PACK T W O T H I SATURDAY, A D V O C A T E JA NUARY 7, till «c e e e e re e e c e e e e e c e e e e c e e e e e e e e e e e e c e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e c e e e e e e e c e e e e c e e e e e c e e e c . rlted T h e» are without representation but under the sales la » Mississippi makes them pay taxes, as England did the American colonies. They can't vote, but Misslaalppl can. by the sales tax, “ tax the last rag from thru hacks and the last bite from their mouths," as Pitt said to "my lords." And there la another unfortunate gToup of people In Misslaalppl They are luckless folks, often referred to as "poor whits trash" Propertyless and poor, little educated aud poorly equip­ ped to meet questions of state, they are taxed to lighten the tax burden of the big plantations. Meanwhile. Mtsislppi la the second highest state la the I ’ nion in illiteracy. Her people are 17.2 per cent Illiterate. Oregon's illiteracy la I per cent. And they w ant Oregon to copy Miss­ issippi' —Oregon Ibtily Journal. Jan. 3, lS.l t mm Ipluma that are usually given out for our readers minor politicians. The economy axe Thanking you for this cooperation, la In the air ready to fall Accusations that together we may render a sub of extravagance have been ihrowu staiti lai aud worth while servies, we back and forth like a almilla cook are .Mauy plana for future political prefer­ Slnceraly ynura ment will he made, and many will go "eglea.” Certainly la heaps of fun to B AX TE R H HCRIUOK, Ks Sec. ■Y W. J. WN RATON watch the Circus and see the aulica E. D. C A SN A D T .................................................................................... rounder of the trained animala. Of course, -T H E RAILRO AD TO FREEDOM" The Interest In old man Stinta of ,h„ , „ * U| uol |r«lu HUNGER IN S T R U C T IO N » OIVEN By Hlldegrade Hoyt Swift Published Every Saturday at 2M8 N. E. 2«th Avenue, Portland. Prrgon Clause haa been so great, and follow­ (Harcourt. Brace A Co New York! ] ing so numerous lhal all other news TH E Y W A N T THE AOVOCATE Reviewed by CLIFFO RD M ITC H E LL Telephon« GArfleld 7S23 Kiste Hunger March Commina» haa been secondary. Ills llluerary has 34»H Alder Rt Young Men's Christian Asan attracted so much attention, and the Harriet Tubman was born a slave Portland. Ora. Skill S ire d Brauch allurements of bis travel so tar reach BEATR ICE CANS'ADY-FRANKLIN, ............ Editor and Publisher In Maryland about 1S21 and died In ls>s Alígalas, C a lif. Jan & To the lug that the luWrnatloual aud uatioiial . . . .1 i j ufsal Manager and t MiyMiMr FANCY FRANKLIN............................... Auburn. New York. March 10th 191J doings hava been lost sight of. The Editor:— W e are writing to request The Advocate WILLIAM PICKENS ............................ ...........................Contribuant Faner Even as a girl ou the southern plan question of prohibition repeal light you place the name of the Twenty- j m « Northeast ?our T th ic.n,,,. ,i,. Advocate SOSA L IE B I R D _____________________ ------- Society Editor and Reporter era. Life lo her waa a serious affair ...................... .. .......... .. To the «amor of me auvo « ate ___ ____ the wets and drva have struggled for exchange Hal. In order iliat w# may DeS'ORY A L U N T H A N K . M. D_______ Health Editor and she couldu't accept the fate of Contributor a place in Ihe spotlight with but a receive a complimentary copy of your Kuciosed la » copy of the N A N C Y LE E ............. ...... being a slave without making attempts nominal succeaa. Before this la read newspaper. Bulletin Issued by the Oregon Stale CLIFFO RD C M ITCHELL, R A LP H CLYDE. K E L L Y M ILLE R . Columnist» to tree herself. Ihe llecr question will be settled one laisAngelee, localed ill (he extreme Hunger March tVinm calling upon all Subscription Ratos (P a y a b le in A d v a n c e ): One Year, $2.50; Six Months, way or the olher. If It la mustered weaieru part of our eountry. with a workers and farmers organisations "The Railroad to Freedom" la a $1.50; Three Months, $1 00 AROOR AND D ETERM INATIO N through the Senate it la faced with a Negro population of about 40.000. la „ud any gi nip of workers and farmer» most Interesting. Intensely stirring Entered at Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon. presidential veto. Should lhai happen isolated by distance and general eon- to elect delegates lo send til Salem, novel hull! around the life of Harriet Under the Act o f 1912 By Myrtle W Campbell there will be no furthr- legtnialiui. on la d from the big centers of Negro I Oregon, lo present demands for lm- Certain peoples have certain chara­ Tubman, or "M oses” as she became ihe m ailer at this "Lame Duck" srt population This population cornea mediate and adequate relief for Iha cteristics. features that place them known. She escapes from a cruel mas­ aion. from practically every aeclion of ihe unemployed, lo Ihe alale leglslalur# which does not require government ter. making her way north where she In a certain category and determine -------- country. It la. therefore, a special aer- ‘ January 9. 1933. panaceas with added taxes, bureaus what they are able to accomplish In attracts the Interest and attention of President elect. F. I* Rooaevelt; has vice, that Is gr fitly welcomed, when | W e would appreciate If you could and thousands more public employes. |lf” For example, the people who the great abolition leade'a and she That way 1» by taking advantage of g, n lfd lh„ country and ,atd folul devotes herself to the cause of freeing declined to enter Into .uiy formal eon we rau place on our racks a news give some comment on the enclosed the snnuity plan, which has long been d, t|0B for our pr, g„ n, ciT,)lM(en. as a New Year's reso- drawings. ees are^n authonty and hence d.> „nee held we„ p a * position. Today ,uUoD , hgy woaM fo„ ow th f „ an, pIe Some months past there were a minate. y day sees the Negro they ar, wardt of the g u te . or must of ^ o( ^ repub„ c Gjrd number of young Negroes funned to losing out in the economic world ••MAKING YOU S E L L " 1 depend for existence upon charity. The flame by Ihe propaganda of Commun­ By Bob Andrews is the last to be hired and the first to .„n u itv would have saVed m ,hem*e l r i * * ' ,h nob,e ^ »rs c te rls tlc s . be laid laid off off under under the the economic economic strain strain . u’* ln ,hel1' mind« through study and (Fireside Publications. Inc. -Chicago) ism who visited Russia. The Invlta be RKACH for the telephone and the future, it will save those who take erudition, and uplift them with b eau ty.ReTlewed by CLIFFO RD M ITCH ELL lion of Ihe Soviet government seemed He is insulted and aaaaulted and has adTantage of It now. when they a w ,l a i t l f t i e A A m • 3« ox n h w a i c a l V, .. 1 «• s*.. most alluring and they were thrilled . . are and culture. As the physical body re- little recourse anywhere. His vote able to e « « a good living and spare n w u , he |((thf w „ hlB §uch , coura>- hold direct conversation with per­ with Ihe prosepcl of having first is sought but he is given little or no a few dollars a month for the sake For many w eeki I had been reading hand evidence presented to them sons in other cities— nothing, ex­ would fortify them to meet any con­ an advertisement that appeared in a consideration when it comes to divi­ pf old-age security. dition of life and soon place them In great many of our colored papers and Moat of them have returned, and II 1» ding political patronage: he la taxed cept a visit in person, so vividly Interesting. If not amusing lo read the sun. They wouldn't have to talk which contained the caption: for institutions he is not permitted to OUR NEW NUMBER and hear Ihe diverse accounts of their about industrial and social equality. use; his education is hampered from "Thla Man Is Never out of Work • brings personalities together. trip. Some of them have glowing they would simply just fit in. the lack of his proportion of public He's a Salesm an!" and being The Advocate wishes to announce arrounla of Iha treatment accorded The inter-city telephone is the somewhat Interested from a psycho­ school funds; his children graduate at iti new g,r w t name and numb«.r No, them. Others are not so enthusiasm- logical standpoint, in all manner of college and must find work in the me haTe not moTed we re tn th i , ame A GOOD W OM AN PASSES lifter Ihe experience ll might lie that greatest time and travel-saver white man s kitchen; he still rides in pU„ W(? haTe ^ for th€> ,, salesmanship and advertising. I an— we are dense or incapable of analyst», swered one of the advertlaementa. separate coaches on railway trains in yeMn bm in the new g, rw t numb^rin, (By E D. Cannady) known to business. but It bas been our opinion that Ihe the south and cannot find a room in a and nan)jn({ program recently carried "Leaves have their time to fall and which, in lime, brought me Ihe hook. Negro Is being used as ihe spear bead decent hotel to rest his weary head. out by tbe e|ty bag changed winter is the north wind’s breath, but "Making You Sell" . by It. S. ("B o b ") lo puncture the existing standard of And why? t0 25ls and 2 IY i h . k w i i C ompany To any one who know. Negroes, the changed to Northeast 2«th Ave. Death" I environment of ihe "Darker Paopl«," Sutln«ta Offict, 352 Oak Street Telephone: ATwreter 6261 answer is obvious. It is because Ne- Now „ lg 2516 N E 2 — , he reward that comes to a life dollar proves conclusively that he is a lie that it Is fallacy to have a duel recognise their own intelligent leaded That Oregon should Copy Mississippi ilke h e r i- wh,ch ,urne,, 48 n3tUT»liy ¿ 'r»« k" r J,ok ro<" 1 »«Icsman. citizenship within a republican form ship ; not until they admit God Into m ,he matMr (,e8t 4nd *UDD‘" t ho" r8 first thing in order is for the intelll- lordg - you can a f r M , mgny ar. !- h e n she was laboring In His vine- right closing methods a tremendous Improvement. .Not In gent Negroes in every community to t(c|ea of dafly ug* and ngc^ggity go in. ¡7»rd How many who read these line« typography only, but in the editorials "'Making You R#U” rontAinn many and the news get together- just as the Ignorant de- dlrect,y tbat' tbe p ^ p ,« wIU pay th^m * 1 « f»c »H her faithful devotion lo the W e have very few Zion A M. E. Church many year» ago. point**™ that will prove helpful for papers that can be called “ trimmers,’* structive types get together to put am] not know u Always gentle, self-sacrificing and ev­ tho*e **nKA«r*‘*l in the aellmit field and There seems to be a defin it« purpose. over their program The intelligent, An.z.a L , , 3 known “ to > fall hi-r Bps. I ir.a She Iffipw e ore » nii.-it iniiM of 296 ALDER ST. must I»«» Uy aside ihi. their petty a differences a„ ’ of „ „ „ „ afe digfrancblg. '»»> from "o m her knew in Ing organisation, of manv many of of our our hire«* large ^ ^ ^ ^ of (>(lr y, ^ EDITORIALS ' THE ADVOCATE uou u£uu VERBAL 1 CVI KW SNAPSHOTS hook rar uamr om 1933 ! No matter what distance between To HENNESSEY & GOETSH burlerai ‘D irectors ‘/¿oy & (\ 1 oiin and jealousies and outline a p r o g r a m ^ Tbey m c,|lleDlli are dlglnhe. of community activity In connection | with the same forces of the white 1 race and they must carry it out « ; M Y R T L E spite of everything. They must make i the Intelligent white people recognize j them and their position by the intelli­ gent method of doing things It will not be long before the "me. too. Boss" ! —From The— and the “ Uncle Tom " type will rea­ lize that their day is over and unless i GOOD H E ALTH COOK ROOM they are willing to fall in line, they will be left behind. If the Intelligent ICO per cent puie Rye Bread Negroes In any community had the and Whole Wheat Bread, Rolls, guts to do It. It wouldn't be long be­ Cookies and Cakes fore they could command the respect — O— and cooperallou ot every right think­ CALS I DINE VEGETABLE ing white In the community every­ IODINE BREAD where and In this way, they would soon put an end to all this injustice Over one pound TRinity 2840 and mistreatment which the Negro is WE DELIVER PRO M PTLY now receiving. In outlining their program there must be room for solidarity— united * 1 “ * front representation, industry, produc­ tion, business, building, economy and thrift; there must be a program of activity for better sanitation, housing, education, religion and every thing that goes to make for a good, up-stand­ oOo ing citizen. Mere words will not suf­ fice but must lie hacked by deeds SIXTH A GLISAN STREETS and acts of service to God and hu­ PORTLAND, OREGON manity. It Is our hope that as we stand face to face with a new year, that the Ne­ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e i gro In America will wake up before it is too late; that he will make a firm SGT. JOSEPH W H ITE resolution to accomplish greater Spanish American War things in 1933 than he has ever done in a single previous j'ear. VETS And this can only he done through unity. Meets ' » OLD AGE SECURITY 2nd A 4th Saturday N flirts tleattf) föreac À usplu n d dru# sttre A writer In the recently observed way of el mlnating verty stricken old American Mercury that there is cne the danger