/ »A G E F O U R The ADVOCATE S A T U R D A Y . DECEMBER 12. I»3t NEGRO’S RIGHTS DISCUSSED WITH PRESIDENT Side-Show of Wash­ ington Bicentennial *3.000 00 AWARDED TO RICHARDSONS ESTATE itplpflti IjiutH I ¡I Standpatism Apostle Justifies His Faith ( sT”,77i I unison. In iho porn»»l betwwu Jun«9 1927 to May 1.1. I*10 dep«ilte»l sum* of money shli'h tot *1 le,l the sum of 3- • ' i ■ in three >ears.or an average of more than *8.000.00 tur safe to him” 1 In front of her home and low her the treatment which the Negro race ll Interesting that he aoeina to hare the Idea that we have charge that he had made in I’ arls to bo­ care how much money you let George friend* are go**lplng about her. She has received at the huu«|s of the It«* ‘l|*P“ **,d to play politic* with the pub ot the affair or that, if we have not. qneath such property to them Other Moore have as long as you save some feel* cheap, hurt . and Indignant at lie achools O r d i n a r i l y w«> czpsct t o publican party. Mr Hawkins la an Somebody more liberal-minded than troubles arose some years later when for me.” the unkind remark* made by her uiiweauable KepublU-an »b o n i hi» par- Pollile* out uf mlueatlon and re- lie aides himself, the following wit the Herbert Hoover-Sol Bloom Com- a third will was presented by one friends and doesn't know what to do. ly dolutiti* lo honor Ile I* a *uv- b* ,on miston now directing It should have Zeltner of Switzerland, claiming that nesses testified favourably to the de­ The only thing she can do now I* Bui comparinoti* are odimi* \\'e the work in hand With such com- Kosciusko had left such property to fense William Gilmer, attendant in to carry herself with ao much pol*c cessini business man. au emlneiit churrhman. Invai and devoted lo bla “ r" lold limi Woodrow Wilson look plaints we shall have nothing to do. the poor town that had befriended Mr Vilens dub nt the hotel, S Sell rat*«», kccnly ulive ti» rivi«- duty ami front thè race thè regia!crsli1 1 » of » e,ch ,i guest at Allen' hotel"; Kmieiie dignity that people wll have no and we are not in a position to an- him. It seems that after much furoe Washington. It «•„ De«- s Al mid cause to talk in the future Sh swer Inquires with respect to the pro- the court accepted the last w ill as va- J Minor, attorney who testified that might study a book on etiquette, and reaponslbtllty. ami wlthal. a splendili *h«' Trea»urjr. an asauianl attorney cedure of those charged with this re- lid and disposed of the property ac- he had handled close on to BOO case* learn how lo conduct herself on all gentleman of Integrlty. .ligniti and ««neralnhlp. thè auditor of (he Navv night ,»f yesterday the IJrd annual honor luticeli Ile I* Imi gond a citi » » d thè mllilslerslilp to llavll Hot a.-aaiou of the National Equal Miglila for Mr Allen as his attorney; that he •ponsibility. cordlngly. occasions. The re is an interesting League came to an euthualaatli- um| We understand that the Oomrais- | should add that to prevent the de- thought Allen had borrowed about magazine on the News stands railed zen aliti tuo fine a gentleman fnr thè whv dhl In* noi teli us ih.it tilt* Bcpuh fervent close With a great pulillr role of polltlclaii whlch he eiigiiKi** Ucnn |»arty bus falh'd to rvatore illese ston has appointed two Negroes for velopment of what we are now facing $*•»0 from Richardson hut had reiuW Etiquette and rharm." describing in '»«•'ting In the Big John Wealey A M publicity work and that various com- in connection with this celebration. I the amount. Attorney Minor's testl- story form the correct thing to do le play In aildltlon to hls t»ereotial importuni (tosi* ufter ten yeara' re* E Zion Church. 14th ami Con »»ran mittees will be called upon to func- called Sol Bloom, at the suggestion money *as impeached when Attorney on all occasions from girlhood to umilino*. In» I* head of thè politicai loratlon tu |H»wer? Did Dr llawklii* orgaiiUatlou througli whleh II I h u * forget that Prealdeut Wilson appolnl Rtrecta, addreaaed by Itepreaeulallve «ion here and there throughout the of Congressman Oscar Delh-iest and | Williams introduced a faulty legal marriage; it also might be of help sumetl. thè Grand l>ld Party ileals eolored meli a* special asslsluut* Om-ar Deprivai, colored longrea.iimii. document in evidence, which Minor country in the segregated fashion in pr Alain Locke. and offered to As a gossiping, tale-bearing, and In »u h IIs sllghted Negro collilugetit *" *he Seeretary of War and Set-re lll*lio(i \\ J Walla, national vice which most Negro«“* are willing to operate with his Commission by work-1 (had drawn for a client juring another's reputation, one shows president of the L«*aguc. J Flnlrv serve. Right here in Washington we ¡ng out in detail a plan to emphasize j Mr. Allen denied the charges but a small mind with nothing construe The Party elicsi, properly enoiigh. la lary of latinir* Did It .udir to bini Wilson. Grand Exalted Ruler of the have been asked to register our names the more commendable things about |testified that he had settled in full all tive to think about. We should he suhject lo thè overlordshtp of (he Ih-1* (he last lieinm iai Piesident Insti Elks, and Isaac II Nutter. Kaq of as willing to play the part of slaves Negroeos of that day To set up the he owed Mr Richardson before the far two busy with our development party bosso* Dr Hawkina, then i* etl over » li hundred coniml«alon» to Atlanta City. Maurice W Spcmvr. in the celebration which will be stak- proper staff and to do the work as it latter died He failed to produce wit­ to critislie another's lack of moral or ilonhly quullfled to serve a* spoke*- eolored meli . a muntici whlch Iran* national prealdeut. presided ed in the capitol of the nation, and it should be the Association for the nesses to the settlement or any ln>oks spiritual growth, ami should bear In man ami a|Hi|ugl*t fot hi* party to hi* conila all uf (he commlaalttua Inaiietl The aeaaloni begun on Hiimlav although he claim- race li in bill fair, then to assume *" Negri»»* liy Itepuhlleun presldanta is highly probably that most of the study of Negro Life and History of- . showing . . . the .. same, , mind that every thought sent out re­ tliat he bus mudo thè beat poasllile ffoni Aliruliam l.lneoln lo Herbert night » l i b a splendid observance of Negroes who will be selected by the fered an appropriation of *5.000 if the , 1 ,h*‘ ** lt’,n '‘ r, " turns In due time enlarged tenfold In management handling these various Commission would appropriate to this ¡#*' ,b,' m " ',sn If we are blessed or not depends on ilefeuae fur hla dlatlnguiahed Client llooyer? Dr Hawkina la adepi In ex- National Equal Might* Sumía) same beautiful Church. Hev II celebrations will be better qualifi«"d to purpose the same amount The Com testified that he cautioned Richardson the thoughts sent out. so it behooves Bill vandor compela thè reader uf hi* «olllng thè vlituea of hi* eltent and de this 1 > Tillman, pastor serve as slaves than anything else mission, with *250.000 at Its disposal. 'over and over, against letting Moore us to pay strict attention to our own releaae to conclude thal, If ditta he thè hounrlng thè vice* of hla adventary After a brief opeulng session Mon­ hest defenae that thè Grand Olii Party Nome Southern Deinocrnt* Introduce Unfortunately many American Ne- however, manifested no interest and have money. Attorney Silvestone bitterly assail- affiars ran prese nt tu juatify It* treatment of ,n Congrea* unfrleudly bilia ugulnat day morning a delegation went In the groes have never been willing to play nothing *ss done ltd the defendant saying that he had thè Negro diirtug thè lant ten yeara of ,he Ni'gro Dr Ila » Itili* kllowa that rain lo the While House consisting any other part ,n th<, x EGRO HISTORY WEKK I used Richardson.—squeesed him like FORMER RESIDENT WRITES its tenure, thè caae must he Indefen- 1,0 *ui'h a tuli ever gol beyond thè of president Spencer. Hev J M ||ow It is true that most Negroes of LITERATURE, which is now avail ;.» lemon Mev Somerville, Mra Minnie dry and then esat him like aitile. Hls pica I* botti weak ami ape- congregalunal plgeon Inde, n o n under ani, George Washington's day were slaves able for distribution, we are giving the hull, away He stated that he be­ clou» Thl» chlld-llke almpllrlty of »l»teen yeara of IVmiH-ratlc rule Ile Scoli. Exec Sec y of Ihe Natlounl A» It is true also that most American some suggestions as to the way Ne- lieved Richardson’s untimely death faith In Ihe G O P dee* noi requlre Probably would not llke to he re- am-tal Ion of Colored Women. J A white men of George Washington s Kroes should join in this Becentennia! was hastened by the shock that he re- Mrs Mary Russel, of I'hiiudelphla. eilher argument or pntof l.lke a mlmled that Ihe unly aulì Negro m o t Huberts. Ohio, and five others. Free I day were serfs A large number of Celebration It Is fortunate, too. that eived when he discovered that his formerly of Portland, writes ihe Ad- shrewd attorney. Dr llawklii* urtfully " “ D'» that «ver gut beyond thè con dan! Hoot * f gruati d th an plaaaai tl> them, moreover, were indentured ser- we shall have for thorough enlighten confident' had b»'f»n misplaced: tha! vocale that she Is well and wishes dodgea thè gravainuu uf a Negro* gre»alonal gravo yard wu» un ani! Mr Spencer said they would present rants whose status was practically ment on these matters Mr Walter he did not «!«mbt but what Allen cau­ to be remembertul lo inquiring friend* gTlerance agalnat hi» ano leni politicai »l*»eglnatlon bill for thè Dl*trlct uf wrongs which caused restlessness and that of the slaves, their only advan- Mazvck's valuable book. 'George tioned Richardson not to let Moore salvator whleh now ha* grown colti Columbia, tntnidured by a Itepubllcan presented Mr Trotter who reminded tage might go free whereas the Ne- Washington and the Negro.” have money so he Allen would have and ludifferent tu ita daini to (Militi rapreuentative. Julius Kaliu front t'ul the President Ilf the 1930 audleuce gro had to serve for life. I am won- These outstanding persons, more- that much more to get from th*» de­ cui and clvll equallty under thè Con- *f“ fnla. whleh s»e(»t through thè against lynching and segregation, de­ dering if Sol Bloom s Commission will 0Ter were not exceptional during cease«! himself atltutlon To offset tlll». he recito» hou»e llke wild (Ire w Uh all Imi thè clared no action had been takeu, pr«i- try to dramatize this part played by Washington's time, for others were Attorney Silvestone closed his el«>- thè uumher of Negroe* un thè Gov unanlmoua vote of Hepubllcana and «asti d non protictlon of 11r.-. of politi a large element of whites of that time, serving equally well iu their respec- quent. impassioned plea to the jury ernmeni pay roll under thè Itepiilill Deinm ral» allke I ir ll.iwkiu» would cal righi» fi-deral segregation, which It is indeed sad that American Ne- (¡ve spheres. Richard Allen George with these significant lines from can disp«'ii»ation I am anmzed to advlne thè Negro«’» in New York to reduced the race tu a caste, the Un­ groes have failed to understand his- and Andrew Bryan w ere devel- I Shakespeare's "Othello": thè pmnt or amtiaemetit ut hi* utter agalnnt suoli meli aa Scnutor touchables of America, the degrading tory and historic settings and for that 0p|ng at that time the p«'wer of the I Oh. Heaven that such companions dupuhtllty or dlnlugeniioiiHiie»» There «« agoner of New 1 ork who li».ole Ihe and disintegrating of the loth Caval­ reason have permitted others to dts- ... . . . . . . .1 ** -t«. spirlt bjr which >hey later established thou ».mid st unfold are tuday. 54.UOO Negroe». tndudlng " nl' «orlhrlghl detenne of thè N. grò » ry and the exclusion from civil service credit their past ihnh is ju.t a. gl tke rpij^joug freedom of the Negro \n,i pU( ev honest hand a »oblierà In ih»- Array, un thè govern P"bDeul and clvll righi In thè Parker positions then hy the photograph re­ rious as that of any other race Austin Dabney, a patriot of the A- »hip lie asked that the presi­ meni pay roll. Ila lolls uo. drawing dettate whleh e,mie frolli elllier sol e quirement While we often talk about the Ne­ merican Revolution, settled as a far­ To lash such rascals through the $**9.000.000 from I In' federal treasury. i»f lite Senati», hecuune Senator lllet»»»» dent recommend to Congress an null- groes being held as slaves we do not mer in Georgia and impressed himself Hut why not tell th«» whole atory* of South Carolina introducisi a Jlm Ivm lung law mid au enforcement law think of the fact that in the medieval upon the » hole state as an exemplary w orld Even from the east unto the west' NAPIERVILLE. 111. Nov 2fi News Th«**«* fall mainly In th«* lowest brar crow eur Itili The Negro »hotihl Joln for Ihe 13th Amendment, abolish »eg and ancient times two-thirds or three- citizen. Lemuel Haynes, another pat­ FOUND DEAD k»*t «if servi«** ami pay. and are wholly ili tu iiefe.it Senutor Walsh of Manna rrgallon. »lop nhusi» of our army units fourths of all white men were slaves; riot of that day. was distinguishing Edward E. Richardson, well known has Just reached The Advocat«» that J without politicai zlgniflcanre. Preai chuaett» and Senalor llrure of Mary and change civil service Identification and it was not .. until about one hun- L Nichols & Co of Napl. rvtlle. Illi­ tl»*nt Wilton doubled th«* number «>f land. Irne and trled friend», lunauae to a system that would not disclose . _ ___ . himself as a preacher to whites In dred years ago that t ^ r white men in New En* land Jam, , rVrham of for his thrift, economy, and strictest Ihe color of applicant* this country had any rights ^ a t the philade| h„ ha(1 ^ to raake his attention to business, was found dead nois are publishing a new edition of Negroes he found employed under hi* Ile itlsllkes Senalor George of Georgia President Hoover. speaking in a at his home. 901 Mallory Avenue on administration, and left tin number The good [|o< tur » reallgnlng acumen public » « “ 1 0 J “ . w a y by demonstrating what the Ne- January S. 19.11 by his son-in-law. C The Official History of The Negro practically a* it Mtand* If I *h«>ti!d mu*t have golie oli a leave of nh»cnce low and »oti«-r voice denied the soldier all of the Original Thirteen, poor Race. gro can do in medicine. H. Stanton who went to look for him say that there were four buudr«*d Dr llawkin*' rcleune i* *urpri*litKly maltreatment Slid argued that the do­ whites conld neither vote nor hold of­ The book is called PROGRESS OF thousand Negro noldier* on the fed* Informative He reveal* th»* fact that ing away with the protograph would Why. then, should there be a special when he failed to show up at his usual fice because they could not meet the He argued In property qualifications. As late as effort to emphasize the fact that the time at his place of business A RACE and Is by W II Crogman. eral pnv roll und«*r Woodrow Wilson, the chief function of the National Ne- not give protection favor of several whole groups of Col It was generally believed that Rich­ 1800 only one white man out of every Negro was a victim of slavery the LL.D and J I- Nichols. AH., with an Dr Hawkins would quickly rejoin Kro Republican league i* to serve a* ored worker» arranged for efficiency, that these appointee* w e r e n on pratmnuge monger to distribute the fifteen could exercise the right f suf­ thing which we all know to he evil- ardson had money a* well as property frage in the United States Will George Washington even recognized Mrs Stanton, in due course was ap Introduction by U K. Moton of Tusko- political. Neither are the 54,000 civil pitiably meager patronage among the some of whom would lose their job* Bloom's Commission seek to drama- this as a fact, for he said that slavery I pointed administratrix of the estai* gee Institute. There are special artle service and sub-civil service employ hundreds of hungry applicants l am If white» were mixed In 11« doubted tize this sort of thing’ Certainly it was wrong in principle., although ne 'f her step-father which resulted as a- les by Mrs. Booker T. Washington. an«l soldiers employed under Pres sure that th«* Negro Republican* of any real M grigH loD gad ask.-q f..r W. M Dogan. C. M. Melden. AII nui I. Hoover Hut Dr Mr Trotter Insisted that »eg will be just as appropriate as that of would not Join the anti-slavery forces jbove -tated Hawkins recite* Illinois. Indiana. Ohio, Pennsylvania details playing up the Negroes altogether as in trying to crush the institution He To date Mr Allen has not served Holeey. and other noted writers. 473 some thirty odd Presidential appoln- nr»* pleased to learn f«»r the first time gregatlon ought to Ire abolished even If some Job* were lost for the time slaves contented himself with saying that notice of appeal and it is generally graving* tell the tale of Race Progress tee* above the Civil Servl«'o These that Dr Hawkins and his league has Include a municipal judge and minis- bc«*ome the only authorized patronage being, the president demurring and It might be suggested also that tbe system should be abolished only |thought that he will accept the circuit as it has never been told before. Trotter reiterating, also promising these gentlemen In dramatizing the by a legislative authority, and when court verdict Where can you find more thrilling ter to Haytl. conceded to the race tin distributer specifications. Trotter then asked If ---------------- educational system of that day would he died he provided for the liberation | heroism than was displayed by one the president would recommend to just as appropriately emphasize the of his own slaves. Crispu* Attacks In the famous Boston Congress anti lynching legislation During George Washington's time. fact that the schools were taught by Massacre? Or Peter Salem at Hunker The president dcelarmi that Congress those who were crippled, diseased, or however a number of distinguished Hill? Or Major Jeffrey in the cam | should In* seen on that socially ostracized, Many of the acad­ men were interested in the' Negro and The president dlseussi-d quite free paign of Mobile? Or John Wull and i emies of that day were established to show their gratitude the Negroes | ly ami thanked the delegation for rout­ William Carney at Fort Wagner? Or by runnng lotteries. In 1773. acord- of this country should avail them- i ing apt. C'allli ux at Port Hudson? Or ing to Jonathan Boucher two-thirds selves of this opportunity to pay high i of the teachers in Maryland were fel- tribute to these men of vision and j ______ Only Race Body Able to Get Pres. Quinton llandero in the Cuban War? ons and convicts who had been courage. Thomas Jefferson, for ex- Hoover to Talk Or Privates Roberts and Johnson, the brought over to this country a* in- ample, was just as bitter in denounc- (Continued from page one) Prof Kelly Miller of Howard Uni­ dentured servants and in return for 'nK slavery a* Abraham Lincoln, and And where the bosses find It incon- first Americans to receive the coveted versity made a frank ....... .. on the thetr passage fare and the opportunity be had lived a* late as l«4o h>- . venlent to carry out their murders of Croix de Guerre in the World War? report of Itti- White House delegation to become free at some time in the *'°uld have gone down in history as Negro worker» by rope and faggot Why. beside the glorious achievement lie commended the la-ague us the future served here temporarily in the an abolitionist. He excoriated th e lth„ bosses' courts are there to frame only organization which had succeed­ At thi» happy season of the year, you are capacity of slaves. King of England for afflicting the them tlp in a nice -iega]_ respectable" of such men the modern gang warfare ed In getting President Hoover to cordially invited to do your Christmas shop­ of Al Capone and his notorious gun There can be no objection to cer- c° I° n't>8 wlth the iniquitous traffic in »-ay and railroad them to death sen- talk on Ih»* race Issues, having done ping in our spacious store where stocks are tain tableaux or pageants which show slaves ,and incorporated this indict- tenees. Witness the case of Orphan men look llke a Sunday School Con so twice. It luid kept ilio civil serv complete and where service Is prompt and that Negroes once occupied the low into his first draft of the De- (i„ee) Jones in Maryland, witness the vention. Ire HrgregalIon Issue open lie said intelligent. In books, stationery, kodaks, foun­ status of bondmen Such a dramati- c*aration of Independence The pro- rase of the nine innocent Scottsboro lie had heard Pres Coolldge tell Mr. tain pens, gift wares, leather goods, sheet zation will show the depths from siaver>' element at that time, how Negro lads, whose only crime is that THE BIG SHOTS Trotter that he would grmliiiilly ahol- music, golf supplies and in many other lines which the race has come and will help ever- was so influential that this par- they are black and unemployed, Isli segregai Ion, hut It w us being done you will find just the right gift for any friend Furthermore. The New Progress of the public to appreciate much better ticular part of the document was ell- And to make it easier to carry out only hy grudually eliminating nl) Col or for any member of your family. We de­ than it does what the race has achiev- minated; but Jefferson had the Ne- ; their terror, to prevent resistance a Race now includes "Who's Who In »»red eterka. He said Pres Hoover liver to all parts of the city and we call your ed since that time, but to restrict the gro in mind »'hen he said "that all from their Negro victims, the bosses The Negro Race," an exeluHive copy­ was rorrert in saying the photograph attention once more to the fact that charge celebration altogether to one phase of m,-n are created equal, that they are are disarming the Negro masses, de- did not eoustltute the only dleelositre, accounts are invited. this sort would be a tragic error on endowed by their Creator with cer- nying th«-m the right of self-protect- righted feature that tells you who the and suld we must get presidents to the part of those who should make ,a‘n unalienable rights, that among ion The Renter report states: big shot» are today and why. Nothing take n personal »turni for fair piny. Atwater 8681 the demonstration ring true to his- *bese are Life. Liberty, and the pur- “ Already there is talk of a race war like It ever printed before. You read A battery of eloquent notables held tory. suit of Happiness" and so great I* the fear of such in Ihe big nudlene«» epellbound Tuesday THE J. K. GILL COMPANY not only history, hut history In the night until midnight Prior to the American Revolution Lafayette and Kosciusko, distingi certain sections, notably Alabama, Bishop W. J Walts, 1st vire presi­ Booksellers • Stationers - Office Outfitters certain Negroes had become free, and uished generals who fought with us that Negroes are being disarmed making. dent and sperisi length- apokesniuti, during that struggle a considerable for the Independence of this country, wholesale Hardware stores, pawn Prominent people everywhere praise Music Dealers declared for the Ideal whlrh the number of them attained this status were likewise interested in the free- »hops and dealers in firearms have this amazing work: League represented, self dlreetlon. largely as a result of their defense of dom of the Negro and his elevation ( been Instructed not to sell firearm» Fifth and Stark "The best accomplishment yet pub­ self -determination o f destiny f o r the flag and took their places in the to citizenship. For some time Lafay- and ammunition to Negroes. Alaha- rights. This rare needed suell nil higher spheres of social and economic ette tried to secure the co-operation ma has become the local point of lished.'’—T. J Johnson. Prln. Shelby agency, ns every other rare and elnss order. Crispus Attucks was the first of George Washington in his plan to race tension In the South in the last Inst. whleh ever uehleved freedom ami of the patriots; and three thousand purchase slaves and settle them as few months The tension has grad- "Deserves a place In every library.'' equality limi nlwuys had. Ile eulogized other black men offered themselves as freemen upon plantations where theyjually spread throughout the lower O H. Bernard, Tenn. State Agent. Trotter for Ihe severe sacrifice he hail a sacrifice for independent America might be taught to make a living and South.' made In slicking lo racial organiza­ No woman of that time was writing educated for service to their race and The report is silent on the fright- "Th<- hest I have ever examined." tion for rights nil Illesa years, reduc­ more interesting verse than Phillis nation. Lafayette established such a f'il conditions forced upon the Negro D C. Brayton, Pres. Alabama Chrlst- Wheatley, and no American showed plantation at Caen, but on account of masses by the white bosses on the ing himself to poverty In the effort. his changing mop- versatility than Benjamin Ban- — ----------- fortune resulting in ex- robbery of the Negro croppers by the ian Inst. ueker in his work as an astronomer ile and the confiscation of his prop- landowners, in the system of forced "I would not be without It."—J. D. a surveyor, and au advocate of world erty during the French Revolution the labor, on the pollution of Negro wo- Hill, Pres. C. & S. Baptist College. men by the white landowners. 99c LADIES' FUR TRIMMED WI NTER COATS peace Banneker's Almanac was Just experiment failed. The struggles of the Negro masses as creditable as "Poor Richard's Al­ YOU'RE ON THE SPOT 75c against starvation and landlord rob­ WOOL DRESSES SUITS 50c manac" brought out by Benjamin bery, for equal rights, for unemployed plain O’COATS 50c Franklin, and Banneker's plan for the BAZAAR PLANNED Here is a chance for you to obtain relief, are met with the most murder­ 75c SILK DRESSES SWEATERS 40c abolition of war. published In 1793. The Daughters of Dahlia Temple, ous terror by the imperialists At this precious volume at half price (plain) 10c TIES carried every principle ... . , . , Set forth by - will give a Novelty Bazaar at their least 75 lynching* since August this SPORT COATS 75c without your first sending a cent cleaned and pressed Woodrow Wilson In his scheme for pre9ent meeting place, 334 ItuHsel St.. 4 nA „ n m i j i a # V n 4 I /-.An . _ _ ___ year in Alabama alone' More than cleaned and pressed SUITS ........................... 35c the T League of Nations. on December 18th and 19th, There 100 In the United States as a whole' Simply mark and mail the hand coup­ Fur Coats Cleaned A Glazed $2.50 sponged and pressed Kosciusko, interested m the same will be no admlslon charge hut plenty on below. Instead of the regular price an impressive record! HATS Cleaned A Blocked 35c soit of uplift, left all f his property of novelty entertainment. Cards and Truly The purpose of the Renter report of 12.90, pay the postman only 1145 in America as a fund to provide for refreshments. All are cordially invit- is a warning to the masters of this plus a few cents postage. You will ALTERING, REPAIRING AND RELINING WORKERS RALLY TO STOP LEGAL the manumission of slave» and their ed to attend. organization, the white bosses, and is then have for your very own the latest AT REASONABLE PRICE8 Intended to draw Into tactics which LYNCHING OF NEGRO YOUTH SPECIAL: any kind of Ladles’ cloth coat re lined will deceive the Negro masses and and best Race History America has (not Including lining) $ 2.00 ever seen. If not satisfied, your mon­ lull them Into Inactivity. We Employ EXPERT Help and GUARANTEE AIM Work ey will he refunded instantly. HOUSTON. Tezaa. Dec. 9 Ma»» meeting» are being held throughout But only a limited number of copies this section hy Ihe International La­ aj-e available at this remarkable sav- bor Defense to rally Negro nnd while WK CALL FOR AND DELIVER 235 Alberta Street ®g, so put. yourself on the spot today, workers to the defense of Bartley MUrdock 1047 — SPECIAL CHRISTMAS— I-ee Moss, 23 year old Negro, sentenc­ 'a»»---------- Here’s The Spot------------- ed to death on the charge of attacking J. L. Nichols & Co.. Inc. u while woman In Dangorfleld. Napicrvillc, Illinois. SIXTH & O LIBAN STR UTS Moss was tried four duys aflor hls arrest and sentenced to the electric Sirs: Send me the latest edition of PORTLAND, 0 U . F IN L E Y ’S chair lifter a two hour hearing, lie PROGRESS OF A RACE for a week's was allowed no chance to prepare a defense. Lynch mobs were Immed­ examination. I will pay the postman SALE Trini«; Murk Emblem is the iately formed and Moss hns been shift­ $145-the bargain price—and postage. ed from Jail to Jail. The Interna­ If it does not please me I will return Give Something Useful tional Lnhor Defense hns secured a Tree of it and you refund the $1.45. lawyer to demnnd n rehearing for him. and has set Its legal Investigation »• & ™ -» IMMORTAL LIFE Name .. committee to work sucuring witnesses and testimony with which to prove I St A No. U«e Our New Parking Space Por Pun Innocence. The II.D labels the Moss trial "another Scottsboro ense, In line IPH NIITfiSO N ersi Car» at Fourth and Montgomery City ...................... State ................. with the terror projected against poor M O R T IC IA N S Street» If you care to save postage send Negroes nnd whiten hy southern land­ Sixth and Salmon Sts. "Where Young Men Buy" owners nnd bosses who fear an up­ only $1.35 cash. rising duo to starvation, unemploy­ ment, and mlaery among workera.” OiNIES rn R til SEGREGATION BIG SHOTS PUT IT IIS no I: An Invitation GILL’S L O O K ! I.IS T liN ! PRICES SLASHED SENTENCED TO DEATH CHAIR I F T Porticine Gas & Code Co iJ AUSPLUND DRUG STORE Bradford j s k Clothes $25.00 to Shop $45.00 A L A M E D A CLEANERS