The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, December 03, 1932, Image 5

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    C o m in g
Storie* by
Edward W orthy
E d w a r d l.a w t o n
D orothy
W a
The Advocate
cm ( •
MA l»r•*»•** »« . <
44trilUib| IrytM m Ulitr*
F E A T U R E S E C T IO N - - D ecem ber
m LVtt m i ion i » fo und m i l
* » » a n*
m r r r a r i'R i a»« tio n
Man Magic, That
Worked I
tlie subject w»n lo*t In ■ More o il eye* sparkled a* he led
th in g» a.s lit« she«, got undei way. ¡narrow, winding iron
T !i» t night the three were Invited tr io the -ootn which
to an after-m idn igh t party, and grease-, am t and fa ir*
Hilly, feeling that he ought to get; But with the find
a little more fun out of life. a n d L ,,_ rn „ „ . . . . . . . ,___
Alami what?"
Irene wanted Hilly, but
lie rotfanied her hi* *<» much
common clay. Then alu* look­
ed at Jerry and — Rend it
for yourself.
A b o u t y o u r s e lf '
"Y e a h ? "
= r a ? *£ « ±
“ " .:K
her up u*rf
stair* am f
smelled p|
perfume. ^
word, Uflf
. ,__
as a
oddly willful
■w an
¡J iu a lly *
l ' > e t
H is
You've got to be more careful
"Hiiuply Ural I ve wasted those 'amusement at Iren 1*', action* turn* in the future, Irene, ' he »aid • Pe<j*
year», too.
too I ! rm
1.1 t - J«
J. - Dudley m
in io
to im
• »•«"•m
n t i as »tie.
»Ire. a
I j year*,
a w m e rn
n e r , * » ar„ apt u, mUtlnder*land yotii
Y M I.
V «U M r Hllljr. VOUbJyop wheu I ...........««een. and we | £ “ £ rr,' ' ' ¿ X ' y m
L "o ff f « " i ’
rrT J
b ~ „ pretty »urcea
l h * last formed ltll
wmg an.l dance team .a lt s ...d tl cn danced, him <
Ù m
j T T'
i* < lv r y e a .»
You made I l » m f R,.lw Un-n. I ye d.M.r practically .11 the re st of .h r evening
I « « '
* gO
'Z '
l,M » u iw lf Ml . h r s t a g e *nd tfv n ln
in * lint
o t k « o
c, i . onr
loutuir iM-f.wr
thr afTnir
. » ovrr
> »
i l l , had
n .r t l I .
d. * 11 ‘ ' yo
u re
in o m th
mu w
ohm rouiiiw
iM-lovr tlir
«ITair » » u
fe ln ,* ,uat<rd w i l l
It, t i l l H o V IL A K D *ot urn l i l p l l i N u Ihv n » ir c * ftr r a no hrr. U y m * to niaka m y -! rrturnrd romrwhat wnarily. lo hi»
* -Iran, of „ „ „ a . h •
IlM k n i MK- ium - i , look u. up m -II aa (uod u you tw o
I w ork ad 'h olrl room
L. A
* CTO*d
Ire n « l l i j f f t looked down with into the big time
You've worked awfully hard tbo e
r jfr i brumJin« anti »tiartffH y ■!» mighty hard, aim ! you ve mad«* a go didn't
Hut • I •*.
m juat s ai i « all
He v
a ju
l h th
la k k » r » l i e vsirl i , , rin..viw
<h e
.. so badly
s i « d aguatrd
gu s'.ru « w i ill!
th in
p r s lilli« •« Hilly Hryanl. wl»o sat. of everything you've tried
thinking I over I »ike«! one thing
all women
He »tnoked four cigar> vm allv
it r'n.-sii’t
,, \ t
And now that you’re Just about
What was th at?"
|»n quick .u c -*M o n and pared th^* S T w g y L
^ T U h e T ^*
rlidir tilled la c k .
lit n u t at the top of tire ladtler, you r f
H i a t s tl«e man
You »ee I floor for an hour before he cook!
Billy remained s ile n t
_____ *
drr|#ly UHO nU pockrU. gating III just beginning to look around and
never dreamed he wouldn t find mr go to sleep Som ething was wrong h a r ti^ T lie i with a fl^sh
frt»wning duualulaction out of tht to »ee what your friends have been !
at of thought
rmnanoe' radically wrong
¿1 v J E S / itS Z J
.ukl o . ,.e along
me day. and, When Iw aaw her again II. n ert j
v iih ld « o l hu drraalni room llm u «1 Mug all th e »« year» Y o u ie just
liM.rvenng that while you were after that everylliln g wiMild be all >lay »he greeted him
th the In- . 1 .,.
. r-ini. n J * ° 1 ,rt<,,Tn
xd anger flDcbed acuvm » Ihe g ir l*
«(»etnliiig twenty-four hour* a day Ng;.<
Mu. It ha»n t worked out »our,.,K-e of a man
't we can
fa«'«* now and thru, while Hilly was worktiig out song and dance rou- that
l ^ 1 "
you're Teellng better." »tie »aid " I f * la |g th e r e -
plainly dicconcolale
Jerry Dudley tunsi (or >«MM»elf and for ua, the
Hilly Hr rant waa for a moment, about tim e you »lopped
laiound h< r e '
Utml member of tlw* trio known hoy* you grew up * th are all m *r- ton »urpriaed for »peerh
but the anger had not yet com «
1 » ~ 1» there any parllrularj "tin frown he
id worn the day pietely died out of her voice
lar a 11 «I wide a» the H ire « Martrm « led and have families
returned, and deepened HU
Hilly Hryanl leaned back in hu
«loud hrlldrM
In the
Gazing at i e n e a few m inute!
No-o." alt,- »aid
‘ It * ju»t a long friend».tip with Irene had al-
written on hi»
doiwway lor a moment, (lien diaap- hair, annoyance
rary notion I had
T h e truth U aray» be n » very m a tte r-o f-fa ct.j.^ e Jungle Clu'i in Harlem B illy
» g|( r a iili
| . 4 ic i down Ihe winding
“ "'h
• mu
rytag lo I M i M w M i 1 I r a n t recall right now a »Ingle dyed-in-the-wool sort of ail aHau i - i , ,
»«age «talrcav*
w h a t»
von yiitg
you." i .an I would think twice of when But to have her »Udde.lly carry tha. »lowly m e ,» n , over^ ln ^ What U
Wliat a (he (rouble with y«ni
I mat ter-of fact attitude
a t t l l l K l e « S f® r
varia«: t»., i«U« >-e»* L ,» » « * ..., a*.__. . . _____
Hi* H oy?" ll*e girl a»ke<t finally Ire n e * /« •* went on, "i* how to
rO , ^ ft - a . B itty , .urn to
*'You're been acting like a *i*Ml«*d < a n h up with tliem in com fort and
d u l l fur (lie la»t (w o mmtllw
»he went on
‘ I'v e about
Ttie »how went on however, a» , h,.
------ -
So your
don l are where you've g«K anything your little |g!e of
al v r , i ™
In worry about Mat v i id
m in g»lcm 1 » to hud out how to go decided now that liwtead o f w alling though nothing al all had hap-
V o r T l , ? flrvV l.m l ... Z 1
name in lights in i ( In front? Ain't *l*Hit It to get the right girl. Like any longer f.w the ...... to come prlied T h e T h re- Harlem Step,wr» " * ^
aUatg amt propoae, I'm going after brmiglit the house down r everv w,.niv nine vewr i!
we l»*»krtj m 4*<1 for a year and
I .tv," »he a.lded With a » l y 1 performance, an abzolule riot T h e i ’ ce of ^ .in n e n ,
maybe more?
Ain't we bi tinting me** If you gel the a lo n g o n e "
twinkle in her eye. “ 1. leap year,'»h o w cloai-d on Friday night with
"L e f,
For a U»ng time Hilly waa silent
dtiwn ll** Inuue wherever w * play?
-— * to open
------- * Monday
— - - -
- l
lire fa r' was, Irene was more you know "
U ----
In a'»w*
Come (Ml, snap mil of it
We re all
She »tond up and Itxiked down new theatre downtown
He had
All of ihe 4ll(1 (lm
gotng to a night club somewhere than half right about It
up «he
ladder of *occe»a at Billy
Am t you ranting?“
"1 think
,k I 1 I II I women
women In
In Ihe
.he cast
cast were
were 111 a a h high
l*h |d7nncr
» £ * 5 » ll ° h i i i * ninCnLe«*-'
" .if5 L “ ^
-n L ..,,,
iS S
( mi ahead." said Hilly. M ining l»retty fast but .:i the meaiitiitM* »U rt right now.
said T ni »U te o f rscltem ent. trying to t h l n k L * ,
» touch of hunger
---------- „,1? , .,.'2
renlleaaly in hi* chair
"D on 't wail he had missed a greet deal of life triving out to the C . m i . o that » o aomrthlng m-w and different to his voire
Irene grasped the tabW
Ami d ia l was what bnrre .ferry an« d ie re»t o f the do during their two dav layoff
around (or me. I'm not feeling tight In tl»«* pro«-,*»*
and sat down suddenlv to hide her
t o n ig h t
I haven't been
feeling was troubling liiyt lo w what he ¡bunch mu «! lliey w«*ie g«*ing Com - { "Y ou can count me out." Ir«*ne surprise; but the idea once pres
right for a long time
It'a *« m »»«* had nnsaed
mg along?
told them
"Jerry and I are run- seined, grew m oie at ’active
D ir
lie ivgarded Irene »prrulativrly
Hdly msi.led his refi-sal wesrlly iilng up to Boston over the week-
tilin g abmil thU .s|N mg an
I don
a ¿.Men sect nd . she hesitated.
"W e ll." he »aid finally, h i» flr»( aii.l turned lo his dressing table.'end
I gura* I'd better go home
W e ll be back Monday morn-
From the toes of her tiny shoe» t<*
anger having toned down a bit. It while a saucy wave ol good-bye mg
an*i g. ( a i»* * »•* real
W e got
die lop o f tier permanent ly m ar­
doesn't sound very gund out kMid told him that Irene was losing no' There was nothing at all threat-
matin— loomt«»w *
celled head she would have lik e !
'H ie girl turned to go. then itauxed but
know there
might bF time in her quest
|clung about that statement, but tt
have accepted that nivitati.»n.
xm irlh ln g to what you » a y "
and cam « back
"T h a t crary g u ll
was his only settled like a shower o f sleet over
It was plain that her mind * n
I know w h a t* the m atter with
"O f course I lie re t»."
|thr merriment of the backstage
debating the matter, but a shrewd
you. Hilly." she .said suddenly l vc
Bui »upirosing there
I*. what
He didn't see tier again until the crowd
Intuition seemed to get th- better
known for a lout tim e "
nest afternoon when »lie arrived
"J e rry !" someone whispered un-
of the argument
Her decision w ig
H illy'» frown deepened a little
Irene walked over lo tile dressing at tin* stage door two minules b c-'d e r his breath
at her accusing tone
* Well.** lie table and sat on 11» edge, tiervou»- fo ie matinee tint In Jerry Pudlry's^ For tlie first time. Billy Bryant evident in her face before stv*
• i i with a i nm h • »« in hum n Iv lighting a cigarette and toying roadster - H illy had been w a itin g' really looked troubled.
" I can "
I promisee to rid*? over
"su(ipoae that »nice ymi know all with II hn a moment
It was plain aitMously f.M diem for Ihe past
Irene caught him regarding her
that »lie didn't k n o e just what to fifteen m iLtea. and as tie cautioned seriously a couple of times, but she to Newark w th Jerry tors >rr >s*
my bualneaa, you give me the d«n**
morning." she said
"It'a just an Id e a .,.* Irene veil say n e»t
them t
hurry up. lie could not hurried away to dre
and there
A fierce jab at his coffee cu|l
tim idly
"M aybe
it *
Billy broke the silence
help hut nolle the unusual gleam was no time then to talk Hie m at­
with his spoon wa»
B illy’s only
Wioilg "
"It does make me (eel sort of out in Irene's dark eyes
. ter over.
few moments later she!
The movem it delight.
Well, f«
hei veil'» sake ' he In
>f step Willi th in g» (o see all the
What tai earth's
matter joined Jerry and they sped away !
T lie determined look ca
te iru p l'tl impatiently, ' W liat i* It? fellows mat i led and settled down with her. au vw ayf' lie asked h im ­ In Ills roadster
back Into tier eyes, and she g
with homes o l ttielr own," he con self.
W hm
Irene had never taitd any
He did not have a chance to coi identul.
T h e girl*» moutli twitcned *u»pi lessed candidly
"I t iau't »o niiieli attention to Jerry Dudley before Sirak to her again until after the
"B illy " »h e said. I ought to tell
ri«Mi*ly. but her time remained even d ia l I want to gel married but It's He had always be« i Just one of downtown premiere of Ihe show on
you this because I know It'll m ik e
" D m l laugh." *hc .said, but I'm Mist ihosi coay looking living rooms the team accepted, taken for gra n t- Monday night
He calighi her
telling you
the thing th a t* got ami einnfiN table i pat (m en u that ed, like tin rest ot them W hy all Upon as their act was over and you g la d —I think I've found my
m a n '"
you all tied In knota la that you gel my goal
Living on Hie load the sudden interest t
I promptly asked he t j come Into
"Y ou r m an !"
want to gel married, and V u don't all Ihe lim e
yon don't get much
Hut ttie.i ihe lights flashed and ins dressing room for a talk
"Yes "
where to find a girl good i - smii I.n i I guess I'm ahonl ready
"I don't understand what you r «
enough to m an a."
lo settle down
All that stuff about
talking about."
Hilly tiv«ked at Ihe girl, mingled troupers slicking to Ihe stage un
diagiiat and puxalemrnt clouding Ids til their dying days doesn't go with
"D on't you remember what I said
hi *
she was a pretty girl
tall me
to you the other night?.
I'm tired of thia life, ami 1
and olive-skinned, with dark eyes goes. Ilia l's what's got me feeling
and iav. li M w k hau
Rumoi had so funny lliear last fe
that crazy notion, are you?"
m onth..'
had it more than on— that Irene
"I'm not on ly entertaining It. but
rkMiielluiig In those w ord, seemed
llayea and Hilly Ilryan t were go lo give Irene an Idea
It's working." she
n.>dded with
A whlmsl-
lug into a partneraldp o f their own ral look overspread her d -
elaborate sweetness. THen she grew
iPn i gm *«
■ pm
hg - l i t riien II grew daring
anxious all at once.
"Hadn't wo
better be getting back home?
Hill III-in 1" site sighed " I know
N«M exactly gcHni en ou gh ,'" she just how yon feel '•
wouldn't want to miss Jerry to­
went «a» quietly.
That lan't Just
morrow morning
Billy paid no attention to hrr
what l mean
Hut the right one
Savagely. Blllv finish .1 lit- coffee
"It's kind o f hard for a girl -b r­
You don't know where to look for ing on the road all the tim e," she
and then, without a word, he helped
tin* right one."
r t o his car ar I
drove her
wenl on
"Encept for a few parties
W hat on earth aie you talking now and then and an oeraslnnal
Irene watchec him as he
about?" he demanded
suddenly week's layoff I've Just about had
drove aviav with eyes that wer*
"A n d I thought you were going to lo drop out o f fem inine society al-
filled with anxiety, but back of that
a night club with the others "
anxiety stood a stubbjnm es
ogetlier "
"T lie y ’ ve gone.'
'I know how tlia. I s "
aim ply
1 told " in n that If we
T h e next day. Jerry rnd Irene
Ho you see. Billy, I'm just,about
felt like it. we'd come al* ng later " In Ihe same boat "
The sweet *tr of the |>!*ce, the hauntiiifi melodies of the did not return to the theatre until
"Y ou didn ’t have to • la , Juat be-
It was nearly tune for' the night's
W IiaH '' he demanded, not catch­
the swaying couples cast a spell over him. performance, and ttien she raced
oauaa I did," he muHered
ing her meaning (or an Instant
"Oh, o f course not
llut I want­
Y ep." gl.r said soberly " I made I‘'c»i the first time in 29 years he displayed a trace of upstairs with merely a wave of her
ed to ta«k to you. Hilly
Ihe v.nn mistake yon did "
( V n t i n n l a * Tag* 4