THE ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION-December 10. 19.12. Vi Itili liti* lloilM '- v» ¡ir SlionM K iio h C rm h r lr d an d H rcJa|>rrada ENGLISH RECIPES W ard» Often Mtaoard Do not a«y. W hat will you tauter* May. W hat will *ou hare?" Warda O ften Mtaaprltrd Artlclr; not cal. Warda (K ir a Mtapraataane-rd Tulip, u aa In “ due," not aa oo In Shrimp Stew 3 tablespoon* butter 1 1-2 tablespoon minced onion A level tablespoon* flour 1 cup rich meat stock 1 cup slewed, strained lorn*Ice» 1 cup diced celery 1 cup pea* 1-4 cup minced green pepper K yaaarau 3 2-3 cup* cooked shrimp» Impudent imprrtinrnt, rfflrloua 1-2 teas oou salt ury. mrddIraomr Dash of paprika Word Mudv Few drop» tabasco sauce T A N O IB I.E . prrrrp U b !. to thr 2 teaspoons peppery sauce touch; aubatantlal; real "They Sa-ite the onions In the butter could not un ro»rr any tan«lble evt- Ull brown Btlr In the flour, t lien elrnrr " M O N O TO N O U S ; without rh an »r add the meal stork and 'um auea or variety. -One mono(oii>ua «nd ^ cook un„ , tnickrned Add the colorIraa day followrd another prar a id celery and slmtnrr ten minutes Add the shrimps and sea­ soning anu continue simmering f if ­ teen minutes. Serve with dry boiled ^rk*. • • • W ho la Uta only President o f thr United Klalra who lived aro ma Hire ( aatarg Padding atm breóme Preaulrnt? 1-2 cu.. . or AN M 4E H 2 egg* John Adam *. 1-2 cup brown or granulated sugar ——*" '0" ■ ■ 1-2 teaspoon salt 1 cup water In which rtce was boiled 1 cup milk Hy G L A O Y C K S M IT H Boil rice briskly In 1 quart of I f jku are In need, perhap* I water to which 1-2 tap. aalt has ran help you . I f you have been added. Beat * ;gs, add sugar, houaehold article* or clothing •alt. milk, rice-water and rice. you can no longer uar. pier ar Inform me. I ran place such Cook over boiling water 5 minute«, thing* with needy families Do stirring ocostonally to prevent nee not inel ar letters or other settling O r pour pudding Into a written m atter when you send buttered baking dish, place In a the park *:e through mall un­ it** tile proper postage ha* be*n pan o f hot water and bake In a paid Packages m which letter* moderate oven 1350 degrees F.) un­ are Inclosed must be sent first til act. about 1 hour Y ie ld : < to class mall. Name-* and ad­ 8 servings dresses o f applicants for aid Rice pudding doe- suggest the provided If requested Send full name and address to Oladycc wholesome, appetite-appeasing food Smith. Priand in Need the |wc all crave don : you think? A A F R O -A M E R IC A N . 638 N Eu- trial of thla recipr will convince you taw Street. Baltimore. Md. it Is a particularly pleasing one. K n it lr d Mhnkr Uir m n i m i eenlly Ui 1 « move basta d iri and duat. I l la lirlplul Ir soak « h i t « la«•« spreada l i » a « l a r i tinta. Tlita Italpa Ut rr move Ut» duat and d iri q u ieti* and raally (hdorrd »presela altould nrv- rr br noakrd rvrn far a attori tlnw l'rrp a r» errarti» lata auda by di* aolvlng lata Ut »tutti » a i r r Piti In Utr s|tmu1 and iuaaan tlta diri by sqiir-aiiig Utr auda 111 rougli aliti Ih r uali lltr tnalrnal. and bv g rilli» pallin a lltr martini up and duali Iti Utr auda t'Iiaiqp tltr auda a« a m i aa lltr » beduine aotlrd l'Iran auda »va a out lltr duri aliti flirt »d iu rn i 1 ubidii» »ltlr.ii U Ukrly lo Ira » sho-r »presele W lirn lu tili» larr api ratta Ittmt ih « water II la lintiortanl lai aupporl tltr material • Hit li ir I tal Ida Material* trini Ut br inorr liravy a lin i a r t and Utr » r i » t i l nilKlil atraln « I w Ihrrads Thurouehlv linar tlir a|traad In rlrar, lokrwitrm a a trr Timer ridar* a ir uatially rnou»h bnt II la mv- IMirtant lo rrtnovr all trace« ol auap and lo a r im i dlrt Hqurrar wul tltr III,acuire Ilo noi lauti ih r gprrad It la lirliilul lo io li »Iteri larr apnaita In dry lurklaii Invela In o r- d rr lo remove ih r esce** molsture Ttien raar llir sprrad in lo aliapr. alni dry It cu a Ilat »urlare l t la clralrablr lo dry « h l t r aprrada on tlir graaa In lltr »un. aa th l» trnetn 10 »tu te li 1 1ir* 111 W llh bravi' d 'icad *! 11 ta ra|irriallv ltti|tortaut lo m n o v r 1 uà iniirit nudai utr aa pctMiblr. tutd' llirn lo dry tlirm imi a fiat aurfatr Lana * i vi rati*, altould lui rarrfuily ranni tnto alt ( r a i Utry arr poi down lo dry. no thal lltr edgr* arr »tra igh i and tlir rurnrr* tur aquarr l i t ’id ii» 1 * uauallv noi nrrraaary It thla 1» ikuir wrll. Look and 1/ 4 ‘iini FRIEND IN NEED [ Ti» Irta» I . h M U a i Vagata** Cvc-aa.»,« Bronchial Troubles Need Creomulsion M r* M. O write«: “ I'm asking tor a little help I'm a mid w and have one grandson whoa* father Is dead. My only support Is my son who U til. so our only support new Bronchial troubles may lead to w o * la what little money I can earn to thing arnous. lo u can slop them now IT IS EASY IF YOU K N O W H O W — Miiui Alice H »r- buy food and keep a Are. W e arc ln with (.raoaulatoo. an emulated creosote riü. petite* Norfolk, Va., prima donna «how* how to need o f cloUie« of any kind, i’ lraar that >> plracant to take. CrrornuUiun m a operate the new voting machine. he Ip ua. - i am medical discovery with two-fold so* lion: it soothe» and nenia the inflamed Aiutibrr date l«o lc v . . , ( m U d ' i Mir * * * mem branca end inhibit* germ growth. On l*r Irr« a miuutc luofrrf I «dia K. Mrs M . H . write* again She ta Of all knowa drag*, rrmaoce is rvrog- I'mL ham » VrfrtaMc ( omjvniad a i a i i i the mother o f ail. five o f whom are ^ ambocitie. a. on* relieves ctamp«. T rf it neat mootli. h_... T h , « .... ... „ uok — of the greatmt healing agencie» for per- boya They are all out of clothe* »latent roughs and colds and other forma nothing with which to continue go- of ihr, >t trouble*. Croomulaion contaimy in addition to creosota, other healing do- Solves Farm Problem with cal w*\ that by living on the farm ln* 10 *chCfll mend which soothe and heal the mforled 1 ,0 0 0 A cres; 14 Children ind 0,1 “ * P r « l i * * independency.! . . . membrane* and Wop the irritation and in- . „■ , d (b and even a roniprlcncy. can be *r- H e r e 1* » A fe t w G l a n d J n n i t and 1 lenfy Profit. in. Uv. nmt.wo. “f «her* familic* a. __•animation, while ine creoaole goe» on to worthy of help and wr should ik, the unmarh, is abmrbod into the blood. a— . » , — 1 - ^ « wmi K County Mis* a ,arnL i l , * rtplj|r' i.? 1 to send them something tf our rese- attack* the mat o f the trouble and check* «••Ir tataat votale* g -In Marshall «Ä ^ l.ig “ ^ : ^ L l ^ o m‘ ^ r ^ 7 ^ U )Ub.n d b ; ^ h’ 1>J T h a n k , the growth of the r n « ' - T— 'n - r - y - rr* n,ile" rr,» n **°»y ui ANir^TNit ->tit.AN__Hwtt ¡»vr.s a Negro iiirnwr, i|riu l keep! Armrr. in In irn lrllifru krt pini; down m w fr w w n r home lou ^ -------- - - I — . ---- « --------- Aiut fairly wrll educAtrd ThU ------ a oö ' p <»|* ra n ng f rx n p primes. profit* p rr» rn «rv the p ro..«., , In . Ih* . . treAtimwit of p m irtm i couch« — J former o t i u 1090 bcttm o ' .•..*» n f the «w ra lrr in a (Ira n roldt. bronrlual AW k w . hroncKitit tad y*,. I . - Wwm M. W I my —« Whirl! n aubatantlal part la rrrek mtvee In | *uper pmportnm with the Turklali towel for a moment will other form* o f respiratory dimsaew and . m * m u j w * v e. » . » ■ . *— »>»> • «Worn land and on which he doc* commodi .' prices aivl the boun- hasten the drying nnd will help to la evcelleiu fo.- building up the svatesn Ml, I revw* M».wWa*ay i — waa^iaa a*-as n t owe a dollar, and all taaea ar, tt(ii|iir.„- o f nature What he lias prevent streaking tf the colors arc after cold* or flu M o m v refunded if any I»™ . . . , ... . . . 1 nccompliahrd I* not In the nature not fast Unroll and place the cough or cold no cutter of how Ions atamf- .41* ell, si Aid. 524 S. I s Kslle ML. lie Its* .4 living children by h l a „ f « miracle, but ta the result o f (W M trr back on the paper, arrang* S g !i, ^ » « r d ie lw la f t « V s h ilr 2 im d h - I hkago. Itept (|\-J? ! flrrt and iwemnl wife up W hta phlkuophy o f Uy- mg .« cwrefully U, conlorm with them sre out in the world on tliclr ing ” t lie pencilled outline. own and all arr educated, Mmir having been sent through north­ e r n college*. Thcv sre Irarhem, trained nurac* and orrupv other gainful occupation* i 1 1 1 « home I* a tumbling farm ! house , oiistai mg of seven rooms, including a «¡arable and t lr<., bath • lid toilet room It la lighted by rlrr tn rlly supplied bv a m ii . i 1! light plant, and tiir water supply Is , pumiwd from a deep wrll Into a rearrvoir. ami from that Into the house. His wife, sn intelligent educated l woman, keeps the liou.m aa neat as a pm. bailung after the Miiatlrr Irh lk lrin and doing the rooking Her oh storeroom I* filled wllh preserve», Vhhy mat i y »homi Asia »ad |4 i w t fi (rtaata I I Icily. Jam. pickles and all kind* MWI O h QAA I mam mm « rtA * o f canned irg e la b lr* which si il­ I T b MH i'Wt Vmé by éMvt M* ls It up hrrnrlf There are also ...y » « H A M r h » M l H . H t* . * • (tat«ffdv«taw M V munv home-cuted ham*, sldc-inrat • h itM l M t t a c t t o a paa'khtew ^ t m lt a M t f t H ron.«« « rou !■.>(» ( •■««>«■< I» Wwy and bicakfost bacon in this atorr- OlMÉHHg (nasa 13'*» UhaMcW^ Pftto F»*w M ronni. An nndrrgro, nil cellar holds i f your skin is srujitirr, or lar. P I T O N I C D » O PH |A f K L ptaH H *> several hundred bushels of sweet you'll d e lig h t tn u sin g 'nnd Irish potatoes, turnip* and Murk and W h it e S k i* other vrgetable* W kitfuer. T h ts m ild e r , T h e wife also raises several tnovr-nehite yeoduet light­ ¡hundred chicken*, guineas, grim , ¡turkey* and ot ier f >wl* Munv en» t km qm iekly. easily, cords of fire wood are stacked near Nothing is a* effective for The X V package o f naturally and its gentle hut Black and * hue Oinl- the house for winter use. The getting rid of bunt|ia, mote Black and W h ite thoroughly effective a< non mmt and S k in S o ap farmer ha* about 30 Durnc pig* In diw'olorstiont, n rema ir­ Ointment eontsins m ill make it a real pleas­ quickly mskra ugh. ir­ pen and a d orm or more shri p ritation* and o th e r *kin more than th re e ure to use. Ijirg e can Black ritating dulTtrouhlr* go gu«rgntF# (o h^Ip hi* In Ills |ia*t lire He lias a dorm _______ « »Uri la II«» No trouble* sa (arnione H int time* ss m ueh sa awav and bring* you a and W hite Skin WInternet milk cow* am, a number o f other r**a a-ran« *"l>- »ios w*,rvmjt anil White Ointment and thr 'Or aiae. large i j only 2$<% Try it today! •mooch, r lr a r hraithv rattle. His barn* are overflowing Wrlla sw M