THE ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION— M -r.h 12. 1032 7 1 w«wk waa not really hard, since we N IM S M O S T P O P I I . A K # # A T I 1 « I t — T W K w U r n u J n . aa th r* a , served only the wealthiest people In P » « - h ' B .» | | « | « ■ » o f Ih rtr .p tillu a l nam brra. T h r * arr h ra rd on Washington, and we uae«l our spare thr n a tio n al hawk up r * r r * Kanda* »...11,111, I ^ f t to r t fh l. Ja* T u a ry , ¡img nioatly for eiperln .-rtation I ..w rit P r i m H otnrr Sm ith and W illia m M m n d M n T h r lr < a rrlrm "U r llio w n led ua all In this. His • a » * » " -4 r U h e . coma a * r r the rh a ln r * r r y M onday n igh t. * m ■! IteUOQ as a iU I| M g wasn t t u«iUmtr dortora left on your vicu tlonF that would emancipate them from ni»«l wax not M fii atfuln In nil the all the troubles which they have been W**t two month* until he »tumble«! iorrtd to suffer airnply because of the out uf them, «tying. tonight fact that thrlr akin happrika U> be a "N ow evidently there'* Mmirthlni '•hade darker than ours hrhlnd nil thut thnl Imwi l yrt been Hr hud that windowlrna back arc- brought to light Manly, you know Uon built «into the clinic building what It is. and |M>*Mbly you‘rt the and never let. ua enter it. Hr grew only one who dote know You came furious when we asked him even In a to me on tlir fou ith of Jnm wiy aiui per fretly friendly manner what he hinted that you had come upon aome- waa doing lie said that we were thing criminal, and then ytni came carrying on the work of the clinic bftrk here and qoitrr«*led witli I»i sutidrrfuily well, and to let him an * ' » k Ire had. tilings would have been all and havr walrhcd him aa ha workrd and told Brown that unless lie stop- world until the danger was past. ^ 1 *r naan him le d I'd have to give the «h o le thing I had had a faint suspl«non I,la marvrkxw chanfra "T h e whole thing started." he «aid right * ' He murt have gone and made h i* * when Ur lit own asked me to brronte that he Ira«! discovered tire secret of taka swarthy Italian criminals o f I ha away lo the police will that some day I admit I never asm r lamia to work with us Our reasons p rifrrled . hut the huge and Illegal "T o o real too real— "' Hardy"s lard really brought him to his senses Ha profits tempted him a h lllr loo much "In the first place the doctor knew • told me o f hla burning ambition to sank Into his hands. “ M urdered!" he Hr got drepri anti drapi r Into the that tin process war emlremely dan free the entered man especially from cried. “ I can't believe It y e t!" n.rra, until Anally there seamed to grrous and likely to result in «leath , tha curse o f color, and his enthusiasm be no way out - H'ha Area the .bets wbtrh aw a a ft for the patient. For this reason he otar tha prospect o f accomplishing Tullew "Dtdn't you try to persuade him did not wish to make it public before uch a m u lt made me like him all llr Brown's - udden death* li.spe.tor Frasier as he digs ap fa r- he had experimented tlroroughly—on to f o straight?" Praam inlamiptarl the more the. r'we* In nest week's thrilling l r - I human subjects In order to find h u ­ "O f course." tha doctor said "I " Bui ha also (old me something else Mailmen! \ man subjects willing, and even ra got after him about It as soon as I — that lie was afraid Somebody else H e ( .h t H is e s get to undergo (lie ordeal, he went * as sure that my conjectures wera ha declared, had discovered his crim i­ to the criminal clssara. correct, but although hr was furious nal work and had bren blackmailing A very convenient an1 jprp*m I hail almost im­ " It wa.« against the law. o f course, w mediate relief with the first two but there was a dual temptation — tablet* N«»w that I have hern taking 1 first, the human subjects would thus them for some time, I find I can eat be available for him to conduct hla vnrats or most anything and have . experiment« upon, and arcondly. huge no trouble 1 want to tell others about financial re wants went with the work You can make ihv m«>*t flattering Ihupepsin bee a use it sure hel|>ed me.** .‘to the doctor acquiesced and had the auKiels with Simplicity pattern*. Thousands like M r. Itarnrs are : men brought secretly into the clinic Instead o f ju»« one dre*s— there finding «junk, rertain relief for sour at night ami lodged in the back-sec- are three, eaih a distinctly differ­ stomarh, or acidity, !»v using Pape*! 1 Mon, which lie had had built window- ent style in the same envelope x . 1 Ih.ipepsin (.hrw n tablet and that lew so as to prevent detection Then AM I«.r 1M frrhiig of weight and discomfort for weeks at » time he kept them niter eating just disappear*. See the Simplicity Spring Fashion there, slowly building up their fares Booh at your favorite store. Ilsere by means o f plastic surgery, and • hanging the color of their whole are 190 i 'ry/* Style»—out o f w huh bodies by means of his wonderful new can be made 4 *0 StngU Styles — , process. Why I h »vc hidden myiwlf a « i s i n v o n c a n (1ST with innumerable w # i* ft « * i’ ; : 1 In that little clinic for (lay. at a time. It'« easy and economical to dres* NEW ORLEANS smartly the Simplicity way. The Clinic Murder Mystery H ir t ir y Hu rut a Clan Now Flit A n y th in g I SimPLICITY PATTERn DIFFEREnT STYI.E5 ■ IS? LUCK POWDI « 1 an» Hntll n ..* th# rich ■ u • * ' b «v « a l lir i«<| II r I • in III# artrn n«-uu* i»l «Mir« «b U f k wealthy and hl«t* hr r « r 1 It and you too ran obtain It. Why hr Mur atid le t * M o n o . »««¡M t. »u rrr •• h»r>pln#«a *n d let# a r* all •rmh. ilrrd in thl« rare n o lo Btrat.e* ■ • It may serin, thousands of p ro f I* h -llr# r in riitlos to brine theta food In« k In money mattrrs private busl- nr-.v, fitrnra Im r. «rut to h rli.f food friends only to them end to We the cause of all their l u r r u and happiness The Herret Pnw.irr h«a sl| the ftvod lurk of John the Conquer## Hoot, !« <»•- stone. M « f nellc Bund, f o r * Pi»w«t*ra, money bt I n fln f Itirk h«|*. Holy Oil. end nrsgi n Blood snd should !»• all you wish for. We m sk* no repi event «1 Ion* for Ihas* srti«l«c hut a l l them to fw i o n ­ ly • * rrmmkfthle mrSoft end « • have Inounftndv of tratlmnnUilft from all over the rountry hr delighted and aati»ft*d customer# M i f f - SHI R - m s A b e lli* of irenuliie New Ortrsna Van Van, containing tha oil* of tho anointed with full apenal diraetlona for you to use Ilut you ah uhl order tlita Fsyi hologlral Aid at one«. ftonri no money Fay the postman hi*t #1 no lus a few oent# posing« when he ring* It to you. Money baa* If not delighted Remember, order a* nnca. Juat print or writs your name amt ad ­ dress and send It. to New Orleana C arlo 1 r m b ■ • I, 1 I II. Ckl rage, llllnata, and wa will M a d IMS to lOU at on ««, an you can get a quick •tart. E T his S im plicity S prin g Fashion Rook 1 to grt 14. Sul SimPLICITY m in VM p i n « wardrobes (o r w o a r o and children . . . 64 pa«c«ol the latest Btsle*. pruluielr illutirwted in col­ or. 2 at rour dealer. )9c hr mail. If unable to obtain parteros, write (or nearest I S ? I T o m i , boucle any ttsuahtbh matertal suits thi* • |u«tv r « » t perfectly. T h e «f ■ ir i >•* 1*r» amort s|vtn§ t-oats in lliu i-btlrnt I .lo 1 I AW « ¡H A fll'A T K — C h M t f r N. Thom a*, who recently flnl-hrri Ihr S I. J ilt in '* U n School at B r o o k ly n , N T Hr rom plrtnl thr rnura# In two amt a h alf yciir. 44 W . 18 S T , N E W Y O R K C IT Y p ig li NSW YORK IAN FRANCISCO DALLAS ^ NUJFS. MICH T O R tW T tJ t E mrtmMmr York * Niles. Mick.* T wmuo.Ua. Ask for Simplicity Futtcrns •t your favoriti- score