PUSH WAGNER RESOLUTO TH E A n A D V O C A TE , l n d t p t n d « D l P a p t r D e v o t e d to th o In te re s ts m f th o P o o p lo ^ ” è VOLUM E 2B — NUMBER 2 Digesting . . IN TW O SECTIONS . . . Tfie {Vev^s UY C lifford c. m it c iik ll JAMES A. JACKSON There la much conjecturing In lb « colored publications Ibaau day« aa lo thn possible change« that « I I I ba mail« In iha official working peraon- in'I In (ba various departments at tha Nations capital. Washington, Many change« will be roada. for many poalllona are purely political, but there la on« office-bolder whoae work, accompllabmenta and peraonal lly la above pollllca —and tbat 1 « Jamea A Jackaou, llualneaa Special lal In the Untied State« Department of Commerce PO R TLA N D , OREGON, SA TU AD AV , DECEMBER 3, 1932 IN T W O SECT ION B PRICE FIVE CENTS A COPY GOODMAN URGES WORKERS TO UNITE HHHMNNM PEONAGE INVESTIGATION URGED 01 " GLOSS EDGED ODE BY GRESS DEC. 5 DICKSON GIVEN HIGHEST T Freedom May Come VOTE FOR SENATE If Other Side Known F IN A L CHECK GIVES NORTH 7S-VOTE LEAD OVER GLOSS jJwiKiSk. The official count of the vote caat November 8 In the cloae conteeat for Multnomah county cunatable, announ- PRISONS ANO PRISONERS Hy C. C. Mitchell In Prlaon Paper 34 SENATORS PLEDGED 49 VOLES NEEDED Theoretically he hold« hla poattlon through a civil aervlce rating but In polltlca many atrange thing« ran hap­ pen to the civil aervlce machinery. Hometlmea whole deparlmenla are a- boltahed and the employee« turned looae only to lie superseded by a new department with a «lightly changed ■NO FUNDS" FOR HOOVER COM name, the «a m « working routine but M I T T e E PROBE. N. A. A. C. P a now aet of civil aervlce employee«. PUSHES W AGNER RESOLUTION Mr Jackson, r'lllllblard aa he la known to the Negro ITeaal haa ao many connection« that lie could eaa- Urges All Colored Organisation« and lly ahlft for hlmarlf but the race Intaraatad Individuala To W irt need« bltn at Washington Ilia work may not be ao readily appreciated by T b tlr Senator« Immediately the inaaaea but he la alowly but aurely building up rontaela for the race. In the bualnega field«, that It would be New York. Dec. I — (S p ecial!— Dla Impoeailile to achieve without hla cloaurea that no fund« have yet been as rvleea. barked by the U. 8 (lovern- made nvatluble for the committee up ment. pointed by 1‘realdetit Hoover to Invea- There la an old latln which, Iranalated, read«: proverb “ * * He who decide« a caae without bearing the other aide, tbo' he decide Justly, cannot be considered j'l.t • • " that will cause the tacts In his case to be heard ahead of an automatical­ ly set date sometime In the remote future. (And this writer wishes to make It plain that he is not thinking of him self. He has had opportunities and It Is his own misfortune If be did not make the best of them.) I am thinking of the doxens and scores of other cases that I hare come In contact with during many yaars of prison serrltude. I am thinking of the many who go silently about their pris­ on routine, unheard of. and without a blemish against them, yet. who po­ ssess an "other side" to their case which. If society knew of, would pre- Kent many cases with such mitigating circumstances to warrant an immedi­ ate and favorable action In their be half. It Is only a prisoner who. through daily asocial Ion with other prisoners and in Intimate contact with them during their unguarded mental moti- enta. can really know when his fellow- prisoner has reached the “ turning- tn his life Those of ua who spent years studying these Épi L ry f FLAYS AMERICAN SYSTEM Of INJUSTICE Over three hundred people enthu­ siastically cheered Irvin Goodman. Portland International Labor Defense lawyer, when he bitterly assailed the frame-up of Mooney, Billings and the ScotUboro boys at Workers Center last Wednesday evening. He had just returned from San Francisco where he drove with Paul M. CalUcotte and personally Interviewed Mooney nt Han Quentin prison and Billings at Folaom prison. Goodman insisted that It la impos­ sible lo understand these cases with­ out understanding the economic and social conditions underlying them. A f­ ter analysing the circumstances sur­ rounding the Mooney-Billings “frame- up", he launched Into a bitter attack upon the persecution o f the twelve miUlon Negroes In America, asserting “ the Negro people are a suppressed national minority race whose condi­ tion la that o f veritable slavery.” He pointed o *t thn» white the Constitu­ tion of the TTnited Stales theoretical­ ly guarantees equal suffrage, the Ne­ gro is actually disfranchised. He show­ ed the discrimination In education, asserting, as a typical case, that $27.88 ia annually spent for the edu­ cation of every white child o f school age in South Carolina and $2.74 ia annually spent for the education of every Negro child in South Carolina. He asserted that there is no Justice for the Negro in the courts and that even a NegTo lawyer Is dented admis­ sion to the American Bar Association. He denounced the wholesale lynching of both Negro men and women, add­ ing that between 1889 and 1925 ninety Negro women were lynched In the United States. A fter relating startling facts con­ cerning the Negro people. Mr. Oood- man stated that it la impossible to understand the Scottsboro case with­ out knowing these facts. This case la one means whereby the white ruling class seeks to perpetuate the slavery of the twelve million Negroes in A- merica. Goodman concluded by stating that the white worker cannot be emanci­ pated without emancipation o f the t Negro worker and pleaded for a uni­ fication of all workers, white. Negro and foreign-born, as the only means of preventing such frame-ups as that of Mooney. Billings and the Scotts­ boro boys. Mr. Goodman w ill speak at the Sunday forum. Public Library, next Sunday night on the Mooney-Billings and Scottsboro cases. No one who haa not actually lived in prlaon amongst prisoner« can un derstand just how applicable the a- hove maxim Is. Prisoner« ran heat ap­ preciate the thought, perhaps, because they feel. In a great many case«, that Ihey have been denied thn opportuni­ ty to present thn "other aide". | Almost without exception there is nn “ other side" to the caae of every Attorney Aabby C. Dickson, demo­ prisoner In almost every prison. And. crat. who was elected state senator perhaps. It's because tho "other aide“ with the highest .number of votes caat for any one for that office. Mr. la not known that causes crime to Dickson who formerly served as a lucreuae and our prlaona fill to over Cbarlaa G. North ¿'«»•'¡e« judge In Multnom,h county flowing? l i g a t e ( h r p e o n a g e r i i n d l l l o n s oil the ■ ■ raceivad 70,100 votes. Not only la he making beneficial Mississippi flood control project, haa (red today by James W Gleason, reg- Surely, there la a way of presenting contact» for Negroes In bualne«« hut brought uhoul Intensified activity by ,,. I North a lead of 79 votes. ( mediums. auch as School News, some way of presenting their other Dr. Thomas Canard Unthank. $ 6 . Jackson's offlca, throughout Hie country are holding North received 66,739 votes and »h e re ln ls c o n ta ln e d th e th o u g h ts .d e - side to society. mm with tli .... , Glooa M , *61. a « .. mimic t i • .«criptlon by words and drawings, and Not only la th e above statement died at his home in Kansas City. Mo., Personally, I have made excellent Juf |w a | churches on Sunday. Decern Ho w ll< succeed Gloss as constable presentation o f facts which true but there are many of us w h o<0n Tuesday. Novemeber 29. according use o f mv correspondence ronlacl |M,r 4 and al these mass meetings. January 1. Gloss la flnlalilng hla 12th constitute the "other aide". would be willing to wager a part of news received In Portland, with Mr Jarkaon, for through him 1 resolutions will be adopted calling for Tear nc constable. | There are many facts In the lives our "tim e” . If by so doing we could Dr. Unthank was born of slave par have secured many volumes of sta Senate action, and telegrams will be "> have not decided whether I »III of many prisoners, and for many dlf- help the other fcUow get a “ break" e„ts In Greensboro. N. C.. March 15, llstlcal reference Information and dispatched lo eenalora from Ihe va demand a recount". Gloss said. "There ferent causes and reasons, that are when we know and are ao satisfied iggg His father was a carpenter and scores of supplemental pamphleta r |uua n(n 1 a.H are aeveral things which must be la no* disclosed In their full and true that ho Is deserving of one — aud was employed by the Freedman's Bu- <»ntalnlng current Information on (he an aj,im on al step In Ihe cam krn ,n,° eonsldrratlon aside from Ihe H rtt until »H er the prisoner has would make good. reau, active at that time In freeing Negro Much of thla Information that prtK.urt, p,,ua| opportunity » , P®n«e It Is possible that Ihe result served many years. Even then some | I do not know how far the editor and educating the slaves. I have secured lias been Ihe result of for colored workers and to ultllxe the *he election may be changed by limes these facts cannot be properly will permit me to go on this subject. At the age of five and one half compilations from many deparlmenla ,|ramatle expose of Mlaalsalppl levee *°m o o\her less expensive method. If brought to the attention of the prop- but. If permitted. I would bring much years. Dr. Unthank was sent to a at Washington hut It has always pro- conditions toward this end the N A ,h'’ *" not changed. 1 will be er officials because the prisoner lacks happiness to myself even If I thought school established by the Quakers; lack of I could be useful in presenting the the first school for Negroes in the red a very simple matter to send \ q j * |a having prepared drafts of the first one to congratulate my suc­ ability to express himself; funds to engage others to present the "other side" for many others less for- state of North Carolina. H ere he re- word to Mr. Jackson as to the nature tdlls for Introduction In hte coming cessor." tunate than myself. roained until he was eighteen years of the work I needed ond through his -.««»»liin nf Congress, relating to hours North. 52, Is a native Portlander. He focts for him. or lack of influence ■■ ■ — old. During that time the school be- ronnecllons he would secure ntul dls- ,,g work, rate o f pay. and dlscriminn- resides nt 2707 N. E. Mason street. _________________________________ BARITO NE TO JOURNEY TO came known as Bennett college. From putrh Immediately. i tlon against Negroes on flood control Ills family consists of hla wife, two ••THE LAN D OF E ASE " 1885 to 1887. he taught school In Mon My argument In behalf of Mr Jack- iini| other federal work. Nathan R daughters and a son For many years roe. N. C. He later decided to study son Is not that another man couldn t Margold, attorney retained by the N. he was tho Portland representative of William Good lee. colored, was con­ law Angeles. California Dec. 1 Mr -m edicine and went to work at hotels perform the same work, under the \ a . 4 ; p. jor # general campaign the Miller Tire Company. latter he victed on a charge o f asault and rob late Grigsby who Just returned to ¡„ New Jersey to raise funds to eon- the Porlland-Bolse auto some clrcumstaneea, but there la not throughout the country against the started Los Angeles from Portland. Oregon. tlnue his education. He entered How­ .. . . .......... .... ...... freight I.Ine, nnd when~lt~m erged h®r>' whlU> * rn,ed and wlU nnothnr Negro who could assume the j color bar. Is now at work on Ihe .. ls planning to leave for Honolulu In ¡,rd University in Washington. D. C.. with Ihe Consolidated Freight Lines. \ Mo,,day at 9 “ • m by Clrcu work and do ns murh good ns Mr. jdrnftlng of these bills. Judge Hewitt. about two weeks to Join Irene West nnd worked in the Government print- Jurksim ran do by continuing his pro- Some 30 leading branches of Ihe he went with the latter company. Goodloe was found guilty by a Jury Company, for a two yeara' engage- mg shop to earn enough money to de­ sent ■ T V Ices which are (he result of ' Association have been asked lo hold In Judge Hewitt's court after 25 hours ment. fray his expenses at Howard. many years o f labor and ronlact. . the mnss meetings on Dee 4. and deliberation. His cose was based on Mrs. Grigsby (who was Miss T h e In 1898. he began practicing medl I Mrn. Daisy E. Immpkln, N. A. A. C. GLOSS LOSES TO NORTH the holdup September 6 th of a beer resa W lgley of Denver. Colo.) w ill cine in Kansas City. Mo., and built a There Is not a Negro editor, pub- p Hcginnul Field Secretary, reports Ed Gloss, the aimable Multnomah I,arl,,r wlwr* Merb‘ 1Urr' ‘P®°Prtetor. accompany her husband. Mrs. Grigs- lucrative practice. In 1903 he was Usher, correspondent, business man. |that the Istulsvllle branch, through by made many friends here when she appointed City physician. He had orgaulxallon or a professional man of it„ president, Dr. J. II Walls, has al County Constable, who, in a re-check was slain. Goodloe was brought back from visited In Los Angeles two years ago. charge of the relief work during the any standing that Mr Jackson Is not [reudy arranged for such a mass meet* Chlrago to stand trial. She married the famous singer and Missouri river flood and was respon- personally acquainted with and nil " f , Ing In Quinn Chapel. A. M. E. church, George Harwood, who fired the fa­ entertalner last June. isible for establishing a city hospital these should make It a point to watch |(ov. F. M Held, pastor of thn Chapel, tal shot. Is under life sentence and Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby have the very jfor the care of colored people In Kan- ami see that no rhanges are mnnipu- has consented to bn Ihe principal William Poach, also present at the best wishes of all Los Angeles, who sas City. Mo. During his active years laled In the civil service stnndlng speaker. slaying, faces sentence on a man­ hope that their trip w-lll be adventu-;Pr. Unthank interested the Jackson Mr. Jackson, or (he department he 34 senators Pledged 49 Votes Needed ZE LL BROTHERS TO OPEN slaughter plea. rous as well as prosperous. County court In establishing a home hns built up If anything, his work The N. A. A. C. I*, reports wrlllon for aged and Inflrmed Negroes. He ULTRA-M ODERN QUARTERS should be extended with additional j pledges from 34 senators that they CLARENCE CAMERON W H IT E RE NORDIC EAR MIXES “ NIGGER" IN used his Influence to have the Park assistants hired. will support Ihe Wngner resolution CEIVES MEDAL FOR OPERA bureau establish the first playground In the Senate, and states thnt 4S voles | HEBREW DIALECT. N. B. C. in his city for colored children and will bo needed to Insure passage of | CHICAGO. III., Nov. 24— Clarence The new modernistic home o f Zell helped to organise the first Negro Brothers. Jewelers and opticians, at RADIO S TATIO N E X PLA IN S Cameron White's opera, “ Quanta" was EDDIE T O L A N ON STAGE Ihe resolution. Every effort w ill be jdrug store and first hospital west of given a concert performance ou Sun­ Broadway and Morrison streets, will HIS F A M ILY IN NEED " ‘" y T '" “ ' “1 *" day afternoon at the Three Arts Club the Mississippi — The Douglas — In part« of fht* country, through tho ... Now York. Dec. 1 — The National | Kan8a9 c )ty Kan Hp ,ater hei pe<1 es be formally opened on Monday. under the auspices of tho American -------- 1 A. A. C. P. muHH nictlmcN nnd other The opening brings to a climax Ihe Opera society. "Quandga," based on Broadcasting Company haa done a ,ablll(h anothor larfr,, hospital lu firm 's 20 years In Portland business, the belief In vodoo still reported to be Utile explaining to the N. A. A. C. P. Kanaag c lty Mo New York. Dee. 1 -B d d le Tolan. HO ,hat *®nntors who are now prevalent among tho peusauts o f the and is tis fourth store. colored sprint Olympia j U r , hns gone ubtfnl or who have not yet commit about an alleged use of the word "n ig­ Dr. Unthank was one of the organi Island of Haiti. The story brings in The store Is nltra-modern through­ Into vaudeville to support h i. m oth er ,'* 4 ‘ ^ m w lv e . may be swung definite­ a number of out stnndlng characters ger" in a radio broadcast from station sera along with Dr. J. E. Perry, of the brothers nnd sisters In Detroit, and ly In favor of the Wagner resolution. tmiuding Dessallnes, Haitian Patriot. WJZ. In the "M ystery Hour" broad- | Wheatley- Frovident Hospital In Kan­ out, from the walnut Interior to the Senutor Wagner has Informed Ihe bronze marquee over the entrance Toussalnt D.Ouverture, the great Hal cast, the offensive word Is said to to continue his studies In medicine. sas City. Mo. and the bronze fittings over Italian tlan general, and other historical char­ have occurred. Telan Is louring In ono of the units N. A. A. C. P. lltat ho will Introduce The deceased was an active repub­ acters. Tho opera calls for seven sing­ of Bill Robinson, the Negro dancer . | |b" h ’" » « « 1» " « " the opening day of A. Plana, supervlaor of audience lican during his whole public career marble on the exterior. ing principals, an cnscmblo of native The three Zell brothers, Harry, Ju­ Ho loctjtres on how to run nnd win the fi‘\v session of Congress. drummers, soldiers, peasants, dancers, n-all of the N. B. C. now atatea: "W e ¡nnd through hla varied contacts and lius and Daniel, each specialise lit a are glad to inform you that the line voodoo worshipers, venders and cour foot rares. Tolan, running for tho wide Influence did much for the bene particular branch of tho business, lers. of acrlpt queatlona used the word 'N e­ fit of his race. United Htnti/. won the 100 und 200 After the first rate performance, In gro' and not 'nigger'. The production Harry, In charge o f the Jewelry de­ Ed Glosa meter races at Dos Angeles. MAN SE N T TO PEN He had been In falling health for a which tho soprano. Cleo Wade, was partment, Is an authority on precious of ballots this week, lost to his oppo- particularly attractive, the composer man In charge o f these rehearsals long time. Last Summer Dr. and Mr«. gems, particularly diamonds and Si­ Roy Lewis, 20, was sentenced to nent, Charlie Q. North by the small was awarded the David Blshpan medal made a apeclal effort to avoid any DeNorval Unthank motored WOMAN SAVED BECAUSE from two years In the state pnnltentlnry numbsr of 78. Qloaa haa asrved as for distinguished service to the cause misunderstanding In the pronouncla- Portland to Kansas City to visit htm. amese zircons. Hs Introduced the Si­ OF GREAT 8IZE amese zircon to America. of American opera. Tho presentation tlon of the word, but the line was Inst Saturday when ho pleaded guilty Constable for twelve years. He leaves to mourn their Iosa, a was made by Elenor Everest Freer, $ead by a man who had to use the Julius Zell, head of the optical de- Houston. Tnxns, Dec. 1 - When Dot­ to chargn of burglary not In a dwel­ widow. Mrs. Gertrude Clark l T nthank; A CARD OF T H A N K S president of tho society that sponsored ipartment, is a graduate optometrist. tle While, 280