The SATU RD AY. OCTOBER It, IV.13 ADVOCATE PAGE TH R EE THEATRES - SPORTS - SOCIETY & WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES wyj H O O K osa VERBAL • News Theatres SNAPSHOTS R E V IE W I Briefs UAL! U f ilM l urn DEPRESSION IE A H E LP TO RACE (Continued from page o n «) H AH A'U 'LL AH AND T H I NEW ENA lly J. K. Kaslemnnt (The IUha'1 Pub fnmnitttee, I I I » 348 Mr» Grand Central Hin New York. N Y I for Ihr lc l«ly ut K i ' * l » « « l for Tbn Advócala by ob Inal tal »a<| C L IfF C r O C. M ITCH ELL Hot m II", « u r o I i*ori in nd Oregon. In botai eetabllabmeDla of tha whites in tha north, he ahlned ahoea aa the hlrod underling of some white capl- lallat. but seldom "want Into tha buli­ (Hy W. J W H E A T O N ) n a «»" on hla own. Now he own» hla Job; nod ha own« hla “ ahop", even If It conalata of only hla bruahes, bla Tha Advocate wlabaa Ita reader« to pollali, hla ahne-hox and aome rags It know that tin- opinion exproaoed by la hla; ha la doing hualneax "on bla tha wrltar of thla aolunin la not nec Mal>lr< lliMidrrai.u wna »ololnt aaanrlly Tha Advocate's opinion PM meeting of iba nilnnlonnry ao- Ilio Unitari Preabytcrtnn rhur- Oh. boy1 Tha tight la on In aarnaat. Wednesday Hh. waa wall ra­ Uoyarnor Roosevelt, anmllduta (or tha l Danna rat» and l’raablanl llooaar who MbMw Owetwtolyn.... .......ti» ! * « .......- '■....... . " ' araonE *,r< -• J"1' ona Myrtle W tam phell llraa Hlia ljooker ara iba youn« folk who iHr" " h“ mm,' r “ «'< “ *»•«» Koaevalt baa baan nn ndmlrar of my wrltluiE ramnily regl.tered lo rota on N o» « . ( . * • » « "■«> «* • ,,,rni h*,;* • " rt ,h" alnaa Mra. t'auuady Franklin opanad farmer« what hr will do when »let ted Iba rota mas of h-r Portland Advo | A Mni..r „«,.h „ th„ ,, of c tt, r . Hoover became trad; he claimed that aala lo M I I M in b 1930 In «Il of k(,|«y ,H „ a ..a ,l Iba W lll.m ette WHC halt aa bla own particular preaarvra, Mra^t ampliali a lettera to ma alia (old gante al Pullman. Washington on l«»t and Tenanted the Inlrualon In langu­ of Ih» wondara » ( Italia t' j.lab. who, , s „ i „ r,|ny age far from diplomatic. Garner, the In 1893 diati In prWon, Jual a fu aide kirk of Itooaavelt, enter« tha motilità bufera I waa born Tboaa Iat­ Horte n t v lodge of Elk« bald a meet­ fray and hantla Mr I'realdent a hay tura, piu« nawapapar «oeottbta «lean ing Inal Wartnaaday night. maker. Tha I'realdent become» riled ad from all ovar tbe country, partlru the more and Ignore« the advice of larly rom «ru in a tha national Templa Among recent renewal» to Tha Ad­ hla aecond» lit- 1« MS going to "»la y al Wllmutla, minóla, rrrated wllbln vocate wat the aubacrlpllnn of Mra. on the Job" and let tha other fallow» ma Ih « Inulina to atudy lanata of Amy Marlon thla weak Mr» Merton do the talking lie la going to do the llabaiain haa for a long lima been a ronatant talking hlmaelf Well. It’a Ilka W ill Hogara aaya. "the fallow that talk» reader of The Advocate. Tbia Volunta, Ibilia't'L lah and Iha the laaat will be elected " You might Now Kra", la Iba flrat Iba! I bara Mra Ada M rillll la again hack al fool all of the farmara aome of tha raad or studied on Iha subject II la har home on Union Avenue and doing time and you might fool aome of tha aufflrlant to ronalnra mo, one who la catering work aa of yore. farm er» all of tha time, but you can't both handicapped by a dark akln and f. - -1 ill i*l tin farmer » A L L O f T H E a prlaon «untene«, ibal (he Irai bina« Mar Hattie Smith wall known ca­ TIM K of IlabaT'T.lab, aaparlally aa llyad and tara«» who baa bean running a reatan- —O prescribed by bla praaanl day follow rant for aaveral weak» on N 6th air . Nine tentha of the American citi­ ara. ara uninuety pertlnanl and rapa- haa t|Ult zenry have made up their mlnda )u«t bla ut (ranaformlni thla world of hu­ how they are going to vote on Novem­ man bitlarnaaa and d iffe re n t«« Inin J im » Thom e» who baa been chef at ber Nth Thla flow of oratory for them one human Intarnallonal family Kram er'» Itoad houat* for a abort la Just a matter of political entertain­ while ha» been laid o ff on account of ment It la tha big ahow put on quar- Tha aubject la entirely loo exhaua- dull bualneaa drenlal Tha aide ahow cornea hut ev­ lite for me In attempt an analyala la ery two year». Itut what fun we do thla apara My praaant mlaalon la get 0!>t of It' It'» Jolly to wutrh the own '. That's different. He la not merely lo attrart the attention of our j Georgia Dixon, local puglllat and■ 'little ..... ______ ________________ monkey« ________ clawing and acratrhlng _ working on a commission, taking or­ thinker» to an lam that know« no col-, jean Wehatar »o r,. arreatad Saturday The miai reía o f'th e Ilona When ders and bearing no prime responsi­ or line racial or national p reju d ice: nl mr, W. Idler a'| at charged with va l...a (1, o ïr r |h(( gongey*, "HKBhaws* bility. He can now measure hla gatna. rater» not .......... to rlaaa. wealth or poaltlon ' Igraney. Thav were wer found In rompan» ................ ------- , h„ . ]nt>hu, ', T ru m p e t«'. Git weigh oul-put agalnat Income and but la founded and ailmlnlatared | w ith t o white women police chant« h|n(t (lf , h(. Jun(t|(, ru|e, bll, th„ mon manage That's Important. wholly on Iha prlnrlpla of on« human *the four had ben living together Mealdea. the Negro waa more will- a k,,y, | Irk the acratchea and rub the brotherhiNMl In the llaha'I calendar graney chorgaa were alao placed a- hrulaea That 1« all that they gat for 1«E to be a hired, bossed "hand" year« the twelfth month, that of Knowledge, I aalnat the women INxon I« out on $500 their PAIN S Why not do your duty |**° <*>»“ b” »*«*» In aome role like commence» October liith. and la an hall. aa a loyal cltlxen and lei It go at that? shining ahoea on tbe sidewalk or excellent time for our reader» to ac­ I III« trail h »« ben postponed until on standing by a banana cart In tne gut­ —O— quire knowledge on the auhject (November Itlh There died recently In Nevada, an ter. old Indian. He waa a great medicine Using Opportunities man. and the originator of Ihc "Ghost It is Indeed an ill wind that blows Dance" which waa the cause of the no good to anybody anywhere In any Inst serious Indian uprising In the way Dakota Mad land« Wovoka claimed In Darby, Penn, a Negro boy whose that If the Indiana held the dance aa father Is a prosperous preacher, was a religious rite. Ihey wouliF soon con­ graduated from the local high school quer all of the white men and drive last spring. He could find no Job. No­ thorn from the country It rosulted In body would hire him. He therefore be­ I | the death of hundred« of Indiana I.Ike gan to think, to plan, to Invent: be I .most of those fanalleal vision», this would get bla father to advance him I revelation came to Wovoka after a the capital to fit out one vegetable three-day trance aprnt In the aolitude and fruit -peddling (ruck. Tbe father of hla tepee Wovoka wore a bullet­ did ao on the agreement that he was proof veal which prevented Injury to be repaid so much a week until re­ when he demonatrated hla Invulner­ imbursed for hla loan. Tbe boy then able« to them, and aaaured them that had to buy. sell, at a profit, make the they too could not die at the hands upkeep of (he truck and replenish hla of the whites The Indians were work­ alocka He Is now earning $25 to $50 ed up to a religious fren iy and It coat per week, when he would have Jump­ numbers of llvea to quell them. ed at $16 or $20 a week last spring. If —tN * he could have got a Job. But he could Our attention haa been called to a get no Job. ao he made one, and owns political pamphlet circulating among It Negro voter« cataloguing the names of Negroes holding political Jobs un­ der the present national administra­ bordlnate political appointments. —O tion Juat why the »core or ao of Ne­ Why John Garner's from Texaa! gro Job holders should be presented aa the reason why he, the Negro, What of It? 8o la Duron Flttx; yet should vole for the retention In office who will deny that Fltta I b one o f the of the present regime la a puzzle No finest of nn-n They lynch Negroes in other group of voters who figures in Texaa. and we have never heard of Here'» a atilt that acema made our national life la ao exploited Then Garner protesting against Ml If our for speri il occasion ao fault­ why the Negro? The name of Ihe gen­ memory la correct there waa a recent tleman who heads the list won hla lynching In Kansas. Did you hear lessly la It tailored Yet M'a poaltlon through competitive examin­ Charlie Curtis emit a "war whoop" In ready for the hardest wear ation Hla passing the diplomatic teat protest or brandish hla tommyhawk tM-cnuae of Imitar malcríala waa such a source of embaraaament aa a threat against any further lynch­ and belter workmanship (0 the Department of Slate that they ing»? There has been lynching thru- aent him to Liberia. Africa, where he out the nation' Has the President de- haa been twiddling hla thumbs while Bounced It with any force? Let us SOLD ON OUR the white men dictated the plan of ¡think along national tines The great ............. est good to the greatest number We »P A Y M E N T government e l o was he not s< nt to ____,______ , — „ i u . v. have heard many Intelligent Negroes Ilaytl? As for the remainder of the PLA N M U D BURY SUITS $ I 25 x. s l ä s .'S’ is ;,.:; has found employment for a Negro dltrhyllgger. tell ua W e hold no brief for any political party, but It doe« ap­ pear to ua as the acme o f absurdity to flaunt such an Inane argument In the fare of Negro Intelligence What does that lot of useless political ap­ pointees weigh agalnat the pitiable condition of millions of Jobless Ne­ groes It's bad enough In the good tim­ es. hut under $ N M M . millions, the question of jobs for the masses Is of, greater Importance than a score of su It a easy to buy fine clothe» thla convenient way. Pay In tweuty weekly auma - o r you may pay monthly If yoa pre­ fer. Washington et Tenth Y A Portland Owned Store AN EQ UAL O P P O R T U N ITY fight and work to that end.' The writer wishes to make it known that (his column does not express the views of this Journal T H E PO LIC Y of T H E JO U R N AL W IL L BE EX­ PRESSED IN T H E ED ITO RIALS. This column Is personal opinion. o u t h f u l I)r. Magnus Hlrschfleld. the world-known authority on Sex- ol.igy ami Director of the Institute for 8oxunl Science of Berlin. Germany, created VARICOSE VEINS IIC K SKIN BANISHED Healed By New Med,od flf ANTISEPTIC ZEMO For COLDS, COUGHS I f Itrhinff, burning akin make« Hfo unbearable, quickly opply Zomo, tho OOOthilWe cooling» inviaiblo family nntiorptic. Thousands find that Zomo brings swift relief from Itching, help* to draw out local infection and ro- store the akin to normal. For 20 yean Zemo haa been clearing up akin, re- lieving pimples, ranh and other akin irritations. Never be without ft. Sold everywhere—86c, 60c and $1.00. 02X333 S or« thront, miiaruUr rhru- „ unM „ matir arhraA paina,a|>|»ly Mua- g ’’Ti"’ w .«",»,'“ *,“ ; U-r o le , th o "c o u n t e r - ir r it a n t ” ¡— , •n u TITUS-PEARLS » } [ , ; to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are los­ ing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and re­ search, however, he realized that the weakening of man's glands wna also responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exer­ cise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Tltus-Pearls. Numer­ ous cases were treated by Dr. Hlrachfeld In his Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of physical exhaustion, dizxlness and tremors. W hs easily tired. Mental powera dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 yenrs. Blood ipressure too high. Given 2 Tltus-Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man w as:— General health better, more vigor; dizziness much loss and returning of power. Trentment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported agnln, this time to say that all weari­ ness and exhaustion hnil gone; he felt fresh and bouyant. His blood pressure had fallen, nnd at 60 years of age he had regain­ ed Ihe physical power and virility that he had known In the prime of his life. Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send $5.00 (caah registered or money-order) for 2 weeks' treatment. “ for How lo OkUln » hum « » a "a ooord o f tnvontua'* form No .h o r ,o tor la- toroiKIMn on how lo proeood Oowimui n on , » Ir m ly eniinsonlial erom pi e i u l w »O c l.n l MrvMO CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN Raglsttrad Patent Attorney U - A So.orHy » a r in o A ('»mmorolsl AT ALL DRUGGISTS r e n g t h Bank «all«,», (OkraoUy aerea» alraal tram p .u n l OMaet W A S aiN O TO N . » . C. To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: T E U T O N IA IM PORT A EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 3167 211 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Gentlemen: please forward to the following address......... Boxes Tilua-Pearls, for which I enclose $....................... My nnme Is ................... My address is .................... .... City. State . . . Several thousand Portland fans, as well as several million national show- goers. will learn the solution ta the baffling mystery of "The Phantom of Creetwood" now. for the photoplay is now on at the RKO Orpheum and at- multaneoualy In nearly every RKO theatre In the country. Fifty-six sta­ tions of the National Broadcasting company broadcast six episodes of the thriller, inviting listeners to turn a- mature mystery story writers and en­ ter their solutions to the unfinished air mystery. Latest reports estimate that nearly 200.000 entered the con­ test. which was broadcast locally by KGW Six thousand dollars In prises will be awarded the most original end­ ings. which do not have to agree with the author's solution aa shown In the film Ricardo Cortex, Karen Morley, Pau­ line FYederlck. George E. Stone, Rich­ ard (Sheets) Gallagher Robert Mc- Wade. Anita Loniae. H B. W ae»er and several other prominent ..creen play­ ers are in the cast. H AM R IC K 'S BLUE MOUSE October 15^ Clyde Brook. Charles Reg­ gies. Vivienne Osborne in "H U S B A N D S' H O LID AY" October 16-17, Jean Harlow, Robert Williams, Loretta Young In P L A T IN U M BLONOE October 18-1S-20, Greta Garbo.Clark Gable in SUSAN LENNOX H AM R IC K 'S ALDER October 16-17. Carole Lombard, Lillian Tashman Stewart Erwin in “ UP POPS T H E DEVIL” October 1S-19-20, Johnny Weismuller, Maureen O'Sullivan in T A R Z A N T H E APE MAN H AM R IC K 'S MUSIC BOX October 15. Richard Arlen. Peggy Shannon, Jack Oakle in -TO UC H D O W N'' — O— October 16-17-18 Miriam Hopkina. Jack Oakle In -HOUSE DIVIDED” Mr». Julia Rhodes, of Bakersfield. ! Calif.. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. j George Wilson in South Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, of San Diego were recent visitors In Portland. They were guests at Hotel Medley and were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carden. William Rayford, of l-os Angeles, is ill Portland to attend the Stock Show. He is driving for a Mr. Burge of the same city whose busines brings him here. Honoring Mr. Samuel Brown, pian­ ist, and Mr. V. O'Neil, tenor of the Cotton Blossom singers. Dr. and Mrs. De Norval Unthank entertained at a diner party at their residence in Mon-, tartlla Sunday. An additional guest was Miss Louise Randolph. C over» were placed for six. Slay o ff November 11th. Armistice Misses Nellie and Alfreda Franklin Adv. entertained a few friends at a party Day. Particulars later. given in honor of the Cotton Blossom singers on last Saturday night at their home. 1405 E. Davis street. ^S t No npftrntlona nor Injection«. No «nforccd rc«t. Thl« «Impl* home treat­ ment permit« you to go About your htiRlnc«« an umml—unlcNR. of court«, you nro nlrondy no disabled a« to bo ronflnrd lo your bed. In that cano, ICmornld Oil art« an quickly to boat your lo* «ore«, reduce any «welling end end nil pain, that you are up and about eje«In In no time. Just follow the elmplo direction« and you ar# nure lo bo »M'lpt .1 m four dru*Kl«t won’t k«op your mon«y unleaa you ara. Let us Mr and Mrs Jerome Franklin were PAR AM O U N T the guests -Sunday of Mr. and Mra ■ Marion Chealey on an automobile trip Mordaunt Hall of tbe New York lo McMinnville Mr. Chealey drove hie Times, one of tbe moat observing of Chrysler Sedan Mr. and Mra. Charles Gotham's motion picture critics, gives Adams were tha gueala of Mr. and this excelent appreciation of "Grand Mr«. Marvin McGinnis In the latter'« Hotel", screen attraction at the Para- car on the same trip. The party oI mount, and of Greta Garbo, titular eight were the guests of Hheriff and star of tbe film : ‘ Miss Garbo , of Mrs. Manning while In McMinnville course. Impersonates the dancer. Gru- They had a very delightful time, re- alnsksya, played on tbe stage by Eu- turnlng late In tbe evening. genie Leontovleh. Mlsa Garbo poaal- -------- bly appreciating that abe waa auppor- Mr and Mr«. E L. Jamison enter- ted by a galaxy of efficient perform- talned Mrs. L. KK. Weeks at dinner era. decided to make her role shine, on -Sunday afternoon l^ater In tbe af- And she succeeds admirably. She la ternoon they went for an automobile stunning In her early scenea and drive down the Canyon road c harming In the love scene with Baron -------- Getgern. portrayed by John Barry- Mra. Winnlfred Cochran waa host- more with hla usual savior falre. And c-aa for Ihe meeting of the Lillian later, wearing a chinchilla coat, she Mrid Club at her home on last Wednes- la gay and light hearted, for love haa day afternoon. Following a delicious beckoned to the temperamental dan- lunch. tbe ladles played contract oer. Grualnskaya leaves the screen bridge far Into the afternoon. hopeful of meeting the baron at the -------- railroad station, but the audience For the pleasure of Mr and Mra. knows that the good-natured and sym- Marion Chealey and Mr. and Mra. pathetic thief haa met hla doom at the Charles Adams. Mr. and Mra Jerome hands of the Ignoble Preysing, a part Franklin entertained a coterie of acted by Wallace Bery." friends at their home In Irvington on In addition the the screen offering. Hunday evening Additional guests of Fanchort A Marco offers the “ Vella" tbe younger set were Invited In at idea. 10:20 In honor of the Cotton Bloaaom — — — quartet w h o V e re alao guests of hon- UN ITED AR TISTS or. Music waa the principal diversion. .... . The lin g e r« and their accompanist Romance nad prize fight« will vie and Mr Lee Grigsby were generous for top honors at the UNITED ART- with their entertainment. The hostess ISTS", In "M A D I8 0 N SQUARE GAR- served light refreshments She waa DEN." romantic screen comedydrama assisted by Mrs Thelma Unthank and with Jack Oakle and Marion Nixon Mlsa Catherine Franklin. in the leading roles, which opened on -------- Friday. The liv e » of men and women Mra F. D. Thomas and Mra. F. D. connected with the world's beat Young baked cakes and presented to known sport arena form the back- Mrs lieasle Charleston on Wednesday ground for thefllm. Others In the cast of last week In honor of her natal are William Boyd and Thomas Melg- and wedding annlverserles, both oc- ban currlng on the same day. The plot tella of a manager who -------- brings two proteges from the W est to Mr» Mable Henderson waa hostess New York for a fling at the big game at a luncheon Wednesday. October 6. The boy» get along famonsly until at her home In honor of Mra. Elolse they are bitten by the love bug. which Golden who is here visiting her par- end» their bid for fame. Oakle and enta, Mr and Mrs. J. Hood. -Warren Hymer are the fighters and Covers were placed for four. Misa Pitta and Mlsa Nixon provide -------- femlnlen Interest. Mr U. 8. Reed observed his birth- ---------------------------- day anniversary quietly at home Sun- FOX BROADW AY day Hla wife presented him with a — O— beautiful and delicious birthday cake Willem van Hoogatraten. conductor which »he baked and Mr. Reed's mo- of the Portland symphony, already in- ther. who arrived earlier in the day ternationallv known. Is receiving fur- from her home In Oklahoma, was an ther publicity through the Paramount honored guest. studio's press book on the picture. -------- ("T h e Big Broadcast", at the Fox thea- Mrs E. L. Jamison was hostess at tre. W hile the famous director was tn a surprise birthday party in honor of , New York as the guest conductor for IlOP kiiahunil'a natal .Int- at lkn t .. __ 1 »L . TILltL _ _ _ _ _ _ _* — - X- « a her husband's natal day. at the faml- the Philharmonic Symphony orchestra Mrs M Henderson recently sang he attended a rehearsal of the Bos- at the studio recital given by her voice well Sisters in which the famous ra- teacher. dio entertainers sang for Van Hoog- straten for an hour. ly residence. 868 Garfield Avenueon last Wednesday night, Twenty four guests asembled to do honor to their friend, who had not an Inkling of the ! party until after the arrival of the guests, so well did Mrs. Jamison plan the secret. Several cherished gifts I were presented to the bonoree. Deli­ cious cakes and Ice cream were serv­ ed from a beautifully appointed table with Its centre-piece of yellow chry- j santhemums. Mrs Jerome ranklin cut the cakes and Miss Catherine FYank- lln served the ice. . "Perfect entertainment music", he ''called It. "It haa little to do with the ¡musical world In which I Uve. How­ ever, perfection In any field of endea­ vor la praiseworthy, and these girls have attained remarkable heights In their field. I admire particularly their unsurpaaed technical aklll and thetr almost unbelievably keen sense pf pitch. Their voices are always ao per­ fectly In tune that one can detect the overtones and shadings which are asoclatsed only with the finest Instru­ ments." The Boswell slaters, Kate 8mlth. the Mills Brothers, Cab Calloway and his orchestra. Vincent Lopez and hla orchestra, Burna and Allen, and A r­ thur Tracy, the street singer, are heard In "T h e Big Broadcast". A story written about a radio stu­ dio and a national network bring Into play the acting of Stnart Erwin. Leila Hyama, screen players, and Bing Cros­ by, Into a beautiful romance. Mr. and Mrs. W irt Morton have is­ sued invitations to the wedding of their daughter. Dorothy lo Mr. Janies Edwin Washington on November 7th at Bethel church. Miss Joanne Moore of Kansas City, Mo., entertained a group of girls at' dinner last Sunday afternoon. Covers were placed for nine. Miss More says that she likes Portland very much. She Is stopping at the home of her sunt. Mrs. I. L. Davidson, at 1695 7th. T e s te d And f P ro v e n B e s t* “ BLindfold" test may be all right for cigarettes ----- but when buying face powder, it’s a good idea to keep your eyes wide open. Not unlike other articles of merchandise, there are good face powders on the market and face powders not so good — in fact, inferior and dangerous to one's com­ plexion. Ours haa been tested and proven best, little test yourself. Use this simple Put one-half teaspoonful of oar face powder in yonr band and pour in an equal quantity of water. The water will run o ff which proves emphatically that it is water­ proof and we guarantee it to be free of lead, bismuth gaits or any other harmful ingredients. Beware o f imitations! Insist on Overton’» H igh-B row n Face Powder — 34 years on the market— made In six shades. OVERTON HYGIENIC MFG. CO. C h ic a g o When In need of a Notary Public, call The Advocate. Garfield 7523. Ad. Booker Washington, who form erly Robert Miller is the name olf a man | here from Philadelphia, looking for ‘ work. » Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moffit. well known citizens, have moved from 262 i Page to 365 San Rafael street. .____ Y W. C. A. The Firefly Triangle girls held an j [election of officers at the meeting on ¡Saturday resulting as follows: Pres.. ! liertha Baker; V-Pres., Bernice Wll-1 llama; Secy.. Jeannette Strawder: Assistant Sec.. Doris M ctiea r; Song leader, Audrey Hurdlne; pianist, E u-! nice Mott; Rock Creek chairman and Inter-Triangle representative, Jessie Edwards; Club reporter, Helen Straw­ der. These girls will have charge o f! ¡Vesper services on October 23rd. | The Business and Industrial Girls*; [met Tuesday evening. Thelma John-i [son, president, presided. Miss Mar-1 garet Weyman gave Interesting talk. All girls over 18 years, not In high school, are eligible to Join this club. ) The National Association for the i Advancement of Colored People w ill I meet at the branch at I p m. Sunday. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service MRS. B EATRICE REED Lady Attendant M ILLE R A TR A C E Y M O R TU AR Y May be reached by calling the Fu­ neral Parlors or her home, Selwood 6475. She will be pelased to serve you. relieving you of much anxiety and worry in your hour o f bereavement. MRS. REED has proven such a help, not only to her employers, but to the Colored Patrons In gen­ eral, that during the past two years M IL L E R & T R A C E Y have handled 90 per cent of the Colored Funeral«. W A S H IN G T O N ST R E E T Between 20th and 21st