The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, December 12, 1931, Image 5

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    The Advocate
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***M U r t i b v i N HI . ( ♦ »* # • § •
44trflUlN| H< p t r . n . U l M 'i
„ _______________________ *
Decemh.r 12. l ! t t l
Coming S t o r i n by
J. A . R o g e r »
E d w a rd La w to n
D orothy W e l l
E d w a rd W o r th y
n o s it m > i \ 0 nrRT nrr»* in
T M fc
f l 'K f
KM n o n
The Sacred Crocodile
«A * - ’
Chita walked toward the t»r«»«*k and whistled. Steed's lips parted with surprise w hen the quiet brook suddenly began to heave and the
ujfly head of a blunt-nosed crocodile came i nto view.
Chita, African Prince*», Goddess of the Sacred
Crocodile, wa* in Love with Tw o Men. Their
Boat Capsizes in the Stream and the Sacred
Crocodile See* to it that Only One is Left.
H; n is m : vs
mi i . fna
Autlmr «it
“ S um * t htlil of the ltll.ll, ’ Mr.
fifty yards away from the spit where
he shard Hlnwlv bul painfully he re-
ralled the past that made him love
the sight of the beautiful structure
Lawn-urr Hired stretched out Ills lie lovial to gaze at ll on moonlight
Afrnxrii nuamlighl nights
arms hraeod his bare stocklnglr.v, nights
legs. anrl yawned For ttie first lime nights that seemed so velvetly soft,
lie .«-rinAd m |>|> i elienstve of the furl recited transparent |aa'tiy
Chita was to meet him near the
that he writs In Afrlra
“ An Afro-
linaik ClUla the ebony lined, glossy
American, they call me" he mused, as halted la'auty
A princess to him
lie stared Into a brook wits slow a goddeaa to the natives who were the
subjects of her parents
ly moving before him
W eeds eyes usrrowrd. and
The remembrance of his nalloiml
It y seemed to renew again the imiit- gaunt frame relaxed as lie observed
fill thought* that were ever lit Ills llitongli the moonlight. Chita walk­
Only two
mind lie recalled »new that lie was ing slowly towards linn
madly In love with Chita, the only weeks la-hue »lie was all Ills own Her
Afro American girl within n radius grandfather had come to Africa
of • hundred miles, and he »Iso re­ it, hundred years before.
minded himself tliHt Dr Htevr Hun
Weed remembered that together
mous, » new-comer from America with Ids own sire, C'hlta'a father had
also loved Cliltii.
fled from America's .courage of slav­
Weed knew that C h ll« wits civilised ery. arrived on flic West coast and
— strangely so He remembered that there set I led down
Here tltcat
ie w»s educated in » college « pioneers soon found partners suitable
tew Rnglund iitmos|iliere." then in marry, and from tills muon spuing
aqnl to a large rolom l college III the the parents who were arlsloeral.s
Spilth, so thnl she might get a new greater Ilian chiefs. Chita, a prin­
edms’ irlion of her rare In America cess was known hv her subjects as
lh- I «iliI linn .«If Unit at*# had in­
i he f M i * • ■ ni the h le n d Ora 1
quired tins to iierfectlon. and that (Ilie." and Ills name was "W ill W a­
her Interpretation of colored Ameri­ ters"
can youth equalled her beauty.
Chita neared him now
Her small
lie liuneil Ills gase towards the lips parted with a glorious smile
brautilul mansion that stood about
"llello, SI ill Waters.
she said
you. Steed told you every thing , lew and jauutmgly. Steed gazed at
almost that worried me
For this her as If he had never observed her
reason I will tell you this, that-----“ | doing this before
His lips parted
"That you love Or Sim m ons" in ­ with suppressed surprise when tie saw
a W eat A fr ic a n , w a s edu ­
| that the quiet brook suddenly began
No. not exactly that: instead. I tc heave, and huge billows crested
cated In t h e
Amongst this
would say I am wondering whether I with foam appeared
States and hut lately r e ­
love you belter than I do him. or vice spectacle the head of an ugly blunt
rosed crocodile came in view
"Como Sacred—come Sacred," call­
As Chita said this her eyes met
.Steed'» He saw in them determina- ed Chita
, She did not have to coax the beast
What a glorious night how 'l:on and truth.
"Africa Is hell." he began ntedl- much, for without much effort it if ill these waters look?"
1 itlvely "III America civilized wom­ dragged itself out of the water, and
"They are at III und beautilul. be
laxity towards the spot you s»y so,” exclaimed Steed en are plentiful. Frankly I wish that ■ where the girl stood. Steed stood hts
Ills voice lucked its usual enthusiasm ton were not the only woman dial I ground, still staring. "Wluit a strange
could marry in the radius of almost
and Chita noticed this
I a hundred miles, but shirr that is so. contrast? Tin- huge uglv shapeless
What's the matter?" she pleaded i and that I love you, I will have to beast the beautiful, graceful, black
edging nearer to him until her small watt unlit I am sure that our love iwlnceas," he thought She was now
lips almost touched Ills.
I on her knees, calling the animat's
li tested "
"Oil. nothing '' said“ Steed, kissing
Chita's reply was a low. forced : name again and again
her softly
"Come and pal Sacred." stie begged
Then as she observed the
Together they sat down on the slern silence of tier companion she Steed
| "No thanks, my love for you does
In Ink of the pool
Steed saw (hat addi*d teaslngly:
“ I am a princess
Once upon a not make me appreciated by that ug­
Chita's lips were snlTerlng from hrr
fight for fait ly cannibal." he replied determinedly,
i v i i nervous and unintentional biles time nobles used to
upon them
Again and again her women, why not now? Those nobles j Chita rose and started to walk bark
beautiful and even teeth buried lived In a type of primitive society i toward the spot where Steed stood.
We live In that society now ; The beast did not follow, but Instead
lltrmsrlvcs Into the soft that then
formed around her small moulli Un­ Only ours Lx more primitive— Jungles, 'crawled half way down to the bank,
snakes, crocodiles. Why not see who and hurled ttaelf within.
consciously Chll a began to speak
They watched the heaving water»
"Laat night you were not here with Is the better man? I will be the
for awhile, then Chita exclaimed:
mer, Instead Hr Simmons sat where Judge, and I shall try to be fair "
Last night Steve Simmons tried tA
"Thanks," replied Bleed Just above
you are." She did not look up at
Hired as she continued. "Von know a whisper Springing to his feet he |.at Sacred on the head, the result
steed. I often wnndrt whether our added "What about your Sacred was that Sacred did not like It."
"W hat did he do?" inquired Steed.
love Is genuine whether It will ever Crocodile? Aren't you going to call
Attempted to bite him Simmons
that ugly beast tonight?"
lit- tested "
"Help me up. and t will n i l h im .' withdrew his arm Just In time."
"W hy?" asked Hired, Ills voles- de­ said Chita
"H um ph!" exclaimed Steed
pleting sudden dismay
As they walked towards the man­
Steed did as he was requested, «n o
Chita's fare was very close to his as Chita once more stood on her feet j sion Steed was satisfied to be silent.
now ns she explained;
she went nearer the brook
As she Often Chita attempted to lead him
" I tiave always been trank with walked slowly towards It. she whistled Into a conversation, but Steed only
T h e A u th o r