ihe foremoet gladiatore lit Ihe forett- Among rnlnreen such ihauge. |M>lltically as fundametilsl ami Ilia, rspectively, rame together Sena liurpet and Miss Irene I'allerson and w Ideapread and basic upheavals, whi­ . . Columnist PeNorval Unthank . Health E«1 W . J. Wheaton . spiritually as benefleent as that which 1er lilt am Johna«in atarted Ihe fire­ escort Molh couples w. re m eolivri.- ther In ihe social, sconomlc or ooliti Puck J«u-dan . . It Is hojHHt that Miss Ingersoll will Seattle Eilttor precipitated the fall of the Roman works »lie n he are used Senator Morali Donai evening attire C o lu m n is t_______________________________________ Clifford Mitchell cal spheres of human activity as be able to obtam sufficient employ­ Umpire In Ihe W est? Might II not liar- of withholding certain Information re Subscription Rstes payable in advenes ment in her profession as a nurse to thi>ae now going on In dlferent parts pen — every vigilant adherent of Ihe gardlug the Hoover In veì eoiiveraa "CO UNT AND COUNTESS" PRE Kelly Miller . One Year. S2.50: Sin Months. *1.50 warrant her remaining In Portland. of the world Never have there b-en SIDE OVER RO YAL F E A ST Faith «'f llaha'u'Uah might well pause Ilona prei-mllug Ihe moratorium of ao many and varli-d sources «<( danger Columnist Three Months $1.00 Ralph Clyde . . The "Count mid Counlesa" Adama foreign Indebt«'«liieas Molli ai-natura Oregon always needs good cltitens. lo reflect — that out of thla world ns tho.ie that now thr«>at< n Ihe struc­ This Is an opportunity for colored rupllon there may stream forcea of nl* masters of ln V eel Ire and sareasm were hoala at Hie "Royal Feaal", last ture of society. The fiillowtng W«ir«ls of “ “ peopl e especlallly to show their ap- these signs and wonders that arenili- When M waa summed up bv ihe gull Sunday evening si their "l'a la r e " 10(0 lUha'u'llah aro Inde«'«! significant ns TH E ADVOCATE IN EVERY W H IT E the American Negro? prectatlon for our young people who imnleil ihe esiabllshm« nl of Ihe Fallii cry the opinion of Ihe majority was. Eaai Itlh Street North Seat«-«! al we tutus«» to reflect upon the present HOME IN 1933 W e are living in an age when the Prepare themselves to serve mankind of J»»us t’ hrlst? Might Diere nul *• Dial Ihr California senator hail won Ihe "Koval table" were "Maron and nate o f a strangely disordered world merge out of the agony of n shaken *'? tile narrow maigtn of three polii's llaroness" l(e«-«l; "Duke and Dill liens'* ....... - ' world is experiencing the death throoa ---------------------- -How long will humanity persist in its For the last past twenty-nine years, of old out-worn customs and prejm'i- TH E ADVOCATE IN EVERY W H ITE world .» religious revival of such scope The main inilnl was that the Callfor Morgan slid Ihe Prince and Princesa'* «waywardness How long will injustice A delectable three-course TH E ADVOCATE has been published res and the agony of labor In the Hr:ti HOME IN OREGON IN 1933 . .. * and power as to even tranai-end the nlan remalninl calm aud collect«-«! Franklin continue: How long is chaos and con ... ,. . The gtieala w er« poti-ncy of those world directing forc­ aa he showeretl verbal shot which lili fessi was served in the City of Portand. It Is a weekly of a new era. Today Is the day of per- ---------------------- | newspaper, independent, politically, sonal investigation Everywhere Indl- Again we extend our slnci're con -j u,,on re gn amongst men om is with which the lii-llglons of Ilia Ihe target, while his niilag«nl»l he presented Individual randies In unique published in the interest of the color vidua1» are investigating and seeking gratulatlons to Charles O. North on I 0 ® * scor agitate the see o Past have, at fixed intervals and so came rallied through anger Tin- etui candir .nicks made of marshmallows. ¡society? The winds of despair are. ed people specially and serves as a the truth for themselves. How can winning and holding his place as c««u curding to an Inscrutable Wisdom, re Is no* yet and wouldn't we give an> and life savers with which they found alas blowing from svery dirsction, sod mediator or bridge between the white they know the truth about the Negro stable of Multnomah county. However, vived the fortunes of declining -igea thing lo b«- on Ihe scene of buttle? We their places nl Ihe table ths strife that divides and afflicts the i Additional gui-sls in« lu«l«*«l Mrs and peoples? Might not (he bankrupt­ guess yes? and Negro races In the state. unless they read about or personally regret that the retiring constable human raes Is daily increasing. The 'dames Winnlfrrd Cochran and Cecil It's present owner and editor has lo »o lre their common problems. found It advisable to «-ause so much cy of this present. Dlls highly-vaunted The "Counlesa" wore blue been with the paper for twenty-one t h e ADVOCATE Is the only Negro unnecesary trouble, money, etc., to be 8B* 0 imP «"d in g convulsions and materialistic civilisation. In llartf clear We have rlalnu-d that Ihe ra« ini Teague Ihe years, serviug In various capacities newspaper published In the State of »Pont In reaching the conclusion which c * ° * e* n »corns . inasmuch away the choking weeds that now hin . . « .............. . order spp.ar. to be , ' bU<^ "Ituchcse", while charmiieae; the from printer to editor and vice versa Oregon It's sole reason for existing *•»«• election clerks had already reach lamentably defsetlve' '* ,h* un," 1•,ra' ',,, f,,Dire efflo- distinct from Ihe problems of Ihe And for the same period of time, T H E t» to be of service in promoting more ril. Times are too hani for one to " rescence of Omi s struggling Faith? darker races In other purls part« of • 'hn “ I’ rlnreaa", brown crepe; Mrs Cnch The disquieting Influence of over re<1 chiffon and Mrs Teague, ADVOCATE has striven sincerely and f o n d ly relations between the races h» T* •I'eml money which could be I«ot Hahi u llah Him«* If nh«H) ll- world an«l ahnuld b« fought out right ran. thirty million soul* living under n.ln It. ml nation of Ilia words upon our here st home continuously to create a better under- by disseminating information which It U6ed **> much greater advantage, W e can sympathize (»eadeil pink georgette The gentlemen crlly conditions throughout ihe conti­ path xa we steer our course ami-1 Ihe » l(h others but Ihe main Issue Is lo were formally a itim i standing between the races and to | to be help and which is nent of Europe; the vast and ever pitfalls and miseries o f (his tn»ubl«*d the Inoptneas of color prejudice In s This marked Die first meeting In Ihe rremote, not only interracial tolerance necessary before the races can begin P O R T L A N D S FIR ST REGISTERED swelling army of the unemployed with Bge More than fifty years ago In n republican form of government s«ich New Year of Die Sunday Nlglil Sup­ but friendship, love and appreciation to sotv their common problems. COLORED NURSE WOULD :ts crushing burden and demoralising t>etween the black and the white peo­ orld lAkka. PnteeDnet fur removed Bs the United States Without IJUI-S- per Club. TH E ADVOCATE is only *2 SO per REMAIN IF EMPLOYED Influence on and pea from the Ills and trials that now ,or Don. ihe existing racial prejudice 1» ; ple. In this Inlrracial work, we feci year — 52 weeks. W e want every . . . . governments , ,M es; Ihe wicked, unbridled race of ar- m,n l It. th an flowed fr,«m Ills IV ,, .............. RESEARCH CLUB RESUMES safe in saying that T H E ADVOCATE white family and business place in 2422 Union Ave N E mámenla swallowing an ever-lnen-ns- AC TIV ITIE S editor led out in the Northwest, not the state to subscribe for T H E ADVO­ these prophetic wonl» The world Is Msny rannol divest themselves of the | Portland. Oregon tng share of the substance of alnsedy In travsil and Its agitation wsssth thought thst the American Negn». Employing a novel plan Introduced rely through the columns of the pa­ CATE and assist us in promoting our Mrs. Meatrlce Cannady-Eranklin Impoverished uaDoua; the utter ife- day by day. Its fact is turnsd towards once a bondsman, should share equal hy Mrs Pollyatin Iteed of selecting per. but In the home, through the helpful and greatly needed program H IE R E H lh A ys moralirallon from which Ihe Interns w iy w ird n tia and unbolisf. Such shall ,y m tlie goyrrnn .n l whose laws g-%. their president, members of the Liter school, college and church organiza­ It Is very little to ask but many toge­ Portland. Ore. Donai financial markets are now in bs Its plight thst to discloss It now t„ him Ihr rights of a full c llli. nsli'p ary It*-search club «'hose Mrs Erank tions. ther will aid very materially. My dear Mrs Ersnklln: president; Mrs I'ollyann creaslngly suffering; the o.i.Uught of would not bs meet and oeemly. It. per- Men ,md won,, n of mi. I I I « . .... ar Adams. Pioneering in such work Is not all W e are anxious for lhat day in our I wish to express my appreciation secular «rut invading what has hlthei »»ra lly will long contlnu*. And when „ „ ap( al r„|lir dlarrtmlnatlon as Reed, vice-president; Mrs Winnlfrrd roses. Many times the very people )BterracU1 relationship when we. the for the complimentary copy of the *° » * ,h*‘ tmprcgnnble ths appointed hour lo com#, thoro the le.s thoughtful Note this Die n .it Cochran, secretary; Mrs Mayme Stan­ whom she thought to help mlsunder- N e fn } and ,he wMte _ ^ , n ||Te pe»c Advoca'e and the publlslty given me strongholds of Christian and Musl'ai than suddenly apptar that which shall time » have orrUlon to trav. l an ton. assistant secr«*tary; Mrs Elsie stood her motives and would censure (,ab,y amicaMy and harmoniously to- through your columns orthod.ixy — these »laud out as ll.e cause the limbs of mankind to quoko sny public conveyance; rap., tally s Teague, critic Mrs llonnle Bogle, trea her for "trying to be white It is gether in the same world, in the same If I am successful In securing suf­ pleasing to observe observe, however, that country. the same state, in the ______ ______ _ _ _______________ gravest symptoms that b.»le III for Thsn and only thon will «ho Divlno olljr street car Note the prranti who surer and chairman of the program ficient work t hope to make Portland Die future atabll.ty of the structure o ' Standard be unfurled and ths Night w„ u|,| ra, he r hang by the strap than committee these same people who adversely critl- -«tv . n,i «* „ „ « i he on the same T ’ ", , , , . , . ' city- ana 11 M on lne “ my home, and also give you my per- The meeting was held at the W il­ m.Mlern civilisation IJDle wonder If |„S»|« 0f Paradise warble Its m»lo- lake the seat b. H e you lovarlst.ly r ‘ sd her interracial activities, them- street. , ., . sonal Ad for your directory. one of Europe's preeminent thlnki-rs dy selves have caught the spirit and In i that person sees naught but the color liams Avenue branch of the Young's Such is the mission of T H E ADVO- Yours respectfully honor.-,! for his wisdom and restra'nt. N>x' week, we will continue this in of your skin They liaik aghast when Women's Christian Association «>n Fri­ the parlance of slang, "everybody's £ ^ T E Clara M Ingersoll should (lave been forced to mxkr io tereatlng subject with the following doing It now. s«ime ,-lher |«er»on with a Imk of In day Wont you. and you. and you aid us bold assertion: The world Is pn»s title "T h e Impotence of Statesman tHIIgenr* und refinement no uim « »1.«* When it was evident that none «»f T H E ADVOCATE has never been a by remitting for your subscription at money making institution even when once? ALL-COMEOY SHOW AT ORPHEUM lug ‘ hrough the gruvrst crisis !u ih.» ihlp." prut with mm« htiluiiee Th** strap han the merntiers present sought the o f- history of civilisation'. W « stand' The ^o«.klet Is written hy Shoghl fe r U intolerant Inmune of Ignorano* fl«'«* of prealdent. Mrs Heed suggest«*«! business conditions were at their best writes another, before either a world Effendi, guardian of the Mahal Cause ¡ that each member write her name 011 —O— —and it goes without the saying lhat RKO-ORPHEUM'S new bill directs DEMOCRATS SET NEW GOAL When >ming llonkitiN waa eit** t»**| a slip of paper These were de|Mislte4| now It is living only through the sac­ ______ the entire efforts of stage, screen and catastrophe, or perhaps before the and publishe.1 by Ihe Nsflonal Spirit dawn of a greater era of truth and ual Assembly of Ihe Maha ls of Ihe U the pr»ftIdent of th** Intrrrarlal con in a ballot hot am) Miss Koberta Hum rifices of its editor and associates. The Multnomah County Democratic band to the promotion of laughter and wisdom.’ ‘ It la In such times', he vlds. h and Canada fereni’e held hy th high school stud m«-rs was call«-«! t«* pick out a slip These sacrifices, of course, have an c » ntrai Committee has opened Derma merriment, with nothing of a serious rnt* of the I'ariflc roant on the cum The first one taken out after the bal­ end. like everything else —and ?I- nent headqua. ters at 451 Morgan Bldg nature but the Pathe news. I- I hr At th* unlvrmity of ('a llforn lj in lots were thoroughly mli«*d. was Mrs. nance in the newspaper office i« lim- ^-be immediate program Includes the On the screen as the feature attrae- j Frank A«lams Bed. quite Practcallv every subscrih- ¡Bcraa, » in Democratic registration I . Don are Lee Tracy and Lupe Velex ln , nhkh w«‘r' ‘ exceptionally impressive. The Muslnoss and Industrial Dirla II« rke|* y. it *im 4 gr«*«t step to*.ird Tw o measures of economy were In­ cr on onr books is delinquent in their at least equal the republican reglstra "Half-Naked Truth", rated a regular I delicious refreshm« tits were aerviul Club .» continuing its regular Tuesday Interra« tal tinderstanding The stu­ Meeting look augurated at the m«*eting la y m en s. If each one would send in tlon; invite all ¡«regressive Roosevelt riot i f laughs, with Tracy raring to a 'Ul‘* ' h<* following program rend -iil evening meetings The girls are at dents — white pr«M|ominating Just a dollar, let us say. on account, republicans to change their reglHra new record of high presure mirth a a , ' o c l* »«lo . Miss RoU-i.a Marlin: goto present having a discussion on Home «(d ui*o 11 young Hoskins as one of at th«- Y Instead of from horn«* t<* i heir rnont brilliant minded colleagues home and dispensing with lunch we could give a much better paper. Don; increase the strength of the a press agent. J A. McArthur; solo, Mrs. Mab«*l an«l Marriage. The « luh m«*t sgaln yesterday after­ and forgot tin* color of hia skin It Is W e cannot give our best thought to Committee at least ten active assis- — O— Aiding in the general hilarity la Shepherd. iThis waa by request of noon in «»rdrr to get under way with our work when we have to spend most tant committeemen in each precinct. Gene P alM te In the role of a circus tlflcers of the Department) The Grade School R«*serves m«*« l the young**r peo pi* who. rontatting Its w«»rk after a long vacation It will of our time chasing the dollar every Saturday The subject of their in their preparation for the battle of 1300 in prizes will be given away strong man Impressed into publicity meet twice per month We. like many other Negro news­ each month for a year. The prizes are schemes by Tracy l-reseu* discussion Is the Story of life, who will eventually solve the YOUNG W O M E N S C H RISTIAN problem of racial differences in thi ne papers using the syndicated feature to go to those who bring in the mosi David. ASSOCIATION NEW S Five RKO vaudeville acts are offer I'nited .States and make tru»* ihe section were unable to give the neees- n#w members to the democratic fold, ed on the stage, with famous Ushe rs, SW EET GIRL GRADUATES sery support to Its publishers back T h « Trojans, boys club, are contin­ words of ThoniMH Jefferson that /’all The regular Sunday evening Vesjier Thirty-two prominent democrats thought readers and "exponents of men East and they were compelled to dls- have agreed to pay two dollars a mo. tal telepathy, answering questions services will be in charge of Miss Do uing their activities, mainly basket­ men »re created equal." Such is th* Th«» Advocate acknowledges wl*h ap­ continue publishing it. B e nor the o- {or # twelve month period and more from patients in the audiences and lores Hurdme The speakers for the ball They have several games recent­ 1 >erI;iration of Independence preciation receipt of nn Invitation from •hers could support them when our afe up daiIy. giving a humorous Impressions of tne (oc«-asion w ill be Misses Dlara Inger ly and are scheduled lo play Albina M las KoRt«<|«*||r Lucille Smith to attend *ubscrib€r8 and advertiser« failed to her graudatlon e lerci sea at Clinton Dr E. T Htdlund, Is presiden’ and results possible when everyone can solland Geraldine Williams The pro on \V--dnesday. pay us. Kelly High S« h«»«»l of Commerce F ri­ Albert Ab«her. Is secretary of the or­ read thoughts Sharing in the featured ( « h t consists of piatio solos hy Miss- AU 8PLU N D DRUG STORE THE ADVOCATE has started a cir­ day, January 2o. at K pm. s ;* t Is Nora Ixckford and her com- « Nellies Eranklln and Elenor Gragg. ganization. 0O0 culation campaign with the following pany of danrers. Master and Gra< e. vocal numbers by Messrs. Allan Ruth­ THE ADVOCATE A few days ago. Mrs. J W. laitlmor a w r y siticele and enthusiastic Haha'. luimt.-.l us a little hooklet entitled. The Uoal of a New World Order" to read. It prove«! of such interest to us that we obtained permirsUui to quote from It for the benefit of the reader» i t The Advocate The first chapter, or rnlher the first few paragraphs are Introduced under Ihe following caption, "The Signs of Impending Chaos 0 now ,T ~ :o at slogan: "The Advocate In Every White Home in Oregon in 1933 Why such a slogan? It is common knowledee that Necro- es read newspapers published by the white people. Daily they read or beer discussed news which is published in these paper» as well as their edlljri- al columns. The average Nejrro k-eps fairly well up with the white world— the same as the old Negro servants In the south knew all about their white employer’s activities, often in and out of the household. How many white homes in Oregon have Negro newspapers coming to them? Comparatively speaking, not many. Is not the white race interested In what one-tenth of the nation's pop­ ulation — the Negro — is doing? To be sure they must be hut most of them depend on the daily newspaper for Information regarding the Negro. W e are sorry to say. that very little constructive news pertaining to the Negro ever finds Its way Into the col umns of the white dallies. The Negro's criminal record Is to be found there. Once In a while a sperlal article of a constructive nature appears in their rolumns especially if it relates to mu­ sic or some other entertaining feature as the appearance of the Tuskepee choir In R.udlo City, New York, is the Negro as a musician is not disputed, but Ihe absence of the regular stand­ ardized news relating to Negroes Is general. Mo-v can white iieople then learn a- bout the Negro, what he is doing, how ha Is faring and what he 1» thin Ing" Certainly not from tha reading of the average white dally. Such Information cun only he obtained from ihe Negro newspapers.. Borne years ago. one might have been severely censured and even os- traclsed from certain circles If he had had a Negro newspa-er come to tils home. But In the light of present day development and mental progress. In- telllgent whites should make It a rule to buv at least one good Negro news- paper. How else can one become ful- ly developed If he leaves onf of h'r education such an Imt ostant Jitudy as T H £ A 0 V 0 C A TE in EVERY W HITE comic golfologists; Ned Im Rm-cs. erford and Guy Holmes; Miss Thel­ Harpist comedian, and the Aristocrat- ma Johnson will be In charge of the IN OREGON IN 1933 _______________________ ic Goats. devotional». For COLDS, COUCHS Defeat of the Sales tax came as wel- Merriment flavors the musical of- -O — S o r e th ro a t, m u a n ila r rhru> The date of the annual meeting has come news to the majority of Ore- ferings of Horace Heidt's Oregonians, m at ir a rh «‘»A p a in «, a p p ly M u*, gon’s electorate. It simply meant add- *ith a wide variety of melodies, nov- been postponed to February Kith in­ fe r o le , th e ’ ’ c o u n te r - ir r ita n t” stead of January 27th as previously ing more to the already overburdened eltv numbers and specialties taxpayer. The Oregon Daily Journal For added laughs there is a Clark announced There will be a pr< gram did fine work in helping to defeat Ihe »nd McCullough riot. "Jitters, the and refreshments. measure Constant vigil must be kept Butler." Mls.i N ellie Franklin Is the new to prevent other measures equally as ---------------------- High School Girl Reserves advisor. detrimental from passing. VE TE RANS ANO W IVES HOLD She is rehearsing them In theli play JOINT IN S T A LLA T IO N which will be presi-nted In Ihe near The Advocate notes the departure of A T A L L D R U G G IS T S future Miss Geraldine Turner former our Mayor-Elect Carson for the Orient With visitors present from as far as ly held the position. in quest of much needed rest and rec­ Albany, Oregon and with the Depart­ reation. W e wish for him safe passage ment staff of the Scout Young Camp over the high seas and a successful and its auxiliary present. Ihe Serg* .nl return home. His trip will be the Joseph White Camp. No 19 and the means of creating more friends for Igulies Atixllliary held a Joint installa­ America. tion of (heir recently elected officers last Saturday night at their meeting It is regrettable that our chief exe Place In Multnomah county court cutives find it necessary to air their bo personal grievance» against each otb O fficer» installed for the camp er. What is to be expected of the av follows: William Ollmer. Commander; erage Mr. Citizen? Shelby Golden, Senior Vice Command er; Robert Lusher, Junior vice- Com A NEW CHIEF OF POLICE mander; A. J. Franklin. Q iiarterm s ter; Thema* Campbell, Officer of the (By E. D. Cannady) Day; J. Ti Davis. Officer of the Guard; With the coming „1 ths change in fihccmun Pickett. Chaplain Mr. Ora the City adminiHtration. there ban ve«, Adjutant; Henry Miles, chief mu- been appointed a new chief of police. Mielan; Dr. De .Vorrai Cnthank. chief His name ih Colonel Burton La who .» Surgeon ; Mr Harris. Senior Color and al! we know about hirn ¡ h what Sgt ; Mr. Glen. Junior color Hgt.; M we have read in the daily j;a;)*-rH. How McGinnis. One-year trustee and Hh* ! ever, we have some idea« of what hy Golden, two-year trustee. kind of a man he should be: honest, oi For the Aiixlllfary, Mrs. Elizabeth REACH for the telephone and <" ur''"« c o u r a * »»««; * M who will fa.-. G. Reed. Senior Vice-Departme _______________ nt nr* - any trn,‘rKPncy. HesIdK* physical .our K|.icnt Installed ihp following officer» hold direct conversation with per­ age' *hould haVi m,,ral '«« r a g .; to Mrs. Winnie I m v I h , President; Mrs c'on,,e<'ra,,- himself, day and nl^ht, to riara Pickett. Henlor vice-president, sons in other cities— nothing, ex­ hls duties. Pursuing his duties, he Mrs. Ignore Anderson, Junior vice- kn,,w no Blends and no eneml- president; Mrs. Alice Holliday, Chap- cept a visit in person, so vividly ***’ -"-'‘thing but justice tor all. lain. Officers appointed are: Mrs. Km brings personalities together. AI1 the*e qualities and iuallfl.-uti.ins rr.a McGinnis, secretary; Mrs. Sadie ar’’ aot tnHUkh With them should Lusher, treasurer; Mrs. Halite Stan- The inter-city telephone is the a " ,,htle knowledge of men and an field. Patriotic Instrucior; Mrs. Millie inHniat» knowledge of the methods ui English Historian; Mrs. Anna Con greatest time and travel-saver ,ad m 'n in ^ e pursuit of crime; an way, Conductress; Mrs. Mary E. Tut *"yp never m.ssea a mark; on a n.r, Guard; Mrs Mah< I Shepard. Mu known to business. ,iad on '*** Instant, like the bio id rician and Beatrice Cannady Franklir hound scents the trail; an Ir.tultlv- Reporter. knowledge of human nature that can ^ At Die close of the installation rite T: z P acific T elu - hone and T elegraph C ompany THE ADVOCATE IN EVERY HOME IN OREGON IN 1933 Slath A Gl.ssn Streets PO R TLAND , OREGON |a » i i i i i i i i i M i i i t « • • • • • • » • • eset• • • • • ! » • • • • • • • • < • • • • s i • • • • » » • • • • M ast• M i i i i m i i i u i m i m i H i H m i i m m m m H i m i u i i i R i i i i i H i H aj Several convelía iiavt» hen V* p irt- « m I fr«»m the union r«*vival R*-rvl««» row Mi itn a«H-ond week. Sgt. Jos«-ph W hile ( amp SPAN ISH AMERCAN W AR V E TE RA N S — an«l— Ladies Auailliary Meets every 2ND 4 4TH SATU RD AY NIGHTS At VE TE RANS H ALL County Court If dump lt .a reported «hat K D Haw Uns o f WllllatiiR avenue !• ili and ««»tifiti « «I In St. Vincent hoRplinl —9— Mra. Hello Dünn, of 4M Williame « venu«» la reported to Iw III and con- flned »o bed at her hotne. Mra. ifeaalc JohtiRon. of Moiitavllla, who I ihn l»4*« n III I m reported lo !»«• iin proved R u i n i ..............u m i l i l i iiiimiHiiiiiiiimiiimiimi No matter what distance between To I CW I j IN CARD I ACT I REOUCED PRICE FOR SHORT TIME and AT FACTORY ONLY Formerly Sold For $18.75 Nr>w S^.Cf) Cewdln Co. 227 DAVIS STREET P O R T L A N D, B Roadway 0685 OR E G O N