Il .LUSTRATE!! FRATI’RK SECTION— Aprii 0 . WHEN T * ' t WAR n o n, I I O N U U M ISM JACK AND TOM Itv I I ‘>.N AKD M •WHITE LABOR ONLY.”— A w rapper from a tomato can from a canning company in Berkeley Springs, W'.Va. The goods are on sale in various states by dealers. AI leans are labeled as can be seen in the upper left cor­ ner. ‘T acked by white labor only.” N .A.A.C.P. Tells Need for Funds NFW Y O R K - A IrtW r sen*, frem the n atio n al office o1 the N A A C. P announces th a t the asso ciatio n s budget h as a deficit of 19.000. It recites In its ap p eal for funds the cases w h ich it h as un dertaken to defend, and ¡h e urgency for money to finance them . | iieruture a t Uie eiul If sauce *>r ■ gravy is used us u binder for the loaf, m ake it w ith 3 table poons flour unit J table: poons b utter to 1 cup By BETTY BARCLAY liquid. S p an ish la m b € hop« fltTORiua p IT tW a i d MkUc v s . it t lM - 4 la m b ch o p s on * a n d o u t h a lf t l\ g a r n is h e s or cloves A dash o l in c h e s th ic k augur used us a seasoner help« to 4 tab '.c-p s'o n * M ill b r e a d c r u m b s im prove the flu % or of the ineut. Herr 1 ' i ta b le s p o o n s m e lte d t u n e r ure two recipes for a ttra c tiv e m eat s a lt a n d p e p p e r 3 ta b r-pA-on» c a n n e d n u d i f e e m i dish es suitab le for th is season of the >eur; S p lit each chop cross wise to the Savory Beef Ix>af bone Mix o th er Ingredient* Stuff 3 p o u n d s f t tut nd S e rf n spoonful of the m ixture Into each 1 o n io n . f t « t r d ehop. Hold edges together w ith tiny 1 c u p d r y b rc ««l c ru m b * kewers A rrange on buktng dish 1 to 3 c u p s c a n a r d l e a s ' d ‘ a p o u n d ( r o u n d p o rk Buko tw en ty m inutes. S erv e with 1 c u p th ic k e r r a m sau ce following sauce: or c ta r y or 3 e f t s D itss l p the Meat Di lip . . bt> to bP. W vtil 3 3 3 t 3 1 tc a * p c « u s u g a r s a lt an d p rp p rr NBI Ito r Colored boys in .»II putts ol ltd» country answ ered the call I w oldtei- cturlnii the lust week in October, 1917 In the North one Ja c k Fulton decided he w ould flu til for th e land tie called home. R esponding to tilts sam e sun m ans but m u Bout hern city, T o m Lewis reported Right hundred mil* sep arated these two sons of slave foie p aren ts, whose "lives fate hud decreed would m eet and m ean so m uch to enrh o ilier a fte r three years of the w uild grru trst carn age These two sons of Ham m et aix m onths later when Tom was am i nr the one hundred m en tran sferred from a Sou thern cam p and a lig n e d to Ja c k 's ctkinpany T h ey becam e very good friends, but could not exp lain MnlchinR Coni or Chic Jnckct !)y JKNNIK If your clothes allow Ilice is Mil) »-mail and slim , help in a i I mih I, for (id s ye a r the dress designer» am t i b ilging and sym p ath etic buyers havo itn e rg rd from a huddle to solve your l roblems with fash ion ab ly form f it­ ting slim new d renar» w ith m odest price lag*» nl Inched thereon Httll feeling generous and help ful, these sam e designer* have pianile*! each dress for UOt'.blt d u ty B are ly it is ittlilM • thrifty tfl hoard your «lollar» an y longer w hn» w ith tw«* or t t t m w d l ohoom fro clu , a harm onising r«sil am ! some clever lucrvm rle* and a little headw ork, 11} k n o w in g i lo th tf l t o w n d CtoO |»ri - form d a lly a rea » m agie th at w ill leave the best of un b realh lesg Thrxe double d uty dre»a** a re b ril­ lia n t exam ples of Uie im u t sucres»- fu i m erger* of ttie jrf«r, a drags w ith a m atching f o a l or jac k e t No m atter w here and how you buy, no m a tte r how m orie»! tlie p rie« m ark you sim ply cannot sep arate the newest frocks from th e ir toltotel i - mg ja c k e ts M ight to wi «W ing ham without Uie eggs as to pr f Munir a toleran t but u n ylrld tn g »ale ».person to sell you Uie d ir» « »m l r q | th r » |Ito! Very h igh neck tinea a re new fla t ­ terin g and extrem ely sm art bulli in ro ats and dresxe» In trlra te ty tie«! • » if ach ieve th is effect tn m eat *>f the drrxars All d ark dreaxea aro •klllfullv ligh ten ed with g a y telin - m lng«. light toned yokes an«! sra rfa aim ! i . « f th e gayest kind *f I tin ts D aytim e dre**4-, car. bt ham d tn great vtw irly and gran d a b u n d ­ ance cu p * c a lm e d to m ato # « t a b le 'p o o « « b u tte r ( ( « 'p o u d l s u g a r « m a il u n io n tab le.sp o sn is flou r « a lt a n d p e p p e r Mix the in gred ien t1« together th o r­ oughly. S h ap e the m ixture Into a loaf P k e e u strip or two of salt pork on top. P lace in a heavy baking Cook onion in butter Add tom a- t j pun. B ake for one h alf to Uirrs toe- Put thro ugh .* »-trainer Add to q u arters of an hour The oven should ! b utter and flour, and vilm m ug Cook ] be hot a t iirxt. reducing the tem - u n til thick an d smooth. WATCH Kilt lien supplirà should be krp t in g lass jar* c a d i of th e differen t Marx to them selves H ave roverrd erockery (Balie* for use in the lee box, am i e r th a t U iry are scalded when w ashed Baby’s Skin NO M AN-* I »N il F or D anger S ignals Babies can’t talk you know, like big sister and brother, and tell you what's wrong with them.The smart, modern mother has to watch for the little danger signals that tell when baby needs attention and a little extra care. If baby’s velvet-brown com­ plexion begins to turn a little sallow and blotched, and she doesn’t eat well, or if she is fussy and cries a good deal, don't let the matter go. Look for the real cause. It is probably just a clogging of her tender little bowels. When bowels tighten up, little bodies al>sorb poison and infection from accumulate«! body wastes. Then she becomes susceptible to colds and diges­ tive upsets, and even more serious disorders. The time to act is at once. Give her the gentle but sure regula­ tive help of Castoria. Don't take a single chance on your precious little darling. She is so dear and helpless and relies entirely on Mother to ease her over the rough spots of babyhood. Castoria is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for infants and children. It is mild and gentle in action and is absolutely safe as it contains no harsh drugs or narcotics of any kind. Always keep a bottle on hand. Children like the taste of real Castoria. You can get Castoria at all good drug stores. CASTORIA C H I L D R E N Vi why It w m th a t th e y xhouh! m eet In such a m anner Two m onths later th e ir regim en t arriv ed tn a French port and Im m ediately en train ed for th eir tra in in g place T h is em vum ed another two m onths before It wav ready for the b attle front. T h» two boy# h ad b r«n very lurkv In several en gagem ent* w ith the rh e- m y In sp ite of the fa rt th at m any men of th eir ro m jianv h ad been eith er killed or wounded, and Ja c k had rr prrsjod th e idea sev eral tim e th a t lie would bt* tin* one to die, w hile Tom believed he would retu rn home rate and sound P rep arato ry to a proposed a ttac k on the en em y's line some valuabl* in fo r­ m ation wax needed; picked m en of th eir com pany were » e lid e d Ja ck was one of the ’‘lu cky" ones Torn was left out. F ifteen m inutes before the jiatro l of nine men Ineludlng Jack and an officer craw led out of - the trenches, the two boys held a co n fer­ ence. "Bend th is w atch to m y m other with th is rin g and replied Jack who refused to listen to Tom a Amur- anee th a t he (Ja c k ) would retu rn safely. However. Tom accepted the w atch, rin g and m oney re lu c tan tly Then, wit!» the com ing of darkness the patrol wended it* w ay towards tl»e enem y'll trenches -Shells passed each o th er on their m issions of d eath as the hlg guns sent tons of steel urn! m etal thiou gh ttw blackness of n igh t. H epuratrd less th an two m ile« Jack and Tom thought of each o th er, the gave up hope of ever feeing h is buddy a ra m sn d th e la tte r still believing he would retu rn safely home F in a lly the darkn ess spent itself and em erged with the day. The eom m nniler of J a r k 's pal m l re­ ported. "V aluab le Inform ation received and a ll m en returned safely." "C ap tain , I am reporting for the ad d itio n al patrol you sen t out at mid n igh t," replied a lin e sergeant. " L tt’i have lt.H answ ered the rap - tain. "M uch Inform ation received, but 1 regret to sny th a t L ieuten an t .tones anu Corporal Tom I*ewls were killed," Uie sergean t said In s choking voice former REMEMBER Genuine Castoria alway* has the name, Chat. II. Fletcher, on the package. Be sure you get it. I lave I he Ski u All Men Love You rn n ’t go lu .tin a l n atu re and It Is ni> m s n u tu ie li» lo re » Ughi, cl«n»r. ««-if * . hi o f nil known rnrth- « h | h «»f (IruriMg Ihr com pletion of ruinous, u n n atu ral Im punti«*. hi»uk- Im ilP. pinti' • », fr*N kirn i*lai «if h« r Moli hw>, N u'lliiolu « 'room I» flic elm - pleat, qui« k* •*? am ! na»*t Siiticfsi lc r v —Just apply Itila w hite fra g ra n t at M tlllm r n « m u «".irln i no roblitng N »lirw ln *|ulini: cream s, *»*nf m ents or I«.*Ion I ni i <• smw I• » UN real Nudinola III» * hlng Creali» wlfli P’« IK dJH Li: A*‘TIN«I «pmlllh found In no other p ria !net. II» f a l*U. M>*’ Jar *»f Nudinola lit* iirh liig ('m in i «I an y tollef co un tn Itegin using II tonight, and tomorrow you w ill w o a hint *»f Iho wood» if ul restili« lo «\p*»t. M oney ho» )« gu aran tee In « very package. oNadinola ttl.E4C.HIN d C H E AM ManulmitarrJ b* N*t<*n*l Tesiti <’• . f e u , 7*»m