PAGE T W O T H E ADVOCATE TI IK ADVOCATE B. D C A N N A D T ............................................................................. Published Every Saturday at 3616 N. K Founder 26th Avenue. Portland. Oregon Telephone GArfield 7S2J B E A TR IC E C A N N A D Y F R A N K L IN .......................... Editor and Publisher \A I v^M ............... .tuuMM uu-iti/r end (.eesM fer WII l l l >’l*‘V r \ > .............................................. ('ontnbuttng Editor W J W H E A T O N ...............................................................Contributing Editor R O S A L IE BIRD ...----------------------- Society Editor and Reportar DeNORV a L U N T H A N K . M. D__________________________________ Health Editor Contributor N A N O LFÎE C L IF F i «RD C M ITC H E LL, R A LP H C L Y D E K E L L Y M ILLER. Columnists IN DEFENSE OF A TR U ST ■ ■■ D. J. Turner, the Oklahoma banker set a new standard In his defense of the money of the people who had en trusted It to the care of his bank He goes down as a heroic type of man hood. He waa Indeed, the first rltlsen of the town: Holey's honored mayor snd m uted banker. Ills widow's fath et was the first mayor of the colored town years ago. HtlUard Taylor, of Houston. Texas. His widow, for msny years wss Roley's pharmacist snd at frequent entervals. served In the ca- paclty of Doctor She Is still the first Udy of Boley, Boley's mayor-banker's place will be hard to fill. The Advocate not only extends Its sympathy to the sorrowing widow I but to Boley's entire cltlxenry. thrift and strict economy, more of the world's goods are ours; as we discard Ignorance and poverty, a Ini tar treatment awaits us and our short comings should be gradually dropped an(| „ substitution o f tpialltles thi i make for real, worthwhile men. fin- tors In life affairs |f most o f us would he honest with orsolvcs. we would discover that a Urge majority of us are responsible cureWvea for the poor showing » t am msklng In life snd much of our suffering gml wsnt may be «raced to extravagance and disregard for the proper living rules. Correct living has never hurt any one and those who try t0 toe ,h „ marg an,t „ h o let their lives thine, are the ones to whom honor must go. Sl, ., should be made ' win the friendship o f all. because there Is no other group In all o f (loti's There Is no need tor any man to blJ, world mor„ (n aMKj of trlenclsi to seek economic or any other relief by day then the Negro It should be the K P IN G F IT ­ I By De Narval Unthank, M. D. In this time of suppiiantl depression and Christmas prepariti Ions, let us not forget that there are some worlliv causes that need s little of our su(v port One o f the most worthy Is the National snd Stste Tuberculosis Asso elation Tholr great efforts to man kind are mainly supported bv the «ale of Christmas seals The work of these Associations Is I«*» *° Tcount here Suffice la *o » « y that they are doing one of the greatest pieces of health work In Ihe country They are saving lives from tuberculosis and they arc saving lives «*>*« Already *re afflicted with Ihe til »case Their work la done with no I N T E R N A T I O N A L DECEMBER 10. 1013 L A B O R D I F S N I I — TH IR D A N N U A L — Defense Bazaar Worker’s Cent’r 248' j ALOER PO RTLAND , OREGON STREET 7 8 [DEC. 1 8 , 2-8 P.M. SATURDAY DEC.Ì TH P.M. Subscription Rates I Taxable in Advance I : One Year. $2.50; Six Months, $1.50: Three Months. $1.00 Entered . . Secon d-C I.,« . Matter Post ____ Office a. Portland, Oregon. ^ m T 'a n i T . all I I other r relief anj " V * hold " ° * friends h“ «» ! ,ho “ ! L ^ r feara . ' b . T ha« L ' n been \ , T so 7 r arran r«m . . . in the . e where. F Economic and for it is Impossible > 'w Under the Act of 1012 will come when, and only when men's for N'egro to make It alone Our F'it 88 lo Negro health and Ne- hearts change so that they w ill put interest in matters of community con FT" Improvement In general as a sle|v in practice the "Golden Rule" That c,.rn should bo extended wholoheart ping stone to a tuberculosis free na TH E COLOR LIN E AND A B IL IT Y A C ATHOLIC SPE AK S tlon. ______ •* when men learn to treat their fel- ,,».-» ahnn< K o e o • « , » D e a l xwaa law l o - . m “ group who reasons it out that he will have spread a sort of Immunity Is a man and that ihe human race No' n,° * t of ,hem were * Iad *° be go through life without obstacles, has The professionals and amateurs a springs from a common nnceator. a8aoctat« d wlth him- w h en AI Jolson anoUser guess coming Whenever we hh<*. seemed to be fully successful Ke,,in* “ »Feiher * *• ca8t for «h* r-;Sp|a v that weakness that robs ns M»n y officers have shown remark SAY NEW DRUG TO BRING RACE ' Vond‘‘r ^ he dld not he81tate *° of our determination to fight every «M e success In keeping out of the OF SUPER - HUM ANS chiI,on and Thomas In the cast, hindrance out of our way. we acknow pretty boy s way Citiiena and bank 7,any another Instance bespeak a de- I(.d)te ,hjlt we are no| the {x)!l„ „ or, officials of the afflicted towns have degrec of eQuality ,ound on »he * u g e of that coura|re and back bone found naturally, been surprised and fluster London, Knglaud. Dec. 7 The age and ,he thea,re that 18 not found |n real men and our chances for sue «1 The reign of ihe bank robbers in any otber f*e*d °* activity. The ra- cess rapidly desert us and we are left seemed to bo about as easy to main of the superman Is Just around the dk>' now America'* greatest enter- an jin,,,*, hopeless condition. Mak ‘ ®‘n as gangster dominance lu Chlca corner, according to research workers ,amm,! «"«“ilium, too, has adopted the ,na up onr mlnda to pIay ,hfl of go Taking money was like inking at a I.ondnn hospital, who have dis­ covered a new drug for which they pf Iicy of lhe stage in regard to the m fn should not require any seri-ms candy from a baby, Nesro W e«k ly . millions of people thought nor any length of time for us But somehow, men and clrcum ¡make the following claims. their jo begin to do manv things No condi stances got together at Boley. and it will prolong life, eliminate fenr. tltnde toward, while people And It is * e,come aM‘ata lien, re cardies of how serious It may what may properly be called a consld breed courage and stimulate the Intel a still finer thing when they both set omes Tia 0 « * ra °- their faces toward the sun of Truth The rapid rise of the Mills Brothers be. should rob us of that Interest to erable dean up took place It l-t per I. < »nil and physical strength and rid their souls and minds of these lr but one o f 016 many examples play well our parts in life and we haps unfortunate that Pretty Boy | n » m make sheep as strong as ox nngod'v traits toward one another. needed to illustrate how a Negro can should experience no contentment of Floyd was not present. However, th en and catsas ferocious a* panthers Already sheep ami cats treated with God hasten the day when more men ri8e to heights if he has the real mind until we are classified among state will take comfort In the far of all faiths speak the plain truth and Foods. The rise of the young men last the people of the world who are re- that his principal aid — If not hi I the drug have fought and killed dogs 1 It will add 10 years to the uverage fashion their lives accordingly. year wa8 «he sensation of the time. sponsible for real achievement.— for chlefton — was killed The Floyd gan- _________________ No one turned the radio o ff because cultural development and for the won has had a remarkably long run o span of life and produce a race of It Is passing strange that people were colored but instead, mil- derful scientific successes to be seen what is called "luck” , but the rut supermen "W e arc afraid lo contemplate the will see the mote in other folk's eyes ,iona «~h«n— d their program when on every hand. Nothing should pre Is probably over. It Is a matter of deep regret ths ultimate physical and social e ffe c ts ,' j but cannt see the beam in their own. they cam m iMi l'i i H.n trii (Lmiriiv Buelneee Office, 352 Oak Street Telephone: ATwater (261 Ï I e a í t fi [fireac D Am plund drug stcre newspapers, and other places where colored people are employed are not givn onr sympathtic support, where do we expect to get our means of sub­ sistence from? Can we expect white people to permit their own to starve while they permit us to live? That is not the record of the white man. He employs ns last and fires us first. It Is we ourselves who must do some­ thing about these conditions. So long as they are here, and it seems that they are here for a long time. A ll of ns would do well to bury the hatchet and the hammer where our businesses are concerned, and pull together as a unit that we may keep from the hu­ miliation of becoming public charges In large numbers. Let us learn that in business, as well as in the other pur­ suits of life, self preservation Is the first law of nature. I f we would have onr children employed we must make their employment. <• l l O A T A M . DII UGGISTI* W IT H C O M PLIM EN TS TO SPECIAL OFFER- "T H E ADVOCATE” O n e m o n t h * in fe r c .s f / U L h . o n a n y L o a n m a d e b e f o r e lh ►niirr — hlemirt vdfli lite tintore o f «t h r r f Approved by the Food C om m it­ tee o f the Am erican Medical Association. Your grocer has it. For COLDS, COUGHS Sort* th ro a t, n u ia riila r rlirth nini ir a rh rn A |>nimmi|i|>ly M u . S p e c i a l T r i a l O f f e r — K S E i S {. A l l f o r O n l y 1 Dady Andrea Compound............................f .75 1 Lady Andrea Bhampoo fly r u p ,................ JW 1 la r g e 4-os. box OloeeUie and Preaelng Oll JM) < T otal.............................................. *1.7* f f W Send Poet Office or K ip rrw Money Order— liy M a il 20c Extra f o r V otin g* N o (1.0 . II. Shipment* •M U* L A D Y A N D R E S L A B O R A T O R IE S I S M V o s a «. N . W . a n d 2725 I* Rf. N . W . — W a s h in g t o n . D. C . N f U F A C T l H K I i a O F 27 N A T I O N A U L T K N O W N I I K A U T Y a# Price Sent by Mall, 50 c; 10 c Extra for PoaUga A IlK N T'g OUTFIT I I f « lr Grower, 1 T*m ol# Oil, I Bhfimpon, f P r o l o g Oil, 1 F « cp r.reem end d|r«r tlon forRpllinx, 93. Me R itr* for poeuge n r» r \»y-v a • m O. I J, L # Y C J I\ | '> M __ , «JlO N . U F T ltm l n1 . . _ _ D e p t. II Oklahoma City, Okla.