The HATUHDAY. HKI'TKMItKK IT. I M I ADVOCATE PAGE THREK THEATRES - SPORTS - SOCIETY & WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES HOOVER AND ROOSE­ '•t H Logan, Pittsburgh, la v r r n c « O. tlon of tb « nation that baa been a Payne, Cleveland. Charlea E. Scott, V E L T ; LIBE R IA • aouree of hatreds and racial atroci IT A L V Worcester. Maas.; John W. Smith. ties against him He has heard too New York; Robert T. Smith. Everett, much of the Tillmans. Heflins. Itleas Mass ; W 8. Vaaghn. Youngstown, (B y Wiliam Pickens) ea, and I hat Ilk. Hearing of those Ohio, and Williams J. Winchester. I am la Paris again: our plane trav­ kind of representatives baa caused Wilmington, Deleware. him to generalize and come to th* eled from Berlin In at* hours, tnie we • • • stopped one hour In Cologne T o­ coni lualon that all are alike (B y W J. W IIK A T O N ) — BAIT19TS— _ « __» BT CLIFFO RD C. M ITC H E LL Judges and magistrates. Rosells T. morrow I sail again for the land of AUmond. Atlantic City; William K. Mt. O LIV E T B A PTIST CHURCH Mr. Hoover ha* guns to the south Hoover • and • Roosevelt. The Euro­ Th# (J O P. Ir « d « r i ar# haj»pl«*r NICODEMUS ANO H l« Morris. Gary; Cyril F. Butler (Master fcaat First and Schuylar St*. for one of hla most Important cabinet pean papers keep a traveler some­ now that thn " H a o f New KrjKlanri Rev. J. O. Wllaon, Paster la Chaacery), Boston; la m e s A. former Praalrimt Calvin (Toolldg* haa aids Heeretary of War, Pat Hurley, what advised of the progrese of po­ SOME NEGROES IN OFFICE L IT T L E SISTER Cobb. Washington. D. C. Edward W. SHILOH B APTIST CHURCH atanipt approval of the Hoover «-un balls from Oklahoma Hurley, IN A litical bunk In the United States. I F.aat Tth and K vrrett Sta. Henry. Philadelphia; Clarence C. AD M INISTRATIO N , have often been asked which one will dkfary, and pralaed hla adintnlatratlon R E PU B LIC A N Itev. O. O. Gardener. Pastor A correspondent, several thousand McRae (J. o P.) East Thenton, N. J; of the nation’» affalra. The man who has shown more racial venom than be elec ted. Of enur*«. Hoover will be lly In«* Hogan -lected, but what earthly d iffer­ miles away, writes: * • Are there J. H. E. Scotland (J. of P ) Newark. did not “ rh*»oBe to run” for the am- ever haa been exhibited by Garner. — EPISC O PALIAN — any Senators, Congressmen. Slate As­ N. J.; Charlea E. Toney, New York; ond term, hud rauaed conalderuhle tin In the exhibition of that venom, be ence does It make to anybody aa to semblymen. State Senators. Aldermen JiaJ Truck* (J o P.) Baldwin, Mich.; which one of those fellows g et» the haa bail the sanction of the President St. Ptulllps Mission real by hla non commitment. W ill 8t. iE I* I hit Inn à Co.. Inc. New Torli» •» any of the various states Charles H. Turpin (J. o f P.) K n o tt and Rodney St*. llftgera' wlae-cracklnK philosopher In of Ihe United t Kales, whose religions I office. - except to those who expect Ulaint Colt», la y Reader Louis; Jamea 8. Watson, New York; tlmatea that It waa neither Iniportu fallh I* Quaker. When Pat Hurley to get offices under them? What a throughout the country, of your race, Oeorge Wharton (J o P ) , Sharon He vie «c il lor T IIK ADVOCATE Americans: )tt>*t you know of? • nlty of the polltlclana nor the lure of humiliated Ihe entire Negro race thru poor choice for colored — HOUSE OF PRAYER— Hill. Pa.; and Tom Woods (J of P ) I lV C LIFPO RO C. M ITC H E LL party p o litic that Induced Calvin to hla segregation of Ihe Negro GOLD Hoover reartlonariea and llly-whltiam keep auch Informatnon la Council Orove, Kansas. wylta the majcaaln# article, hut “ a STAR MOTHERS on their pilgrimage or Kooaevelt reactionaries and con- ; * *rF llo u a a o f P rayer temptIhle weakness and rharlataniam. *n file», complied to-date, and to visit the graves of their sons who K »» t 1 0 th and Grant St* commercial minded gentlemun (pro­ R obert Searcie. P **to r I space permitted, it would be a Thin little book In for thn kltldlrn. prietor of Atnerlca'a hlggeat nlckle- died In Franc« fighting for Ihe hon­ A* the Irishman would say; If either *••• herein record auch Inormatlon at In atory form nnd llluntrntlonn It I* odeon) Mr George Horace (»rim e r, or of the nation, the President never one of those fellows la worse than the • have and would appreciate being pleasure, purely for the education of — METHODIST— prepared «specially for them Knell not with worda, or editorial peraua- once listened to the protests of all other, faith an' It must be both of (corrected, by any reader, on any o- my correspondent, to continue this missions, etc. Hat by naming the score« of Negroes »lory nnd Incident In omualngly III alon. but with hla algnature on a fair minded Americans, of all races, 'em ' Bethel A . I I E Church Mho are succesafully filling high ap­ Therefore, like Pollyanna. we can untrnlrd In blnck and « h i t « akelchi * Rev Daniel G. Hill Ir . Minister amall piece of pamper, payable at o n « but allowed Pat Hurley to proceed positions In U. 8. Congress: Oscar De Priest, o pointed governmental Inhibition. The all rejoice In this that at least both with a goodly porilon of rrd. preaum- of tb « few banka left open, to break with hla nefarious in various parte o the country. ably t he favorite color of N egro««, ommander In Chief of the Army and of those fellows cannot get elected at Chicago, llllnola. P in t A . M E. Zion Church Mr. Cooltdge'a dogged doubts." It's State Senators: Adalbert H. Rob­ worked In 4IT William* A re money that gtvea apeed to the Mare. Navy could have countermanded the the same time. • n • order of hla subordinate. The state Rav W R. Lovell. Miniiter There waa the ei-aoldler who aald: erta. Chicago, and Charles A. Rox W H IT E COMPANIES W O N T Nlrodnmun la a raggedy, barefoot, SE LL ICE TO NEGRO Th# Democrata are waiting with from which you hail has little lo do "When I came out of the war, I had borough, Detroit. Mich. • a e little boy, and hi* lltll« baby alalar, loaf everything except self-respect and patience for the "Uod bleaa you my with the man State Representatives: George W. • ho la alao raggedy, and barefoot, honor; then I entered politics and Governor AI goals; runaway go-carts; wild beara; children** of former Atlanta. Oa., Sept (CN8>— Hilliard with hair that aeema to aprout from We hold no brief for Garner nor have lost all I rescued from the war". Blackwell. Chicago; Db. E. M. Bloun Hmlth who now edlta the Nation, a Curtis, colored retell dealer In Ice, her head like needle«. la turned ovar and obi fashioned country w e l l non partlaan magailne It U thought any other political candidate. We only Well, there la one chance for the in Kansas City. Kansas; Stewart Cal­ last week filed suit for 111.000 against to Ntrodemua 1» watch, while the mo­ In the political clrrlea of New York present the facts aa they are. In uoll- dividual voter in the coming election houn. Keystone, W. Va.; Prank W. 14 white wholesale Ice dealers for Clegg. 8L Louis; Robert C. Crawford, ther la bua with her tuba and cloth«». sweeps to preserve at least his self-respect tlcs. the Negro la between the devil that the ataternent of former Mayor boycotting him and refusing to sell According |n the llluatratlona both of Jamea Walker, criticising Governor and the deep sea If you can't whip and bis honor: by voting for Norman Hamilton. Bermuda Island; William him ice. In hla complaint, Curtis al­ t h e a r ouugalrra are coal »cuttle bru ICooNcvelt. when he (W alker) realgn the Ilevol then take to the sea. Yau Thomas, for courage, honesty and In­ H. Fuller. Philadelphia; Harrison 8. Gaines, Chicago; 8am Hart. Philadel­ leges that the defendants conspired aettea Of course, Nlcodemua love« hla lit­ ed, waa a very unwlae thing to do. may have a chance of a rescue be­ telligence. L IB E R IA ? phia; Charles J. Jenkins. Chicago; A. to refuse to sell him Ice aa long as tle atater, which la clearly shown by That haa alienated a number of hla fore you drown. And at that, drown­ Mrudrmua haa guile a lime lakluc the chances be takes In rescuing ilia admirer* and makea hla vindication ing la quite preferable to starvation. In eneva I got a new slant on L i­ J. Kemp, Naaaar, Bahamas ; George he continued to retail tt In the North _•_•_ car» of hla lid ie slater Aa long aa he »talar after he Invariably lets her get campaign doubtful. berian conditions and problems from T. Kersey, Chicago: William E King. 8tde, an exclusive white section of It la aald that L. Amass Knox. Kansas the city. He asks for damages and an bolda bar band, aba la all right, but away from hla control at odd mom­ former Governor Smith favor» the Roy Wilkins, assistant aecretray of Anna M. raves, who has spent much Chicago; the moment he tela go of her. she con­ enta The antics of these two kids a* now acting Mayor. Joaeph V McKe«* the N. A. A. C. P. and able colmnnlat time In that unhappy country and In City, Mo; Frederick M. Roberta, Los injunction from further Interference stantly la getting Into some trouble told and Illustrated by In «* Hogan The Negro Democracy of New Yora of the K A N 8 A 8 C IT Y C A L I« gives a "the colonies" and in all parts of the A n geles;; J. H. Ryan. Tacoma. Wash­ Iwth hla right to do business In this and Ntcodsmua la fo r ««r busy freeing will bring much laughter and amuse­ C’ lty. allied cloaely with Tammany, deplorable account of the suffering world. She thinks Liberia haa been ington; Nolle 8mlth. H O NOLU LU; J. section. Color prejadice la believed to unlnten E. Stapbena, New York; T. August be at the bottom of the boycott es­ hl» little al*t«r from the Ire of billy ment to many other little kiddle* and will aupport whichever candidate of the Negro In the south. The gov unfortunately, and largely tionallr. maligned, even by the Negro us TooL Nassau. Bahama*; and Wm tablished against the swcceesfal Ne­ ernment has given free flour and the Tammany endorses. The old “ T ig e r" gro lee salesman. may have its Internal scraps but al Negroes are compelled to labor for Inveatigatora. I remarked to her: J. Warleld, Chicago. • a a waya ahowa a solid front to the ene their allotted portion. In many dis­ "Charlea S Johnson, of Flak, certain City Alderman: Louis B. Anderson, tricts they are clothed In with gunny ly would not lend hla efforts to any my. _•_•_ NEGRO APPO IN TE D TO sacks and are forced to eat roots In slander against any people; If be Chicago. LeRoy N. Bandy. Cleveland; IN' A NEW P A U . Keystone. W. D ISTRIC T PAROLE BO. Wealey I’enple» was an ardent cam­ Alabama one entire family, mother, were wrong; It must be an honest er­ Stewart A. Calhoun. paigner for Tallent Tubba. who recel father and thirteen year old daughter ror." Then ahe said something which Va.; James C. Campbell, Charleston. Washington. D. C. Sept—(C P A )— ved the Republican nomination for and a son were sent to the peniten­ perbapsfew of us In the states haa W. Va.; Alfred Coleman. Lebanon, had not thought of It. M o l Clay borne George. Cleveland; T o Dr. Emmet J. Scott, secretary United Staten senator. California. l*eo tiary because the son wounded a vestlgator* plea aald that while he looked for a white farmer over the possession of "Y ou are right." ahe replied, “ but he Earle H. Gray, Waukegan. Illinois; treasurer of Howard University, goes Wilbur the honor of being appointed to the close vote, he was graatly surprised a hog. Don't go back south Depres­ and other Incorruptible investigators Frank A. Hall, Cincinnati; unfortunately had not investigated Hardaway. Gary. Indiana; J. O. Hop- Board of Indeterminate Sentences and at the political strength shown by sion la hard on the Negro. the Colonies before Investigating L i­ kina. Wilmington. Deleware; Robert Paroles by the District Commission­ Tubbs In debatable districts. If the walling Devil Germany will deter beria. Therefore, they conspicuously R. Jackson. Chicago; Edwin B. Jour ers. The two other appointees are of vote which waa cast for Tallant Tuba Jr.. Evanston. Illinois; Robert the white race. > In bis candidacy for Vice-Governor mine Europe, economically and poll and unconsciously compared Liberia had been analysed there would hare tically. —and Europe will certainly with the United States, —with Eng­ Switzerland; been leas cause for surprise In the Influence an dlimtt. If It does not de­ land. France. Canada. triangular fight In November between termine. the whole world. when the worth of Liberia could only McAdoo. Hc^iulrr. and Tubba. there be correctly estimated by a compari­ la room for speculation, with the odd« son with conditions In the Colonies of In favor of Tubba The southern Cali­ the great powers. Has the Negro a fornia vote, especially lain Angeles better future In Liberia than in the County, will be divided between Me- Belgian Congo or in British East A f Adoo and Schuler. McAdoo. personal rlca? That is the qnestlon: not whe­ SIXTH A G LU AH STRUTS ther the present Liberian Negro is as ly dry. haa declared hla allegiance to PORTLAND, O U the Democrat platform which carrlea far advanced as Negroes In New York a dripping wet plank On the other or Paris. The choice for Liberians la hand Schuler, a rabid dry. will be the not between Liberia or Harlem, but candidate for the Prohibition party. Jbetwcen Liberian Independence and Should Tubba hold hla own In th« After Hour* Call - East 041» subjection to some soulless exploits South there will be no doubt of hi» Ing power." — I have pu: the thing In j election. Hla vote In the North at the tny own words, but that was the gist primary »hows that. of the observations of Anna M. Grav She will come to the United Stat­ They were talking barber-ahnp poli­ es and would like to lecture In Negro ( tic». "Gee. I would vote for Roose­ colleges, and. though a white woman, velt. but »nmehnw 1 can’t »ee Garner to teach Negro youth more respect from T e x «»." »aid one. "I'v e been de­ (or a government of their race than bating In my mind ever since the con­ they have been taught by some of | C LEANING A R E PA IR IN G ventions what I will do. Hoover hus H ITL E R AND IT A L Y Hoover proved a disappointment, said Hata Cleaned . Shoes Hitler wants to be a sort of Ger­ "BLIndfold" test may ba all right for the other. It waa a regular barber­ and Blocked Shined man Mussolini, and we must regret-1 cigarettes ----- but whan buying face shop forum and the candidates were -SERVICE and C O U R T E S Y - powder. It'a a good Idea to keep your fully acknowledge that he took a eyea wide open. disserted, reassembled, and discussed long step toward it In t he last elec­ II la not at all surprising that the Ne- tion. Dictators are no good anywhere. Not unlike other articles of merchandise, there are good 334 W illiam * Avo. from every angle of the Negro voter face powders on the market and face powders not ao In Italy or out of It. and a dictator good — In fact, inferior and dangerous to one’s com­ gro voter should have au antipathy Oeogre Rencher . Phone T r 3756 will be less acceptable In Germany ! plexion. agaluat any candidate for a national than in any other European state out­ political office who halls from a see Ours has been tested and proven best. Use this simple side of Great BlitUu. little test yourself. People are not happd In Italy. Some Americans make the shallow Put one-half teaspoonful of our face powder in your hand nnd pour in an equal quantity of water. The water mistake, when they visit Italy and see will run o ff which proves emphatically that it is water­ the "ord er" and "system", of conclud­ proof and we guarantee it to be free of lead, btsmuth ing that dictatorship Is the way out. •alts or any other harmful Ingredients. pevn for our own America. They ov­ B s w a r s o f Imitations! Insist on erlook that what they see In Italy 1« Overton’s H igh-B row n Face Powder not really order and peace but force, — 34 years on the market— made In and the fear of force. It reminds me six shadas. of one of those homes. In which the visitor observes the children sitting Dr. Magnus Hlrschfleld, the world-known authority on Sex­ ology and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin. quietly, like Inanimate thnigs or little Germany, created t Idiots, afraid to act natural or to act C h i c a g o at all. Those children are not well be­ haved; they are Just bullied. There’s a brutal stick somewhere, which will to help the millions of men anil women who have loat or are los­ ing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and re­ be used on them (after the visiter I f Itching, burning akin makes life . 12. h No oparation* nor Injsctlona. No search. however, he realiied that the weakening of man’s glands has gone) If they "be themselves" — unbearable, quickly apply Zemo, the enforced r*at. Thla »Impn* homo treat­ unbearable, was also responsible for other troubles: High blood preaaure. ment parmlta you to go about your soothing, cooling. ( Invisible family which Is the only way on earth to hardening of th« artarlea. physical exhauatlon after work or exer­ busln«*« aa u»ual — unless, of roura«, antiseptic Thousands And that Zemo be happy. When the club is gone, you ar# already ao disabled aa to bo brings »«rift relief from Itching, helps cise. dlxxlness. depression, neurasthenia, etc. «onflnod to your bod. In that oaao, to draw out local infection and re­ All these troubles can be removed with Tltua-Pearla. Numer­ those children will have "no man­ Kmorald Oil acta ao quickly to hoal ous cases wore treated by Dr. Hlrschfeld In his Berlin Institute. ners.” Any nation that sets up a die- yo u r log aoroa, roduco any awolllng ato re the akin to normal. For 20 j L. 8. (State Official; 60 years old. married) complained of and ond all pain, that you aro up and tator will rue tt. Democrats are de­ Perfect Funeral Service physical exhaustion, dlxxlness and tremors. W as easily tired. about again In no tlmo. Juat follow fective; there Is no such thing on tho almplo dlroctlona and you ara aura Menial powers dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been MRS. BEATRICE REED to bo holpod. «You r druggist won't ■varywbarw—16c, 60e and |1.00. earth as a perfect government. But Incomplete for previous 6 years. Blood ipressure too high. Given Lady Attendant kaap your monay unlaaa you ara. 2 Tltns-Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on If democracies do produce gangs, gun­ —at— Ibis man was: General health better, more vigor; dlxxlness men and lynchers, they also produce much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 M ILLE R A TR A C E Y M O R TU AR Y a sum of human happiness, and by weeks later U 8. reported again, this time to say that all weari­ May be reached by calling the Fu­ far a greater prospect of future hap­ ness anil exhaustion had gone; he felt fresh and bouyant. Ills neral Parlors or her home, Selwood piness. than any tyranny or dictator­ blood pressure hail fallen, nnd at SO years of age he had regain­ 5475. She will be pelased to serve you. For COLDS, COUGHS ed Ihe physical power and virility that he hnd known In the ship ever offered. relieving you of much anxiety and prime of his life. But the thin gto be remembered: Sore throat, muscular rhea* Tka« eounu in »aplFiaf worry In your hour of bereavement. Star! regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks the German people are being driven time you will he aware of the new, virile force within you. Send tic arhea A pains, apply Mu a- ¡ jj " y “ to this desperation by the pressure $5,00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks' treatment. ferole, the "coun 1er-Irriten t" . m «» latiruellaa« “ •“ h •» ar MRS. REED has proven such a o f outside nations: reparations, war- help, not only to her employer», debts and "war-guilt" nonsense are but to the Colored Patrons in gen­ I *r In vpn I ton T o avoid nilstnkes please fill out the following coupon: playing Into the hands of Hitlerites. ora» Ito eharga for ta* eral, that during the past two TE U T O N IA IM PORT A EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. S1S7 orm allon on hgw lo A great people may be driven to try years M ILLE R A TR A C E Y have tona a tr latir ronfi *an 211 Fourth Avenue. New York City, N. Y. Actant «arala# handled 90 per cent of the Colored pnother extreme to save themselves Gentlemen; please forward to the following address....... CLARENCE A. O’BRIEN Funerals. from what presently seems to be an Raglatarad Ratant Attarnay Boxes Tltus-Penrls, for which I enclose $....................... even gratr terror: lashed on all sides ia-a loaapMr tarlali a Ptanankl Bona Bai lèi a# hy the waves of a limitless sea, they A T A L L D R U G G IS T S Uk m t lf MfoM Btraat fraaa Palami My name Is ................................................ C ity....................... W AM INOTON. » O. may be forced Into the arms of a W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T My address Is ..................... .............. State ........................... B etw een 20th and 21st (, (Concluded col 4, thtg paep) U&U W KOOK W Jl • ( U jt n x ip B - REVIEW h u VERBAL Digesting . . . SNAPSHOTS . . Tf)e (V evils y ju M iu iM Welcome the BRADBURY SUITS AUSPLUND DRUG STORE ÏSoVeity Pressino SHOP Tested And V Proven Best# Y o u t h f u l ^S t r e n g t h OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. CO. VARICOSE VEINS ITCHING SKIN BANISHED H -w B’ N- BT ANTISEPTIC 2EM0 TITU S -PE A R LS MILLER & TRACEY PATENTS