4 T H R IL L U S T R A T E D F E A T U R K S E C T IO N — April I». Ifl .12 is imlred realism with g* milite, deep ardirai rvip tc i Tile UlM*Tipi Ion on the tablet, while rxtrllenl in the umili \ at In intrl rrlniorcm one’s «»bjectioiu to tlw f miai |M>rtr«ydl One »nitrii««» irmi- "On ntv Ulktrrground Hall- i «« mì 1 nrbber run im trdin elf «1« track ditti ! nebbrr ( 1 » d (»Muni- *er “ SCULPTURES YOU OUGHT TO KNOW- ABOUT Front the hook. "F»inn, ((siiion uad the treed In 4»irf nun Sculpture.'" hy Freeman Henry .Worm Murray LINDY SHOULD HAVE EMPLOYED COLORED HELP. A Tablet in the Court House in Auburn, N Y. Commemorates Harriet Tubman, who "Stole" Slaves in the South and Con- ! ducted them tin the ’’Underground Railroad" through the Northern States to Canada and Freedom. She was also a | Civil W a r Nurse and Spy. BL>ITOK 8 N O T * l U t r l f l Tu bm an f? »q u *n tly r .M r .l M arylan d ami |H. eiubar 1SS4. »1». p y r W M lh cv»m turl««l ala * U » n lft»in C um iw i iamt and M u r ld u a u MtW I© W tlm ii’ f t o i i 1>*I T it o * « «1 »« Ilia d o f lh * hanl*hij>* wf II»» night i r a t f l and a iilu t l lo |o hath « n r a tlilM tl by Hat rial that (hay "h ad to gv Ih ton gh •« k but a dead one telle n »«Crete ” ft He n ever V it an » af her ’ |»a»»et»gara" « h o I n n th a n |r«rmil a tMMdbla b etra ya l by Leaving the Iratu that •>>» « o n Id t i l l tl.c »« ralh ei NFW YO ltK If the Lindbergh* hdaf |c>M>r*ONrat the forethought to rmpkiy colored help the kUtnappliig t»f their Mm won 1« I not Ita ve occur teat Ui the opinion o f W illiam Pick eiiv ftrkl •erretarv o f the N A A C I* " I t has »reined to me.* «mid Mr. Ptrlena. "that ever »h u e ih U chll4 was born. It* parent* have tnkrn ll loi« much for granted that they were I vécu re in the direction o f the A inert* ! m n profile I f Mr. I n • > I m i ■ moalrat. lu* would have had a guard I for hi» house ami not a nurse who * pul the child to brtt but a coirttant companion f-*r ht* riniti wlto won kl ' not let It out of night or reach for j an instant waking or sleeping **Th# U ndbrrgh «lenire for a ar- ! t ìudrai titular ami retirement front tlw» public grt/e railed for guard«» Only (■«»r profile mid l*eople what have j tu* fame have the privilege o f living immolented If tltry be ai-o u n pto- trclea! * lieMdra If the Lindbergh» want to t*r Mire h t (n u t .tnd reliability in servants. let them hire colored v r - I »anta Cokired fteople are not con» ru deal with gang* Why if the Pullman Company hired while men a* |**r’ ers on th ru •'irefirm, at the »am«* »alarle» which j »t |«va to ctilore«! porter* the class of white- a ho would get Into tlie j ervice would make It «Ungerotia faw any mllllt>ratire or millionaire * rela­ tive to go to alerò on one of Ota«*e car* They would h»* kldnapiwd. If ' not murtlerrai and rtditwd hrf*»r* ; tha ï could rrnch the 'next »tuttnn * If the Lindbergh want to mak* tire and sleep soundly in the future, let them hlrr a colored nur»r dial a ft w colored guani» on their rotate j after they get their child ba« k In the economic maladjustment along tlw- color line It so hai j » n* , 'liât much better «pialliv of « « I om ^J help can lu had for u given wag# than of white help** SHE MADE 10,000 MILE TRIP — Mrs. Maude U n e Book­ er, former Baltimorean, who lives in Portland, Oregon. She was east last month on her trip from Portland via New Orleans. La., and will return after visitinjr in India­ napolis and Chieajro. Church Feeds 3,000 W A S H IN G T O N n>r<-r thousand I hungry and une ni pi« ■»•■»•d men I WO 1 THE H A R R IET TU BMAN TABLET Cayuga County Court Hounr. Auburn. Nrtr York A “ Conductor" on the Underground Railroad, a Civil War Nume Union Spy Tlw« Inscription on the tablet read.*» i n MrMnriY o r i i A n n i r i t u u m a n «Hiring the iai»t two m onth» at the Metro|K>lltan A M E (tiu rch . of ciurli the Itev W It 'Hiom a* U I >ast or and a Born g g l* e t In M a r» ••.«! about 1171 !)■»«! u Auburi N r » Y «.ik M a irh ir l*»n C alle fi Ihe M o -e . r i lier re . i l e du ring the C ivil A * «r W .'h rare courage •»,. «• o v rt th ree thousaitd N« g ro c » up I r ò « i l o t r y to freedom »n 4 renderaU invahiahla » r i » » « » a» nur*e and »r> Wi th lrr*|>llrlt tru*t In Ood »Le hravrd everv danger and o » f r m m e » ery o » * » t i » # v i t i al ahe pomirgar* e ai raordinarv f«»r«*- iirht and Judgitier' •«> «Hat •! » l r vithfuiiv^ • ut Or» d i > undergri>uB«i la ilr o a il, I ncober run my tra in uff da track, a i d 1 n*M>*r NO JIM CROW A T THIS TABLE.— Colored and white unemployed men enjoying the weekly feed by the Trustee Volunteer Club of the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in D.C. I)r. W . H. Thomas, former BaltimorearT, is pastor. Mrs. Charity Smothers is president of the club. GIVES STRENGTH; BRINGS JOY TO WEAK, AILING WOMEN I f you are one of those unfortun­ ate women who puffer from petty Ulp and you feeJ weak and tired out nearly all the time— don’t be ‘'blue** and discouraged. You can be a strong, healthy, robust woman and fully enjoy every pleasure and thrill that life affords. This is easy. Just start taking St.Joseph’s G.F.P. to­ day. See how quickly it helps to invigorate and stimulate you. How it helps to banish petty ailments, restore vitality and give you plenty o f physical charm which other peo­ ple simply can’t resist. St.Joseph’s I*. U a rich, vcif^table tonic con­ taining nature'* own root* and herb* which have been used for over »century to invigorate and strength­ en weak, run-down women. Try this wonderful tonie today. You’ll be amazed to see how quickly it help» to give you strength and bring you now- happiness and joy. Your drug­ gist sells the big dollar bottle of Jit.Joseph’s G.F.P. on an absolute m< ney back guarantee. S t . J o s e p h 's G.F.P. Oh/i cUJoman-/) Vonlc k>« » paAa«ng»r Thla tab let la erected by th « c itic e li» o f Auburn THE H A R R IE T TUBMAN TAB LET I A bronze tablet in memory of Mr* I Harriet Tubman < Davis) w r a un­ veiled In June, 1914. at Auburn. N Y The tablet ha* been placed con spicuously In the Cayuga County Court House. It wa* paid for chiefly by personal contribution*, mostly from people In Auburn and vicinity | The woman in whose memory the j tablet ha* been erected hail a most eventful career. She was born in *>lavery in Maryland and escaped by ' running away when a young woman | After she had secured her freedom, she took up the work of conducting I runaway slaves to Canada, mainly by wav of what carne to be called the Under Ground Railroad. For that purpose she marie many trips Into slave territory, encountering grave dangers and enduring great prlva- - io n W) m n I he War made ui h work no longer necessary, she be­ cam e a nurse and spy. rendering val­ uable service to the Union cause. It is difficult to view the facial features of this heroine us depleted on this tablet without wincing at what must be ralled—puttlng It veiy mildly the Imld literalness of th< portrayal. In fact, literalness. If it really is that, has here been carried IV I4 quite beyond the limit* ^>f good taste This woman, whose life-history is like a romance and a hero tab coin bined. lived. It Is true, to a great ng'; but It Is probable that for rel­ atively only a short period of her li/r, were her features as shriveled, mis-shapen, and pitifully distorted as they are here depicted if indeed they ever a« re. If the artist in­ ti tided to do something "striking,' he failed; for what he actually did was merely stupid. N f r T g A p k t u r « of Aunt Harri et. " a* »La w h * aff rrt lon atr ly call««! evidently from n late plMitograph. app ealed In ' h r Ailbtim CJtirrn In connection » i l l » Ihe arrouiit of the unveiling ceie mo ni e» T he «lifter- e n r « tx-lwern tlile “ likcneaa ' and tha on « on the (ablet 1» marked. The people of Auburn, where Mrs. Davis lived so long and where she filed, probably had no Intention to ridicule h« r„ and It Is ulso probable that, knowuif hei personal chanu ter so well, they can manage to tol crate—for the sake of sup|H>s«d art arul truth—the haggish physiognomy which wc see on this tablet. But many of us who were outside of her personal acquaintance, al­ though we would be pleased to see her work and her sacrifice», properly commemorated vet find it difficult o reconcile such raw realism If it ¿ rW O M E tk ; Made Young ■ i i i l l ■ I • i I I Hi iglit ryrv .* desr »kin and a body full of youth sod health may be your» if you wilPkeep your »y»tcm in ordtr by tak mg Gold Mr«lal Haarlem O il Capsule« the world’s stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder nd unc acid trouble«, the enemies of life end looks. In u»c since 1696. All drug- gists, 35c, 75c. $1.50. ■ I fl I I I I I | | I • G O LD M f D A L 1 | H AA RLEM O IL C A P S U LE S \ | | j !•>««!» Iil t v «»y I m . i , an«l uifpi n«« «u bM U u io. ' S M I M i l M M I f c