% 8ATUHDAY, The ADVOCATE PACK TW O SKI'TKMIIKK IO. 1112 C H A M P ON C A N O N IX T Mr ami Mr« D M J Matthew*. of l««a A neri«*« an«l alao Mr anil Mr«. F R ID A Y N IG H T Taylor of (he «ami* piavo. passed thru Andy tliindy , Norlh«r»« l F eather Portland rn rout« to Seattle W ml tira day. They motored lo Beatilo and * • » ' “ ~ l ■*,M’ ret urlimi Friday. The, are stopping « * «'■•/ - f H e.ltl. next Fr. with Mr and Mrs W I*. tannai on day ulghl on Joe Waieriuan'a show Interstate Avenue Mrs Pearl Slew- In Ih» niunlrlpal auditorium City art entertained at dinner on Friday' Ths duo Is schedulml (or ali round« C om m ission er evening for the pleasure of the gueets Il la repnrtml Ihat Calder has I.... .. very anilous lo tneel llundy Calder Dr and Mrs De Norval Unlhank ,st her home. 999 K Melo street The la fast and aggresalve and may shake SEATTLE -CITY LIGHT" I'lM hfiiil K rerr Saturday al SM Fast la r a ty -S iilk Slr«*l N.. Portland. Or«. have movmt to their former residence party Is here (or the Legion rouven lliimlv s (brune Trlrph-m : GArttold 7522 In Montavllla. «9 • K 7« N Tu ber Hon I hare Just received word from my 41 SS. INiriland. Ore. August 31 William good friend. J D Ho«». Supt of the FUNERAL NOTICES Smith was arrested Wednesday night ............ ......... Editor and Pabtiiker WHERE TO BUY THE ADVOCATE steal tie Municipal Electric Plant. "Ci­ IE A TRILL Û. CANNADY..................... Among Ihe guests who were In at when deputy sheriffs, slate police and ty Light." that the plant Id In fine fu i slant Manojee r and Com potilo! IA to of S«9 Wllllsms TAN’CY FRANKLIN..................... tendance at the closing session of the PATTERSON federal agents raided a speakeasy at shape and that the depression has ......................... Contr iAurina Editor Annusi Canclsve of Ihe Oregon So­ Avenue. Septemner It Joseph H Pat ¡,J& K. , |uirlr( JuiU„ „Ison hard Soeiety Editor and Reporter Hams avenue, in Koster'a Pool HalL ROSALIE B IR D ___________________ mah hotel Wednesday evening, was tisnd of Msmy L . father of ( hartes | ()| p o ll egg ion of liquor and his case The total operating Income for the ________________Health Editor The Elk» building, 310 W Utiams D*N0R\ AL UNTHANK. M. a __________________________ Beatrice Cannai!) Franklin, editor off j !.. Stanley. Irene, Rateile. Verna and „ „ tulri, j| (llr first halt of the year aggregated IS. NANCY L E E ___________________________________________ ------------------------- .Loire Editor « T— — ■ the Advoeate and Chalrniau of the Daisy Mse Patterson Funeral servi tence A charge of |ms«es«lnn of three ««3.005 compared to |2.749.«23 for the Medley Hotel RestauranL Interstate CLIFFORD C MITCHELL, RALPH CLYDE. KELLY MILLER. Columnist« publicity committee of the Oregon Pri­ ces Saturday. Sept 10th at 3 p. m . at raunp. ^ slot machines la pending first six months period of 1931 The Avenue (in Medley Hotel). son Association the Caaixil of Ml!l«r 44 Tracey Inter against Smith Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance): One Year, $2.50; Six Months, „ . . . . ,, , „ „ 0 . decrease was over 3* l>er cent or IS«. Friendship Pool Hall, Sixth. near ! nient Multnomah cemetery lilt SOI.* $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 Mr. and Mrs Johu Goren'« young Entered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, tilisan (West Side) Mr Ross Is to be congratulated up­ LOCAL MAN OIES AT 52 Holliday and Holliday 125 N orth1 son has been receiving trealment at IN HOSPITAL Under the Act o f 1912 on this splendid showing. Joseph H Patterson died on Thurs­ Sixth street. a local hospital He la able to he hack Mrs Elisabeth Carden who under­ day. September Silt at Ht Vincent home. went an operation at the Emanuel NO ELECTRICITY IN HOMES hospital of heart failure Mr Palter j hoapltal Is reported to be getting a- A survey by the General Federation •on. a native of Jamaica. B. W I re­ THE LEGION COMES 'change will mean that the confusing X A. A. C. P PROTESTS DENVER John Campbell who claims Omaha. long nicely sided at 3(9 Williame Avenue lie was --------- first, second and third choice" sys- OFFICIALS' SPEECHES IN CITY of Womens Clubs Indicates thst In Neb as hla home Is In Portland look­ horn Nov «. 1X79 He was a quiet, In­ As we go to press. legionnaires tem 0f voting for Mayor. City Com BEACH CLASH !C,,T hom,‘* on|y ss Prr cent o f the wo- ing for work Sylvester Thtodesu was arresimi on dustrious man and had many friends. from all sections of the country are mis&ioners and City Auditor will he New York. Aug. 34 A letter of pro- rapn ar,‘ tsviiplnx. -> per cent wash- Wednesday night In South Portland coming into Portland by the tbous- thrown In the discard We do not test has been sent to Mayor Georg«* *n* *ni* P*r c#llt cooking by elec- Ills eldest sou. Charles Ivan Patter John Colman a war veteran, has o- on charges of drunkeness and disor­ ands to attend the American Legion, gnov how the old method ever be D. Begole ot Denver against the tricity. 1 have serious doubts If the son grsudated last June from Jeffer­ petunl a cigar and shoe shinning par­ derly conduct Convention. Among them are to be Incorporated in the charter of speeches made to a group of N egro!homes in Portland m«*asure up to this son high school where he made an ra- lor on Third street near Burnside. seen a goodly number of colored vets, the Commission form of government, cititens August 17 at the municipal average vlshle record scholastically as well as George Cannsdy. who returned to It is doubtful If any other single pm ft sure Is a misfit bathing bench in Washington Park *n »urburhan homes only 2* per | C II Graves, a dining car waiter Salem Sunday night to lie present at In basket ball group of citizens has made greater It is a mix-up muddle. It Is almost where they had gone to swim, by tho cen* hare light, only 7 per cent pump He leaves to mourn his loss a wid­ and porter, la among the waiters at the first football practice of the year. preparation for the reception and en- ,,n p»r with the voter marking his National Association for the Advance water into the homes. 9 per cent ow and slirhlldren Funeral service* the Portland Hotel Is treasurer of hla class, sports editor tertalnment of their guests than have first choice for Julius L. Meir; second ment of Colored people here. sweep. 2 per cent saw and 1 per cent were held Saturday at Miller A Tra­ of the Collegian, the university of the colored people of the city. for Phil Metschan and third choice Walter B. 1 s'wry. manager of parks c '>urn, 3 per cent separate milk and cey Parlors. 17* Ells street Garner Grayson who spent the Willamette paper and la secretary of Ever since the announcement that for Ed Bailey. Here were three can- of Denver was quoted by newspapers cream. 4 per ceut cook. 1 per cent past several months In l.oa Angeles the International House. colored citizens'were requested to aid didates all having opposing policies, as telling the Negroes they had re- was*1 and 20 per cent Iron by elec- Mrs U S lte««1 Is rcportfnl on the has returned to his home In Portland Ivan Cannady will leave for Wiliam- in making the event a success, there How far would the voter get with fused a segregated beach and "the triclty. These facts should make u« sick list to Join the staff of wallets at l h « ',,((« to enter school on Wednesday. has been constant preparation on their such an expression? white people are not going to standi Hotel Portland. ; — — part for the biggest of t his summer's If the Clyde charter amendment Is for this." Carl S. Milliken. manager GIGANTIC UTILITY FORTUNES Funeral services fur the late Mrs Mre Mitchell left for her home In events. A newly decorated bed-room, adopted next November you cast one of safety, was quoted as saying that Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania Alclen Dennison, of Klamath Falla. L. Mood, who was brought front u ,« Angeles Saturday. Iler condition the old chair received a new coat of TQte on]¥ for each name on the ballot, there was no law against Negroes us- ** m>' authority for the statement that Oregon will tie held on Monday after­ Seattle to wait table at the Portland was little Improved but the doctor p« ley Mortuary with llev W II laivell other ways, the preparation has been Totes cast_ his name alone will be The N. A A. C P. letter said: "Whe- congress to the railroads, telegraph officiating Mrs Dennison haa been In M M Bellard of «49 Going St was Mrs Ella Morton Is filling ihe place going cheerfully on. printed on the November ballot. There ther inspired by Communists or not. * n<* telephone systems, public utIII-1 III health for sometime and haa receiv­ recently employed f.ir two weeks «« a* maid In the Upman A Wolf «beaut y It is our hope that the Legionnaires ¿g a line underneath for voters to the Association protests most vlgo- Be», tariff protested industries etc . relief on l-areh Mountain as look-out parlor made vacant by the résigna ed treatments at Clovenlale. Oregon will avail themselves of the comforts write in name of independent candi- rously. Such statements by a public! "*"hc result, according to Senator man for fire prevention He reporta ,|on „ f Mrs liny Garnett who went to and at the Kearney Sanitarium In and the hospitality which the colored j ate if they so desire. (This is slml- official do more to stir up trouble than *-°nF Louisiana is that 540 men Portland Mre Denulson passed away It a beautiful and delightful place for Seattle to aesorlale with her hushend group has prepared to render. lar to the new state law covering e- all the propaganda of Communists h* Te » n income of $1 a ,»,.«! , . last Monday at the Kearney Hanlla- There has never been a time when Jectlon of the Judiciary.) and others and will Inevitably result ,*a r "As we all know", states Sena- 1 1 as «* y alien ant at t « nge us mor rlum She was a native nf New Or­ he gained six pounds during hla rm tuary there where her husband Is the colored citizens of Portland have if t|)e candidate does not recelre a in encouragement to mobs to attack t°F. "$«0.000000.000 distributed among l l l l l leans. lai Her husband came down manager been called upon to help in any majority of all votes cast then the two Negroes and in reprisals by Negroes. families of this country would 1 from Klamath Falla to burr hla wife. worthy cause that they have not re- higpegt for each office have the "run The only course open to officials Is have made around 12500 to a family. | Mr Dennison la a native nf Jamaica, »ponded, and well. off” in the general election. to take an unequivocal stand that cttl- ** down to 11500 to a family andjGovernor Plnrhot calls these mag I • .n«m « rlbh e is one man you scl Il W I and haa realded In Klamath dom hear much about regardless ot Seattle and many other cities have xens. regardless of race, have a right FlT<* them the extra thousand, and nates. Falla for nine year« lie la a member _____ I ihe fart that he haa lived In Portland Bethel church Is to be congratulated pian anq fine results are claimed to use public bathing or other facilt- figuring on Ihe 120.000,000 people of nf the American l«eglon Poal at Kla­ The organization of which 1 have | 12 year« or more For the past ten on having their former pastor. Rev. {or jt 1{ it d(yea nothing else Clyde's ] ties nd . ^ d o s e In Phone Mrs. Franklin at GA. The Republicans are having George” (present incumbent) decides Mrs. I’earl Mltch«*ll was severely In­ hard time trying to make the Camel I to toss his hat in again.be would have jured Saturday night, nn a P E P and the Elephant travel the same di­ FOR SALE no difficulty in winning the seat for bua when It collided with an auto­ rection together. It seems that the 6 room house with basement on the fifth consecutive term. mobile traveling Ihe opposite direr two beasts cannot or will not. keep ¡Cnion Ave. Equity |750—Call at 402 lion The accident occured In East the same gait. Panama Bldg. Moreland, on Hyhee and Tolmun Mr« Louis Parker was arrested by fed- j - ____ '. Mitchell was compelled to defer her What Negroes in Portland and ev­ eral prohibition agents Tuesday, on j p oR RENT —5-rm house. 115. Call return trip to l Your trip will not bf* complete unies* m«-mbcr«*d In Ihe will o f a while wo­ MISSES' il II IT Berg, which occurred recently comes you see our city and our gorgeous man to whom she acted as a rompan Children's ........ @ S1.75 to $3.50 Pr. as a personal sorrow to thousands of scenic- highways. Ion. The heiiueat Includes rare J«*wel BOY'8 ® $3.50 to $4.00 Pr. people In the city, many of whom are ry and money. 288 EAST tit STREET numbered among the colored people. Give us the pleaure of showing them (near Clarkiinmal Mr. Berg was a good, true and su­ to you. TMssbaaa kahi «092 Mrs Oeorgi* llolllilny who has b**cn perior man. He was strong and a per­ WORK GUARANTEED 111 and confined to he home 1« abb« to fectly trusted business man; he was PRICKS REASONABLE out and went for an automobile ride, filled with the spirit of enterprise ano — Give t)« A Trial - Sunday. wanted to see every honest effort prosper; he was generous in his esti­ PORTLAND HOTEL Sixth and Morrison Streets ♦ L — I . , r - I- . II I' i Mrs L. K Weeks la enjoying the mate of his fellow men. He was so PHONE BEACON 9551 ¡comforts of a modern new roof on her strong and superior that he mingled SOT. JOSEPH WHITE home at 441 Ilenton street. with the lowly In all walks of life and Spanish American W ar was not afraid of "losing bis social Lillian Edward« was fined $25 in position" as many would-be leaders VETS G. FREEMAN BROTHERS TRANSFER police court Wednesday after plead­ fear whenever approached by those of ing guilty to a morals charge. 430 HOYT :: Portland, Oregon other races and groups unlike them­ Meeta selves This was not so of Charles F --------- ! Residence Phone CArfield 8019— 340 Tillamook Street J. W Sima of *24 E Pine street, 2nd A 4th Saturday Nights Berg. He could shake hands with the Sucn-nsors to E. Richardson linnnaur Transfer who waa reported to have opened a man of the street and not be contami­ ahlne parlor on Burnable failed to do VETERANS HALL nated; he could eat at the table with Office Phone: BRoadway 1885 ao. lie objected to the location. the poorest and speak a word of County (tourt House cheer. The place of a man like Char­ Joe Crane who fell while flatting ae- lie Berg will be hard to fill; he lived veral weeka ago and Buffered Injurlea a busy, serviceable life and died as h.-iM left the hoapllal and la atlll re­ he lived. He goes down into silence ceiving medical treatment. with the respect, esteem and love of Without a doubt, the best article of Its kind — a eom- Will Promote a Full Growth o f Ilair. all who knew him,— white and black; bination HAIR GROWER and HAIR STRAIGH- Will alao Ueatore the Strength, I G. M Morton haa quit Ihe electric Jew and Gentile, alike. PIANO — HARMONY — VOICE TENER Gives the hair * Batura! soft and nllky Vitality and the Beauty o f the ¡shine parlor on Morrlaon atreet, To Mrs. Berg and the bereaved appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most PIPE ORGAN hopeless case. Heir. If you r Hair is Dry and where he waa employed. household. The Advocate extends its Diploma from National Academy W iry, T r y - deepest sympathy. I of Music, California . Among Ihoae continuing ill are Mra. j Our High Brown Hair Orower Htata Certificate for Music JOHHNY JONES I tj. L. Davidson of Helwood and Mrs.! stands as one of our highest Instructor ¡11 W. Roberta. 397 Eugene atreet. Mra. J achievements — It Is a prepar REASONABLE TERMS Roberta, however, wna able to enjoy Only a Negro chef was Johnny j atlon we look upon with pride Beginners and Advanced Pupils O tL 'G K T a ride In Dr. Unthank’a car aa he Jones, bnt he was quite as familiar an niuv Pts If yon are bothered with Falling oAaoaa* »'J ME O TOli* »H O made hla rnlla, and In enjoy the freah Institution In Salem for generations as 452 Stsnton 8t. - - - Phone OA. 982« aCQUlSlTf Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair staovm Makes the hair soft and lux­ tv»«« aie urious.— stimulating a healthy air and annahlne last Sunday. Patton’s book store or the county NG TMl Trouble, we want you to try a jar o f Soar c.«o ffvrw «QAIOWT growth. court bouse. Many the social function DMHt "iAST IN DIA H A IR G ROW ER. The ANO OIOS of tbe old Salem families which John­ ernedy contains medical properties that ny carried to a triumphant success go to the roota o f the Ilair, stimulates — Distributor— by his cookery. Death comes even for the akin, helping nature d o its work. MRS BEATRICE FRANKLIN chefs, and ao it came to Johnny; but Leaven the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a T o n io r ia l P a rlo rs hundreds of men and women In Sal­ 520 E. TWENTY - SIXTH N halm o f a thousand flowera. The heat known remedy O V E R T O N HYGIENIC < em will long retain kindly memories 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET :: PORTLAND, OREGON for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brnwa, alao Portland, Oregon of Johnny Jones, a faithful servitor — reatorca Gray Hair to ita Natural Color. Can he need Equipped with Ihe Very Latest, We Are In a Position to Car* for —The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. with Hot Iron for Straightening. E D IT O R IA L PAGE A S NOTED** bV Ralph C. Clyde TH E A D V O C A T E News Briefs vn.L iam naans............... C L A S ’I F I E D BEAUTICIAN Be Good to Your FEET! VITALITY ARCH lira J ford Clot ha $25.00 to Shop $45.00 SUPPORT F O O T W E A R Welcome Legionnaires! ! Superior Hand Laundry Eides Packard Toeing Car Service STREET h i CH-BRO wn HAIR GROWER W IT H O U T AN EQ U AL- IHE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Elmer C. ,73artlette f Hictt-BROWN'N EaSt India Hair Grower ■ £ \ Holliday H a ir FIRST, SECOND, THIRD CHOICES We hope the voters of Portland a- dopt tbe charter amendment submit­ ted to them by the City Council re­ cently changing the election laws. The 8C Holliday g r o WER M A D E O N L V D V T H E O V E R T O N HYGIENIC MFC.CO. C h i c a g o Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c E xtra for Poataga AI»ENT*fl OUTFIT 1 Hair (iroffFf, I T«*pl# Oil, I Fmr* Cr**m and Mr pc- “ K S T * ’ “ -------- Q T VAM C O. U . L# Y U N h 316 N. Centre! Dapt. B Ohl.hr,ma 0«». Ohl» Men, Women and Children Come— Let Us Serve You/ HOLLIDAY & HOLLIDAY