TO CONSIDER RACE ISSUE THE, An V O L U M I ?• N O it In d «p tn d «n ( IN TWO SECTIONS ADVOCATE Pmpmr D vvoln d to tito In t«r««U P O R T L A N D . O R IO O N . S A T U R D A Y , July I I . mf th * P o o p l* 1112 SECTION ONE PR IC E r iV E CENTS MARY GARDEN PRAISES FIRST NEGRO OPERA RANDOLPH URGES NEGROES TO UNITE BETHEL CHOIR 10 GIVE SPIRI1UALS PRESENTATION 'Digesting . . . . . Tße IVew>6 T h » Portland X«Rro Chorua, direct* **U by Rimer C. Bartlett, and comi>oHed of the iiieiubiTN of the Bethel C tonia und aHHldtltiK urtiate and altiKera of the Portillad Community will pretti'nt the first of a aeriei of concerts of 'Spirituale Under the Stare" at the Multnomah Cl ela Stadium «ui Thu re- day uljcht July *1. at 8:16 P. M Sonsa of the eouth, jubilee iiumbere and Spirituale will be featured lu the firat concert. Mr» Jeeee Colee Grayson, Contralto, will be the aoloiat. News Briefs PROBE MYSTERY DEATH 0E UNDERTAKER té SHIRLEY COMPLIMENTED BY WORLD-FAMED ARTISTS AUSTIN. T exas. July I I — Investi­ gation of the dtath of N. W. Rhambo ! has led to the conclusion that he was ' | CLEVELAND , Ohio. July I I — "Tom murdered as a result of severe compe- ' I Tom ," the first Negro opera ever stag­ titlon In the undertaking business. A N O VE M BE IN A U T O S M A S H UP 10PHECY ed and performed by an all-Negro Sheriff Rufe Pavehouse of Navarro ' cast, had its world premier last Thurs­ Clarence J. Trtbbt» and George county has reported that the i « r l y ; day evening at the Cleveland stadium Now that l !»«• big shows are u«rr Grey, of 1383 Kant Irving street were theory of robbery has been discarded ______ , before and audience o f at least 10,000 ■ml we know who'» who anil w h«t'* Injured In an automobile accident on through Stewart Brothers of Corsica-1 people, an attendance that surpassed whal ws ■an le-gln, with some in*-a July 7, when the Ford coupe in na vehemently protest that the young- t That the Portland District is the the witnessing of "Carmen," present- T H E T W O PLATFORMS •ur* ot safety. to definitely form-«»! which the duo were riding w ai er Stewart, arrested following the most backward in the Brotherhood o f ed the evening before be several hun- wliat will happen next Nev*mber ■truck broadalde by a Star sedan op­ ftndlng of the body. Is not connected Sleeping Car Porters activities, was dred persons. IImill tllcm boll) and decide for erated by Fred Hausen of Rosevelt or Implicated In the murder by the the charge made by A. Philip Ran- j M l»» Shirley Graham, the modest yourself which on« you nr* ib lr In Mr Klmer C. Bartlett, director of afreet, and aent hurting across the widest stretching of the accumulating dolph in an address on the Negro in an<* unassuming composer of the Par this specific purpose. for quite , ... . . ; understand by your own reading the augmented chorus of local singers ) n, of sandy Uouvelard and circumstantial evidence. the Economic Crisia delivered at the °P er*- la being swamped with con- •om « time, my fllee have been acru ha. distinguished himself with hi. Ka„, , , th Mree, , racant Bryant Howard, asslstau* manager Mount Olivet Baptist Church on last Fratulatory expressions from every- T hs Democratic Platform mulatins pertinent political data, from every elate In the union, and I now W e favor the repeal of the Klgh work with large choruses He has won lot. HaaaM was arrested. Jailed and of the Khambo funeral home, in de- Wednesday night. He accuaed J. W. .wrhere for her fine work as author of acclaim with hi. one thousand voice . thuu(alld dollar« bond, scribing the Incidents prior to Mr Botls and Ben Robinson, porters. o f.* h e world’s first Race opera. predict that nothlus abort of a miracle leellth Amendment rpportpd to ^ conXlned lo hu Ithambo's dtath. reports that nothing being largely responsible for this * 8he has not only received the "hlg will keep democrat» out o f th«» white T o effect auch repeal, we demund chorus in the Hollywood Bowl lu the H. tv u brok. a rlbs whlle , suspicious attached to the call which “ backward" condition. He called them band" of the musical critics o f ail holier after the 4th day of next mouth thai the Conare»a Immenlately pro­ summer of 1930; he directed the N « - ; h(imp ()f 1)perallll, . car undpr thp lured Austin’s most prominent cltlxen "hat-ln-haud Uncle-Tomism” Negroes r* rM *b«> witnessed the production, pose a constitutional amendment to tlonal Aaaoclatioo Chorus in 1928 In la.. Angeles, California, and he ha. ,n„ uenc* of ,,quor and oth. to his death. who. he said, were in the employ of Played such artists as Mary Garden. In a*murh aa I have no political purely representative conventions In presented choruses through out the ,.r, are n w hln, the latst Thursday night. Mr. Howard the Pullman Company to spy on the wb ° played the leading role In “ Car- pr*Mtl*c to maintain 1 «an even so ■ he states lo act aolaly on that pro­ Northwest tn#..,ch centers as Seattle. Uc, headquarter. Tribble and Grey states. the phone rang and a request porters and their activities and re- men an*l Mme. Baum, author of •o far aa to specifically analyte the posal. Spokane, Vancouver, B C and Port- arp trpa|pd „ honw for thelr was made that the Rhambo ambu- port back to the Company. He point -1 "Grand H oteL" were enthusiastic in W e urge the enactment of auch statue of my conclualotia sa they ex- cuts and other Injuries sustained in lance be dispatched after the body of ed out that the Company went so far Ibeir praises for Miss Graham. Miss let at tile pr«*aeiit writing. Knowing measures hy the several states as Hurtled s work with the Bethel the wreck and Tribble's car was cone a man dead near Dawson. Tex. Spe- as to put Botts in an office In Chios- Garden's expression, "marvelous." and well that my analyata will In? hotly will actually promote tentperanre. ef d flc directions were given for finding go and when they had no further use Baum's “ It is most unusual. I fee-lively prevent the return of the jf'horus at the Municipal Auditorium pletely demolished. dlaasreed with. the location and answers to all que*_ of him. "kicked him out and aent him *blnk It la very fine. It la certainly saloon and bring the liquor traffic Into M,,d *n «be H °*e Festival Ytasper Ser- -------- In W ashlngtot; Park and In local The Advocate Is In receipt of a lit- lions Indicated that the relatives of back to Portland to work as an ordl- , noT*L " brought to Miss Graham great- Present conditions lead nw* to be* the open under complete supervision es Bledsoe as the “ Voodoo Man" eminent effectively exercise Its pow­ The contribution which he has made In which he sends The Advocate home hal a wide reputation In all the Oregon shining shoes", he added. rratlc column, made up aa follow» Mr Randolph's masterful address or bigh priest of the savage# did his Alabama. Alkali sue. Florida. Georgia. er lo enable the slates lo effeetlvly with Ihc Bethel choir has added much some money. W e certainly appreciate adjoining counties and aa frequently dealt with the Depression — its scope. bart a d os t convincing manner, Illtnoia. K< iitiu ky. lanitaiana. Mary­ protect themselves agallisi Importa- to the morale and spirit of the church, hearing from Mr. Duke as well as re- calls come from rural sections where land. Ma»»a« hunetta. Mlaalaalppl. Ne­ ■ Hon of Intoxicating liquors In viola- The organisation which he leads has celvtng the enclosure. Thanks. I,et no Race undertakers are close at causes and remedy. He divided unem- His big. rich voice, resounding and gained recognition as one of Port- others who owe do likewise. hand. Howard explained, "both Mr. ployment into :residuml — always a wa* use<* with much discretion thru- vada new Jeremy. New Mexico, New don of Ihelr laws ' ......... Rhambo and myself thought the call remnant of unemployed even in nor- oul bis role. He was forced to res- Pending repeal, we favor Immediate land's outstanding musical groups. York. North Carolina. Oklahoma, K«» WOMAN BADLY BURNEO was the result of our extensive ad­ mal times: seasonal — others employ- P °n<« to numerous encores. Charlotte The Multnomah Civic Stadium As­ Carolina. Tennessee. Texas and Vir­ modification of the Volstead act to vertising or that given us through a ed only during certain periods of the W allace Murray as the "Mother.” leagallxe the manufacture and sale of sociation Is sponsoring the concert of ginia Mrs. Jennie Wilson, of 65*1 96th quarter of a century of serving the year; and cyclical — still others In was also forceful and convincing with beer and other beverage» of such ak "Spirituals Under The Stars" and the great numbers unemployed at regu- ber beautiful voice, I concede to the republican. 141 e coholle content as Is permissible un price of admission has been w ithin the St.. S. K was severely burned about people in and near Austin. Lillian Cowan as "T h e Girl.” Luther the body Thnr».. at 7:30 A. M. while 'It was suggested that I make the lar intervals, usually occurring and lectoral votes. Including the atate» of der the Constltutlnn. and to provide reach of all removing arhes from a stove. As she rural call and attend to emba'.-tlng recurring every ten or twelve years. King, form erly of Fisk U. as "The Aritona Colorado, lH*laware, Indiana, ■ herefrom a proper and needed reve- were the recipients of pro- carried the ashes Into the yard the the body. Mr. Rhambo saying that he "Even while we are in the throes of Boy." Iowa, Main«». Minnesota, New llatnp I nue iiv n.irroKD c. mitchkll " * WHICH ONE 00 FIAVEB TRAITOROUS RACE LEADERS WHO SEEL OUT wind fanned them into a flame which ould follow later and conclude the ¡«be present economic depression we longed applause in each of their ap- T h e Republican Platform shire, Oregon. Pennsylvania. South U N T H A N K S ARRIVE SAFELY enveloped her clothing. Mrs. Wilson's financial arrangements. Since I could face another and greater", said Mr. *!.**el M° untain Walker a* Dakota. I ’tah. Vermont. Waahington. The Kepubllcau party Is and always condition necessitated her being re- no, go a, that particular time. Mr. Randolph ,‘ h* k E* Wisconsin and Wyoming und even In stood and stands today for obedience | He blamed the machine as the ^ hundred, by her ‘ n ,P re «ly e these stales there »re factions In four to and enforcement of the law as the Dr Unthank writes The Advocate m o te 4 lo CouBtjr hospital Rhambo se, out alone. Wednesday morning the underta- greatest cause of the present unem- "tona Ions that seemed to call forth of them that might possibly align very foundation of orderly govern- editors under date of July «Ih as fol- for treatment ker's body was found near Corsicana Paym ent situation. Large production t « n‘ ur e » Augustus O. Oris,, themselves with I lit »rests other than ment an.l elvllliailon There can be lows: "Just a line to let you know baritone. Cleveland's radio artist, in Four colored waiters have been re­ on the Round Rock road The coroner — fewer workers — less money He no national aeeurlty otherwise. The* that we arrived sufely Wednesday the republicans the triple role o f "leader-preacher- announced that It w as impossible to !*t»te d that the demand for machine- -------- duly o f the President of the United morning after driving all night Sun instated at the Hotel Portland. capitalist." won the admiration of his tell whether death resulted from the produced commodities was as great The remaining 103 electoral voles Stales snd of Ihe officers of the law day and all night Tuesday W e had listeners with his fine quality of Prof. L. I. Magrtider. of Seattle beating administered the victim or the as the production but that the consu­ I plare In the doubtful column be 1» clear The law must In* enforced as ¡no trouble except a couple of punc- shots fired Into the unsuspecting mor­ mers did not receive the woges with voice. was noted in Portland this week eattse of certain events yel to occur, 'they find It enacted by the people. I lures, | in spite of the fact that Mr. Grist ticians body. A diamond ring left oc which to buy them. at this writing, which Includes the To these courses of acllon we pledges ! My uncle la still very III. I can't the dead man's finger proved that As a remedy for the condition. Mr. suffered a broken arm at the last re­ states of Connecticut, Cnllfnrnla. Ida our unmlnees see much chance for his Improvement. robbery was not the motive. The pains Randolph offered: Maintenance of hearsal. he appeared not the least ho, Kansas. Michigan. Montana, Ne- | The Republican party Is uud aywuys C O L O R E D BASE B A L L T E A M t ant seeing a lot of people with the assilants took to make sure that hlj^h wages, reduction of working handicapped and worried over his Itraska. North Dakota. Ohio. Rhode la- has been Ihe parly of the const Hut Ion. T O P L A Y IN P O R T L A N D whom It la a great pleasure to renew Rhambo was dead Indicated a vindic- hoars and an Increase in the number predicament. Another outstanding fea- land and West Virginia. Nullification my non observance by friendships of workers He reaffirmed his former tnre waa lhe dancinf[ of Featu8 F ,tl* -------- Individuals or state action threatens The Gilkerson's Colored Giants, an ,,lve m ot,ve- hugh of the Gilpin Players, who help­ The depression can he seen on ev conviction that the only way to bring Kven If Ihe republicans were as- the stability of our Government. all tars base ball hall team, of Chicago ed to convey the primitive impulses cry hand — worse than we have felt ears of the Ebeneser Baptist church about this economic revolution is While t h e constitution'- makers sored of Ihe doubtful states In keep­ proved such a sensation when they j It In Oregon. I expect to be hack In Organization °* the barbaric tribes with his Imper and t he impressive funeral services through organization, ing with my analysis they would only played here last year that In answer about two weeks. (Continued on page four jwere held there attended by friends means power and power is the only pensonation of a slave driver. The have 214 electoral votes against 3*7 to the demand for their return, they choruses of the more than five hun­ and acquaintances from all parts of for the democrats and granting a j will meet the West Side Babes of "'Continued on page 3. Col. 4 dred singers were most effective and 'the state. A widow and two brothers reasonable per cent o f errors In my anti-freedom papers will not publish Portland Monday night. July tSth at reflected great credit upon the di­ survive the deceased, analysis. It Is sufe lo predict that aft- ! any account of such action of these the Pacific Coast I »'ague Park. 24th rector. Clifford Barnes. PROF B A R T L E T T PR E S E N T S j Mrs. Rhambo has announced that er the "surprises" have been totaled brave men who believe In freedom of and Vaughn strets at 8:30. ’ The demand has been so great for the business will continue as hereto­ thought. W ill you see any account . . . . . up. Ihe democrats will alili have lit» ¡ HI S P U P I L S IN R E C I T A L an extra performance of "Tom-Tom ' of the text of the report in the Ore-1 Thp nabca ,eam “ •'""'Posed of all- fore and that special legal aid will majority electoral votes. IIY K IT S RIED Konlnn or the New-Telegram or the ¡* «* r high school players from Port- the second appearance was to be giv­ be employed to prosecute the mur­ I Labor Press I wonder If the Voter ¡land high schools and Ray Broks Is The first public recital hy pupils en at the Stadium. Other operas pre­ derers. would dare print II? The first three tTi<>lr manager, In making this prediction I am not of Prof. Elmer C. Bartlett was held sented during the series Included Would you m ilter spend your tnott named do not believe In Intelligent Inferring that the country will he Gilkerson's team Is well known In last Tuesday night when he present- ••(’ armen. "V alk yrie” and “ Aida" in ey for food, homes, schools etc. or i discussion or least of nil Intelligent bettered any Ity the change of federal ed them at Bethel church. Madison Spuare Garden, New York. would you rather carry another a-1 criticism of things American these Ihe West, having played all op and administration. Further, I believe, that Mother heavy load such os we are i * bree worship the "god of things as down the coast. A large audience expressed its ap- duri n(5 the summer, according to the If the now agitated "d ry " third parly carrying now for the two wars the ¡they are An interesting as well as amusing proval as well as appreciation of the announcement of Laurence A. Hlg- should become a reality that Ihe dem­ Civil War and the World W ar? Do feature of the game Monday night, mitslrlan and music teacher by their gln9 one of the promoters of the Sta- Here Is t he resolution: ocrats would he the ones to benefit you know lhat these two wars alone | presetice and the liberal applause dtum ,)pera aer|eg. "In adult education mid In the In will be a shndow hall playing exhibi­ have cost Ibis nailon 131 billion dol­ from It. which greeted each participant. ! lars. and the end Is not yet. W o will jstltuUot! of higher education, teach- tion when the Gllkerson team goes lug should be free e f all interference through all the movements of the Those who apeared on the program ' liny these war taxes the rest of our except for the requirement» of good w|thol„ „ hR„ am| Pnd, whpn For Ihe Negro, It Is interesting to were: Buddy Hill. Jessie Mott. Irene huge "Baha Tree", there circled a natural lives, »m l our children will and standards of scholarship. , to note that In each of the nuthern pay and their children and further taste Belard. Helen Hood. Bobby Gragg, frame scaffold table groaning under If under outside pressure need should Ule catcher misses a high foul hall slates which I have classified In the on t li it li we can tabulate. Taxes will arise for some one other than the In-jimrt catches It In the face, Ardell English. Eunice Mott. Louise Its burden of choice fruits. After the democratic column, that Ihe Negro Is be paid to cover the cost of wars strurtor himself to Interpret these Arei-ord-hrenklng crowd Is expect- Belard. Oxle J. Mott. Mae Hill. Flor- more than one hundred names had fought to hide Ihe mlstnkes of poll —.......... ■ limitations, such Interpretation shall ™ Intensely nellve In both parties and ence Cantrell. Dolores Burdine Mar- been inscribed on the roster, the tlclaiiH and to put Ihe money Into he made hy a Jury of the Instructor's i f ’ ' ,hp anmp ’ahlph Prom' that before the race Is over much at­ the pockets of war exploit ters. 'I lilnk educational poors chosen hy some per- s('s lo he hot and Jorle Hill. Wanda Griffith, Shelby chairman. Mr. John D. Bosch Invited howl tention will he concentrated upon win­ about It. Golden. Jeanne Hill. Eleanor Gragg, the entire delegation and friends to j mnuent Institution of Instructors. CHICAGO, 1 1 1 .. July 18— The Chica­ ning the Negro vote. W hatever your Jenny Dora Grayson and Mrs. Robena seat themselves around the table. ... „ "Ill the secondary school like free- The world do really move as wit- dom alld llk(. rM tr|c,lon should hold, go Defender was grauted the cnly pri­ Martin. opinions, however, you cannot prove During this time, Mrs. F. S. Schop- A R R E S T E D ON W O M A N S toss the resolutions adopted by the eXprM a,on(l tht> vate Interview In Chicago with Gov- that ! am wrong until after next No­ Those who served as usherettes: flocker, who flew from New York to COMPLAINT nmmiltee on Academic hYcedom of provlllt(,ni( ho|d pxl.p,„ lhnt ,hp dp. vember and tnnyhe you will have for­ ______ ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Demo- Isadore Morton. Julia Mae Blanchard, greet the session was Introduced and Which Prof. West Kilpatrick of Tea 'n" n'' f ,r co' "bleraMon of local and gotten my prediction by then. (From the Daily Journal) ,ra ,lc *'a»<". A. II.'s nnd militarists will *-v *" , arf f communities and for teach- ress of a rooming house at 104 N. 6th K,1* ,,r G Bro" n- director of the Ten lm mediately get upon their hind legs er?,I ” f ,{’ )der. P” ?* . . .. street, of having beaten her. Ernest Year-Progress Plan and Program for the performances of all the pupils two weeks. Prof. E. A. Rodgers. Mrs. and howl, but. says Ihe Committee: In this out-of-school expression (he Negro was arrested Wed Race Citizens. were exceptionally good and proved Helen Bishop, Mrs. T. Seto, Mrs. Lou- *"• ¡'"•'F™- "T e s te d wed- Mac Johnson, colorad, who lives In "If education Is lo lake Its lust tmrt t''a* ber courses retains all his legal informed In Albany by my |prof. Bartlett to be a genius in his lse Caswell, Mrs. Gladys Aoki. Miss In the development of modirn life. to freedom of speech, hu, In.nesday night at 6th nnd Flanders Jungles near Hoovervllle, (Under there Is need of extending the range c0,1"l' Mciioiu T i ps SMS HE WANTS FAIR PLAY FOR ALL CITIZENS