1 Ordained Priest THK II.L l’S TK A TK I) KK A T I IKK SKt'TlON HearMe Talkin'to Ya By January 2. 19*2 Arm«*«! Polir«* Marni (.nord a* J o I>I«> hn !>1 arcliPiN lh*K<-4‘ii«l « m i dapil«»! mil. Y O U P R O B A B LY W O N D E R what all of ilia UHxiUng u about com cermtig the extradition of Kid Chocolate from New York to Havana. Cuba, to (ace the charge* of alleg«xl abduction filed by Uusarto Mora, who claims • to i** a cluKthood sweetheart and (lancee o( the Cuban Bomb Bomb Buddy T h ere are so many angles to the case that the average layman Uiiclud mg your author) has no end of trouble in figuring out what the whole thing u about Let * see what we have. Abduction, as alleged by the Cuban girl. U about the Am erican equiv­ alent of ardihtion T h e com plainant avers that Chocolate failed to keep , hi* promise to marry her. follow ing the alleg«*d abduction T h e Keed counters with the reply that he understood himself to lx« married to the girl by prosy, so to s{M«ak Chocolate w.c> arrested. you will remember, IM M E D IA T E L Y A F T E R hi* ; light with M axic I.etner In New York, and hustled o ff t«> the Federal De- j (ciUion house where he was kept without bail W hen he returned to I ¡H a v a n a last summer just after he had won the junior lightw eight title I from Benneli the Bass, t Philadelphia. Chocolate was faced with these; same charges com ing from the Cuban girl, but was released on bail !tc had just won a big purse then, and his arrest the other Monday, after the tight with Loincr was not long alter lie had won a fair-si.m l puise for his tight with Ton y Can/oneri. T h e co Incidence noted m the fact that the K ec d ’s tilts with the law j usually come closely afte r his increase in the tam ily bankroll, may la« i viewed askance by some people. T h ey will recall that Uene Tunney, a ft« * ii‘ his ri.s<« to wealth and afte r hLs m arriage to Folly la n d er, was named In ! a breach of promise suit by a young woman who caused him t«» shell out a flock o f Iron men. Jack Dempsey has also liad hi* trouble with money- seeking women It has been ever thus with other monied people. whethei in the field of sport or in other fields. W hether Chocolate ls guilty of Miss Mora's allegation* will la« brought mil by a Cuban tribunal T hen it will la* brought out whether or not the young woman in question has a valid claim against the boxer or ' whether or not she is but another representative of the large tula* of gold- 1 diggers It Is not hard to visualise fem ale admirers flocking about a celebrity. • particularly one with money It is not hard to see pitfalls that may lx* j set to entrap such a celebrtt) s« hemes concocted by a voting woman, by her T h e Rev J A M ayo (le ft ), who was parents or relatives, or by friends or scheming leeches It is not hard to im agine an innocent girl being du|x*d by the lure and ordained by Bishop James E F ree­ promts««* of one so econom ically superior to her Promises are so ••a.sily ¡ man (righ t», with three white candi­ made under certain circumstances T h en something I ia p im iu and there dates for Holy Orders at W ash ing­ is a shakedown ton Cathedral, Washington, D C ., T h e fighter who has no money m ight get away with twice as much ' recently. as the one with money because of the slim chance of an yo n e* filing a ; suit for damages against turn But let him get money, and presto, hi* chances as a victim are greatly increased Chocolate L* innocent until Police armed with rifles, revolver», and teat ga* gun*, »Lux! guaid at (ha he has been proved guilty and were he convicted there w«mld lx* many Capitol a* the hunger m archer* made a futile effort to gain entrance u» either hall of Cungmui to p rrw n t tlielr petition for relief View* of the who would yell Uxidly o f a fram e-up scene are shown *b«>ve T o play the role ot a heart-breaker instead of a Jaw breaker is a little Now For Shaves Without WatHingtan .Yeu*i P A o f<*. extrem e but there have been boxer* who have played both role* and wl«o A Razor have gotten away with it Ch ocolates contact* with Am erican g irl* have Here It it! Manufacturing w Tarda W H O IS T IIIH fellow. Ifarry Graves, roach «»f the W llberhwce Uni- been lim ited I am told, due t«> the watchful eyes o f hi* manager. Luis have turned another trick to make life G utierre* T h ere has also been a handicap of language which does not versity national lootball championship team? easier a powder, known aa M mic ><* Shav­ 11 would be treason to ask such a question on the campus of M u lliga n ing Powder, which you «imply mix with exist when Cuban maidens are concernid water and put on your face and your Chocolate and hLs m anager are not the only ones who are sorry that State Agrnultu ral College, where the Ohio mentor first earned h u »pu t* l*eard waahe* off quicker and clueer than as a player But if >011 would know hirn batter, read the follow ing dope the muddled situation has come to pass Booked for another shot at Al you ran shave it off with any ra»or. Hair is diaaoived clean to the « ’.in. Singer for a purse of 27‘ j |x«r cent, (he Keed sees good Am erican dollars releas'd by the Buckeye school and grows back same aa if you ahav««d lining the pockets of another. And from all indication*, he Ls not yet T h a t Ifarry C Grave*, coa« h of the national champion*, once the old botheraome raaor way. finished with »pending money stopped the victorious march <»f an tin*i«»ppahl<* N«»lre Dame eleven la ao anliaeptic it is use«! by Hoapitaia T h is pillar, alone with other*, wishes the Keed a fair trial and hopes and Beauty Par! >ra. Prevents ingrowing buck in 191*. w « h i I«I never be known it he were to tell It He U M ill haire. Clears akin of bumps end pim- that he is Innocent of the charges made against him Chocolate ha* done the nodding ;it»«l smiling man who said In Septem ber that he did not plee and 1a so gentle on akin even too much to build up a great follow ing and a good reputation to t«*ar them know the future but would try to make football hi tory this year. wv.men And it pnceleee for retr -ring down so soon. superfluous hair. It. was Grant land Idee, nationally known *|x»ru writer, who re ­ If your druggist doee not have Magic c a ll'd that the late K iu ite It«»« kne «'«MisidereJ G raves hi* Jinx In Shaving Powder, by all means send Ike an interview with the N oire Dam e mentor, G rantlaiu! Rice waa t«»KI in stamps t<«day for big, full-aiie pack­ that Harry C G rave* made a blot on hi* clean record of two yeara age. Address . Magic Shaving Powder Co., Dept A., Savannah, lift. (Ada.) In the game against the M ichigan Aggie* in 19m In thr last lhr«*e m inute* of the game. (h a v e *, fulilxn k on llie M ichigan aggregation, |Mi J*ed from tlie 1H yard line to Ja< k Hwhel on the three yard line T h ree line plunge* fade«! On the fourth down. Graves carried the ball over, eluding even the m ighty G eorge Gtpp. who U probably the 1 carrv-over («an lx* reduced by scrap greatest brickfield star In N«Kre Dame histoiy Rv W II. ( K A K . H I \l» mg the loose bark from the trunk C le a n up th e O r c h a r d ind Burge lim b* »t ttie old tree* Af ♦ he ter this has been done, the scraping | Due to t)ie carry-over from lx* gathered up a d. C’o n vq u en tly. much make use of oth er help out meas With Crromulsion, an emulsified creosote fruit has been left in the orchard that is pleasant to Take. Creomuision is lures farm ers And that there is |ust Under these conditions, the too much left for sprays to do. a new medical discovery with two-fold chances for a larger carry-over of action; it soothes and heals iho inflamed codling moth is good. Unless mews- I merubrjnes and inhibits germ growth. ures are taken now to reduce the | Fungous troubles have not lx*en Of all known drugs, creosote is ree- number of insects fruit growers may very serious In our orchards this ogm/ed by high raedic.il authorities a« find themselves confronted with more year Yet. if you will take a walk on** of the greatest healing agencies for stTiotih losses from thLs pest next through the peach orchard or take a persistent coughs and colds and other year look at those plum. |iear h and cherry forms of throat troubles. Creomuision con­ A thorough clean-up job In the tiees in the home planting, you may tains, in addition to creosote, other healing orchard, and in and about the pack- be surprised at the mimix-r o f m orn­ dement* which soothe and heal the in- ing house should lx* carried out. m yfled peaches, plums and cheerie* fe« ted membranes and stop the irritation Some growers still pack their fruit j that ar»* on the ground an«! in the afid inflammation, while the errowMe g.»es m the orchard allow ing cull apples to trees You may also find some black knot-like swellings on the plum ami on to the stoma* h, is absorbed into the accumulate in piles and otherwise It has been the experience o f many cherry trees blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and farm ers that, spray as they may, Fruit diseases are carried over wm cbe« ks the growth of the germs. Creomuision is guaranteed satisfactory they still have wormy fruit, especial- t«*r in these dried up mummyfled If! Fiv« lov«ly tn«d«i of natural com­ in the treatment of persistent coughs and ly in that part o f the orchard where fruits and black knot cankers. most o f the [lacking was done and q fruits are not gathered up. and plexion brown. colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and where cull piles were largest and re- th,. t,!a< k knots are not cut mit now other forms of respiratory diseases, and ia mained longest. TSa color cKari ranyti from dark ; j and burned, you can !«x»k for more ea**ellent for building up tho system after brown to daap cream, carefully Under such conditions, farm ers trouble next year colds <>r flu. Money refunded if any cough should make it a point .to haul all compounded to blend with the n or cold, no matter of how long standing, »he fruit out o f the orchard as soon varying complexion«. A lto Poro Statistic* is not relieved after taking according to as it has been, picked, sorted and owder cornea in B ru nette, or M ore than *2 000 women dentist.» directions. Ask your druggist (adv.) packed, culls and all l»»h, or W hite, — delicjte, fra­ G o through the orchard now and practice in the United States (O u c h fi grant, clinging. pick up all the rubbish, such a* P er capita consumption o f p ip e r In Three rich warm thadea of rouge ' broken pieces o f boxes, crates, bas­ this country has grown to alxmt 2uch large numbers around [larking |K* to xlrrtcr » « d U « k U f * . H *p f • Lxagg««rated lm|iria«si(Mi houses, tool sheds, and places where a *■<♦ fro«p«ri»r. S w d ^ w l y H W for l k x l » * . t o r n Vani »h in g Cream k r»U M e iaekmctiama fBEE f . r *♦ •♦ *•* I» W old crates, boxes, baskets, and [lick­ "M r. Me ‘kton says his w ife i » cotn- m ä h et a per fr e t trata K ( M X .I» ond»l•***rr 3 *tix i*g tw w T «y» ing bags are stored. T h a t is why pctecit to hold any office in the gov fo r your powder. .« C M . r i . . . W.HJCKH O ri« F«K. I 0 0 ATI sanitary measures in the orchard and ernm ent." rmi 2 4 M P 5 . BUREAU, P. 0 . in and about the paerpng house at “ T h a t opinion.'' replied Miss C a ­ B* t 72. BROOKLYM, N Y. this tim e will cut down the o ver-w in ­ yenne, "Is th • result of his vanity If»* onci! w. ciMtAnmiu- tering moths. thinks that becaus* she can govern — f • Lf* afe * k« REAL THING r «)W*.® in orchards where trees are cov- him she must be able to vern the L HIGHLT MAGNETICI GET YOU S 3 NOW I I ered with rough. I«xxte bark, the entire nati m i ** SMILE, MEN, SMILE 6£WARE THE | COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON T h e F a ir¡meir Brown Am erica r S-ALWAYS HAVE LUCK!-$ PDRDCGLLEGE, inc