îr PACI The ADVO CATE TWO HATI'HKAi. JULY I. 1»S> ■ ♦ ■ ■ EDITORIAL PAGE Repudlican Platform P R U D E N T IA L H O S P IT A L Association * MORCAN BLDG. THE ADVOCATE — ( Incorporat'd In Oregon, 19131 WITHOUT '»lit,AY ‘Day or flight FULL MEDICAL CARE . (EATRIC1 r-. c -ANNADY........................................................... Edit#* mmd Publisher WHERE TO BUY THE ADVOCATE YANCY FRANKLIN............................................ Axt-rJonj Pusage» arid Com WILLIAM 1’ 1‘ L IN S .................................................................... Coruribmiinf Editor W J. WHEATON................................................................... Contributing Editor Rutherford's Bar her Shop. 346 Wil­ ROSALIE BIRD —............ —......... . Society Editor and Reporter liams avenue, in Koater'a Pool lialL DeNORA AL UNTHANK. M. D........ ................... ..................... JJenlth Editor The Hk« building. 31* Williame NANCY L E E -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Lev* Editor avenue. CLIFFORD C MITCHELL. RALPH CLYDE. KELLY MILLER, Columnist« Medley Hotel Restaurant. Interstate Subscription Rain (Payable in Advance): One Year. $2.50; Six Months. \vcmie (in Medley llatrl). Friendship Pool Hall. Sixth, oear $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 tillered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon. Clisan (West Side), Holliday and Holliday, 125 North ’ Under the Act of 1912 Sixth street. sible for property and income to bear POLITICIANS CAB CALLOWAY FIRST ACE Many families are now doing with­ When appearing before colored au­ COLORED BAND TO PLAY SO. dience*. as many of the politicians out luxuries which they enjoyed dur­ have done and will he doing for some ing normal prosperity of a few years Considerable Interest is attached to time, we advise that the following ago They are eating simpler food, buying plainer clothes and using the forthcoming tour of Cab Calloway dont‘a be among those observed: and Hia Cotton Club Orchestra, which Don't start out by telling of the their automobiles longer. Government will include a week of one nighters must do the same thing Public offi­ "wonderful progress" that the race in Virginia. North Carolina, and Geor­ has made since being set free by A cials should realise that they no long­ gia. bra ham Lincoln. We hare heard that er hare the same tax resources to P is the first time that an ace col-ucd draw on, any more than the private from every January first orator and attraction from the North has been from political speakers erer since citiaen has the same Income he had booked in the South, and Irving Mills, 1390. The fact is we haven's made as a few year* ago. manager of Calloway, accepted the Taxation budgets have been balanr much progress as we might have. dates in connection with one for the If a speaker wants to get a cold ed by increased taxation, rather than dedication of the memorial auditorium reception just let higa start telling by increased economics and reduced at Raleigh. N. C.. on July 20th governmental overhead. This process about his "black mammy". The (act Carolina debutantes of the last two must be reversed and budgets bal­ ts most colored people have bad or easons are sponsoring the ball, which have black mammies and it is noth­ anced by bringing government ex­ all! be attended by nearly everyone ing new to them this black mammy penses and taxation within the ability of note in the State, including the cf the people and industry to pay. racket. No matter bow honest and Governor. well-meaning the speaker who tells a without hardship, out of normal peace Five other engagements will be time income. bout it is. he loses friends and makes played by his Highness of Ho-de-Ho disinterested listeners of his Negro during his stay in the South. These A RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE audiences are dances at Virginia Beach. Va.: Watch out for the phrase, your Morehead City. N. C ; Savanah. Geor­ It is amaxing how little wild talk people". Many a politician has lost gia.; Charlotte. N. C . and Rocky the Negro vote by employing this there has been during the depression Mount. N. C. All but one of the af­ phrase in addressing colored groups. on the part of labor and political par fairs are for white patrons. ties of dissent. The Negro, paradoxical as It may There have been no strikes, no appear, prefers to be considered of FOR SALE the people and It is well to keep in threats of reprisals. Labor, speaking mind the first words of our American generally has shown a disposition to 6 room house with basement on bear its share of the burdens that Constitution. "We. the people, etc." Don't forget that colored boys grow have (alien on all alike. Widespread Union Ave. Equity 175*—Call at 402 np sometimes and become men —just unemployment and an unavoidable Panama Bldg. like white boys do. Therefore colored drop in the average wage scale— a men resent being referred to as drop which has largely been compen­ sated by lower commodity prices— “ boys". have not shaken the faith of an over­ “ Don't patronise. Talk straight whelming percentage of workers in from the shoulder on Issues and needs the stability of the government and of American citixens and your stock the ability of industry to work its with a colored audience will go up. If way out of its troubles. yon have special measures or matters pertaining to colored constituent*, speak them without pomp or condes­ cension. without kid giOTes or a blacksmith's tongs. Alt for a tew cenia it day PERFECT PROTECTION FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN ■ ---- r— --- ———— HEALTH YOUR GREATEST ASSET — GUARD AND PROTECT IT I Saturday »■ •*•?» Fast T m l j - S t i A Slrrrl N.. Portland. Or*. Trlrphmn : (¡A r lr U 752Î It it tar b«tt«r to Navs a Prudential Hospital Certificats and nevtr us* It. than to nssd It and not havs It I t PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Ftthout obligation, send me ml ormai Ion about your HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Name ............................................... Phone ........................ Ate Street Address ...................................................................... c it y . . , Occupation ..................................ttuslnees Addrves .......................... CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL OR BRINO IT IN ÛceJ-Le. ibuu )L ? C & C ltlU y l . uf, liietill Superior I land Laundry 2*8 EAST 1st STREET titear l’ la. koines i Telephone KAst 4os; WORK GUARANTEED PRICKS IIKASONMII.K Give tig If you were taken down with appen [dk-itis tomorrow would you be able ■to take car* of the doctor and the A. Philip Randolph, leader of the hospl,aI bi!U „ you lh „ uld Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters br(.ak , le„ tomorrow would you have 1» made of the kind of stuff that.pell. |OD,y physical worry or also have He ‘"'* »* ^ n t. learned. ¡finanriaI worry? If you are . self sacrificing, fearless and courage- of the PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL AS ous and under such a leadership, the SOCIATION you would have nothing Mony attractive persons are cause he represent, cannot fail. The worry about ^ asgoclatlon will race needs more men like Randolph ' takp „„„ . . . not welcomed ot social gather­ latte care ot any sickness or injurv with guts and backbone to represent .v . , . ,, . ings because their breoth is ^ . __ _______ , “ ,nat you may suffer from. After you It before the eyes of the world. bad. Don’t be one o f them. have become a member, no sickness or injury is too small or two large for Moke sure that your breoth TIME CLEAN HOUSE them to administer. This association is sweet and inoffensive by -------- pays your medical bills, furnishes you gargling with Listerine. It com- (E. Hofer k Son» jdoctors and medicines. You do not bots infections which couse The new federal tax bill is in effect have to pay out a single cent. The odors in the mouth ond instantly and the public is beginning to pay cost of joining this organisation is destroys the odors themselves. on every hand to maintain a wartime } 13 00 for an individual or 14.50 for Lambert Pharmacol Company, cost of government In sorely depress- a family. The monthly payments he­ ed peace times. -in* from 11 on up to $2 25. according St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. Various states are in the same posi- to age. Call me or write for informa- tion as the Federal government. tion about this unexcelled offer and Within the last five years, according I will be glad to call on you and tell to a list recently issued. 122 cities in you more about the PRUDENTIAL the United States, along with 104 HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, countries and improvement districts. Signed ............... have defaulted on principal or interest Kill* 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 g e r m s George Cannady of their bonded debts. Since that list was isued. Chicago has announced de­ fault on 19000.000 of bonds and inter­ est. along with statement that there Is a delinquency ol 139.000.000 in 1930 taxes for Chicago and Cook County. The people begin to reallz-- that pub­ lic indebtedness which they pay by taxing themselves, is due largely to burdens which they themselves de­ manded or encouraged. Cities have been loaded down with innumerable "service to the public." A study of these innovations has been made for Detroit by W.lliam Ander­ son, and his findings are equally ap­ Without n doubt, the Inst artici»- of Itxffdnd — a com bination HAIR GROWER and HAIR HTIIAIGH- plicable to practically every larger ci­ TENER. Gives (lie hair a natural soft and ollky ty In the country. appearance, s'imulating hair grew ¡h in the most Detroit was chartered In 1521 and hopeless case from then to 1861 established 17 city activities which were fundamental Our High Brown Hair Grower functions of government for all the stands as one of our highest people. t achievements — It Is a prepar­ From 1862 to 1880, It added 14 other ation we look upon with pride. functions, largely indispenslble. A r e you welcome? H . O W worth-while is a telephone! How it b r id g e s d ista n ces How many errands it does. What a feeling of security it gives. A telephone costs but a few cents a day. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Telephone:« ATwatrr 6241 Be W I T H O U T AN E Q U A L - From 1881 to 1900. It added 34 func­ tions. many of which began to branch »way form governmental functions in j to special services for special classes. ' From 1900 on. more than 100 func tions have been added, covering al­ most every conceivable activity from operating Industries in competition with private citizens and taxpayers. | to furnishing social services of all ties criptfon*. Most of the activities were worthy In .purpose, but a pyramiding or gov eminent» I luxuries does not answer the question as to what happens when extravagant tax expenditures and a multiplicity of public .. 2 frv tnts mid bureaucratic activities become impos Business 352 Oak St o ffic e Good To Your FEET wear vitality arch support FOOTWEAR Men,s- VI omen,s $5 - $6, ,‘Roys $ 2.25 to #4 FREEMAN BROTHERS TRANSFER 430 HOYT STREET :: Portland, Oregon Residence Phone GArfield HO 19—310 Tillamook Street Sue rebutir it ta E. ¡{¡rhartlson ¡tannane Tran» fer Oflice Phone: Hlioadway IHH.» m i: EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full (Irowth of Hair Will also K< store the Strength. Vitality and the lieniity of the Miiir I* your Hair is Dry anil Wiry Try— East India Hair G row er If you are briber««? wi b Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, nr any Hair rouble, we want you to trv n jar of FAST INDIA HAIR OROWKR The remedy con tain» medical properties that go to the root* of the Hair stimulates the skin, helping nature do if* work. Leaves the hair soft and silky Perfumed with a haltn of h thousand flowep*. Trie Heat known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Rltirk T\ve Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color fan he ti*<«1 with Hot Iren for Straightening Makes the hair soft and lux­ urious,— stimulating a healthy growth. —Distributor— MRS. BEATRICE FRANKLIN $20 E TWENTY - SIXTH N. I’ortland, M ADE O N LV B Y Oregon T H E OVERTON C HYGIENIC MFC.CO » m c a g o (Hl. I Hhamrmo. I Prmalni O ll. 1 Far» Crenrn and dir***- Mon fnr « F ilin * . |2 V+ F**ra f..r Pnet##e .lit » M Q > r*\ I J. N . C C n t r íC T L .Y U l M £ * . , OnlAnCittin City. OkU D ept WIN EACH DAY’S BEAUTY CONTEST! CAMAY Holliday & Holliday Ttmunrinl Parlor s 12.'» north h x t ii str e e t h I’O h i i . a m », __ B o h k lo n Equipped with tlic Very l.alesl. We Ate In a I’ositinn lo Care for Men. Women sn.l O ildren Price 8ent hy Mail, ßOc: 10c Evtr* for Poitii^g Af.KNT'B OUTFIT i Hair <;rimar. I Tw?.rvle Commltle*. end lo Mr Jouet Shouse. VKTH executive secretary of the National Drinocrstlr Committee They both rr Metta reived the delegation rourtemiMly and S a v e assurance that opportunity 2nd A 4th Saturday Nights would lie given to have the mailer brought to the attention o( their res VETERANS HALL I Pecllre committees ll was then County Court limi«** thought and hoped that the matter would lie followed up hy the personal sppesranrp of representsllyea of the League before the resolution commu­ tes of both parties I regret the ne­ cessity of expressing the fesr that PIANO — HARMONY — VOICE this was not competently «tone. The RIPE ORGAN thirty.five representatives of the re gulsr organization who were present l>l|tlnma from .National Arad«*my In a delegated rapacity, as usual, step of Muale. California on their rights and fall*«! to make Slat»* Certificat# for Mutte appearance before the «uhcnmmlttee Instructor during the period of the hearing, but RKAIRNAIIfeO TICK MS delegated Mr. K P. Itooie. of Missis« Brglnnara and Advanced Pupila Ippl. to appear belatedly before the 452 Stanton 8t. Phon# GA 9526 full committee after the bearing per lod had expired Thus as ever, the African« slumbered anil step while Tbit Woman Lott the bridegroom tarried and arrived at the feast belatedly without nil In hi« 64 Pounds of Fat vessel Even the ever slert N A A Mrs. H. Fries o f W ssd slS «, L. I. “ A y a a r a g e I « re ig n e d *t0 I fee. f I* was taught napping I e ta r te d to t a k e K r u e c h e n a n d n o w I The tepid reference to the Negro ’ w e ig h ! .’• e n d n e v e r f e lt b e t t e r In m y l if e e n d w h e r e m o re , I lo o k m o re Ilk # In the Republican platform has no | 20 yre- o ld th e n th e m o th e r o f 2 c h i l . d r e n , one o f i t e n d th e o t h e r 11. M y more meaning than Its double enten fr le n d e e e y It*# m a r v e le u e th e w a y I dre declaration or. prohibition We un­ r e d u c e d .” T o loee f e t 9 A F K L V a n d H A R M . assured that the Republican Party L B t t L Y . t e k e a h a l f te a e p o o n fu l of always has and always will aland for K r u e c h e n In a g la e e o f ho t w a t e r in t h e m o rn in g b e fo re b r e a k f a s t —d o n 't the equal rights anil privlleilges nf m i l t a m o rn in g a b o ttle trifft la a ta 4 w e a k e e o ata b u t e t r if t e — b u t d o n ’t the Negro, I suppose that the eommite t a k e c h a n e e e — be a u ra It*# K r u e c h e n . tee which Indited sml approv.nl this I f n o t J o y f u lly e a t ’ e fled a f t e r th e ftre t b o tt le — m o n e y b a c k . pronouncement must hare Indulged In a hearty laugh at the eaac with which they supposed the unaoi histlcatcd Nr gro could be duped We asked for bread and they gave us a stone; we \ asked fur the thing, and they gave us a theory If. as the platform tie rlares, the grand Old Party has al way* stood for those things, they have done so feebly. We want them now to .In ao firmly Doea the Republican Party of 1932 III tend to tell us that It proposes In the future tn stand for the equal rights \ and privileges of the Negro, In the same way that It has done under Taft. Harding, folll.lge and llooyer? ' If so we know exactly whnt they > mean Bill we wunt this stand trail- I slaled from the passive Into active voice. The chief question In which the No I gro is Interested center around the j enforcement of the Fifteenth Amend­ ment ami the fair application of the ! civil service law. Hoes the Grand tlt.l ; Party expect us to believe Hint it stands for the enforcement of tills amendment. If so what ha* It done i .luring the pust decade even at times wlnn II has had full control of tin 1 Eye« — eyes —eyet! Looking st you. Ap- prsi.ing you. And you wsnt to utn «11 presidency and both branches of Con the« Beauty Context! es.h dsy brmgt! gross? If lb. platform had declared ! Then me Cemey, the Soep ol Besutiiul for the fair enforcement of the Civil Women, before you use powders sn.l Service law without racial dlserlmlna | cresmi. t smsy — gentle, luxurious, creamy- vmte — will give you the tweet, lion It would have gone a long way clean lovclineia the whole world finds toward giving us reasonable satlslue so attractive. And you’ll win each Little Hon. Bill we were told to judge the Daily Beauty Contest! future hy the past. Has any one of the last four Repuhllriin administra­ tions turned Its little finger towards j removing racial discrimination In lb»- civil service or In the treatment of ! 77ie Soap of Beautiful Worn' Elmer C . ta rd e tte ends halitosis IC H -BR O wn hair grower Trial Spanish American War LISTERINE h a 8GT. JOSEPH WHITE KELLY MILLER DONI DE CAUGHT UNPREPARED MR. RANDOLPH tty KELLY Mil.Kit ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! The Hepnhltran National Conven colored employees In the government turn has met and adjourned The service? If Mr Hoover la reeleeled. platform waa propaliti the louaeai on will hie second administration Im an record It touched on many topica of Improvement over the drat In this re­ foreign and domeatlr concern, and left aped? These are aomn of tlm apnelflc acarrely any lineatimi untouched things we should like to know Hut Even lile Negro • » given a udii and the platform throws no light on the rolorleaa reference. Juat how effect question. It would have been far better had Ively the race leader« preaaed their ault upon the attention o( the parly the platform made no reference to management ha« noi yet been made ue at all. leaving ue In hope. |( hill « ‘ear Theie were some thirty-five or faintly. dial as American clllaeua. w* ao colored delegate« and alternale». are entitled In share and share alike Two of them weeonded the nomination In the broad provisions of the plat of the candidale In glowing phrnne form. The left handed Insincere refer ology and glaring rhetoric lint It ence la an affront lo our lutalllgen.e does not aeem that they presented any The men la rapidly becoming Intel! definite proiwirtlon. seasonably, to tie ediiatly of age t| would not continual, ly he beguiled by empty words end (latlerlng phraaea As I Indite this release the Demo­ crat« at Chicago are In the throes of adopting their platform. I hope that lltey will omit all reference lo the Negro unless they are prepared to deal with the <|uestion more trank- ly than did their Republican adver­ sary. ( ante l.rl ( ’t Si r "r Von? HOI,l,||)AY X HOLLIDAY