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About The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1932)
REORGAMZE UNV STAFF TH E An VOLUM I IH . NUMIIKIt I In d e p e n d e n t IN T W O BEOTIONB ADVOCATE Peper Dem oted to th e I n t e r e • «• mf th e P e o p le PO R TLAND , O R IO O N . IN T W O SECTIONS ........ Digesting . . . . . Tße 'fllevìs BY CLIFFO RD 0. M ITC H E LL COVERING T M I COUNTRY I b i « t be.n caked to publicity *n* lyse > «(atvuivut m u ll to thle col umn a (aw weeks ago (" I Olvs T h an k «") wherein I slated tbal tbla syndicated column appeared elmultan- roualy in ovar fifty colorad public«- tluua ratularly and In bait that many mora at varloua interval« a a a P R I C t P I V I CENTS A COPY PORTERS RECEIVE FINANCIAL BACKING 'LABOR FEDFRA- BRUTAUTY CITED IN FLA. PRISON INSANITY R EM " " “ A Million Children TER’ S FIGHT OF FIENDISH Denied Education E EQUALITY FOR NEGRO BRANCHES R A L L Y DIS- DEPRESSION, ORGANI- Z I R S REPO RT f N A T ’ L COMMANOER OP AMERICAN LEQION ENDORSES SALE OP C H RIST M A8 SEALS N EW YORK. Dec 1 4 - Brant bee of The National commander of the A- tba National Asaoclatlon for tba Ad merican Legion. Louis A. Johnson, en I vancement of Colored People are ral dorses the aale ot Christmas Seals lying to the aid o f tba Aaaoclatlon In For tha flrat lima alnca tha ««tab now being conducted by the tubercu | tha depreaalon In a remarkable way, llabmant of tbla column I bava taken losis associations throughout the na according to report of ataff field » o r tha troubla to arranga and rnmplla tion and urge* continuation of the berà. Robert W. Bagnali, Director tbla Information and I am aurprlaad campaign against disease which Is fi of Branchaa ampbaaltad tha entbustaa- to laarn that In a Utlla laaa than nanced by seal sale receipts, tn a NEW YORK. Dec.. (C N 8 ) Dee schools From 1*18 to l i t « tba number Uc response to tba field work being Ibraa yearn tbla column noar appaara dona by William Plckana. N.A.A.C.R P11* U»a fact that tba enrollment of ° * coUegea In the 8outh had baen in- statement received today by Mra. Sa HILLSBORO COUNTY. Tampa. Fla ' In fifty-three papara. publlahad In for Idle Orr Dun barr. executive secretary Pleld Bacratary and Mra. Daley Lamp- N8« r° chlldran In elementary achoola | creaaed by more than forty, the enroll ty aaraa different lowna In twenty- Dec. I I — Tba second ona of the Tam - - - - - - ment by more than 10,000 and the an of the Oregon tuberculosis association. country baa Increased more five atatea and the Dtatrlct of Colum pa prlsonara baa gona out of hla mind kln- Ragionai Plaid Bacratary. Ha ot In these days of depression, the nual income by 14,000,000. as a result of the fiendish torture eye 88,d 1.000.000- Negro- children of bia. efforts against tuberculosis moat not | CHICAGO. 111., Dec. 14— A t the Flf- Tba moat effective agencies in «t i tem of this jail. He la Carlos L e ía - 1 “ Tha field staff of tha Aaaoclatlon ac&ool «s e In the 8outh who are re- a a a be lessened,” aaya Mr. Johnson. “ As ty Second Annual Convention of the me, senlencad to 10 year« for parti- 1,88 •>*•“ concentrating on Intanalva calving no aducatlon, arordlng to thee mutating and organising Negro edu n nation, we are «till profiting from American Federation of Labor recent Tbaaa papara are Alabama—In clpallon In tha atrlke of tba Tobacco drive« recently In a number of placee. recently publlahad report of the cation during the last fifteen years the cumulated effort* of the antl-tu ly held In the Netherlands Plaza Ho- form er; Tlmea. and tba World In Bir Workera’ Industrial Uulon. last year. Mre. Lampkln baa recently complet- Phalpa-Stokaa Fund on the activities have been such philanthropic founds bereulosls movement of prior years, tel In ClnclnnalL Ohio, a resolution tlons as tha Rockefeller General Edu mingham. and tba World In Selina. Seventeen Tampa tobacco workera ed a drive In Brooklyn, N. T. which organlaatlon for tba past two cation Board, the Jeanes and Slater The machinery for the control and was unanimously adopted pledging the Arkantaa the World In Marianna ware Imprlaoned last year because r,*,ul,8d In nearly 1700 and a drive In decade*. prevention of tuberculoels, Including support of the Federation to the In- Arliona tba Olaam In I'heonli. Call- they lustated In tbalr determination L o n l»»»*«- K y . In which »200 baa Of 3. *00,000 Negro chlldran of the Funds and the Julias Rosenwnld Fund. elinlcs, sanatorlums. open air schools, junction Fight now being waged by fornta— News, and New Age Dispatch |t0 abow u ,, solidarity between whits b* » n raised to data. Bha Is now con- »«honla » * « (fiv e to seventeen year«) These boards have contributed appro medical and nursing services, and re- tbe Brotherhood of Sleeping car Por- in Loa An gel«* Colorado-Statesm an aBd N afro workliri by p ,r4dlng thru ducting a Christmas gift campaign In In the South, only 70 per cent are priations amounting to **4.00,000., of tn Denver. District of C olum bia-the the Negro section of the city In their Richmond. Va.. which promise! to be attending school, the report revealed which more than 7i per cent has been search and educational activities. Is ters in the Federal Courts. Following still functioning today at practically the presentation of the resolution, Tribune In Washington celebration of tba Soviet revolution. 1,10,8 ■wceaeful. the eighteen Southern States provld used since 1*17. full efficiency. This winter w ill be a John L. Lewis, President of the V- • • • ((T h e general movement of Negro and demanding a united struggle a- Hr. Plckena haa been conducting a log elementary school education for hard fight for many and w ill bring nited Mine worker* of America, made gainst tbs lynch and Jlmcrow oppras- ra°nth'a drive In Chicago under a num- ten. At the maximum enrollment the education as regards standards, me Florida- Sentinel, and the World In | increased threats to the hard earned a motion that the Convention give fl- bar of difficult handicapa. The drive high schools have only *00,000 and thods and objective« la now decldedy Jacksonville. Tlmea In Miami and tba slon of the NagTo people. The thou- gains In the war against tuberculosis, nanclal support to the porters' case. In the direction of that prevailing In baa resulted In »190 to date and Is ax- the collages and professional achoola Bulletin In Tampa Oeorgta— the Dal sanda of workara who had assembled "Public opinion demands that the Hla motion was seconded by Matthew white education, ) ) said Dr. Thoe. J. pected to reach *1.000.” approximately 2S.000 ly World In Atlanta, and tba Tribune for tb f celebration ware brutally at present efficiency In this work ahall W ell, Chairman of the Resolutions Jones, educational director of the fund. Mr. Bagnall haa himself organltad While proportion has Increased In Savannah Indiana—tba American tacked by the police before any parade not be Inspired. The American Le- Committee, and ona of the Vice Pre a drlva among tha Juniors In Mont- elightly during the last decade, it baa ((T h e ever extending Influence of tea In Oary. Illinois— the Bee In Chicago. began dion la pleased to cooperate all over aidant of the Federation., The link between tba Sc-otlsboro ctatr. and has Just Inaugurated cam- not been compatible with the Increase cher's colleges and the Increasing con the country during the month of De- j Mr. Randoph addressed the conven Kansas — Plalndealer In Kansas City. trol by government departments of e- palgna In Aabury Park and Jersey Cl in population, the report stated, Tbs Whip In Topeka, and (be Star In and tba Tampa cases, Wiliam L. Pat tion on the case of the Pul man por ty. N. J., canvassing In which haa juat This Inadequacy of Negro education ducation, are resulting more and more Continued on next page terson. national secretary of tba In Wichita. Kentucky—the Leader tn ter. emphasizing the fact that the por begun Tha Jersey City Branch la con- can be attributed to the huge dlscrep- In standard! and methods of teaching, ternational Labor Dataos* haa pointed Louisville. ters were leading the fight against not only for the white achoola. but al ouL I* very close Both the colonial flden* of mor# than W “ * *1* «PP°r- ancy In the expenditure In the South- s • s the company union In America, which so for tha Negro schools tobacco workara of Tampa and the a « n r « * M o f IS li drtre. era State* for wh K e f and Negro would not only emancipate them from ((Though It la Inevitable and beat I/oulslana— the Broadcast In Mon Negroee are victims of vlclou* oppree I ------------------------------ achoola. says the report. The condl the Industrial tyrany of the Pullman roe. Weekly In New Orleana. and tha elon by tbe u n i chain gang and slave 12 B8by F l" » #r» And ■•by Toe* tlon of school buildings, the length In tha long view that Negro education Campany but help tree the trade un Run In Shreveport M ichigan-tha In driving eyatem. and the mas* pane- | -------- of ,8rm i and 0,8 lralnln« “ d “ >»rle* shall share the trends of whit« «dues Ion movement of America from com dependent and the People* Nswa In cutlon agalnat the two peoples Is fun I Urbans. B l .—A daughter with six ot teachers easily account for tha con tlon. students cannot be Indifferent pany unions that were rapidly growing fingers on each hand and six toaa on tra it between the 2-12 per cent of to the persistent Inquiry as to what Detroit. Mississippi—tha trad er In d«mentally the same to gigantic and menacing proportions. each foot and otherwise normal and white children who are out of school the school Is for. Dr. Jones continued, Oraenvllla, and tha World In Jackson. With tbe moral and financial backing Missouri— the American In Kansaa Cl NEW YORK NEQROES SUPPORT 8,8,1 8,81 horn, last week Friday to and the * ( per cent ot Negro child ((B oth the methods and objectives of of the American Federation of L a - education for all people are now ob LOUIS J. ENQDAHL MEMORIAL Mr * nd M ri Harold W. Albert. The ren who did not attend. ly bor. there is no question about the a a a ot considerable doubt. With attending physician said tba bones of Aa to secondary education, the In- jects N E W TORK, Dec 12— Senator Ro triumph of the porters’ brotherhood, New Tork, Dec. 14— Negro work the extra digits wars wall developed, crease In facilities was found difficult full appreciation of the services of all bert , Wagner of New York haa tele slates Randolph. Nebraska— tha fluid* In Omaha. — to measure. According to the Negro education, there la strengthening graphed from Washington to tha Na- Randolph also presented a resolu New Y ork—tha Star In Buffalo. Fra ers and Intelactuala are rapidly mob- lllilng In rapport of the Engdahl Me- C ,TV 0 F DETROIT QIVES JOB TO Year Book for 1**2 there are about conviction that school activities for tlonal Association for the Advance- tion demanding equality for Negro larnal Ravlaw, and tba New York mortal. December II. E Royce. chair I EDDIE .T O L A N 1.000 public schools, with 140 private whlte and colored are related effec- ment ot Colored People to state his workers in the labor movement and Nswa In New York City. North Caro ~ ~ ~ schools and academlea giving a total lively to the problems of life —econo- resolution calling for n Senate probe American Industry. This resolution lina—tha Tost In Charlotte. Timas In man of the memorial committee re Detroit. Dec. 17—The city council enroura#nt 0f S2.000, of which 11.000 mlc. social and cultural. of the peonage and slavery conditions ____ . . . h_ ported last week here today signally honored __ Eddie To- , „ . . . . ... . . , . ‘ .__, provoked an exhausted report by Durham Trlbuua In Raleigh, and tha — |- *-■-*- —v — 1 ------ i ((g o long as Negro education was on the Mississippi Flood Control pro- v . . At a meeting In the eturlo of Augue- Ian, "w orld'* fastest human” by pre- 8r^_,n b***1 ,c hool claaaea Brotherhood Duffy. Chairman of the Journal In Wllmlugton. ta Savage. Negro sculptress. 14* W. sentlng him with a beautifully smboa- Tbe report estimates that In the segregated from white education there jeet will be Introduced soon. Organization Committee and Secreta 14Jrd Street, attended by many white ,8d ,8t of resolutions. expreaalng De last firteen yaara the number of Negro were postbllltiea ot grave errors I “ Am working to arold reference to ry of the Brotherhood o f Carpenters O h l o - t h e Mirror In Cincinnati and Negro artists and professionals. hl* h at 8,1 ‘ YP88 » » d « T8d* 8 and distinguished achievements. A t ' committee," Senator Wagner's tele and Joiners Union. This report con Voice In Columbua. and the Forum tn committees were set up to take part in bla performance at the Olympics haa lncr8* 88d from 1888 than 100 ln present It would appear that chanres gram reads, ‘‘so as to expedite conald- firmed the demand of Delegate Ran Dayton. Oregon—tha Advocate In in preparation* for the mass memori Tbe resolution consisted of sheep- 1916 1° 1000 1» 1*20; the pupil enroll- In Negro education can as a rule be «ration. Date of hearing« will depend dolph for equality for Negro workera I’or tie ml Pennsylvania—the Tribune at. Members of these committee* will akin with gold seal and signatures ment has Increased 176.000, the In brought about only aa they are rea on chairman o f committee if resolu and set forth a review o f the attitude tlon la carried.” in Philadelphia. Tanneaa*«— lb* vielt Negro cburcbea. workers' clubs of t*18 8Dt,r* membership ot the city creases being largely ln public high Used tn white education.)) of the American Federation of Labor Nation wide determination to see World In Chattanooga. World In Mem and lodge*, to bring the members ac- councll. Eddie was out of work, and Convention to the Negro worker from . . . . . . . In showing preference for a Job ovar to It that the resolution le carried ln . . _ , . .. phis. Union in Murfreeaboro. and the lively into the arrangements for the tba gmd of honor presented, the mayor U 1 0 beginning of the Federation to the the Senate la ahown by the enthuslas- ‘ “ 8 . 8 World lo Nashville. memorial, and Increase tbeir artlvltl j took the matter ln hand, tic mas. meetings which are being re- Pr8* ent tlme' D' le r U * ea In tha Scottsboro campagn Mayor Murphy, u, p la n t in g Ui* spoke on the resolntlon Indicating that ported to tbe N-A.A.C.P. from bran Committees war* also organised t o ; ratolut»oni ««W "*<«dle Tolan de Texas— the Riprese In Dallas. Reg the Negro worker must be Included ches throughout the country. _______________________________________ Islsr In San Antonio, and tbe Messen rapport the Kngdahl memorial at the adrvea the clty'a appreciation, not on- I k nil of the International and called Dr. H. Clude Hudson. President of ................................ ger tn Waco. Virginia— the 8lar In I ***r,em celebration of the ISht annl |y |n words, but In deed* as well. De- the L o . Angeles branch report, th .t ^ Salem, Ore., Dec. 1».— Theodore Jor Newport New*, and the Planet in r * r8“ rT of H>8 Soviet Union, ln Len- troll, hla home city, owe* him a chance and function of the Federal unions dan who la under death aentence for|* **r* e crowd attended the meeting ln F«ecutiv# Council. Richmond. Waat Virginia—tba Mc nox Cealno. called by tbe Friends of ,0 MrD a Ur|n r | ih4ll M t# ,t the slaying of F.T. Sulllran. Pullman that city and that there waa e n t h u - ___________________ tbs Sovlst Union. Rssolullons lo In h, getl „ , ihB„ pnl hlm on t * . city-, Dowell Times In Keystona. tsnslfy work In the Scottsboro cam payroll and make a job for him.' conductor, at Klamath Falls, arrived 8l8«Uc applause when one epeaker I In all. (early In December 1122) palgn were also paased. at the s u te penitentiary here tonight » » ,d th* Mls.iaalppl leree fight would F IF TEEN THOUSAND IN N.Y eighty-five different publications have MASS MEETING DEMAND FREE In custody of Sheriff Low of Klamath he won aa the Parker fight had been N.A.A.C.P. PUSHES FIGHT ON made usa of this column at ona tlm* DOM FOR SCOTTSBORO BOYS county. Jordan was suffering from su-|won- Th* meeting sent telegrams to MOBBING A JIM CROW IN or another with the fifty-three paper* Triplet* Are Born, Siamese Twins DIs SOUTHERN FLOUR RELIEF perficlal fleab wounds which he ln Senator. Johnson and Shortrldge of named herein being regular usari of N E W YO RK, Dec. 12— Ffteen thou Malden, Mass.— Triplets, two of fllcted last night. Jordan', execution California, demanding th .tr support tame, with additional papers being N EW YORK. DEC 14— Negroes and Two dates Important to muilc-lovers tor tbe Wagner resoluUon, to secure sand Negro and white workera ln tbe whom wera joined together like ((81a has been aet for ebruary 2, 1922. added every tew weeks, and their co ¿"ara tVl'nsM*"wer«V'"born' ü « »r a k R* d C ro,\ T “ 8" dl* ‘ r' bu,,n« , f! e* t . .till on tha calendar for tbla equal treatment for colored citlsens p ronx coliseum to support the Nat- „ . operation acknowledged In my par mose »w in »)) were corn, last wees gorernment flour In southern states tn all government, contracts.” |0Qai Hunger March to Washington evening. sons) column. "This and That” , In the to Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Reed, but are being Intimidated and prevented monlh- Th*Y are ' ' the tw in« lived only a few hour*. The from reporting the discrimination December 19. when the next regular The home o f Mr. and Mr*. Eugene From Cincinnati, President Theo- a<j 0pted motions to send protest tele- C hlc.go l i e e ^ M .n y ^ tn ^ jm n n .n e r . ^ # normal ^ y , whoi, condl. practiced agalnat N egroe. according concert by the Portland Symphony Cardan. 1094 Maryland Avenue, waa dore M. Berry reports that speaker. # on of the meting. to Oov- for yeara, havo been cooperating by ¡W '•.E 'V " Í , 1 Yssterday to Judge Orchestra wll be given, and Monday tlon waa reportad favorable. - n o r B. M M i l l « ot Alabama and to ■ending me an "exrhange" copy of (John Barton Payne, national Red _______ *« __ ____________________________________ ___ Croa« chief, by the National Aaaoclat 8T8“ 1“ * D—«m ber *4, when the or- Saturday night honoring Mis* Jennie Mona, MlnUterg Alliance, the Assocla- Judge E. A. Hawkins, the lynch Judge their publication each week. rer of Howard, woud be relieved of his lon for ,h8 Advancement of Colored chestra w ill present a special Chrlae Dora Grayson, who left on lou rsdsy (ton of Colored Women of Kansas Cl- wh0 originally sentenced eight of the to pas the winter In Loa Angeles. De- ty and from the ocal N. A. A. C. P. nlne scottsboro youths to the chair, duties aa treasurer, but would take j 1 P j* N . . _ „ . .. . . , « H _ i_ i.t r .t iv « « t ill« . I., T , N A A -C-P - letters ipolnts to the The Christmas concert is extra from llclou. refreahments were served a t , br“ cb; _________ n v w a --------- ----- »nd to whom the ca.ea have been aent W. C. McMurray, Oklahoma City over some of the administrative duties fiogglnlg* and Intimidation at at At,h.r nf th« , , « nK .nr . . « i « . . « h i . a late hour. branch President, telegraphs that back by the U. 8. Supreme Court. allotod to President Mordecol John- Clearwater. Florida, as ahowlng the th . , * rmphony *8rl88 and 18 reply to a not Included ln season tickets that •— ■ one Oklahoma Senator, Thomas, has The telegrams expressed the protest son. haa caused considerable «pecula spirit which prevails. In tlon among tha officials of the Insti- letter from Judge Payne, giving as- may have been purchased. Prices tor played ln the street,” and It (possesses pledged hla support to the Wagner 0f tbe meeting agalnat the contnued i h i in n T h . I t * ' , e i . n l i . . . , . , i . 1 it,. ,uranc8 lb * 1 n0 discrimination would this event have been quoted at the low much charm. Other orchestral num ¡*p PpoUr t0war.e n *t to'se^aT o^G ora ^ Imprisonment of the nine Innocent No- tutlon. The statement Issued st the ha tolerated by th, Red C ro ii N. „ o ^ u r ’- mat|nee fizures ranzlne conclusion of a special meeting of the I A.Á.C.P. says: popular matinee figures, ranging bere will also be presented. I Additional senators now pledged ln Sr0 bo*8 framed up on rape charges The concert Monday evening, Dec- favor ot tbe Wagner resolution ln- at Scottsboro, end demanded the lm- board In New York Monday, referred "T h e very system which prevails „ om. ,? ce“ ‘ * choru888 from specifically to the new regulations a- the South make. It Impoa.lble for a H an d el. The Me.alah” will be re- Pruber 19, will feature Cesar Franck's elude Senstor E. S. Crammer of Wash- mediate dismissal of the case and as- , v . ,ocal Office to report the true state peated this year, as hundreds were Symphony In D. Minor. Critics say: in*ton and Ssnator Roscoe C. Patter- gurance „ { safa conduct for the boys. b olrd ’ on Oct 26 A f L r l in . ei.on " V ' 0“ * 1 he» d<>u» rt8r8 turned away from a filled Auditorium "M ore daxxling symphonies have come Barbour ¿f" New Jersey°ha» promUed I In calIln* Governor's Miller's atten- board on Oct. 26. A fter calling atton^of tha Red Croa*. In many caaea they u _, r h r . . u.. Emmett Scott Ordered T e Give Up tlon to tba October meeting and stat- are prevented from doing so by Inti- , .* y88r 8 conc8rt- Mu' from France, but none which posses- to discuss the matter with Senator tlon to the rising tide of mob terror. buttressed by Ku Klux Klan and police Treasureehlp. At Howard University Ing that the new system would pro- mld*tlon such as Is clearly Indicated ,lc durto* the holiday seaaon adds ses the profundity, the painful earth Wagner. In Clearwater. Fla., and In other cases much to the real Christmas spirit, and bound passion and sublime soaring Levee Contractors Hire Lobbyist activities, that Is sweeping the state, vide a “ simpler and more effeclent they report no discrimination become that la why W iliam van Hoogstraten, loftness. none the true religiousness administrativa machinery for tha uni •- I n COn, i de.r' conductor, haa been ao enthusiastic and mystic vision, as embodied In this reached Washington and a bitter unemployed white andNegro New York, Dec. 17,.— The Howard versity.” The announcement reads: Ing their training and background, to , fc. ___. . discern unlust and unfair diarrim in.. ^0T ,be repetition of parts of The work.” fight on the N.A.A.C.P. campaign for workera recently ln Birmingham, Unirsrslty tangle moved towards Its "T h e principal roaulta of the new discern unjust and unfair discrimina Messiah,” which wilt be presented Two nocturnes. "Clouds” and "Fes- equal treatment for colored workers "W e hold you responsible for the flrat definite attempt at solution when aet-up are: To redistribute official tion when It actually exists. The N ^.A .C .P. urges an invastlga- with large choruses from the Portland tivals" by Debussy, two numbers from is lp progress. It Is reported that the M (ety ot tha gcottsboro boys,” the the board of trustees at a special mee functions more in accordance with contractor s lobby originally were able . , . , . „ . . tlon on the spot by naUonal headquar- Choral society. The hundreds of well- Indian Suite No. 2 by Mac Dowell and ting bare last week voted to rearrange beet ac ademlc practice: to place of to defeat the bill which called for pro- ‘ «'«S ™ «" r* » d *“ « * « • and dem8nd Handel's m .rrel- “ Lee Prelude" by L ls it will complete railing rate of pay as the standard for of you to put a halt to the terror that tbs duties of Emmett J. Scott, repor flcial duties where they logically be "N e w reportT*from'V’ learw.ter, Fl... the program. The MacDowell num levee worker«. Levee work Is also Is being waged against Negro tollers. ted storm center of President Mor- long; to reduce administrative expen state that none of tha mobbtsts who ou• work * « ,0r,0U8 nukhltude. brutally flogged two members of the Also on the Christmas concert will bers are In commemoration ot the 8X8“ Pt8d ,rom the provlslonsof the T b ia struggle Is part of the campaign decal Johnson's troubla at achool. Tba ■ea by the careful avoidance of dupli cated function*; to fra the presiden Colored W elfare Association has bean be Bach's ‘'Passacagalla” , which was 25th anniversary of ths founding of new arrangements era considered a tial office from a m a n of admlnostra- th* Iandlord andiboaa cla” *°vcruah apprehended Colored people are being heard in 1931 and was tremendously the MacDowell association at P e te r * S sn satlou l'd evelop m ents .r e hln- ted as a possibility In the course of Hie struggles for liberation of the Ne- victory for President Johnson. Uva detail which heretofore has taken paid for relief work not ln caah aa popular. It le a delightful composition. borough, N. H. the fight by the N.A.A.C.P. and every gro m asse. Announcement by Dr. Abraham to largar problems of the university; are the whiten but ln grocery orders Tickets for both concerts, Decem resource Is being mobilised to c an y “ ft aims to divide white and Negro Plainer, chairman of ths board of trus-!l,m8 which could be batter devoted 8nd on these orders there Is no allow- W,h!cb * ,t8r ,u orchestration by R«s- teea of Howard University that Km t0 '• “ ‘ '•»'i *8 1,1 on8 0,flC8 th8 business ance for meat other than "w h it, ba- P ,h l W" playbd for th8 f,r8t t,ra8 in ber 19 and December 2*. ere available L° Tl? t.? ry * fl‘ ht w.h,cb “ * y.J)r? T* _ ‘ 0 w0rkers and to crush the sUrvIng T N.A.A.C.P. LEVEE PROBE RESOLUTION EXPECTED SOON SAYS WAGNER AWAITS EXECUTION IN SALEM STATE PENETIARY 7 ne *7 d“nC,nfMP*rt,r T EMMETT SCOTT °í through the Portland Symphony box and J“ V T ^ a ll^ V ii^ r U n t 1' ^ colorad ,ma*88* lnt0 « l« v » r y and misery as the office, J. K. Oill Company. Americana aa waa the Parker fight, 'capltallat crlaia deepens."