THE H.I.USTRATKD FEATUIIK SUCTION-- April 1«. m 2 WEAKNESS TIRED FEELING A t i w » feeling (Hat hangs or , day ami »'»«Hr. whether you work or not, • ffr n f«*cn away follow in g the u»a c»f Oardul. W ith Improved strength, luouthly periods quit bringing ao tnu ili o f Ilia suffering (hat women dread. and pains dua to a rundowu edition arr ovarcoflia In a whola- gome. natural way. t »«I ffrr*<1 ao mmh with mmYrrm I m I i <« «mi * u n k ’ lir M In mr (••«*!* A l Iintra. Il e ’ I • a im .I II i t i \VlM»n I « » •••■hi h a \ o i t » i a i . i l un m y f«**t tit» I»«In » V*lf !•»«( I « » I I |*t • < ttrtll I kiiaD 1 ft: it lata »im a. IM «t* ». I h-t 1 l » a i | iitiith rtf i ‘aI • alul. I 4 # rt ’ « -I to 1 * u I . f«lt all tight. 1 can highly m om * a* «• ml |*ar A il Ar * rara f a l l i , Al nlv^net y, Jin. Thouaanda o f other woiuru lu m •a id that ('ardui helped them. Iiulld up your strength with (ha •ani-tanca of ('ardui, a harmless p « dL lual tonic (hai wuineu have I » . «ti for ovar fifty year*. ( 'a r d u i la »• M a t « liu g s to r e s a «? CARDUI fo n W itt , ItUN-OuW N WOMLN ttiLh s o u g h lo auptx^rt ua for in see?1* **0 K .** giumblrd a masculine ( a a U n u a g tr«ta Pag* > voice ‘ But Mill I don l Uka it wait . . . that no on* eUe would What aui I suppose^ to «1« while rvar matter . . . that perhaps In a you re nvarried to him. huh? * “ It won t make any difference. law mot it ha tl»cy would boih be ready Ha liaUd ih r delay hut J k n d i w r wbi I Konnl* dldn t wait to hear any secretly admitrd Iwt the more for her He strode lo tl»e do r of hi* Intelligence in the matter. The next more morning found him all tike »nore dreasing room u x l stood tliere for a Hr was uiad eager and determined U> gatu her moment. Winking (jack ah through. And when he »aw a consent and at oiKe. But tlie neat day. with all It» figure emerge from behind the paint­ premia* of happlneut. brought only ed ternary from whence luul t me i live voice wlken he recognised that rude awakening ! figure lie finitely as Jmrue. he fd'rly Ronnie called for Jeanle In the boiled with rage Bo that wa* her early afU rroon and they went f n a ; attitude toward him! Love1 What a abort drive b fore rrp-rtlng to th* ■ fool lie had been! Jranle didn't love theatre W ie n they arrived at the him all site wanted was tike m o n e y Dtage door It waa late and they both which he was making had to hurry Into makeup and cos­ Bomehow, for a moment h* could tume. Thing* moved »w iftlv. and n't bring himself to b ’ liev ,t Yet Ronnie dldn t i^en ha.* a chance to the unmistakable fact» stared him -tec Jeanle between tlie act* He } )n the fac.*. looked about baclLvU«* for her. but Jeanle hU Jrsnle He couldn't rvutrnllv hike wasn't there bear even to .vec her again. He h»U:d Tlteu lie liad U» go on with hU I tier! .•»penalty. W lvni that 0\vr lie Tw o minutea after the final cur­ sat down, »ligh tly Ured after the tain w«uit down, lionnlc left live Mrenuous routin'* on a property bo* theatre and drove awav in hi» high- in the wing» tie l»a>k tiling* easy powered cur. alone into »hr night. for a while, i cel mg his head again-t Now that he knew definitely what a tall pan«! of cam ».» ac-nery. Sud sort of girt Jeanie was. lie » * ' denly. above the Mibdued murmur of through Through with her for (ho burk-tage w w k m he became ever. Through, he told himself. aware of Jennie"» \ Ice behind him. , with all girls. talking fait and in ah earnest whU- W hen morning came he was still prr d ring Hi dldn*! In m ■ I • rr ha "lad me work the thing my own was and didn’t care. He dldn t cure way. was the sentence which nr%t I about anything any more. caught hi» attention, I know what I'm doing. You'll get -our »hare of C H A P T K R II the diKigh after t marry him. O f c o u rv Ronnie got ever the There"» no .sense in mshtng Ronnie I ve got to ntake him think I m on the r-quaie haven’t I"* I ve g t to and he had sense enoi use tact. le t the |M>or sap think I f that tlie wound would >n heal. so ba lohxrd a girl. had get a d. i orcr and come back to you given I mt h ll w 1 le h *art - onl 1 find tiiat she i ad brrn plavmi; w it ll 1! 1 I ! thought that sh: w m him. ry difTerr U ’roni the other girl* k much finer than of t ic chorus , tlkev It w the di»lUuftion ment . whu h hurt hi m tnore than any M any W om en >Jeo s o w * 1* O n c e , (A n v c f le a f y a d u e .«mi \\ liilc Com pì,'\ioit l’uuilcr is utm fi v.illy |M> k iJ iit r it ix r\trption.illv linr in ijn.iluy. It ix ihr « o r lili oiilst.nuling t.ur (touder x.ilur I w i j i m n ith firn Itigli suml.iril o f r\c«llrncr it t'oinhini'.x ttn> ftihlr rtonoinv in flw forni o f ih xrrv nuulcratr nrirr. JMj«lr l»y jn ru liM iv r prore vi. Hl.icL .imi W h itr i* •oft. »mootli .uni f m r l y texturrd. I:\(|iiixitrly por- ( umi li, it Itrings frrxli, youthful clurui lo cvrrv com­ pir v io n him I villin i Iure lo rv rry prrsotiality. T lir r r ’» a Hot for tou r type— Vi liitr, I lr>li, Pink, B rim rtfr ami Hi^l» Hrown. One trial w ill ipm kly » i n voti. 1 Ho nnle went back to wcvk af ter a He iLiyofT of a co ipie ■ ! v K 1 M k tie d a rontr let to aiT>ear in n new .* how which was Mheduled to oj**n m A Hantle Cit y ; bout a month after |lu* auddrn c l«a pi »e a rane* f r o m t liroa dway. A id g ned 1 hr f ta de »vire iat t!i r? wa i t a tlie | Kiri named Jeanie TYmple in j clior L* bo K . j Th ere w.LS a rtatn change. alter that incident. in Bonnie » whoi* na- |lure. F\ n at hh »b * he was 1i«rd - Jy n ore th un nineteen at the timc lie b T.une. nu onsclously jkt Up». hard and c> incal and calloused and w llhi »ut faith in any woman. The w !io) r trouble wa that he beg» n to judg« all worn n by th? few he had k now n bv Je» nli Temple. ! In- .stain r. She had deceived him; ! ad p!a\f d him fai se. How lucky he had be n to find her out in time! All worn*•n. hr» d«*Ct( ed bitterly, were false They w cr e deceitful; they were hard and Cl id and ca I cu I a mg. W r 11. hr told himself, two ou Id plav at that game. Henceforth he would make u » ' of the women who weir hi» friend» ju*t as Jeanle had planned so adr> itly to make use of him. He would love them a while, leave them, and then forget them. T it*v would furnish him with ten* porary amusement, with a thrill. Hut. he decided bittrrly, not one of (hem would ever come to nvean any­ thing to him: not one wrculd ever striU h i» heart as Jeame had done. And so. when Ronnie bieered Into Atlantic City, lie set out with a brand new uka. lie wo» out to get all the thrill* possible out of life . Tlvat is why hi» story breanv tike .story c f many women. FW* hr did nut »U>p in Atlantic City, nor even ^(V, $\ 00 or even more will nor buy you • finer face powder than BI* h k and While at 25c. M« nidful women everywhere, wo own who ha»r amplr monrv ro »athfv fheir every tleurr. strongly »tale ihrir peeferemr for ihn line powdrr hy regularly going info ihrir favoe- i#r «kug »for» or t«»il«-i go«»«fs counter and a»kmg for G e n u in e Bla« k and White Complexion PoaJer at 23c. W h y p a y m o re? 3 .ii N w York iM«r in ('htcago. nor the far west. Kom ar toured rvrry city on the routinent with one snow or an alter and he bewoted a (M fr r n t girl for every (own He met dow n i of girls in Atlantic C ltv . He went to all of the g a v e * parties and dances, and flirted with ail of the prettu-at won. n But hr never became s-rlous with any of (hem Not one it seemed, wh * ever abl* to m*kr the «lightest fKadway with him. When hr- returned to New Y or* with his sik a Ire carried with him a notebook full of telephon** number» and penciled notations When ly* glimpsed Broadway, he promptly threw tile bo:*k away. Only cue gJ *. » York ever mode a bssling iin}*resr*on up u Ron­ nie. 1'hal girl was Martiva Hunter raven-haired. black-eyed. utteri> beautiful in a superfiiuil sort of wa. r. sle *k dren. He met h r in the Jungl* Club In Harlem. It all started with a danc' and after that for the duration of his stay In the B ij City, he followed her around like » meek puppy when h- was not in the theatre. Martha took him around and showed him place* Sh* introduced him I J a crowd of young men . nd women who knew I k » w to do tilings w ! m > had thrown themselves into a life of m;dmght revelry with all the wild abandon of I ’ klexs \outh. It wasn’t long befor* he hod learned how ty stay up until fire in the morning and till r'port for work on time the foiiowmg afternoon; il wasn’t long be foie he had learned to C ontinu ! on Pane 4 TRA1W KR net in / Thfit ra v b h in f beauty ilr.«t capti­ vate* may he your* . . . beeuu*e the secret of it is a light, smooth, satiny »oft *kin. Dr Fr«*d Palmer’s Ski> Whiten« r Ointment » o f t e n » an«i ligh ter» the d.irke«*t «kin. clears up pimple», blotches .«nd tan marks, and does away with that “oily, shiny’* look. L'»c this preparation regularly to make your skin soft, delicate and charming. This amazing Ointim nt Is made In the famous Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories where are also made those other beauty anl« you know so well: Dr Fred Palmer's Skin Whltener S«iap. Skin Whiten* r Fa« e Powder. H air P r escier and Hid De­ odorant, which may be had at a!! drug stores for IS cents ea« h or will be r. Fred Palmer's Labors* torie<. Dept. F. Atlanta, Ga. f c i t f t f *w, * 'p r a m u * n t wm euakt if y*a mm W m « • Send 4c in »ta m p * f o r tria l o f S k in W he tenet 9 S oap and Face Pow der. A7*HLJtTll Bey, U lerlMimb, maJt iKti .« m i/ d e ankle feel like nn* t *» m beeery! D R .F R E D BRUISES, SPRAINS S L O A N ’S Liniment P A L M E R 'S Skin'W fiitener 'K E E P S YO U R C O M PLEXIO N V O U T H f UL* F it se th e p i t i n — S le e p ! Never neglect • bruised ankle or pulled tendon. Par on Sloao’s — it keep* swelling down, prevent* lo » » ok sleep. N o rubbing is needed—for Sloan’s brings fresh blood to the injured part in less than a mmure. Fain gives wav to healing, soothing warmth. Y*ou don’t lose sleep : . . Get » fresh bottle ti>day. Only J ' f . Hid ) our Skin of All “Blotches” | Î-ALWAYS H a VÈ i IIKC SUNSHINE /nrYtmiHoH/y IF YOU W A N T Monryf Love, Easy Life SUCCESS M K i rt: T O D A Y . Rrml no nton- ry. I Riinranter U. give you a start In life. BLACKiEWHITE 0MPLEXI0N POWDER M. WILLIAMS Hinkle IK -nit 1 1 > Dloo< HOI Bergen Are . D rpL H JK.KSK.Y C IT Y . N. J. W A N T S AC.FNTS T o sell L U C K Y M O-JO Iscen re ami Lucky Goods Make m, ck W rite now \ AL