The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, December 05, 1931, Page 3, Image 7

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    TNK ll.l.U S T R A T M ) KKATt>KK S W T IO N — Deeembor B. 1*91
Story of a Neglected Country (HrlWhoSought Her Fortune in Washington
Su**n K an« Turns Her Back on Lynchville and
its Gas Lights, its Rotting Frame House and a
Brother and Sister who are Usually Tipsy.
» m i i . a w m o n
' ter ma and |>a had died
Rar"lv (
Uoutr. never wholly sober, tlvry lived
e t lA l’TKH I
a .lie which Human waa resolved she
T tw k m light* cm Utr corner of she uId never fall Into How wonder­
lUlney H lrrri »m l Vrrclc Place spot ful i* mould be to forget them, to for­
t#i*«l a f i | rra fitfully In tlirlr axk- get l.ym hville and Halsry Street and
rlA a* though they rrtrntnl even Ulf \rrde Place to start life anew For
liltlr fell of light which they ahej , years she Lad tested life aa It was
Minn* lit# dinky »(reel, and no won* , lived in Lynchvlltr. and had found
tl~r they did, for boil) wrrr * ( i L j t i i | it unbearable
Now a.* she sal watt­
to the little town of Lynrhvllle. in ing fer Blacky and Anna to come
1 home, ahe knew that tomorrow, at
Ila lv y fltrrrl ended where Verdr last. ahe would be free P ie r *
Plate b rfin , and Verde i*lire ended
From far away came the distant
only God known where
Hut cm like
B og
coiner of Halaey and Verde, where
ufice. Then all was quiet again One
the tf** light* ntmtlrred ao irarntful-
o'clock, and still no one waa li tnr
Iv. itood a yellowing frame house, a.*-
Silently ahe (Hilled down the shade
old, |M*rha|wi. ** the ntreet, and »1*
and lit the go* light in tlw center
mnal aa rotten In i«a timbem
of the room.
Hunan Kan-* ant at the dAikenedj
glow revealed a
•rcond ft or window of that am len11 The flickriing
house, looking down upon lire street snail room, with an air of chrapnev.
The waa turning over In her mittd a uboul It. A rusted iron bed s'ood in
conclusion, one
that one corner, an ancient dresser < m * cu -
would change the whole cotirae of her !>led another. There was irThing
The had d~< *drd. at lost. to ' about It that looked new or novel I
i hut It waa clean and tidy. Susan
run away.
It wan quite late at night, yet In krpt ii that way
the aeml darknena below ahe could i | Quickly ahe undreased In the *eml ,
8 b f n l M to hWSSM un­
. h tlitakv nguten threading darkness
th'ir way through the muggy night 1 der tile nickering light, smiled when
aomrttmea furtively, lurking in the site thought of the fact that this,
hurriedly, aal perhaps. was the last time that sh<*
though they drMrrd nothing more would alcep here, amidst these poor |
than to get away from the neighbor-1 surroundings.
Tomorrow she waa going to give It
Ai!<*a the alreet ahe could catch all up. »She was going to wander
the glint of the light in a little ahoe away, drift with the current, and hr
rhino parlor that warm t a ahoe- free. Site mculd give up her work
ahlne parlor at all. If you knew the and take the forty dollars which rep-
manager well enough
In the dark
resented her entire savings, and go
ne%a cn the opposite aide a few somewhere prrhaiM to Washington
couple* 5at on the front atep* In a
Washington! There waa a city for was a vacancy among the waitresses
quiet that waa pierced from time to
Bright light* .m i ta. ?v and "H u rry!" Edith had written. "Hurry,
time bv a woman* laughter. Dim beautiful house* and fine, honest and I 11 -*<* to It that you get the
light* Mtone through thin curtain* people that would lirlp you make Job.*
In the upatalr* room*, revealing an •*o tnr thing of yourself. Hhe had
Ho Busan wa* going. Tomorrow,
cm i ¿.‘ tonal moving silhouette.
learned a lot about Washington in rarly In the morning, ahe would arise
Sn .aii knew what went on behind tile past few weeks Hhe had a girl ii* though starting out for work. She
tlioae drawn curtain*
She wished friend there, ftriith Martin
Pdith would catch tile 6.35. That would
H were not ao very hard to drive was Icnesomr. Hhe manual someone get hrr Into the city In lime for
mu h
th< tight* from her mind
She to come and live with her. If Susan Kdtth to meet her and take her to
had lived in this section, amidst ILs | would come. Kdtlh would h*lp hrr see the boa*. Hlackv and Anna would
tumbling and drinking and all Ulc . to get a Job. she promised.
never know that ahe was gone until
avH>riated \icea for so many years — | Certainly, then all
«• those dr -am*
. , evening. It would be too late to at-1
too many years idle told herself reso­ . would
. . . . . .
. .
“ dh who tfm pt to trace her after that.
ha. told her » th# city in th e , Altd lt , u rr>J) no mon. Umn
And now ahe meant to escape from nr*t placw. W ith «h o had Inspired In 1 ¡ , * y arirrvrd. she to|d herself. They d
H all
" I ’m nineteen.” she said to, hrr that longing (or • life that wa* 1 never given her half a chance in life
herarlf. " I ’m old enough to take care
■ttateam* n ir b r a u U i u l . t l. a u Now that stir was old rnough. she
of myself."
the one which she had been living was gemg to take her own chances
Iilark v and Anna well, there was (or .so long
she d show them that she was worth
n't much ahe could do for eltlirr of
Edith had g o n e to Washington .something, sfter all.
them What If they were her brother only a couple ol yrara back
8 hr
She tilled tier hand to the key un­
and slater7 All her life ahe had done hud gotten herself a job In a rafe-
der the gas J e t-»h d then she stood
nothing but work and slave for their trrla and was doing well, evrn
suddenly arrested, glancing toward
i> •'it. ami what had it gained though »he didn't n.akr much money.
¡he large, cracked mirror In hrr
I i Susan would come, she wrote, they bureau.
They were Incurable, especially af- could probably work together There
UeautKul? Yes. she was beautiful
Not a blatant, glaring quality o(
beauty, but a subdued, passive one.
A delicacy o( color, a soiubrenesa oi
eyes were her chlel characteristics
lt was a quiet, motherly sort o(
beauty that greeted her in the wo­
man who looked back at her Iron»
St Joseph's G.K.P. is made from
H ere'» a tonie that has stood
the glass.
nature's own roots and herb»
»hr arid lest of time. For fifty
"You ought to have an ea.-y time
years it has been bringing health
in Washington," Edith had written
to invigorate and
i.nil happiness to thousands of
hrr. "Any girl with half your looks
strengthen weak, ailing women.
weak, rundown, despondent wo­
and manners can gel along here just
Try it today and you'll know why
men unci girls. I f you always feel
fine Look at Ruth
women ha»e depended upon it for
I,lid AM.I n n , M ill »re a «team
enme up h-re only three years ago.
over fifty years. Your druggist
o f those wretrhrd ills so common
and she's married a rich lawyer al­
sells the big
Ing dol
dollar bottle of St.
to womankind, start taking St.
Joseph's G.K.P. on sn absolute
Joseph's (I F »’. today and let it
Busan looked once more at herself
money back
a-k guar
help you, too. This reliable tonic
in the glass She smiled wanly. T o ­
will help to restore your energy,
morrow. tomorrow, she would start
tone up >our system and g iie \ou
a new life . , ,
so much vitality and pep that
Bhe lifted her hand agair. and ex­
you'll feel like being on the go all
tinguished the light.
the lime. You'll attract men to
m u
S t. Jo s e p h ’s
you b)r the iloiens and win the ad
miration of everyona you meat
O he HJJomarr/) u o n ic
— -m —■■ - ■ ■ *
box o f
f o
r x
TWe modern v o m ì prefer*
Vaginal Suppositorio»— a dofi-
■ito insurance of cleanliness
Writ» far Booklet
NOTEX HfilTH tour
IS Fsiot 40th Street, N. Y. City
The trip to Washington was filled
with wonders In Itself, but the great­
est wonder for Susan was In arriv­
ing there and being met by Edith,
her old girl friend of grammar school
days. How Edith had changed I She
looked both well and prosperous
Delicately tinted cheeks and lustrous
teeth added to her charm. Susan
was amoved
"You've changed so
much I hardly knew you," she said,
"Y o u ll be changed,
too, before
you've been around here king."
laughed Edith.
'Here, w ell start
right now ."
She drew the newcomer hastily
Into Uie ladles room and. first let-
luig Iwr wash Uir sign* of travel
from her lace, applied powder and
rouge with dexterous fingers "Th*re.“
she said finally. "Now. you l.ok like!
somebody. Come on Hurry.”
For qui ker r* *4 , le< child inheie V ip o.
Together they hastened to the i ( r e . >ne vapor while be deep*. I v m
t>ree th c a f i i f »o o th i.«. » t «epiic
exit, where Edith hailed a taxi ! v*por
d«m I to irritated
Through the still early morning they | M f t l A ' a i ■ f t a n * N o » a i l i n g tn r g i.< »p r
relief of remediea taken internally ne ru b­
rode uptown, stopping at last before bed on the bod>■ N o upeet •( Itu*< h* No
•w ^ T r*.
H i n. iV a g le w .
a rather pretentious building on U
***>" * 1
eaay to u*e Lam p type or
V V 'i l
elertrx- vapor ref t'oga.
Edith paid the driver and I
T,r*a diractio— «rub every
looked her chm ge over. "O K
she 1
N ttie In eui « a e . l uae for
J i yegr». A t a!I drug et vet.
said finally. "Just follow me."
Susan trailed
girl j
through a marc of doors which
gleamed with shining nickel-work 1
into a large dining-room that smelled 1
fW L ___
Feee-cVi— U«M
at (w re
b Iw.( ,
slightly of rooking food Tabl-s were
laedl.a« Vw )V> V r rap,«
strewn about the floor helter-skelter.I