The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, March 26, 1932, Page 5, Image 9

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    TIIK ll.l.tW T R A T E D F E A T U R E SECTION
M anli 2 6 , 1 0 3 2
Mr*. C. J. C allow ay
Buried at T u a k f g f e
K iirly S p rin g
She Didn’t Kill Him
Kilna Ikravcr Htilplry an «x Baltimore girl now In llarlrn i « r i l e » flint
ohm a member U N Y U 'N ew Y o r k » Unemployed l
Mio ('ah ('allow ay rom pi* In» lim i lliry kerp lirr huohamt an buay that
al i p thinks they r r trying to keep tier iimrrlagr a krrrpt (toni her
Bluer lirr liubby Ima U rlim i a radili announrpr on thr Nrttro Business
Him, ovrr W t'HM < llaltlnm rr i . Mra J im Hoatlc romplalna that » h a l t not
* orth oavlny ta »liny by m o w n
Opri. Olir O o id ln r one of H a rle m » nil tier clrorua girl» aaya that lite
Imi drat Job a ylrl Ima In thrap Unirò of drprraalon U to niaki- her sweetie
atop. Uuik anil U K IW tN
W Iteli Alllnr l'uva» hear dllm l llrwapaper i ululim i»!- v i ri yettlny u f l i
daJ nn aetora by buylny them a drink «h r thought that that was D IK T
When Nina Mae kb Kinney a m ie h it mother that »In » » • yntny to
act in wane attorta for the New Uneoln Motion 1‘ lcturr Corporation. Imi
mama waiiirrl her to »e a r mote Ilian that
DANCE H A L L O H A K A t'rE R h
llaltlm orr hoaala of a atranye aaiuniment o f dunce hall efmruetrro
fttranyeot of tlieae |n-rlm|>» la Kreeldy Brown, a one Iryyed dancer, who
hauti I inla-rd a Utay in u n yeaia
H r Ima an Imprcvlacd anndrii ley and
ran do all the lalral »lefia a» ta»t na they are Invented
H r I» a prefect
a a lU rr and the ylrla never refuse him
or Oreolmm. a fou r-foot midyrt with allck black hair, a ahrk muatache
that covert a broad grin. and u pair of ballly lee- that a ir educated, make»
inrm all »lo p d a m ilo and watch hi- rapeta w hrnrvrr tie takis Hie flrmr
W allaer C iaiy 1» a peculiar type of duller hall animal In that hr la a
When Louie Armatrony came to town he her ame ah Arinatrorlg
fiend and chanyrd fu» n a ie In lim i deep throaty tone ol the cornet 1 st and
evrn had hi» head alm ud bald whh a |a-tik on the front like thr iliryy
U m lr
H r actually or prrteiah d lo »moki rre frr» and threw fit« i » i the
ifaiir« filmi for alnuiaplirie
Hi Inaiiyurafi .1 the reefer fad among rianee
hall fall* and it w i l l until after lie had collected plenty of quarter» from
the »upa that they dlaeovered hr aaa yelling them homemade cigarettes
made out of tea
A hum a blind !»■> n rvn ih I i - m a dance or a ba kethall yame and rheer*
loudrr than anybody elae although hr eatt t aee a thing
Hr also gory to
the m ovie« regularly.
Joe lim y I» Hu- right hand man tr i Ik e Dixon
1 don't know where
hr gut him laat nani! or » h ith e r il I» hi» right name, but he make» hi»
»« r e t te » come clean with him
W hen Joe ulve» an order It I» carried nut
touive iteli! I.» the little inther of the local dance hall youth»
W o­
of Urn pitaaanl xrnllr and long curia ha» orya n in d about 100 club» In the
younger »el and make» Il possible for them to charge a» In » » » 15 cent»
admission and »till make money
Site » « • once a school teacher
maintain. »Irlrt gupervt»ion over lirr young charge* and contend« that they
are aafer at the d a m i» llinn thru would he «1 houae p artir»
An Auxin-ta Main«*, lurv decided that
M r didn't kill Abfaham 1-rvlnr hr» :
.h wi- h employer
Abraham objfctrd I l'HONK HUSSIANH
to his b 'o th n s hol.’ V lotav le w at i
Ituaaia I» havlny a ha nf io ti al A inerirà « rxpriisc
fairs With th r housekeeper
llluc k Hkln." i» a Morv ni an Ah ieiiran roloreii man
| Am erican» mkd
Annther nini m iliti l'io»|>ertly would
Drown rri Man Not Victim
i una »ore
II 'a »»tire
of Foul Piny a* Said
And thr lact lim i lite M -w W Un - uni of W ivtrrn
AiNNAII'O!»IB. Md After an a
bua' ut a rnloird art P i lo | Iure in It» hall of lam e «o u ld
priío»mciil b\ coronrrs 5 ii he l)CMiV ! nerU.
A film tltlrd
and «o u ld makr
ateo makr A im ri-
Art purchnaed a
al.»o give Aint ilea
if IMIAC Ibimelt, 27. whirl; wan !fiMinrl
Oil til«
t* of Ihr Severn River
Hatil r tty «i verdict of i T H E H A K LE M R A M B L E R HAS A B IR T H D A Y
Stand bv Indir and u n t i men ai « i l i rum »witch you bv remote
die mi trur »i tx uiven. TIW lllHX* were
f<>um! t*i bt* foil of water; foul play ' control to Hu- rourthou»« yard ol the to a n »lilp ol I o » it. Mil »h e r e Hie
proud Milagrea lune tu m id out en m a s» lo |wv homugr lo one of then
wa t t at f. Hinpeciw1
nan favorite ami» « h o « m i Ui the tug cltyand made good
The »tre e l»
of Hn» »talli old hamlet arc gaudy with bunting and the municipal band,
ull five pirre» under the direction of thr to w n » venerable old tuba player
Uncle Hank Carnitlier* I» waiting « I the »trret car track for the home
coming of the man who ha» brought tame lo the place of hi» nativity
T in » ludir» mid «ru tti meli I» thr thirty-»rcond birthday a n im i.-»ary ol
tleorge Daniel T yler thralrlcal rrltlc. com m enlalor of the »tage and »creen
unii better known « » the Harlem Rambler
Hr I.» the only hometown bol­
lo yet III» name 111 the paper- w ltlam l the quiálfylng clause Ile wa« given
* •
but » a i l the rh e ei» you
('«r e t r i* (bui V\»t
UM en lo tho«e rnthu»la»tlc out
l i t i t m :t Fhlrty eluht dui vou say? hear arc frían Hie admiring populad
bur»t» of acclaim
Tlten shr e arri ri» h n yeuis badlv.
•• 1 too * Boo! S cram !! (t h e him the raspberry! O ct a rope 111 furnish
Horaci Nhe dors
Shr s aiwav* i
the tar who'll yet I lie h one feath er»? W h e re » th r »hertBT B oo!''
d'oppiiiK a few Htray Htiifie*
That ju»t give» vou an idea of the esteem In which Mr T yler 1» tirili
( «Mr •>( Witvfs
bv hi» many admirer»
But now the »peaker» are mounting the p lat­
Ilor*n 't th li pavrm rnt look form
The mayor I» »peaking
look auvy to v u?
"Ignite amt gentlemen
1 itullv »houldn I rail you ladle» ami gen tle­
ir * Uhi Aiti» fiatMon»- . m y ! men
I know vou ull fur loo well lor that
Itila I» a red letter day In
thr township Ol T o * »on unit liki wise a n il-in k day If you boaoa don't
h o rn up with nmi taxi-
Wi m e gathered here to do honor to one of
our own
. .
February l behind u» and we havi l»-nt our Mib»lance hononng- the
m ill Whom that month proda -d Washington
Lincoln and IV u glas»
March I» upon o and with il io n i.» I hr anm vrr»ary of Hie natal day of
one whi ha- outstripped th r i In achievement, one whoac nume I» oh
n ib n ili - lip- one » 1 . 0-1 numi has made an Indelible impression on tin
A m u irán commonwealth, a liunu Hint ha» become a household fixture
W| i n i proud in honoring Hook» al »lip of paperi O eorvr Daniel Tyler
III the year 1 uoo then «•.- born in th l» township u boy child al Iraat
after » O l i l i - investigation bv snih liM *. If was ducovrrexl Dial If was a boy
Lililí- did « e think at that time that hr would amount to much,
and many of us today arc - till dubious about thr matter, but hrre hr l*
i» ton- m ui r y r » a full groan man in the flesh and not a moving picture
At the age of 10 hr began selline A E R O -A M E R IC A N S bul lie » a * I'O!
content to merely »ell AT'HOH
H r d m d e il he wanted lo write for the
paper and »o for the paM 23 J im » hr has been n contributor to thr
columns of that paper, »ticking ol colina -lo thr same style that he used at
- Freckles. M ack-heath
the age of ten, a remarkable achievement I assure you
But l r « u s «km the vrnt» we find him a bit of everything, a railway
Blotches, Vanish too!
dining car inspector, an actor, a w ilier, pn editor und a politician.
Oh whiit it riifTiTenee n lovely while 'kin
iiniki*'! Vnu ran h.ivr it No mailer how - , he was ramildah for county prosecutor In Cleveland. Ohio, on thr
H r lost because they caught him with 15 cents In his
il nk ymir i kin n o « . no matter how many Communist ticket
olili f i n inno haw- fallili. Him (ninnilo IMickrl and branded him a capitalist
A fter traveling throughout the west
( .oli ini 1 ’i ai io k lilt nr h i Irani « ill lly hi on lm|xrraonatlng a hobo, he returned to Harlem where he bar. been an Yin
il our "Ii.nlr a multi
nr ynur nioiipy
hark f ( »rrillMt. daintiest of all hlrarhro desirable alien ever since
In all these years hr has not Ia lin i to send some sort of a yarn to this
Dial ion* I Vi Irrltol hv MO glint ‘ joriallolo
Towson Is proud o f th r record that he has made
alionlutHy {platani tool. Moro pro
It I» not customary for us In honor the great until after they are dead
inniiicjil. hrr.nmr it arto nn taut . . , yon
in mi hlllr fry Gulden IS-anuk Hleaeh but because we do not waul to rob our constituents of the pleasure they
lim it i lomyhl At all lima otturo anil will grl out Of such a eeleliratlon In this pari Iridar case we are a little
lotici yioolo f o n i l i -
-«y v x n f t " T
D* « r Anni Dllsrv
n »e boy 1 k»ve
salii |»r Uio t « hi *lt tpv to are tur th r
oth ir nlKht
What sitali 1 « 1 « ?
A J K ’
IVrhaps hr wa* lui xleeply and
m ani it may Just b«' that tn a ts hi*
f«'«'Utile ubout you.
Wh i t e n s
W h ile Y o u Sle e p
IN S T IT U T E . A la —
M u C J Calloway, wife o f C. J.
Driitfiwi for the tai ly aprtng sty)* * Calloway, head of rural school exten­
which Pwrlft shows for the in<xlliih sion lAerr died recently a/t**r a stroke
m odern, have stripped them of mid
of paralysi* which followed an attack
Victorian fripperies.
of acute indigestion Funeral services
busties. and multonltK were held in the inatitute chapel
sleeve* are gone. Today's street siJ-
houette is stim. moderately short
D«*preii*ion Stew
fklrtrd. and suiUd to the active life
The 'repression’’ has forced at
of the twentieth century woman.
Uust one Washington
Col >rs too. reflect tlw? demand »or to dispense with her servant.
practicality. Navy blue ia the p ri­ to share her outside
interests be­
mary color on fashion * paM te. wrnle tween meetings and movies she ha*
D t l M ftM
to royal, a colored g irl mind her house and
champagne and pinky beiges gray oog one day each week
and black are outstanding in th*- pic­
Shortly after this plan went into
firight tints such »«a r*d and t fleet, the clubwoman was approach­
vreen aie ^aved for acre? .orv notes
ed by an acquaintance
*1 wa* «*>
lirlU Are
*orry you were out wher\ I called, '
B elt« of the most varied design and pushed the other Then, as an a fte r­
construction ever seen in tlk* style thought ‘ You certainly have a ster­
world acc-nt early ^prln« m deL»
It was such a cold day
lielt* seen o. bprinir coat* are uni* ling maid
lorrnly narrow and neat but those and she’ fixed me up the most d e­
worn on frock* vary in size from p licious stew?”
The repressed one was -puzzled but
lin gers width to the b eadth of two
hands, while ma'. rial* include fab- >a?d nothing. Upon the maid * re­
appearance. however, she made dis­
rlc arwl leather
button* up tli f r nt like a die. *, is creet lnjulry “The stew wa* already
Mx inches wide In front and two prepared In the icebox, ma'am," e x ­
inrhe* wide in the b;ick unfither of plained that worthy.
Horror*? The visitor had dined on
black enamel 1 » no tlur • r than a
Busters prepared dog meat?
little finger, ami a third of oia< k pat
— Exchange
« nt leather stitched in herringbone
pattern ha* a uniform width of six
in rh e*
The new belt* mav either - h or
con trail with tin* color cf the frock
A black b It on .1 pearl gray frock
worn with black hat and shoe*, a
vreen belt and ruff* on a brown dre.s*
worn with brown h it and glove* and
a l>elft blue belt
a dark blue
frock worn with a da k b!,ie hat and
a Defft blue bag a n among the com­
binations mx n
By building up the general
system to normal, or to un Im­
proved condition of health,
women have overcome "pain­
ful times” In a wholesome
manner, and In
th o u sa n d s of
cases Cardul Is
given the credit.
When In a weak­
ened condition
after a severe
illness, or from i A
1 •
an ordinary run­
down s ta te of
health, wom en
who have taken i f ®
C a r d u l have
found It to be of
great benefit as a general
tonic. If you are weak, run­
down, suffering monthly, try
Cardul. Take It for a reason­
able length of time and try
It thoroughly. It Is suit­
able for women of any
ago — Its use cannot
hurt any one. Car­
dili has benefit­
ed thousands.
t i
(fr u ì
>c «I
Li«'lit<*r S k i n
The jri eat beauty secret c if fam (H IN
Y ho
at t n sxt !• und oth'er won
attract men 1* their iifrht. r lear. i»oft
six in Of all known imethod« of cl«•ar-
Ini: the complexion of run
natural impurità« a. black he. U»H pim-
plea fnickiea and other biotti Ke*.
Nu tli no Itii C n am i« th«* airnpi
quicker»! and most f •utiefuet ory J|UHt
apply tliil* white ft .inan t cream Ut
Unit ime no inaanncring, no nibbitng.
Nudinola quickly bri ngs free h. youitti -
fill lw.f iity to your akin : rentor in*
a ho ft texttm d. ismooth radii»nt.
fl« w lena complexio n:
large, ugly |«>res ami leaving the
skin ivory-w hite, lovely. lXtn’t * t'-K
your face, n e t . arms anil hands to
cheap bleaching creams, ointments
or lotions, but ts sure to use real
Nadinola Bleaching »'ream with its
IH il’ HLK At T IN G qualities found
in no other product. Get a big 5th'
)ar of Xadinola Bleaching «'ream nt
any toilet counter, begin using it
tonight, and tomorrow you will s* ♦*
a hint o f the wonderful results to
Money-back guarantee in
every package.
c N a d in o la
.1/ anu'attnttJ Av
(M E
ToUtl C<..
Thousnmls o f women *very-
w hi re who were weak, thin, run-
ilown anil discourageil through
overwork, loss o f sleep anti physi
cal neglect are tuking St .Joseph’s
U.K.P. to Invigorate anil strength­
en them. I f you could just hear
how these grateful women praise
this wonderful toffic yiu would
go right down to your druggist
nmi get a bottle to,lay. Make up
your mind that you are going to
get every pleasure out of life that
it offer», that you are going to
hanish those petty ailments so
common to women ami that you
are going to be strong, healthy
ami robust. You can be— easily.
Just let Stjoseph's G.K.!’ . help
you. This rich, vegetable tonic
contains Nature's own roots anil
herbs wliich have been used fo r
over a century to stimulate, in­
vigorate ami strengthen weak,
run-down, ailing women.
druggist will sell you the big dol­
lar bottle o f G.F.P. on an absolute
money-bark guarantee.
S t . Jo s e p h ’s
^otnan Vcmic