7 THE ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION—March 2«, IM2 (irtU ents. Spirad thia filling Ucee uI buttered bread. on | proved the useteworves» of vour hope i In those old days o f Dte I t a. fwiher was not only th* provider but the K a vo ry W in c e d ( h e r . H e n d .a h punisher — the wlelder o f the birch I 4 p *a »4 A im e r l e w « < h * V M I *«*1 «. But now things have »hanged »P M « »«♦ «*» I Im p w e M m iM * lw id i w n r e !l*e present dav father, la *L>od w n d M « p ic k I r » . | « tg p usually a real pal a comrade a dorn- P * «l»g «, In ri » i h u p p H . awH p a p r i k a I noting influence ui the c h ild » lile Allow rheese to stand in a warm through better aaeans than fear of less land and tn cultivate U better ' A t rr e g e and Mash th * ch<» » th* rod — a real sportnman What u*4ng not only more fertillarr prt P‘ar* to soften I ut m a i ! y T r e a t m e n t and blend with butter Add remain Mv dad" can t do and rtoe-n t think acre, but a higher qua'dtv 8 pf*ad uu thinly I la scarcely worth the average m od­ The average yield o f wheat In the Ing ingredient» *U4*vd whole wheat or xye bread, but- j ern boy » time c naidenng Mlnrm the prtae of farm product* United States per acre la about nf- tried . Ho "F ath er" has been produce Uiein. in order to I la about 30 bin hr U per acre and vet momenta •— In fact. mu»t »olve t h e ’ gain suns advantage. I would rec­ | there are farmers who. bv the appli­ problem of fat her ho d in these swift cation of 1000 pounds ot high-grade, ommend to farmers a reduction th fertiliser and good cult at loo, are days o f modern times — if he is to keep this piaee of respect and e* the amount of land cultivated, ami harveating 73 and 100 bushels of 4>M %S4#k T O AH T teem For each child, no matter to apply the »Amo quantity or even «helled corn per acre • Serve» f ) ho*, young. 1# a sprc'.al personality, It la obvious that where farmers lid te «fertilise* per acre to the re jus* a. much as he wtll be eighteen or I 1 4 awp M a n i r » * • . | f » l r 4 nm d I Intensify the treatment, that la. en • «• ««• 1-3 r a p M | a f , 4 d i e * » b u l l r i r d duerd area. twenty years from nuw Bach per- I rich and cultivate better, they can la * «« . BOgAMv need» individual treatment 1 also recommend that high gradr m aterially reduce the labor coat as There can je no standardisation m well as Increase piodurtlon. Mix uiofigr juirr rind and sugar j In lllte e r* be used, for In the end ! • • • .Spread on hot buttered toast and rearing children, no one set o f rules they are cheapest The overhead or 1 formulated can be guarani*ed t* work pul in hot oven 04 under brotter to > genera! esprit*»* w itch must be add­ F a r m e r » S h o u l d R e a d M o r e success(uilv with ail ed to a ton that sella for $J0 or %M> 1 The neat month or wore will be brown And the modern child, brought up ( at no greater in amount: than must tile must sever* pvrlod o f the winter by the modern well-trained mother O K A k tiK W A tT K I t d esn t know the mhierv he fci saved Outdoor work will be greallv slacken­ «.Serve» •> 'Hie o s l o f preparation, bad*), freight ed due to froaen ground ami by never h e*n n g that dreadful sen- ( «.r w lw d r l a « I a «a * p w I C rap »«g a r. etc . 1 » the same In *ach caae. tence o f a stern judge pronounced j weather. During this period It Is * l A i i r t p M a * ewr « a l a r « » . ? 1 c a p fewll- There are farmers who applv front j advisable to plan the work for the upon him for hu misdeetts “ Just i « t « d a , X la »lr*p «rm m , k a l l a r . I « « ■ 1.300 Itt 3 000 pound* of high grade year and to a: range matters so that wait til your pa comes home to M * * p a r * « » a # d r , I « « a » p * m * iaaiwm frrtillsrr to an or re o f pot stars Jer- , the farm work can be rushed when night * m * m . tHirer that la (w ire or three times »prtug come« Put grated orange rind sugar, and ss itch aa that usrd In a o m other A part o f this time can well b<* well. ‘ sect ion* o f the country As a re- I given to reading. The nlghta are I cornntarch in MMieepwn. mix W ALTER H M AZYCK suit, coupled with Ihotuugli cultlva- ; ioug and the days a ir short The | pour on boiling water and cook 10 i 'Aashtngton attorney, whose new then (Ion, thev grow 300 bushels of pula- ' Putted S late» D rp a ilm ra t of A g il- i minute», stirring eonstantly. oook (ie o rgr Waaliington and the a«!d butter Pour misture over w ell-j tor* to the acre Is not the unit o f ! i ulture at Vt D C .. a "e g r o ' lias been styled bv an A F R O coat of a tmaltrl of potatoes much j rapes unrul stalluiu and emlciiilun dl beaten egg return to saucepan; stir ! enne a » the "best of the Tear * 1 when 300 buD.rL» are grown on vlstoiiA of all state», have published constantly, and cook 2 minutes Add one acre than when they «re grown numerous bulletins on various sub- fruit juice*, beat well and cool. on righ t or ten acres? < They may t* • : * (1 fu r of time since they had a thorough clean­ OK A\C;K A 3 IIIK O S IA Surcrsaful manufacturer* seek t* cost for llio a.-.kipg I f you'd earn a pr'.ar for a really ing W rite for a list »Sterve» 6> rrituce tw it OQSt and to that end. of available pubaratiotis and ocdei blight . lying, let m m t one aak you I Anyway, don't overlook that me­ S «r M fft a . I t ««• p pwmOwimd i « | t r , they »eek by etorirui rmlhotls and those dealrtt 1 what la the must b rn en ooi thing you ticulously clean lock as a hand-oner I 3 # »p i r a t e «• < • • • * machinery to ineteaee the produr can do for your shin Then you an- asset. There It much !n UlCN publical l*eel and slice orange» Cut MUes Uon '-f their factor too I believe It that is practical and worth while »e r Keep It clean' Net ail the Arrange in btaulicions and advertising genituM would pay farmers, tn trclrr U> re- Also subacrttM to a guod farm pa into halves or quarter» »riv u ig dishes, sprinkle with vugar «lure the unit coat of a boahsl of po ooibined can offer you a belter skin per. as well so a eood rofm rd paprt I sod cuconut. Ini r » or a bu'hel o f wheal Ui cover — I would «uggwr.1 the AFHO , logan then "K eep It c lea n '" There d be comparatively little sale I trail and studv these publication» Bv Dr Adeipboa W H rn O r-.n I H IT r ( T P DBAAKRT c f acne iotlena for one thing, mere and you will be benefited Protect the feet with stout-soled (Serves 6* ' Ilia slogan rm giou .lv observed Little Order the seed catalog# you de- I H ip • * • « ( • p i* « - « « . I r « p « I t e p i * * - | b.orhhrad Irritation would he e x ­ ehoes and rubbers or galoshes. I pea tire and make a list of the ■weds yon w p p l« I k «l»«e »Ir M U ir lr « (* • perienced Fewer eases cf ptmpiv entering a well-warmed room, 'h em will neod Bor 1? order» receive more m »M * pw *p *«t. I Y r a p p * « a r r * e M i|M . -km would be men And there should be changed Immediately prompt attention than ttm v mailed S m ai *M »m « lit ififb to [ wuuid be more real facial besot v just during the rush «e«*on Another ad- When it is Combine fruit# and sugar Serve b cause the skin looks clean and la prevent perspiration. wantage of early ordering la th a t] very cold In \herbert gla.xses with a impossible to change the feet -hould clean. there u less t hance of the terd men | You know that clean shin huaiueaa be dried often bell)» odd out of certain popular i maraschino cherry for garul»h. haa a surpnaing way o f removing age I As cold and dampness cause and varieties. from the fare. I f you ve been dirty aggravate a case of chilblains, keep 8crd catalogs should b* ogreftilly i all day. let's say. and you haven't the feet off a f cold fleors in the - trolley Remove | d oe anv brushing up. vou get a house, train, or chafed from tnoae liouses whose rep­ Avoid ghinpar o f a tired, worn, and kind of them from any cold draught utation la the best. jl-ln ll looking person In your m ir­ 'lockings that are too warm: as well as those too thin. ror But elran up thoroughly—and H) M RS « H. B A IL E Y Maintain an rvrn temperature if pieatol Unquestionably there's a| EVrnUiinK had ( d im wrong with w i nger lo king fare smiting back at pa-.'ibie Do not totst feet in 'h e Charlrs all itay. E'vrry thing lie hiut vjl * Bet­ S ' much effect haa grim e on oven or upon a hot water bag done sreined to b ' Jilit the wrong the look#. ter is it to stimulate the circula­ tiling Mr hail unnoirtl lua mother Yet. there are faces that look dtitv tion by gentle massage until the tret i : ihe wia alnioat itlstracMd . though they have been irc e y become warmed. Be careful how­ Salmon's t: igcous c lor and eg- j "A il right, my little man JuU wylt swabbed with cream and lotion. M ay­ e'e r. do not cause friction of any tr a rdinery flavor give It rightful until yi>«r lather raaira home to ­ be with soap and water They luck degree. The object is to I ( - tore dirty around thk nose corners, mouth normal circulati n prr-.tlge. It t» everywhere available . night. she nnally thryatriwd the nostrils, a n d ! A t the first vign o f redness o f the Yia« may have wild. "Oh. I d n't corners. Inside —-fFr h and perked in tin M any! rare If you ' • « that was not to> dry and compact How you did hope up thoroughly once a week, perliaps advisable: aa he is bc>t prepared tg There la no mason at all for such o i l ek c o lo r' that's the appearance mother wouldn l tell after all! Hut j Anyway give permanent relief and advis* concern when this reeip»’ H userl The combination of milk and bread j one look at her set. determined face [Others look as it It had been a long against a recurrence. hi tpfl ’ > hi ak up U t» sal- ■ moil r im tm allv firm meat. Just as it needs tn te* broken up bv other In­ gredients when used in salads. T h e i directions, which s ic » as y to fellow, I I will Rive you a moist tender loaf j lust k«‘ p* Its .shape aiul slices well. I | both hot and cold The crust will ! ' be .* i) ir.r >11 brown i uI t)te hi thickness ami not tough. Iilmtn I ««r I a ran ialgM"«« I •*•». Irrm«n jmlrc , Farmer He Knows H i r G eorge W ashington OSINGE KKCIPKS A Flean Skin ltc*| Treatment for (.oniplcxion CHILBLAINS •M ail T il > our l*a Conic« Home'* SALMON LOAF V LKNTKN DISH WHITEN YOUR SKIN I Is I\e re r Lonoonir When men's glum e* linger, then frankly admire . . . what feminine heart doesn’t thrill .' Know this thrift* Von can have ulliirlna beauty. Dr. Fr«*«l PiUmer's .skin Whitener Oint­ ment softens and lighten « the darkest kin, i leai n up pimples, blotches and tan mark*, and d o c away wulh that «»11y. *hiny'* kn»k. Use thin prepara­ tion regularly to make your «kin soft, delicate and t'hsrmlflg, This umaslnir ointment Is made In the famous I)r. Fred Palmer’s la b o ra ­ tories where are ulno made thoso other lM>uuty aids you know ho well: Dr Fred Palmer's Skin W hitener Ho.ip, Hkln W hltener Face Powder, Hair Dresser and Ilhl Deodorant which may lie had ut all drug stores for :,r> cents each or will l*c sent post­ paid upon receipt of price. Ih- Fred Palmer's Iaihoraturlcs, Dept. 1’, A t­ lanta, (la. Srnti 4r in ntmmpn fo r trtat •am pir o f Skin W h itrn er. Soap anti Fare P o u d rr. D R .F R E D P A LM ER ’S cSftirfWhitmcr yo u * coM ktixioM yo u th #»*** I«» «»IL 3 »»**. * 1 typ rfc e p pel u i»»»», I I t »up« bread rramk. I * f p b»VlH| p i« tier, I t rup Milk. I t tup ll**id ill Alned Itmim uliwn. Remove skin and bones from sal- moti and Make with a fork Add re maining ingredient# and shape Into a loaf Raked In an oiled baking dish In a moderate oven »3.30 deg ties F ) until bmwn and firm. Oar*»i»h with parsley and serve with tomato cream sauce or with lemon. Y 'eld 5 servings. Sllc:ti cold, the loaf Is fine foi i sandwiches for the childrens school lunches, »v Sunday evening tea. No betfer Lenten sea .•■on food. high In vitam in value, could be found, or for anv lim e of tl»e year, for that matter. MIDNIGHT SANDWICIVKS Your (U M ti «rill enjoy one or two o f thrsc sandwiches ut ttiftr aftcr- bridgvt luncheon. A * A matter o f fact, the fam ily wtll relish them aa a before-bed bite, any tim e. T ry them and see. Spired Celery and Pickle Sandwich t l«r|r Awrrl pirkln <1-4 rap), finely rSwggrd, 14 cup r fk f»; finely rul; 1 futile at»« on ma^niulit; 1 (r»>p«oni i«l- •*9 f'om M nr chopped sweet pickle» awn e ele iy Rlriid with lemwmtnir I » - wi t h the only B l e a c h i n g C r e a m t h a t has the e x c l u s i v e ' D o u b l e S t r e n g t h " F e a t u r e M O S T E F F E C T I V E - M O S T ^ ^ n ly Genuine Black and W h ite Bleechinq Cream has the exclu­ sive DOUBLE STRENGTH fea­ ture Only Black and Whit* has the power to penetrate down to the fourth layer of your skin where coloring is regulated. That's why H errn i r th e t u r a s i t a » n in a ! e r o n o m i x i l way ta a LIGHT, BRIGHT E C O N O M I C A L Genuine Black and White Bleach­ ing Cream whitens your com­ plexion in half the time at half the cost— that's why it clears up moth patches, bumps and dark spots quicker than anything you ever used before. T h e h i f h a n tita n te o p a l ja r o f H la rk and • hito W in c h in g t'.ream n o n ly OOe nt \ o n r fa v o rite ilr n g H a re o r to ile t g o o d » c o u n te r, (.'c f a har a f t.e n u in a W o r k and • k ite S k in S oa p , e io n o m i- n d ly p r ic e d , 2i>r, lo use b e fo r e you a p p ly this m o r r e lo u » Idem hint; crea m . Jtonutn*. BLACKEWHITE BLEACHING CREAM