T I » F in »»* W r i * » r » 4 » S w id T h » i r Storie* ' ► F ir »* to th e l l l u . 4 4 ► I r » ted F e a tu re Section », (ta C o., »4 mm J! |>oorWo«a »t. < ht«»M *«•*«• *enlolt»r» The Advocate TICK IL L U S T R A T E D ' F E A T U R E S E CTIO N — J A N U A K V 1Ü. 1 M 2 A I’ulrin lioy tifici His (Jiri Sweetheart h ind Love W hen O ld There wan a terrific explosion in the midst of the mol» which shook the countryside. water rushed in upon them. O ld Midi Daniels is Dead. I l i s l i u d v Mies J f i . l t RIMUM tüTiuh I» rui hu m i l w rrt TH i rr.ATi nr t r c TiON JUS! % I Coming Storiei by E d w ard Lawton Dorothy W o t E d w ard W orth y J. A . Roger* ' O il lilt* (»r o u n d ill Man River Help«. Everyone was thrown to the ground and ten feet of I dey sees dat de levee Is gotte te r. brown skin as soft as a baby's, made break. but doy wont tell me nothin a perfect background for eyes that bout hit." Jeb assurrd him. “Dey i resembled amber moons reflected In a Front <>f U«-S|M»I where Charred and Smoking Lee* Show JS.“ “£.*!£ that Ili» Collage Once St....I. He Gave Ilia Own Life for Hi- KK 5 ÏÏ5 ’S i.T ^ T Ä ” from n”d deep->et. well-built “ ™” OI shoulders to rinitis. m i l Still lilt* l l u i i " r v M o b Monos loi* m o o d . I hev Seek YtHino Jeh Williams, who, vtitli Mniilv. II a tl Sought Refuge in a Dynamiter's Shanty on tin* Mevee. The !V 1 ob Approaches, hut Ohi !Y 1 nn River Helps Save llieir Lives. By EDWARD T. TAYLOR trim ankles and feet, dainty enough I feared ter go near dat ole shack." lor a queen. The rigors of farm 1 Uncle Eph apiieared satisfied with work had only given her a figure that what Jeb tdld him. In his simple. queens might envy. |chlld-llke way. he thought of the Jeb. whose affection Emily returned ■ gov'ment" as being next to God, and measure-for-iueasure. was all that readily imagined that If "they’' said any farm maiden could dcslrr. Black they would protect the river farmers his raUler loo broad Uce from the flood, it would be done U |was more than compensated by a Tmurooned on « strip of land scarcely wave of humanity, the back-wash of doso ' *** bl" " *° physique of which a champion ath a..... ________ . across I___ not »...... »__ f . a civilisation ........ of » hypocrites, »___ __.*.. _Mimnemii» I« au so. M*» lete u-nulrl would havp have ht»en been nmn.1 proud, aim and I»' hundred yards knowing! who ■ Young Job Williams pulled his old at what hour this one remaining sup-1 sought to delude themselves into » i , p conversation readily turned io when he smiled, two row3 of pearly orav horse ill) at Uncle Eph Dan- Port might give way and catapult [ feeling of superiority by availing ( i -, r* Interest of both men, white teeth glistened behind hU f . .. . , . them Into the murky waters of the themselves of every passing oppor Emily She was as dear to Jeb as she beaming countenance like perfectly lels' gate: Hilo unc Eph, how 1« , , rlVfr tunlty to oppress the weaker people » “ <« Fph. for only the week before matched genu from the famed pearl . •• n - R il li n ' ’long?" ___ an » ho _ railed — I • „. i cheer .. . . ___________ _______ . ■ 1 .’ in l»»rt n tv vuifti'orf "woe" tn Itic oft tv»- beds of the Fouth Sea Irles. _________ y’wll There Value In his mind « notenant With whom circumstances deemed *ic had answered yes to his oft m ere came to Ills mind a poignant. .... ......„ ............ ...... .... nested entreaty for her hand ■wiry of should live, never c a s in g s ig h tl.-te d entreaty for her hand *n ' Like Fmily, ho had received no Old Eph pulled himself up from the had stuck by him lo the last, only to of ll,e fact that they, IhimuselvesIjMrt**1^'J»nd he was J^j^the^hap-1 more Ujnn a slxtp grttde education, comfortable ''lean-to" In the shade of lx strurk down by the terrible wave could rise no higher or lie no more 1 l iest as well as the luckiest man in but was possessed with an extra por­ the big onk tree, where he had been of hifliien/.a which came lu the wake In the scheme of (he universe than the county, for Emily was well worth tion of what Is commonly called lieucefully smoking his cob pipe, and of the receding river, leaving only his (hey were as long as there were the efforts of any man. "mother-wit" In the South. It was To be sure, tt was the magic of her this trait of foresight and intuition painfully made his wav to the gate. daughter, Emily, to comfort lilm in nnintig them, humans who were de­ nied the privileges and rights accord- charms which, without her coimt- "Fair to middlin', sah," he replied. old age. And thinking of these which had caused him to reason that ranee, however, was bringing a hasty ( the flood waters would net return the "My rheumatism’s beim n-botherln' things he felt u premonition of lm- rd to even their dogs. Judgment down upon the heads of her two previous years, and to gamble on me a mite, but dat's alius de rnse pi tiding disaster creeping over him. But Eph was not thinking of these tu de spring wr en dc rains Is flush- If he could lint have translated his dangers Just then, lie was thinking dearest possessions at this moment. | his reasoning by planting his cotton in Emily Daniels was the sort of a girl' on a strip of the vast expanse of waste feeling of approaching danger Into !. f the new, b old —icnace presented "We Is been havin' plenty rain, dls 'reality, he would have perceived that by the rising river the ever threat a mar. '..¿aid look at hut once H e, land, some miles below the settlement spring You know de gov'ment men at thi. moment n sinister menace was ruing nemesis of the farmers who couldn't get his eyes off after the first In which he lived, Is dunkin' maybe dere'll he another 'moving slowly toward then, and was Inked their hopes on the ferule, but look, and his next impulse would be, Tills land was fertile beyond flood Ink twos two year« bark," Jeb all “but upon them, ready to engulf treacherous lands bordering the low­ to take her into his arms and whtv i oarlson, but was in the very remarked by way of conversation | them In a n.nre of elrcumstances from er Mississippi !>or sweet nothings In her ears j Cf the levee and the danger Eph'* Interest kindled considerably which thcr. was no escape, and send "Lawdy mercy, Jeb. wh.U'U we do ef Her luxuriant black unbobbed hair, was so great that only a nt this lust remark. There came to them all ni. hing In meet their God. dat ole libisi' swamps us agin?" he which hung over her shoulders, a c-! Jeb. dared to gamble wit Ids mind a vision of the horrors nt ! This menace was not the river, inked nervously. r( nt anted the baby effect simulated caprice, and they usually 1 tending that last flood. He retnein- swollen as il was from five weeks of "De gov'ment men say doy got a by lips that might hnve been the But Jeb’s luck had bored the days when they had been I continuous rain, but was rather a plan ter keep lilt from floodin' us ef models for Cupid s own. Her dark i two consecutive years! tty.