SATURDAY, PKIIKl’ AKY 4 , !» * l The ADVOCATE PAO e TWO T he P a c if ic T elethons A nd T elegraph C Verbal Snapshots om pany lly W. J. Wheaton T H E A D V O CA TE Published Every Saturday al MO Fa«« 1 srrnty-Sixtb Street N , Portland. Or*. Telephon«: GArtleld 7523 BEATRICE H. CANNADY..............................................................Editor oad PsWuAw WHERE TO BUY THE ADVOCATE YANCY u lM i \lanafrr ltd CompculM WILLIAM PICKENS ................................................................... ..CtntribtUmi Editor Rutherford's Barber Shop, 340 W il­ W. J. WHEATON......................................................................Contributing Editor ROSALIE BIRO ______________________ _______ Society Editor and Reporter liams avenue, in F osters Pool H alt The Elka building, 310 Williams DeNORVAL UNTHANK. M. D___ _____________________________.Health Editor NANCY L E B __________________________________________ _____Lore Editor avenue. Medley Hotel Restaurant. Interstate CLIFFORD C MITCHELL. RALPH CLYDE. KELLY MILLER. Columnists Avenue (in Medley Hotel). Subscription Rates (Payable in A dvance): One Year, $2.50; Si* Months, Friendship Pool Hall. Sixth, near $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 Clisan (W est Side). Entered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, Holliday and Holliday, 125 North Under the Act o f 1912 Sixth street. LEGAL LIGHT the physical body Instead of the soul. --------- It is like wine that exhilarates for the The Advocate feels proud of the moment, but passes off leaving one fact that it has been able to secure more jaded, down-hearted, careworn the services of Attorney John H. than before and more conscious of Jamison, to edit its legal department, nature's handicap It does not feed Mr. Jamison is a graduate of the de- nor uplift the soul —carry it away partment of Laws at Howard l'nt- from the sorrows of this life and give versify. Washington. D. C. and is it hope and strength to carry on like well qualified to have charge of this the better music. — B A P T IS T S — department. He informs us that if Composers of music are able to por- any of the readers of The Advocate tray in characters, aa writers do in Mt. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH have anv legal questions which they words, and artists in pictures, man s East First and Schuyler St«. wish to be answered either through longings and reaching out for happi- Rev. J. 0. Wilson, Pastor the column or privatelv. to get in ness, for life beyond, something more SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH touch with him at 1190 Holgate Str.. soul-satisfying than this mortal exis- East 7th and F'verett Sts Portland. Oregon. If private Informs- tence. I will quote from Abdul Raha. Rev. G. G. Gardener, Pastor tion is desired, please enclosed self the Persian Educator and Prophet: * Addressed, stamped envelope. "Let us seek the song with the sweet- ------------------- est strains, so that It may be taken up — EPISCOPALIAN— Don't forget to add that Negro book by the angels and carried on the su-' to your libra'y during Negro History I'reme concourse. Let us harken to St. Phillip« Mission Week. the melody which will stir the world Knott and Rodney Sts. ------------------- of humanity, so that the people may Blaine Coles, Lay Reader be transformed with joy ■ EDUCATION OVER THE AIR * l « t us listen to a symphony which . ■“ will confer life on man: then we can — HOUSE O F P R A Y E R — A fine example of the educational obtain universal results: then we ▼alue of the radio is found in the sec- shali receive a new spirit; then we House ol Prayer ond series of “ Listen and Learn" lec- aball become illumined Let us inves­ East 10 th and Grant Sts tures now being given under the aus- tiitate a song which is above all songs; Robert Searcte. Pastor pices of the National Advisory Conn- one which will develop the spirit and ell on Radio in Education, over the pro<|UCo harmony and exhilaration. — M E T H O D IS T — National Broadcasting Company's net- un(0iding the inner potentialities of work. Nationally known authorities jjfe ............................ Bethel A. M E. Church on economics, psychology and other -W hy does not man hearken to the Rev. Daniel G. Hill Tr . Minister subjects are being heard. soul-stirring music of the supreme The series has proved that where concourse and not run wild with joy there is a sincere desire, educators OTer the j alTing notes of a street or- First A. M E. Zioa Church and broadcasters can get along with- san-- 417 Williams Ave. out stepping on each other's toes, by -strive day and night; perchance Rsv W. R. Lovell, Minister sensible cooperation and organized ef- these sleeping ones may be awakened f°bt. bv the celestial strains of the city of The Council has received nearly melo moves DMWM *NO sseoiirj t Makes the hair soft and lux urious,— stimulating a healthy TRA, OUT growth. ANO 'O I O S S — Distributor— MRS. BEATRICE FRANKLIN 520 E. TWENTY - SIXTH N Portland, M A D E O N LY B Y Oregon T H E OVERTON C . M HYGIENIC MFC.CO. IC A G O , , V > . , r-, i V* - ' 4» l'} r ■■ save you money ! Sales direct from mine to consumer | I, L o w in a s li-N o clinkers - Absolutely sootlers Address............................... SPECIAL m o m OFFER: t a tm n ttt« : ; ; ! t t i » i ! i i t ! : itttt;m tn n m ; t ; w i t» m t m i ; » i i m » tm t t:m m w iM 4u VITA cheCNO fla v o r! Susan used to feel sorry for herself be­ cause «lie wasn't popular! Her akin was ao harsh,— her bands rough and red. But that was before ahe discovered Camay — the Soap o f Beautiful Women. Now — well, Susan’s not only popular, but she's wearing a lovely engagement ring! She says Camay did it! It certainly brought soft, fresh beauty to her akin! Write to Procter 4t Gamble, Dept. B, Cincinnati, for free cake of Camay. (Only one cake to a family.) C a may The Soap o f Beautiful Women R Irh — full -flavored — digest­ ible rr milk It self I 4 XH>k wit h V r I v e e t n .lt m e lt* q u ic k ly t o a s m o o t h e n u r e — b l i n d » w ith t h e fla w ir» o f o t h e r fo o d « . S p r e a d it f o r s a n d w ic h e s .O r e n ill it t o s llr e . O rder fr o m y o u r g r o ce r tod a y . for i i f a f t i i ’ 5 ■ 100 lb. each sack LUMP $2.50 5 - 100 lb. each sack RANGE $2.2S 5 - 100 lb. each aack Pea-.Nut $1 75 1 ton cash price, per ton LUMP $8.00 1 ton cash price per ton RANGE $7.50 1 Ion cash price per ton Pea-Nut $5.75 K e lp -0 - Our High Brown Hair Grower stands as one of our highest achievements — It is a prepar atlon we look upon with pride TM B M A IR S ont ■ City ................................................ State.................................... Send Poitofflce Money Order or checks. No C.O D. orders Without a doubt, the best article of Its kind — a com­ bination HAIR GROWER and HAIR STRAIGH- TENEU. Gives the hair a natural soft and oilky appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. ^ jW B K O W ffX — ■' W ill W I T H O U T AN t E * Q UAL. .rjyrrrM . '«v vf- V-*'». "t$ ‘ " = I = V our 'E y ES Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free "Eve Coy«'* or "I y* Beauty" Hook M.'w.CV.D.r' It X .»f Ok-Si NON P\REIL COAL N'ams.......................... ................... h i g h -BRO wn » B y IM P R O V E M E N T S The Ihreal of war In the Orient lias Kept Us Out Of W ar" wna the shtbo- lumped all niher news from the front l*lh which won a victory The Demo- page Kv«n Ruth Judd, Ih.- "Velvet crate are having a glorious time with Tigress" on trial for the most sen»« their prospective candidate» They tlonal murder of the era, ha» been rel have prospective candidate» from ev egiited to au liiRlaulflcant place In tile «ry point in the nullon Teiaa. New column» A» for the llnwnllnn kid York. Ohio, »ml Maryland appear In tiNlipius and murder. It I» tiece»»ary the lend with Oklahoma and lamia to search the pre»a thoroughly. After lana bringing up the rear. nil. auch new» I» for the morbidly curious, the people who delight til fongreaamau Del’rlasl ha» heeii oli hearing »alaclou» tale» and visitina a Hpeaklug tour of thè aoulh Ile ha« morgue». appeared hefore aeverul audience» In « s « This clu»h between the Jupaiieae F'Iorlda and gradously recelved Billy llouaten denlea llial Ile la and the Chinese may determine whe­ ther Stoddard'» prophecy. "The III» dead Me aay» Miai he 1 « holding ilowli a Job In Ihe l’oat Office depurimeli! Ing Tide Of Color", I» correct The East I» a seething furnace Liable at Il la noi belleved timi thereport incanì auy moment to belch forth It» flame» Ihat the aalute Jmlge and Cullimi» ■louer of Kducatlon for thè I li I* O of hatred, ami devastate the earth It K \V uà» dead •ilivslrally. tuli alme I» »aid that history repeats If that be hi» panegyrle on Jmlge Parker, tliat true, litui the A»latlc horde« are turn ed loo«». You remember the Tartar he III DKAII l'OLITICAM.Y Iteli Davi» ftnally gol klcked tortile who killed the gra»» wherever hi» po­ goal W'e would rejolce to aee a few nte» trod * There may be a repetition more of hi» llk rtibhlng thelr pani» hut tilla time It will not be the hoof of the ponlea but the more aelentlfte where the politicai hoot counoctod were; never rottiti nor levaatatlon by poison gase» dropped They never from the »ky by airplane« At this ne ver wlll hiy ot any uso to thè Ne­ writing both the Chinese and Japan gro polltlrally ..... an- frowning OB Iba foreign »I« , N'ow .... llial . „ tliere la rumor .. of war. ... ment The arrogant attitude of the white population ha. Incen.ed both of " * N« ¡ " ’ A." '" 7 ; ' " ^ r<' the belligerents, and It would not aur «*<•»••* «ta l-eglou to the Govern prlae many of the observer», ahnuld mn'- Japan autl China call a truce for the purpose of ejecting all of the foreign element from Aalnllr soil It has been t undisputed, that for years. Japan baa , been uatng the slogan, "Asia for the Asiatics ’ Such action naturally would he resented by the foreign element and a conflict would be Ihe result If such would ensue. Ihe result would lie the most sanguinary armed clash In the history of the world. • • • II has not been long ago since Com ¡ inodore Perry knocked at the gate« of , Japan and bid that Nation to open j them for Western civilisation For 1 centurie» those gale» had Wen her­ metically «caled again»! the civilian Goti of the Christian nations They j were well content with their mode of j living, but Western greed found Jap- ( an a wealth which waa the ground» for the Treaty which was negotiated by the United State« That was tint seven decades past Today. Japan t» reckoned among the World Powers Rapidly asslmlllatitig the idea« of the Occident, they forged to the front ra Now, science has studied ordi­ ptdly The nations of the world, an­ nary people leading normal xious to profit from trsde, gave the Japanese every facility for Ihe absor lives ond has proved that those bin« of western knowledge Schools gargling with listerine twice a ami universities were opened up to d a y had 4 6 ‘ !i fe w e r colds him He was taught the military art thon those who did not use it. by the most expert military strategl- This Is because full • strength dans He learned how In build ships that carried cannon He was used to listerine kills the common cold punish Russia, and to strafe China germs— olmosf instantly f And Me became ambitious for « place In consequently, w hen germ s the spotlight occupied by other na­ hove made your throat sore, tion» and would not be denied lie you con kill the germs and re­ learned, and learned thoroughly, ami now he defies the world to keep him lieve your throat by gargling from getting what he wants He wants listerine. lambert Phormacal a place to plant hl« growing nation Co., St. louis, Mo. Western Hemisphere. He has heard He has been denied that right on the G a rg lo Full-Strength the white man declare that certain places on this earth are for white men only, notwithstanding that they rlalm the dominion of the whole earth and most of the aky. Now Japan, consci­ ous of Its power, says. "Asia for the twice a d a y Asiatics". Japan believes Ihat II should in* predominant on the Pacific I Ocean She I« willing to fight for It j Japan has been denied the equality of emigration; It has hurt her pride Japan Is willing lo tight for that Jnp an has been shown that "might mak­ es right"; Japan Is willing sud pre­ pared to take the gamble LET US SUPPLY YOUR WOOD — WE CARRY ALL KINDS , h o m i «: f u i y o u t h VIG IIK Men, women and children find ! : KELPO VITA a safe and effici­ : ent treatment for debility, loos of vital powers, and glandular impslrment. Quit dying before your time. Be young at sixty. Kelp O-Vita it a mineralized vegetable, easy and p’easart to take, not habit forming. It la rich in Vitamines and Organic Salts. Kelp O-Vlta is a Revltal- izer, A Rehsbilltator, a Rejuve na'or, an Invigorator and a Re­ constructive. it increases vitali­ ty and gives you Pep, Vim and Vigor. Kelp-O-Vits isfor vitality, the last word in modern science. Not for sale at Druggists. Send this adv with your name, ad­ dress and ten cents In stamps or coin for one weeks’ sample treatment. Address Kelp-O-Vita Laboratori«*, 1048 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., Dept.. :ii!4 F a h t o a k h t . «:i, c o . I* i i o n i ; f ,\ h t 7H 47 P R O M P T D I : L I Y I:R Y Holliday & Holliday Toneoriol Parlor* 125 NORTH SIXTH STRLET :: PORTLAND, OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, We Are In a Position to C«re for Men, Women find Children Come— Let llt Serve You I HOLLIDAY A HOLLIDAY