SATURDAY, JANUARY », It»» THE AOVOCAT E PAQC T H R U “THE BLENDING OF THE EAST AND WEST” L. O D E FIN D S BLACK AND W H ITE IN HUNGER MARCH (By C. N. 8.) V I V. W. C. A. NEW S (CouMuued from iws* "n r ) „<) upon la the future with lilt h d i « Uml of eveulng. nu n'« first tbousht NEW YORK. Jan. 4— In th« No­ merely relsHvs Irrm * If Ih « meridian curiosity with which ws reaard a mau 1« for utility, auit h* Jot« down hi« ob­ tional Hunger March tb « International i t Greenwich was «elected by the with a tall In other word«, racial pre- serrations In numeral« He who w «t I The llnslne«« and Industrial Olrl« Labor flcf«n «e again cam« forward Washington convention of 1*114 as th« Judies 1« a phenomenon that will pa«« e h «« the setting «un. pursue« wbithei Club will present a pageant of the Nu a« the shield of the working class. a« heals of calculation for the world, that «w «y with tbe march of knowledge |t marches His watchword 1« Progress tlrlty Hunday afternoon at tbe Vesper provocative bo«« attack« multiplied meridian was only conrenllon«), In and understanding and hi« religion Is the cult of tbs fu hour Miss Margaret Wyman Is tbe dl «gainst. tbe Negro and whlta reprea* n- more senses than one; for the little j n , hl. ,.u,|y beginning of Anihropo '" r e He who greet« th. eftnlgenl ret tor and M l«« Nellie Franklin 1« In tatlTe* of the «tarring unemployed, a- English village has no other claim |,,gy w|,en visible ra< Is I traits were dawn Is therewith content and cares charge of the music uml ...-tutu««, long the lines of the march and In the than Its observatory to he the detnar- ltte rhlef indices of rare rlaaelflrallnn. not for further course but rather turns At the same time. Miss Mabel Keech capital Itself. ration line for the lerreetlel globe. |( wgg milg, rg „ y (u make derlurtlons In wonderment to the source wheuce superintendent of tbe Helen Kelley (B y Clifford C. Mitchell) poaaessed tbe ability to sell the city Thousands had made the long trek The line which there divides East from conducive to race hostility The pto It rim e, hence his religion Is the cult Manley community center, will give an a group of Jackoon prisoners re- hall to some stranger; a masonic tem- acrogg country tn jolting trucks, en West also serves to unite them, lienee urera In these field« of science hl't- of the past. The matin disposes man Illustrated tslk on Palestine and the cently brought much credit to Jackson pie to some Investor; s Brooklyn ,jQr|na cold and wind that they might w r msv Improve lh » rhetoric of the metiliach end Cuvier —probably did In contemplation, the vesper hour, to Holy laind. Prison and tb«ir efforts have been bridge to a speculator; and gilt-edge march I d dramatic formation Ip the psalmist and Instead of saying "as far n)l| ,]rc«ni o f aliussa made of their reflection. In the Kasl man lives for — O— published as news In quite a few dally bonds to hankers. street« o f Washington and petition as the East Is from the West'*, ««V «ihnuliiglcst clssslflcallons It wss pci the sake of life; In the West lives for The W elfare Hewing Committee paper«, « « well as our own SCHOOL We do not Insinuate that sny mem- Congress to allevlats by cosh, wlntsr with equal truth. "A s near as lbs East |tp Ians — notably (lobineau and Htew- the means of living Mesdames l( F Morrison, II E flan- NEW S We refer, specifically, to tbe here of the Jackson debating team relief, ihe ravages of hunger and want Is to the W est". Hencs, loo. It Is not ar, chamlierlsln — who misdlrcctsd a few i nwpgrlsnn« we have made dolph. Martha Jamelson and I II Ves- debaters who recently won a two to ever possessed such uncanny volubr- yislted upon li.U00.00« Negro and only when two strong men coming «nthro|>oloalr«l studies Into emotional may h“ l|t u» to understand how Ihe sel, have been busy making garments one decision over a group of Detroit ability— we merely memtlou that many white unemployed and their drpen- from the ends of the earth, «land "faea national antagonism harrier raised hy the Knrarens affect- for the needy. debaters In the auditorium at the New prisoners In many prisons have pos- dents, starving In the midst of plenty, to fare'*, but when the weekeet man, The t«i e cleavage that appears most y d (he thought and mentality of the — O— Prison. sensed such ability. Imagine wbat The police, having lured the marcb- fliln g his eyes ui>nn the polar star, glaringly In the present age lies be- ).;„„( « m| Went Both have only caught The High Hchool Olrl Reserves are Wbat Is written here, therefore, is such ability could do once It Is har- ,.r« i0to a cul-de-sac., taunted them, stretches out his srms. that the two tween the East and the Wsst Asia glimpse« of Ihe whole Neither Is con rehearsing for a play to be given In not news but an anylysln of the facts nessed up with the right kind of use- dared them to c ro «« the boundaries of hemispheres are united and that nnd Europe and here I look upon Am- (,.„( with Itself We are reminded of the near future. that made the debater’s feat news energy? their prison-ltke encampment, eargerly "there Is neither East nor West, bnr- srlra as an e l tension of Europe But the original form of the human being —O — Jackson prisoners have achieved alg- Burh ability, one tbe mind has be- fingered, their lethal weapons as they der nor breed nor birth". Without be- * e know that the rleavage is not a described In some detail by Plato Ac- The annual Christmas party was at- nal success In literary efforts; must- come attuned to the right sort of «ought an excuse, any excuse, for a Ing unlrue to the land o f one's birth, mere geographical concept It wss for- cording to a legend which he recounts, tended by over seventy five children cal accomplishments; general enter- thinking, will carry It« possessor far. wholesale massacre of the 3.000 dele­ one niav say with Henry Clay. "I know m«||y designated as a religious one — n,an was globular with two faces nnd Presents consisted of Xmas stockings talnlng ability; arts; as Inventors; for tbe world today is In need of men K« t g« But they failed of their purpoee no South, no North, no East, no West. Christendom versus Heathenism An«- four hands and four feet He was both filled with fruit, candy and nuls. ,‘prize gardeners; agriculturists, mech- who can not only think d early but by T|rtue af the unvavering solidarity to whb h I owe any allegiance". Indeed ther nomenclature adopted 1« the Old m«n « « . i woman with power to perpe —0 — aniclans and as experts In a variety who can express themselves clearly 0f tbe marchers, their courageous and men and women of the present gensr- „„,| New Civilisation Not Infrequent- mate hie race Ho perfect was he that A beautiful picture, a replica of the 0f vocations, and now aa debaters. to others. splendid discipline In the face of an allon may Improve upon the nr»tory |v the difference expreseed by Kplr- he was too proud to accept the eupre- painting of Rhelms Cathedral In These achievement* have all come Prisoners need missionaries with «peak»ble acts of provocation, of the Orest J'ompromlser aud say, "I |lu«| , „ , i Material Ethnically It bears mscy of the Deity and for punishment Franc« was the gift of Mrs. F Ergert about from the same cause and that such ability not only to teach other , The | L p |aUnched its legal defense owe my loyally to North and South, ( h,. name Colored and White. for hie arrogance he was cut In twain to the Y. Is a policy of educating and encour- prisoners the rood they should travel whgn Ls«wlnson. I.L.D. attorney, tn East and West " Whether ws will None of these distinctions can be Ever since he has never been satlsfl —O— agalng tbe prisoners to exert every but also to teach society how it can kackaj ^ « „ ri- T-rtnn1 mag, preg, ur, ’ or not. the Irresistible power of srlen logical or scientific As to Asia and *d. the one half always longing for the . The N A. A. C. P held a mass- effort towards developing any talent best cooperate by so training the by hondrwj g of W|red protests to Sen- liflc Inventions Is eliminating nail -ual Europe geographers adopt mors and other half Man's mind rests In unity, meeting at the branch Thursday night that they might possess and under youth as to «void the masy entangle- « tori! Congressmen, and the vice- boundaries and racial distinctions Ov- morg lh« term Euresls. and historians As long as our planet Is round, a «eg | ------------------- — such system it Is but a natural result ments that the youth of today now forced « Wrlt of habeas cor er territorial boundaries erected by ||«d tbe great debt Greece owes to tbe mental or hemispheric progress can PROSECUTOR'S S TA TE M E N T PU T that out of several thousand prison- encounter pog r*! * « , ; , « Ihe marchers from the treaties and tariff walls flv seronlsues more ancient Asia la te ly the Parlttc only remain fragmentary and falls INTO GEORGIA COURT RECORDS era many Individuals will forge them- la developing this ability the parti- ruar(1 from Jogt)c« LljhrlBg of rlpants must be congratulated for * unimpeded No legal convention can „ joining together rather than ««par- abort o f complete union Only In mu- -------- selves to the front displaying an abill- clpants ^ s uprgme Court o f the District of check radio communication Very arum sling Asia and America tual understanding between the oppo- ty equal to. if not actually surpassing, their willingness to study and master Columbia, together with an injunction will come television and perhaps tel«- The designation t'hrlstsndom. whlih wit«- points of tbe compass can w e , * ‘ ’nl m'* ' r“ m p* r '' that po«sessed by others and from all technique, language and expression « « « lngt the provocative display of pathy appears for the first time In Ihe En- read the final destiny of the species. Crow, segregation In exclusion In open walks 0f nfe , (while others were playing or loaf- hnJt(, force a([|llBgt ,|,e imprisoned W s sre now standing In the early «||ab language In l l * t . was a vague The national soul Is not Ihe whole of court, nor see white officials cross- Debaters! That's a new one* Who ing) and thns preparing themselves m« rc|,Brg by inform of f 1« 000 period of Internationalism W e are «• « nd sentimental denominstlon. due to man It Is precious, but It Is not all It examined on the stand by Negro law- bTer heard of a prison debating team for an opportunity, such as they re- wortb 0f te« r « « „ « nd « « « 0j « (yp^, yers. Davis merging from nationalism «nd racial « roiiBdousiiess o f the common Inter- cannot lnde«-d develop Itself without Vers. Davis called called as « « witnesses witnesses Jud- Jud- contesting contesting with with a a debating debating team team from from cently cently enjoyed, enjoyed, winning winning laurels laurels for to produce violent nausea, barricaded ges, clerk*. sheriffs. Jury commission- the free world? Baseball games, foot- themselves and the institution. Ism. but sre still under the spell of the rg(« «roused hy the Crusades This outside Influence machine guns, sawed o ff shotguns and Illusions of anihropo polltlcsl chsrm- |«.rrn gradually losing Its religious Int- The pioneers of Internationalism, the crs. and the prosecutor himself, and ball games, basketball games and ms- And. no doubt, the University of c|ubg wbne at ajj hours police sirens era On a very meegre heals some p,ir, was displaced by the secular match makers In the wedding of the prepared to call on more officials ny other kinds of athletic sports— yes Michigan professors who gave of their shrj(,|[wj through the streets and po- pseudoscientists hsve slarmed us with term. "W est” , first used hy Auguste East and West are on the look-out for '»***• **“ d been subpeonaed. when ad-i, but never a debating outfit before. time, for months. In coming to Jack- bile buildings bristled with reserve of­ the inevitable clash between the E «*l Comte end the «election o f this term points o f union and they find there mission of systematic exclusion of Ne- But there Is no reason why prison- son teaching and training the boys tn ficers. marines and squads of cavalry. and the West According to their de- Involved the thesis confirming the u- «««, many. Indeed there Is no poln' groes was wrung out of the Rev John era shouldn't develop themselves in- Ihe art of voluble expression, must The writ*, granted, were never ar­ moiistrations, the rotor of the hair or B||y «nd uniformity of European civ «h e r e the two cannot meet. In what- Hudson and put on the record. to wonderful debaters for In all prl- feel highly complimented In the sox- gued. for under the insistence of mas« the form of Its cross-section may be- uisallon as an antithesis to the culture bVer way the East excels, let the At the trial, a motion to quash the sens are to be found many prisoners derful demonstration given by their pressure the authorities capitulated. ronie a casus belli But man Is not gov af (pg Orient West share In It In whatever the East Indictment on the ground that Negroes with a magnlflclent voluble ability, prison-students, and the professors Washington police raged at the sight erned hy sclenre Technocracy ha» not This discrimination of differences |« wanting, the West will supply. Their were excluded from the grand Jury The only trouble has been In using roust rejoice with the administration, of Negro and white workers marching yet established It« rule He Is still between the East and West certainly yery differences afford the strong ag- that h*nd«*d It down will be Introduced that ability In the wrong channel. that their experiment in this form of aide by side down the streets of tbe swayed hy emotions and sentiments, marks an advance In the progress of reement for reclprticlty. xod Hi* same witnesses subpeonaed Many prisoners hare found them education has proved entirely Justi- national capital. The bine-uniformed fancles and prejudice« Man In general id « , « upon the age when European Even |n so mundane an affair a* Another motion will demand the die- selves In prison simply because they liable. thugs, in '.lne with the provocative Is so made that lust as he requires to B«||«ins did not recognise their roller- |«nlltlea and Business. Japan has amp- missal of the entire Jury panel on the tactic« they had employed since tbe have some one or many to love, so (lTg interests It was a decided step |y shown that the Western Ideas of ground that Negroes are systematical- advent of the marchers, shouted in­ must he also hwve »»ne or many to toward a larger Intergratlon whereby constitutional government, o f rorpor- h excluded from It. sulting remarks, especially when while hate He te not setlsflrd utiles« he hse Europe becomes conscious of a com „ tr business enterprises, can be adopt- Angelo Herndon. l»-year-old Negro and Negroes marched past together somebody to b«>k down upon Ju«t a« mon l««nd d |,y au Eastern people There Is ev- orgsnlrer of Negro and white unem- "Down With Jim-Crow” was one of It la impossible for the human body to a Frenchman and a German, a Nor- TJ reason to believe that China with ployed. Is charged with "Inciting to the major slogans chanted in unison thrive on purely scientific dirt, on un »,.g l«n and a Greek, wss now proud #.«r quick Intelligence will give up the Insurrection" tinder sn ancient slave Perfect Furierai Service by the marchers a* they trudged be­ mixed element« and vitamin« hut that lo p, gn European and found « new present system of anti foreign edura- law The charge rarries the death l l , nd Negro and white section-captain. MRS. B EATRICE REED some quantity of stuff without nulrl sallsfartlon In the enlargnirnt uf their unn and will In a few decades follow penalty. It has been used hy the courts Lady Attendant As they «eng the "International” black live value Is needed. so does It seem esprit de corps. But no hsrrler can the Western example« In w hatever Is of chain gang Georgta In their at- nnd white fis t« shot into the air and — at— that Ihe human mind ntuel entertain prevent the urge of men and of na- useful «nd of good report On the other tempt to suppress the straggles of me hats were doffed. Interspersed with a certain amount of III will, malice. to exchangn wares snd Ideas hand there are definite Indication« Negro and white workers for unity In M ILLE R 0. T R A C E Y M ORTU ARY the enthusiastic sirging were deep grudge, enry. Jealousy. In order to feel « « „ ■ , mental horlxon Is never re- ihat the West Is looking to the East the class struggle, and for national May be reached by calling the Fu­ throated, reverberating crie* of “ No happy When Ihe Christian religion «trlrted hy conventional geographical f „ r light — at least for some kind of liberation of the Negro people The neral Parlor« or her home. Selwtx d Discr ininntion Against Negro Work­ was at the height of Its power In the symbols Catavsus passed unmolested ||«ht The lessons of phyitra are teach- famous "Atlanta Htx,” four white and 5475 She will be pelased to serve you. ers." coupled with yells denouncing relieving you of much anxiety and Middle Age«. W e see that Instead of |,riwern Europe and Asia In the bor- t,lg ,,s how to discover Irradiation In two Negro workers are faced with flo o re r for his refusal to aid the starv­ worry In your hour of bereavement. love and charily prevailing, the faith derlaod between Asia and Europe (he darkest corners of the universe death on the same charge. The basis ing workers. fill followers of the church vented mingled Aryans, Semites. Turanians The lessons of history lead as to the o f the Indictment against them Is Tw o delegations to present the their haired on the Jews and on the Akksdla. Babylon. Assyria. Chaldea. h«.||«.f that no race, however gifted, their distribution of a lanvphiet con- MRS REED hse proven xuch a Marchers' petitions to Vice President heathen The generality of mankind Crete. Egypt aud Greece, and later. ,an -reste their civilisation unitldod talnlng a picture of a Negro and white help, not only to her cm-lovers, ner started out from the line of march but to tbe Colored Patron« In gen­ cannot sustain life on pnrefood. phy »„m e . were all Interrelated The Ural nnd alone Was Athenian art lutaslble worker slinking hands The Indictment eral. ihat during the pael two under the fcadershP) of Wiftiam Rcy alcsl or mental I believe It Is s sign mountains are nowhere too high lo without* Japanese art against Herndon la based on his pos year« M ILLE R A TR A C E Y have nobis nnd Herbert Beniamin. In Rey­ of progress, however, when a people rr(1„ The straits of Dardanelles can would have been an Imposlhlllty wllh- session of ihe Ikally Worker, and other handled 90 per cent of the Colored nolds' rontengent were three Negro«*, look to distant people« Instead of lo i*. „wum across The Aegean Sea Is out the aid of Chinese. Indian. Thlh-t vtorklng class publications, which cir- Funerals. one a woman. Tw o Negroes served those nearby for an object lo tour oul dnllrd with stepping stones of Islands an Persian, and Greek art. The law of rtilate freely in the mails throughout s* delegates in Benjamin's group. their vials of wrslh upon ll seems to A s to the Pacific In prehistoric times le latlrltv holds good In all human *.rl the country. Immediately after çresentation of be a refreshing exerrlse to give full |he ancestors of Ihe Indians passed vmgs. As Ihe poet Bailey says All workers and workers’ organiza- W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T the petitions the marchers prepared vent to all the hitter feelings on some Asia on foot to America hy way " TIs light traiisliiteth night; tloa ure urged to send protest tele- Between 20th and 21at still bcuDd hy the same orderly dis- hr any dyspepsia and gastritis» and puts an shelter, already procured, was await­ gives us a ««-ii««* o f superiority Hera n,,t n|#.a( )t does not fly — being Ice will tie the East and Ihe West closer. | Ther was one funeral which Millet upset condition of the stomach to end to dint ness, nervousness, head­ ing tb->m. A delegation from the I.L. a racial prejudice aela as a sislatlye r«| g||(| prarth-nl It deyelnpa In a llm- The yery differences should he the A Tracey fnrnlshssl complete without Bpeedily vanish. ache. sleeplessness and despondency And why should any man or woman which distressing troubles are nearly D. immediately went to tbe City Conn- and even as a tonic Hut there Is still nr,,M with a homogenous popuhi- binding ton . any cost to a m-dy family, •uffer another hour with Indication always caused by chronic stomach d ! and forced the ronncil to rescind or any stomach misery when the rem­ disturbance. another reason for recommending rare w hom It Imbues with socalled edy that acts almost Instantly can be Dare's Mentha Pepsin is a supremely its ord-’ r nnd permit the marchers to prejudice for Its medicinal effect. If. in patriotism ll seems to me that art and eaally procured? good remedy that druggists every­ Hut there la more to aay about this where guarantee—a fine tonic that rest in hat's provided for them to get the presence of two objects, we ex- (a-p.m.,. have always to he dragged lie- remarkable remedy— s o m e t h i n * % t h a t builds you up and makes you work preas our disapproval for one. It la gen h(,1(| eopla. soundly. go on. eratly 'molted that w « like lh « other moving government. I sometimes won- If In a country w e speak III of aliens. (|, r jf nationalism which Is the essence Meanwhile the fleht to release im we are believed lo love the natives ,,f gj| «overnmenta has not In-en the nrlsoned Negro and white worker*, ar­ Professional patriots ply Ihrlr trade chief obstacle of human progress Na- rested In score* of cities and booked III U |||M" ‘ ^ by abusing foreigners as Ihe cheapest tlonallsm Is a nect ssnrv erll In Ihe on a myriad framed-up charges l* be­ process of showing their supposed fl- march of human cnltnre. At Ihe same ing steadily carried forward by the drllty to their compatriots In this t,me premature Internationalism liln- I.L. D. case the abuse of aliens arts as a all- dcra such art and Ideus aa ran In* best Definite steps are being planned, mulani nnd an antidote ngalnnt un nurtured w-ltliln national hounds. Hrt- too. to counteract and throughly ré­ popularlty. ting aside these Idle apiH-iilatlona, let pudiât'“ the lying "news” stories thnt Ho we may consider race lilgolry a llg |t>0k at some menial dlffersnlla- appeared while the march was in pro- niitural and even a profitable exerclso ||nng efected hy the long continued gress in many white newspapers, of Ihe human mind and la freely re- separation between the two lieluts ranging from the stately New York sortoti to hot won the Kiist Hint Wont ; h«*rra Times, the reactionary Herald-Trt- Hut matt la hiconalatciitly Imtnicd with It la ««alii that tho Kpnlua of th»* H**t bune. the Hearst and Scripps Howard » ilhout a doubt, the bent article of Its kind — a con tho oniotlona of love, which counter- spiritual, mystical, paychlcal. mul chains to scurrilous tabloids like the Intuition H A IR GROWER and H AIR STRAIOH- Italancca hate, ami aa It grow a by con that of th»* W ait la material, actu-.L one In Wilmington. Deleware. in which TENER. G ive» the hair a n.-it iral soft and iillky ■tant contact wllh one’« fellow-men, physical. Many believe that th»* fort«» many Negro workers and scores of appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most the power of hate tenda to decline. In- W(.|| nN (he fault of the Knut I n r«*- white workers were beaten up and hopeless case. ter national communication steadily pylon and sentiment, and that of the then arrested for “ disorderly conduct” weaken« racial animosity and Ihe pu a- \vHst. science and reaeon. Some aay and extolled the “ cltixen army" of Our High Brown Hair Oeowe- flennlon of that sentiment will he* that the Ruat delight« In irrnerallr.n- Cunborland. Md.. which met the peace­ "tand« ■■ one of our hlghes lion am! unlveraal concepta, and Ihe ful marchers with machine guns and ehlevements — It 1» a peeper threats, and deplored piously the In­ West Iti '¡>nrtl<-iiInr■* inni «in ib ii know- Mon we look upon wtth pride lodge, thgt the ono lenii« to phlloao. formation that Negro and white work rrowth. phv and Idea«, inni thè other tn prue- ers rode in trucks together and march­ tire inni fucta. tlint Orientai logie la ed shoulder to shoulder. Make« the har soft and lux d edtyt've nini II* ni'giimenls negative; The Washington Daily News report­ urlous, «timulating a healthy in y o u r cakes. tIli,t Oerldentnl logie 1« IndllCtlve alni ed an Incident that occurred on De­ growth. II» nrguments positive. Mnny Ih Ini; cember 6, when 25 policemen and a THE DOUBLE TESTED thnt In polttleiit nnd soditi lite, solili- lieutenant surrounded a car in which Distributed by nr'tv »m i aodnllHm dinrarterlxe thè rode eight men, to of them Negroes. DOUBLE A C T IN G T H E B RO A O W ILL Rasi, nnd Indlvldiinllani nnd liberty the ‘T om e out of there, you lousy white DRUG STORE West It 1« «alti ngnln thut the Astntle trash, travelling around with blacks,” PO R TLA N D , OREGON ritmi la Impersonili nml rejeeta the a policeman shouted Four of the men »o riti, whereaa the Euro penti minti I» were hauled from the car and rough­ persomil nnd eiijovn the World. The ly handled. «treiiKth of Europe Dea III the mnntery Rut every paper, including the most M A D E O N L Y D V T H E •^FOROVER / of mini over tinture, nnd the wenkneaa reactionary, was forced to sdmit on of A»in In the mnntery of tinture over the overwhelming evidence that a- mnn. In the Inml of the mornlng, tnnn mong the Hunger Marcher* dlscialine C H IC A G O 3,5 ounces for 25{ look* for beauty flrst and writea hi* RETIRED FROM N A A. C. P. EX CU TIVE FORCE AFTER 12 Y E A R '9 and unity of black and white workers tm iiiiiim iiiittim tiitm iiniuuutiiHHii'Hiiiitiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiititiiiiiiiiitiiiiuihiiiiiiiiit fllttlng thought* In tiumher*; In thè CERVICE A8 DIRECTOR OF BRA CHE8. SEE STO RY PAGE ONE t i m o n i O f P O U N D ! U l t o HV reached Its zenith. Jim Crow lines O k i e C O V I D N M I NT utterly disappeared. PRISONS and PRISONERS MILLER & TRACEY To All Who Suffer Stomach Agony, Gas and Indigestion h i CH-BRO wn HAIR GROWER WITHOUT AN E Q U A L - /FINE TEXTURE I f / * BAKING A t POWDER SAME PRICE 42 YEA# OVERTON HYGIENIC MFC.CO. gsuv