The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, January 16, 1932, Image 8

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    T H K I L L U S T R A T E L» F E A T U R E S E C T I O N — J a n u a r y
•*ßroadway" Jones Got His Name by
Being A Fashion Plate on the Gay
White Way
1 6 . 1».'»2
F armer
O u m « tow n o r nr i m m » m
O Utile town of Bethlehem,
How still * r are thee Ur'
AI«ovr thy deep and dreamless strep
The silent stars go by
Yrt In thy dark slr«*els allineili
By W II ('R A IO K tA U
The everlasting U gh i;
Thy hopes and (pats of all D ip ypars
C u ring S m ilh fio ld lla m a
Arp mpt In thpp tonight.
Thprr'a a big, stout fellow with a For Christ Is born o f Maty,
This Is tlie method used In curing
grpat big volrp who will tnskr his
And gathered all above.
Bmithflrld hams
boa on Broadway on Christinas liny While mortals sleep the angels keep
The hams arc placed In a huge tray
In a play railed "Sugar Hitt’ and hr J Their watch of wondering love
of fine salt, then the flesh surface
will be right at home because his
Is sprinkled with finely ground sail-
Proclaim the holy biitht
name Is Broadway Jones.
praises sing lo Ood the King,
prlrr until they are as white as
It’s interesting now lie got that And
name, and how he has lived up to
though covered by a moderate fruat,
It all thrar years
A wardrobe that ; A holy child o f Bethlehem!
or. say, use (our to ala ounces of the
would give tile Elder llerton a run tnrj Descend to us. we pray.
IMrwderrd saltpeter
each , 100
I Us money figure« prominently In Cast out our sin. and enter I».
IHHinds of green hams
the acquiring of that name
| p r porn In us today
After applying (he aallpeler, salt
Way back before the War Broad We hear the Christmas a n g e l s ,
way Jones who blew into New York
(•(,,. grr»t glad tidings led.
Immediately with the fine sail, rov-
from Fernaudlna. Fla . via Jackson- 0
ubnle with us.
ttlng the entire surface well
Vine, was singing hot tunes at Her-
Oor Io ri, i,m„anuelt
(tuck the Imms In bulk, skin sida
ry s Lobster M I m
4 ■ t li
n il _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Broadway, whirh was the most widely
down, pul in piles Hot more Ilian
known seafood house lu all o f (loth ^ | l ‘ \ <‘ |* | I ' i f ’ K H
Hirer fret high In ordinary weather.
am. At night Broadway sang to the
I the hams should remain thus for
cream o f American and European
three days
society, and in the davtune he stood
Then bleak bulk and less It with
out In front of the place dressed In
salt The hams thus sailed and
the height of fashion and Just posed
j resallrd should now remain III bulk
One of the leading tailoring firms of
for each pound (hai la. a
New York gave him his clothes at
cost Just I be their fashion-plate
PARIS Black and ahlle alw ays, ten-pound ham should remain ten
teeth shining against ■ a ....
fashion («armer»
are .............
going day» and In llkr proportion of Ilm «
With wdule _____
-------- . of ebony.
..... is—
. •«-.........
« a - ln ur dinner •-
these r veiling« •-
m som
e, l,,r larger and »maller sues
himself the cynosure of all eyes, and ,,( u,,. most blrarre and in terestingj1
wash will»
they called him llrradw sy Jones
! designs Parts lias ever evolved
tepid water until the hanr» are clean.
About that time George M Cohen
„( ,„w lsiv trousers, Ihc and after («at Hally drying, rub lh «
the old master, produced a musical bride’s bungalow apron the lia ym a k -! •’iitlre mu tar,- with
comedy called "Broadway Jones, ’ and j ,.r „ ovrr»||, n|| have Contributed b it»! PCPPC'
the Jackson,lllee dandy became more lo the designs put together
ry y rdiould then Ire hung In thw
together In
In co
co n
n -i
smokehouse and the Important
ular than ever.
lra*t „ »tarlluig as black print o on
n ! I »mokrh
iter the War Ire took as his part
while nnge
|cratlon of smoking begun Ih c jitiuk-
ner. a Baltimore
piano plugger by the
^rrll lt sm all Parties
aig should 1» done very gradually
re D
name of Ruble Blake Perhaps you’ve
Kmart Psrlslennes. ever ready b , uuil slowly extending through thirty
heard of him And together they did renew allegiance to black and while I ta« forty days
their slufT at dossier s Campus
air adopt mg It fi»r those small r » , After
. . . . the hams
,. .
_____ __ , ,
famous M-aiiaxi
seufood house
nmer rainous
Blak« elusive dinner parile-, which air dear ’•mokrd. lle v should I* reprpperrd Hi
then b*
! . r ro Ä
i,,d ,,r<>d,,C-|«0 their he.rla .
— -
— -
ed "Shuffle Along
The newest dinner ja»jamas an* hagge<l
Much ham» Improve witli
Partner* Again
fmnkly trousers, eliminating all the (
l , u* #rp
alien one year ok!
Hroudw i\ once tried lo I k * a family frothy swirl which Miggests skirts
One of them U made of »Irek black S t o r i n g S m o k e d M e s i »
mail will! little success. He married
a young woman from Claffin C ol­ satin with side flaps muiniftrent of
After It Is hard and firm, smoked
just th t om b o y ft chap*
It» high necked
lege and tiiey lived together
three weeks
But for 18 long and u-xlice is also black naiui. but Its no .1 may I k - wrapped in heavy (iu|irr
and put In' muslin sacks ll Is very
tedious years Broadway |H»id alimony short straight jacket U white
each and every Monday morning
A second |«ujama with a white satin imimrlant that the top o f the sack
She dlrd just a few years ago
bodice and slim straight black trou­ be fled properly to keep inserts out.
px>te ‘'Shuffle Along.” They were reunited after the partners ftp lit aful
After Slssle and Blake broke Uiclf sers la lopped wlUl a black satin Brforr the hams or strips of bacon
1 partnership Broadway teamed with cape fastened close about Hie throat are placed in the sacks, remove the
have since entertained in society resorts in Newport and Palm Beach.
| Blake again and they have been do- j
strings from the ham»
Ttierr Is a
striking lllnner (.awn
mg concerts for the Idle rich ill | A striking dinner gown Is designed gieat tendency to use Hie same string
New| km t and Pabn Beach.
>.| (trad while romam
Its hlbllke tc hang up Ihr meat aflrr It Is sack*
Old M an_IUver," the song ^tliat ( bodice ties behind the neck. Ita skirl, led as was used lo hang It while
made Jules BledJuM* famous in "Show designed with an apron front which I smoking
Boat." was originally arranged
for extends well around Ihr hips, ties In
It I» tmpoastble lo tie the lop of
Broadway, but he was unable to the back like a bungalow apron.
the sack and make It insect p r «if if
break hi» vaudeville con tra il to Join
Fur the restaurant dtnurr. the | a string from the mewl passes through
the show
skirted ensemble o f ankle length the paper slid slicks out at top
In "Sugar Hill" he Is making his holds Its place One of the smartest lying Hie top Of Hie sack make a
J About 31 years ago a tubby, b ro a d -! height that Louis hat scaled today.
first attempt at bring a dramatic of these costumes has a seven - double wrap before tying a knot,
(m in e d boy was ch risten «. Louis
Ma and Pa Armstrong loved Louie, artlat and If you think he Isn’t a
eighths length tunic o f gleaming which will prrvrnt the entrance of
Arm strong
Although his lungs were ¡but like all parents, they did not go born actor, wail until Hi railway gets white aath. with a standing round j any Insert
collar and tianow licit embroidered
___ _ _
J cck , and strong and he tried to
h^w ai S £ 3
bears the same name
in black and ailvrr.
feiusic with everything he touched, hts lr ,
wh(.rf h<. could toot to his
B aronu had no idea that In year* to heart s content
This hapirened to Flame ’ and wnen tlie sejrta Gabriel
and sovrn-clghllis length coat of
L ,h^.lr* »r?nid
^ th<> MunlclP*1 Boy»' Home, where lf(t , „ WI1 lt
under Hu- iiervinal black satin lined In white
t e t ;
f t . t l . E xactly1
g00d " , '“ iC“ n' 0U* “ irecnomdilp o f Colima. -sta te d by
Jimmy O'Cotinor.
Meanwhile. Louis and his llfe-ttme
Must l.ike C hèrago
pal. Joe «Satchel M outh! Lindsey
We know that Ctiicago U cra*y
j (licked up a few pennies peddling the about lx>uie, thia being proved by hU
I New Orleans Item
Ftsh line Is better than wire for
tremendoua hit ut the Regal and ö a -
Peter Davis tutored
voy, and are led to believe that he «hanging picture* and much easier to
I while he was In the Municipal Boys U wild about Chicago, for again hr handle. Alfto provide a »tick, a few “ I like a good
I Home a few years prior to 1915. That returned to the "W indy City" and or- feet long, with a deep notch In one rup of coffee « ilh
] is why Louie always pays the boys a gfinizcd his present group o f master j end, to lift the cord* from the hooka every meal Init I
used lo suffer
visit whenever he hits New Orleans. musician» to work the "Show Boat, and to replace them
avoiding the when I drank
Upon leaving the home he Joined
Upon quitting the Show Boat," the j necessity of a step-ladder or chair
It," says Edward
You*ll never know bow quickly a Kid Lindsey’s Jazz Band, as Arm ­ gang began a tour, leading into New
J. Owens, well-
T o clean whisk broom* and clothe* known salesman
Stubborn cough or cheat cold can lx» strong and Lindsey, Louie’s phenom e­ Orleans. Booked into the Mwbtirbun
Con H *re«J, until you try thin famous nal rise has not gone to his head, for Gardens for one month, they remain­ brushes, dip them up and down In
ol Ht! Falmouth
It ia used in million* of home*. today we find “ Little Joe" Lindsey, ed for eleven.
warm water to which a little soda S treet, B o s to n ,
Jbef.-f'iM- it give* wore prompt, positivo one-tim e drummer, tils right hand
Dry in the sun.
Bark home, f/ouie was ever bu*v. has been added
• • •
Relief than anything cl.««**. It * no trou- man.
Here he organized the Armstrong Se­
" I would have
pt <' at all to mix and cost* hut a trifle.
O n M ississip p i
cret Nine bu.seball team and present­
One pound of print butter, as sold
Into a pint bottle, poor
ed the boys home with an expensive today In brick form, measures exact
Pines; then odd plain granulated band Into Tom Anderson5 cabaret, radio to enjoy his nightly broadcast |y two cups. 80 the easiest way to w o u l d h e I e h ,
jputfar syrup or strained honey to make
lrom the Gardens o v .r W8 NB
measure one cup of bu'ler Is to use leaving a sour
• full pint. Tip« wav** two-third* of where he stayed tor one and a half
t a s t e in my
A check-up showed that more, ra­ Just half a pound
By this time he was creating
lb* money usually »pent for rough years
« • •
mouth, gun on my stomach, and
taHuioe, and give* you a purer, better more than unusual Interest among dios were sold In New Orleans dur­
T o remove peach stains from linen, ternbln indigrslion
It never spoil*, and taxtea the ofays which landed him on the ing Armstrong's engagement than ev­
" I tried many tilings before my
Capital excursion bouts floating the er before or sincFT and thata all local soak the s | k »( s In a weak solution o f
.jg. fid children like ¡t.
druggist p e n u a d e d .... to hike some
You ran actually feel it* penetrat- Mississippi with Fate Maroble, lead­ dance attendance records were smasli- chloride of lime. Then apply ciettin
of tartar and place In the sun lo
After two years on the river, ed
%ig, soothing action on the inflamed ing
“ I have a better npnrhle Now,
On a tour o f one night stands lie dry. Then wusli.
ttiroat membrane*. It i* al*o absorbed King Oliver, the leading com etlst,
I ran drink codee even la
latrai night,I
J|ntn the blood, where it act* directly who had gone wild over Arm strongs drew as follows: Houston. 8,000 per­
T o glva a frosted appearance to eal lobsters, . . polk or anything
He tgas brought
I want
tin the bronchial tube*. At the fame work In New Orleans, sent for him to sons o f both races
and sleep like a baby.”
to Ham Houston Hall by a group of glass, cover It with a mixture com ­ ami
irne. it promptly loonon* t? e germ-laden come to Chleago
< iet a p.u kagr "I I hc»<> , mdy like
local colored business men, h ea d «! by posed o f Six oiinrrx magnesium aul-
hleirm. Thi* three-fold action explain*
Worked Bent Orks
m h y it bring* aueh quick relief even in
J B Grlsby. president of the Am eri­ |>hate, two ouncex dextrin, and twen­ tablets from your druggist. I hey
#e- /e bronchial cough* wh*ch follow
For three years he played second can Mutual Insurance Company, and ty ounce* of water.
atop heartburn, gas on shmuirh,
—■ -
o ------ —
fold epidemic*.
trumpet to Joe, then came East witli the Texas Negro Baseball Association
beli lung, nausea, Tieadarliea or any
l ’ mi x i* a highly concentrated com* Fletcher Henderson, remaining
a Galveston, 4.000; Han Antolnto, 2,700;
ollirr symptom of indigestion soon
Arujr.d of genuine Norway Pine, con- year. Back In Chicago, he went to Austin, 1,900; Wichita Falls. 2,200; Ft
ns the trouble starts
fainiug I be
I i > e ngeub of cref»H.»te, in work at the Vendome Theatre with Worth, 5,000; return engagement at
a refined, palatable forth, and known Erskine Tate. While with Tate he Houston, Pythian Temple, 3,000 and
a* one of the greatest healing »Tent* doubled at the Sunset with Carroll Havoy, Chicago, over 5,000 Taking an
remember that the natural lines of
for severe cough*, cheat cokU and Dickerson's orV
He went Into the KKO theatre route he was headlined the lips should be followed as closely
(rniiehial trouble*.
Savoy Ballroom In the "W indy City," over many stars at the St Louts
l>o not accept a aubatitute for Plnex. along with Dick, and here was given 'Iheatre, 8 t. Louis; Palace, Columbus; as ;>oa»lbIe The color ahould not be
rarrled to the rorners of the mouth
f t in guaranteed to give prompt relief
Albec, Cincinnati; Palace, Chicago unless one wants to aceentuute the
etiarge of the hand.
pr money refunded.
Louie’s work became
noticeable and Cleveland.
size of the mouth.
During the week at the Palace, Chl­
more nut more, and again he East
. . .
made a bid for his services. This time eago. Ixiiils appeared on a benefit all
it was the Irnmerman Brothers o fjs ts r show that netted *9 500. and re-
ii iM i Ori Ow>k 1'Mulll Viinf FFMINXlZ-w
Conm e’s Inn, producers of “ H ot reived top honors along with the choir son must resort to creams and greases
I.HpiHf TaMrt Felrrf I «H hjr <•»»'*• Moy#er*Mi,|
Irsnf o»4t«lu* l'leeianf, aal», no inUrf«r«n<a any
Chocolates." Along with Louie ln this of The Green Pastures '
S a tisfa « li « h ifie ia n i» » « ! I r r e tm a n i $ 2 9 5 . J
The trumpeter's publicity is h an­ glands. Before going to bed, mas-
Broadway show was the young maes­
• ’■■ataf» if fili* »partally I ni|i Moderi lo» Vary J
• ige rold cream Into Hie skin and
tro, Cab Calloway. Hut It was Louie's dled by Prof. Shcrtnan Cooke, who al­ allow as much as possible to remain
Oietiaata t a c i
arlar, PITONE CO., Ht|it |».|r St. Loda j l * j
singing "Ain't Misbehaving" that was so Is an excellent master of cere­
the riot act and season’s sensation.
• • •
From C onnies Louis Jumped to the original “ Satchel Mouth."
W h rn
r i f i l i v iv i t u r
D r.
To hear Mr Armstrong play and
Sebastian's Cotjon Club In Culver
R iig r r » '
"H n lia rf
Com ­
City, C a l, holding out for over a year. entertain Is to witness a [«erfofmance line of brow If tlie growth Is too
pound "
R i fu l y re lie v e «
Johnny Collins, booker of many by a man that feels his music direct heavy. Tweeze out the straggly lialra nf o M um ti e ««e«, often In 4» hour* N« pulii
prominent, movie stars, was so Im­ from the heart, one that appreciates that grow above and outside the eye­ nor in con v an ia m o* H * f r Im rm le*.. is u ililc
K O f.F N H m v i n i v
pressed with Louis's work that he all there is In music and strives hard brow proper. It will smarten up tlie « tre n n t» *. $2 . 3 i»o«»-i
CO., OrpL T-l. Mflt. U*r|«r. (¡ble»«*
placed hito in the picture, "£ x - to bring out the best in himself.
keep Black anil
W hile in Favor
Louis Armstrong Learned to Blow
Trumpet in Municipal HomeforBoys
lloiiKfliold Hints
Best Remedy for
Cough Is Easily
Mixed at Home
Beauty Hints
D iapepsi N
/¿/•WOMEN only