THE ll.I.rSTR ATKD FEATURE SECTION — January 30. 1!V»2 THE CATFISH Slug Wilson and Mick M allory, the Champ, j Taste Some of the Catfish's Leather and the j Big Crowd Stands on its Hind Legs Because it Knows a Good Fight when it Sees One. By E S K A K D LAWSON I the smaller of the two, feint 'd neatly with his left (m l dro\e a satagr right I and Billy Allen, my M n . 4 r* look rv* , to the he irt of the kid Catfish paled far so m ra n t to serve » • a ip u r r m f p a r!- 1 with the pain of it. and the pain tin .Is o n ih * Iw n t o s e r ui our i*#r (or 2* up • m check. a g a in -1 h*m. and o r a re m a quaudary Covering up as best tie could, he unfit in w anders a nor.desrrtpt m d r id a t i fro m the south who lo o à » 1ÜU good m a­ dove in. hts hands working like pis­ te ria l We n ickn am e h m tho Catftah K id tons in and out. Leather spatted and put him in the rin g a iU i Slug Tho against flesh and r.’d spots began to ve te ra n figh ter takes the new c o m *' (o r a Slug grin­ m erry rid * durum the first round b u l a » allow on Slug s abdom n th a t .ra m * «o d a 1 w th at th * K id ia g e t­ ned sickenlngly and then, like tile tin g mad and th a t ih * figh t n by l o means striking of a serpent his left hand o ver yet- licked cut to smack true and lull to NOW OO ON 'WITH T H * »TOUT the Ups of the kid Blood spurted front the mashed Ups and tears of [ pain dimmed the eyes of the Catfish. INSTALLM E N T II The m u d round of th«: tUe pri- But then he snapped out of K. They v j K bout was « revelation both to ■ swept to the eenter of the ring, hurl­ ing blows at each other front all myself and to Billy Allen. Uke I said, snglea. Slug charged in. driving the Catfish Kkl was boding mad ' rights and lefts with da/shng speed «h e n the initial frame ended, and to the fare and midriff of his rjm - he dsdn t cool off any during the petttor He raced hr Kid to the minute's rest His fighting bl.od was j rop.'s. but the Kid came off like s aroused and his muscles «e r e taut madman, his right fist cocked at hi* Ktery vein of his body stood out as side, hia eyes narrowed murderously I « e rubbed him in his corner, and his Slug saw that blow coming through 1 mouth «forked ceas'lessly. ! a red haae of pam He felt .hat he I When '.he gong sounded he was should have avoided it with ease, and out of his corner in a flash Slug was vet s mehow he could not. He was scowling The Kid crtJ'hed slightly, boring straight in as the Kid bounced ! diawing his stomach back, dragging off the ropes, and the momentum of j his chin down to his shoulder. Slug. them both, traveling toward each | W HAT MAS M A I T I M I ) Irom tlie crowd as Malloy strada down ths aisle It took only mia glance for me to see that the Itouso «a s pretty nearly w sell-out It «a s t il very big. aiisway. and somo folks «e re perched In the rafters. Mull .y came over and felt of the C liristi K id s taped hands then raised hia face to grin at him Hello FUli.“ h- said sneerlnglv "You don't nerd to feel hi* hands, fellow,“ I growled at him "He don't need any liors-slioe* to slop you!" Mick glinn'd again Hr wa* a well- batterei) boy, heavy-ael and pugna­ cious. and Ills ears were flat and «iv a wling like yon see n so many priar-fighters I « m i n o r <1 o n Fag* 1 flee Ml pisls • o h * 1 Wttu lag*, a* W WIN ! im d s sum isa a. na a r.M, St s . o > as. Twice is EFFECTIVE-Twice as ECONOMICAL J t x e n u t fr Go to yonr fantneUe Jrm store or toilet yoedt ( 9 ontef and ask for Genuine BUik and W h ite Blea* htny Cream {Double Strength). ¡Arar, handsome opal uir is only eoe. Also net a bar of Blatk and W h ite S h n Snap at 2 *c té use before you apply this mantel- ons blea'hinf (ream. B e C d U S C S e ru '-a Blacl end W H'e Beach­ ing C raem has the ««elusive D O U B LE S T R E N G T H feature it instantly penetrates oown into skin’s fourth layer where skin coloring is regula*ed. That's w h y it LIGHTENS AND WHITENS COM PLEXIONS IN HALF THE TIME . . . that's why it's twice as a ffec­ tive end twice at economical. Genuine BUcIt and White Bleaching Cream (Double S*'ength) also fades out mole discol- ora'ions dark tpoh, pimples, bumps and other skin blemishes quicker than anything you ever used before. J fr n u iite BLACKEWHITE BLEACHING CREAM K eeps /m fro m g r o w in g it ailments in t o BIG ONES! i It may be j u t a mated tongue tonight . . . with dull eyes, bad color and breath. But by then* symptom« Nature ¡a telling you that you may have a atek child tomorrow. Help tonight u simple I omorrow it may be harder. A single simple done of Caatona is usually all that's needed to bnng relief; it often keep« a serious lUneaa from devekoing. Castoria, you know, a the children’s uwn remedy—made specially to give the gentle help their delicate organs must have. It is a ju re vegetable preparation; contains no oarsh drugs, no narcotics. In any starting illness such as a cold, a little fever, a food upset, a first-aid dole of Castoria is always a wise precaution. It's never hard to get children to take Castoria. They love its taste, and are grate­ ful for the relief it always brings to tied-up aystems. For babies or for older children, depend on Caatoria’a gentle regulation. It has kept many a little ailment from growing into a serious onet Genuine Castoria always has the name Ckaa. H. Fletcher on the package. CASTORIA The two m e n !*tood toe to toe for the rest of the round, b lA r k against white, guarding not at alt. hurlinjf their flats with never a pause. other, together willy the savage pow- “ Noasir,” he 'effaced ■Slug's In no rr which madness engendered tn the condition to fight anybody or any- thing right now H< rouldnt stand Kid. figured in Uiat blow. up two minutes If this guy Malloy It caught Slug squarely under J h r KOt , hwUU|y , t lhBl jBW chin and turned him alinast a bark ' But wliat re we going to do?" I somersault. He struck the fl o r of ! asked "him the ring with a dull thud, and we, O e l «.ttir b o d y else • too excited to call a halt to the pro. Who. f rinatane*?" reeding*, watched » J Jerry Lee. who Who gave Slug that punch? That's was acting relerre, counted Slug out. Here was Slug. our undefeated “ **■ •“ *> vou » » " ' " But lie don l know nothing ibout near-champion, knocked out by a -pairing partner) By a rank outatd- fighting scientific and all that. He's Just a mug I scraped up for a spar­ er who had never worn glove* before In his life! The full significance ring partner of such an upset did not ‘ trike us ■If hf'a good enough to knock Slug until many minute* later, when we a t 1 co|g ),e'* plenty go d enough to take last succieded in bringing him bark over Mick Malloy.' skid the medico. to his senses. "But ain't there some chance that "W h ew !" was all he said for a x Slug could go In there?" I asked. couple of minutes. We got him out 1 "Oh yes. but ltd be suicide for of hia trappings, gave him a shower him." and a nibdown. and walked him ! "You're a nice one." I said "I around a bit. thought you d fix my boy up in time ' "How're you feeling?" I asked him "I'm doing all I ran," the Doe re- 1 1,4 ****** bul d“ ln 1 plied, and then I turned to go sound any too convincing. "Say." til* Doctor called me bark “ Hurt anywhere?" W hat lime la tht* fracas, anyway?" "Nope, cept—well, my Jaw." "Tomorrow evening.' I told him I felt hia Jaw. the spot where the 'N o t a rhanee." he said sorrowfully Kid's vicious blow had landed with Not a chance In the world that Slug f0rce "“ could take M all'Y over Take my decidedly wrong, my fingers, experi­ ad vice and send thls new bov in l l l enced in such matters told me in be betler llian rtaking Slug.' stantie. I called a doctor. (lu rw i 1« th« — rr et of (•miniti«» »p-> I went up to th* offlee and gave p*el . . And a soft, light nil In lath * Examination proved that some Billy Allen Ihr dope Billy had th* nmnrrai c*f chirm. I>r Fr»-t! Palmer’« tiring was wrong, prat what It was | catfish Kid there, getting hia sign« Shin Whit AWT Oinfniint «often« amt the doctor couldn t be aure until ha ture on a contract It didn't call (or lighten* th«' da rii eat «kin. € I Mira got a couple of x-rays made. Mean­ much, but you should have seen the plmplee. Moti hea And tan nurim, and while he warned Slug to take it happy look on the K id * face when (Utom »way with (hot ’ oilv. ahlnf** mighty easy. we explained the whole thing to him. look, line ( him preparativi* and mah* your akin aoft. delicate and « Iwrm- A day later he Informed ua that Then I rushed denars into the gym m* Thia nmiiiini Olntm«nt la mad« Slug’s Jaw wasn l broken- the guarda with him and we began to give him a In the fnmottn l>r. Fred Palmer*« he had worn Had prevented that— but little concentrated Instruction in th* I*« tx»ra tor lea where are nlao m.i«l« thmw it her henuty alila you know mo that the thing was pretty bad and [ gentle art of fisticuffs The Kid learnrd f ist, and although *•11: l>r. Pitlm rr'i Hhln White n r any rough treatment would make It worse. W" told him about the forth- | .Slug s Jaw was healing quickly, the Howp, Hkln Whltaner Fuca Powder. Ilulr Mreneer and I (l«l Deodorant coming title fight, and he turned j bom decided not to risk further in which rnny la* had nt nil (Irti* atore» thumbs down on that right then and Jury. That afternoon we announced for 2R rent« each or will I a* nent |w»ef- there. Hi- substitution and the next day the pald upon receipt of price. I>r rrad Kid weighed in Instead of Slug It I'almera I Mira tor lea. l>ept. A. A l­ was a mighty long chance to take, lan tu. Da. S an d 4 r In ola m p o f o r t r in i since a dr leal for us would merely on m p io o f S h in W h ita n e r 9 mean that Mirk Malloy would hr A » Semp mnd F me a F o n d a r. helped along his path to the cham­ — o r- pionship wilile Slug was standing still, but Billy was willing to take it on the D R .F R E D PALMER’S I I I K f T I V K IW K Kid * showing agklnst Slug, and there wasn’t much I could do about It Next rvening, then, the Catfish Kid. wide-eyed and rather Ul-at-eiae, was ‘ M I P S YOUR COM PLlHtOM V O U T H fU l' shoved between th* ropea into the ring with Mick Malloy, one of the M N b u p deed p a rt a il id » r r « « . O k ia lM i« « C h a n iy M A R T W IR .IA N O W H U H .I u w » chief contenders for the heavyweight Jee M iteni. D»|»t id. OkHihnni* Otty. O k ie - crown. I took It upoii myself to sec­ horn«. H N a g y T r g u b lr ond him, while Billy and Slug looked s i T . , r W h i m m a u **• on from the sidelines l w • t r ia l Baa w u N T ii) n m .i. i . u c r v m o j o 'Bead sileltoe lelt as we clambered d t L ’ g a N r k T y n «•«•erf* U. M .S H T E U 4 ■ « IN «. H> M * «fl W rM * V A L - *1 > • * * ? g ira s i B ra tk lra . 1 . » . into the ring, foflowvd by a vast roar M o w . U n I . O t t g p t i r e « « , r t > » r « e « "n i f in ii'' R e s is i S u c h Loveli ne»« SfiinRUfiitener