The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, December 05, 1931, Page 2, Image 6

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    T H K IL L U S T R A T »!) K K A TIR K S K fTiO N — Decembdr ». U»»»
*"• Mmidv UNO kl* > r w anal ki«Mn« r u i n u> MXt pretty vmsven s Moud
her »M en U » despete h«T m k im in See dl« needle? Writ, I «tarta my
IV m t » «il do dar ta mah w ife' »i>rk I 1 * gwnve ta pat you ta slasp
cwtfr.xised him «s ho ot>ene*l th f thru you Is bound to cuòci Ir up ta
«* «»
vt i law ha doin in that room’
maudrd the man.
Brooklyn Inventor W orked with
Thomas Edison, Bell, and Maxim
m í.”
Hearing this statement. tlir mad
Coonjine ran backward a fr o « I r » »
O i l o u t « m a il o a t . c t i m
A h is from the wall and cheti boiled lor
ward A crash was heard The seer
toral a linguist and last but In na
Walt, you’ll oa t an’ toll mr what and Mandy 1-sided up Thera was L a d w h o w a s F o r c e d I o L e g r e S c h o o l g l 1 0 B e s a m e C h i o f wise the least, a devoted husband and
i all doln In that room 'fore I lots Coonyine with hu head caught be
D r a u g h t s m a n o / W o r ld ' s L a r g e e l E lo c t r t c C o m p a n ie * a n d
Today there remain Iwa Inerir
you to ' uud Uv* man. catching a tween two boards. His head failed
A c a o c i o t e o f M e n w h o P e r F o c t o d T a l e p h o e g « , E l e c t r i c L i g h t and ivrurniiwni daughter* Mrs tu x -
hold oa C oon jirt't arm.
Norm in and Mur lomee
• n d M a c h in e G u n .! Lrmmo go to rrsUque my to make room for hie shooldera.
mer of Plush trig, long
The seer grew frightened at the
sugar for Ah our mah tiaid. '•
"You a m t goinc use nothin' till shiny eye« and head peotrudlug
BROOKLYM . N Y —It was many fila m e n t» foe the M a x im m e a n d e s «» w i
you .«plain my answer. sugar or no through the partition and started
rears mao alien the late LrwU How lamp, which lie patented
front the room, but before he could ard Latimer began his work with the
Hu kern perception of Ihr prwalblll-
isn't, ain't
I? ”
reach the door. Coonjine was flying
late Thomas Edison. helping to make tlcs of electric lights and ttirlr ktn-
ftrabtxV thr man and startrd to butt
through tl»e air ” t him
lie . idr-
hint, but thr man durkrd thr blow.
stepped Just In time, and Coonjine it possible lor the great Inventor to died Industries led him to faiher arv
What y all trym' to do. billy-goat
Mr Latim er! rral other inventions He asMstrd In
landed against the seers heel
The finish hu experiments
m e’ '
seer picked up his Injured toot with worked side by side with Mr Edison the installation and placement of
• Ah ain't doin' nothin' rise but “
his hand and Marled to hop around
•Lemme looae
Don t you butt on the one good foot emitting weird until 1924. It was then that hu in- tome of Hie first Maxim rtrrtric In­
firmities brouc lit to a com-tuxion his candescent electric tlehl plants In
plradrd thr poor fellow as hr groans and pleading
activities and finally caused his'New York. Philadelphia and Canada
ducked blow after blow that were
"T ell him. Mandv how come us
H e n lt lo '
being drhvrrrd in rapid surer scion here 'for* he wakes up 'cause he demlaa.
for (he United K tales Electric lig h t
Coonjinr finally landrd onr. the poor lends on murder "
Worked with Bell on Telephone
¡Company, and suprivliird the produc
fellow dropped to thr floor like a
Mandy who had permitted t lv seer
Born in Chelsea Mass Srptrmbrr non o f filaments employed tlwrrii
shot, holding his head and moaning
to bring hei Into his house for the 4, 1H44, Mr. l.allnier was forced to such as Equitable Building. Elskr an
“ W h ir Is my hald!” Urn i jr’all
excitement of ft. said not a word She leave school at the age of ten. Hr Hatch Caswell and M u - w r y a n d lh'
butt nom orr'” lie pleaded as thr
had a change of heart.
seemed to sense the heavy load car- I ’ hlon league in New York as well as
angry Co.njine knelt down on thr
Just then the mad and groggy ned bv hU parenU to support th eir.**«' u,Tlcr* ut * * « HhUadelplua ledger
prone figure seeking to put the fin­
ishing touch to him.
The man
family of four children and lie dr
Sent •• I onden Is Open Bastnew
twisted, turned and squirmed about from the room but too late, for Ccon- cided to subdue hu thirst for know
lh, * utumn or i M i. Mr IsU m rr
on the floor crying:
Lem me go' .line grabbed a hold on his Dine foot ledge as a school pupil xik I devote tils B<4S v .llt to tendon. England. to n u b
asatsl* nee of Ills fsnilly to
>n mcandearenf lamp dr|«rtinrnt
Lemme go! Lemme go I tell you and pulled him down
Matini-Waston Elect tic lig h t
P m i« t« n t rough« *mj cold* Ir a J to
Let go me' We s on y foolin'! What the best of his ability, meanwhile de^
W e is just— * Coonjine landed an­
The following tao year: •rnou« 11on(<le* K u t an «lop t)»rni tbuw
other blow, got to his feet and rushed y all gonna do’ I tell vou It's fool- voting every spare opportunity and Company
utilising every available source to ac-
rm „|uvnt by «ilm .lrad Ught
4 reomuUiofi. an rm uU ihr«! < ir n M «
madly m vie direction cf the latest ishment!" The griggv Coonjine aas quire the education that he yearned m ,
|t„.u iyn N Y an.
that i« |ilr ju in t to tske
Ctromuimton tm
trying hu best to butt the seer.
At tile age of 16 he Joined the na- Acme bb-drlc t'onifmnv of New York m new medtrAl diacovrry with tw o f.-l.f
He entered the consultation cham­
“ T ts fooltshment. I tell y o ! Don't val service, servinc as a landsman on
•« tiu n ; it «oolite« ami heal« tho u .fljm r J
Associated with I «tison in IM t
ber and began to search frantically you butt me! Ouch! Oh. L*wdy. help the U S 8 from which he
»a s honorably discharged In IMS. lie '
Mr [.„timer befanie associatif li nu*mhr.inr« a r»«l in h ilu t« genu gmwth.
for the secret panel that lead to the m e'"
U l «11 known drug«, t reotule i* re<v
then rrturtird to Boston and secured thr engine, i lug d> , ♦ tnient of flu
basement, when the harsh voice of
Coonjine sent another one home a Job t> un office boy In the office of y.tison Electric Compaio «4 Eliti
o g n i/rd by high m « ) u il authonite« «•
the -eer rang out:
The seer lay 'till
Then Co*
tif the g re jtr« | heAling agrn< ie« for
"You wont give In. eh. whilst you caught the frightened Mandy by the solicitors
! transferred to the legal department
is conscious’ You doesn t know i is (land and pulled her from the room. I In this office tie breante Interested m jgyo where he remained until 11» itrr«i«lriit r«>ugh« and cold* «nd other
form* of thn»«t tn x d jln k Creom ui«ion r«»n-
a night doctor, does you?
Sides, I
____ »V. ,. „ . „ „ . a
ilk, vo*. *" W aughtinf and gradually perfect formation of the Hoard of l,*teni t .tin«, in additi on to creosote. Other hr««lmg
Honey. Ah Is rescued vou like you rd himself to such a d .grrr as to be- c nntr„| i,i HUM by ttu- (ieneral Kir.
«dement« which «o.»lhe and heal the in ­
say. an’ Ah used mah htld too. Oat come their chief draughtsman re trU- and Electric Com
fix led in rm lif tur-t and «top the irrtlalM i«
i feasor won't k nap enny ino’ wim- mAining with the firm (or eleven punir»
I Hr brctnie their chief draughtnmun • nd ifiNaruiikdti itt, white the ( re g a le gtw«
i mens w n . H
It was Mr I aiirner who executed, a position lie held until thr wbohtl<<! «>■ to the M o m irh , i* nhw>rhcd Into th«
• Who read you lh* Setter, sugar?*
the drawings and assisted in urepar-, . 0f
liouid in 1911. when
alien he becaim
iflnod, nttackt the 6 r i i of the trouhle «nd
. . the iMwid
“ De 'feasor.'
the apnhrations for the telephone
associated with Edwin Hwinmer. nut check* the growth of the grrm*.
I ’m so happy that you rescued me patents
Alexander Ora
of Alrxjtndrr
ham Hell *nt solintors and engineer of New
Crrom uJtiofi i» guaranteed » « t id a d o r t
I knowed all th' time that you la a inventor
of the telephone.
, York and later with Hammer aix In the treatment of per »intent rough« and
brave man an’ I don't aee how coine
4n e e d
M r ( h < u ( o of
f M
a ltin #
Hwxrx There he remained until lh. ct»M«, hro nrhttl guthuia, b rn m h iita and
M ore Pe o p le
yo cuae me of other mens."
'end in 1924
other fornta of re»pirjt(»ry di«ea»e«l a ik J in
< a rb o n F ila m e n t s .
i A r e N eeded
‘ Hit was jest foolishment.
W ith E d is o n P io n e e rs
n c e U c n t for budding up tlie «v«tem after
T o S u p p ly
knowed awl de ume dal mah augar
Mr Latimer »a s ttie only man »I cold* nr flu. Money r< f>in<ird if any «ouglk
th# In c r e a s in g
wasn't two timin' me," grinned Coon­ ram Maxim, Inventor of Use- Msxln,
I machine gun. electrician of the Unit-! Ilia race to rrspond to the tiiiluil call or cold, no m illr r of how long »landing,
D e m a n d for
» . cd Mates Electric Lighting Company, of lh - Edison Pioneer« in lain
II* )» n«* rrdir»rd .tlfvr lik in g u tco idu ig to
“ Honer. yo' ah©' Is got a
1 of Bridgeport. Conn . which he entered was chara* terlrrd for hlx biixulmlud
PO R O H A IR a tu i ha id on you. I loves a man who ran Ul 18HU that Mr Latimer ruccessfiillv lies«, versatility In the a* «s.inpllxli- duo rijo a*. A a k your dxuggiot. (ad» >
use his haid iik- yo7 ’ .smiled Man­ produred a method of making carbon mrnt of things intellec tual ami cut-
dy. putting her aim around Coon­
jine as they walked towards home.
F o r T e r m « W r it e
Frrm that dar onward. Professor
Ooodluek shunned b“ ing a party to
i n c .
a frame-up where a hard headed,
jealous husband was concerned.
441 5 South Pol*wry, Ckicsyo, Illinois
f a . Mad - « S U 4 W tow*
Attention Ambitioujf
It s Nobody s Business
Struufi heaìthy mrn of toduy
Are but u'antrd houli* o f tomorrou' ;
Some die in hnppine** and ireal/h,
O th rr* in thtune and in *orroir.
It cramped her Style!
g M
o f
p o ia *
ro b
. . . m o lt a
"H *a
U fa
p o e tn o f
p o rty "
n ob od y
w a n ts .
Now ^’ork.
*S a jin x ! T h e ye ry tim e th a
w r is t l o be g ay a n d carefre e
i i s lo o k h e r lo v e lie s t t s s th e 't
h a n d ic a p p e d b y t b a l a g e -o ld
cu rse . L it lle t a ■ ■ I h a g g a r d i : .
w o r n -lo o k in g . She c o u ld c r y w ith
d is a p p o in t m e n t . i . p a in .
R ed
If you fmad r<ur >nd sunk »A il (A m * i « I 4
!•««*• punk. 4 <>n t ■ « • (lo w m Imf e f omlla^
winaral «a lo e . <wl. llt f lU m r t a d ; or • Kaw u^
t ijw r t (ham lo m u * yoM (uddsolr
• • » f t and buoyant t o d lull tit M flU iiiw .
For Uw>r N i l g o if. T h e y only » > * • (1 m
bow»la in d a mat* eoowmwMmi d u e i g e a t
Ilia ra w s. T h o rvuooa for fo u r clowa and o a t
farGna |« y.»ur liror It «hould poar «rut Iww
inninda of liqu id btia in to you/ b o v d i daily.
I f tbki b it« ta not (low ing fraely. your f>>w4
donon t dignat Jt juat dnraya in tha bo wain,
f.nn Itloata up your atorunrh You knwn a
Uuvfc. tm t U s U and {four brnatii in touL
•km oft an hrankn out m LianuaKsu 1 our kend
•d »»n flfi'l you few I down an«l out. Your wk«da
I a*k«*d one of tl>e other.
“ In there
• y« f * ui ia pom
It tnkm tkoaa f-» d .
IJTTtJI IJVKM r i l J J I tm «•*
J fmry
Jf* Wl
‘ No. only my brain.“ came Hie reply
pourxta of btia flowing (rooty »nil mak* yo«
Bo\fl, f.irnm.x t«lk»e actor, dropped In
“ But surely,“ cut in Uie Inquisitor, M "up a n i tip.*' T h ^ contain womlarful,
own the other day from Hollywood ..
wouldn't Juvt go in mourning harmlMM, g«*ri!ia y^wial.U dilrwrU. atnaimg
whan it coumo lo making tha bila flow liw iy.
long enough to t* 1 u*. that Jack John for
Ul„ ha., t , , , , ,lrlw|
Hut don't aak for (I war Dilla. Aak (or Tartar’«
non la falling by the wayside with hit.; [ j , , ^ vritr, ••
fattJa F i w«*r 1 * 111 «. I jw.k tut tha m iw « artaw'«
newly opened Show Boat Cafe In L o «1
Idttla I Avar iMta on tha rad latsal Itawrnt I
Angeles. California, because In the IIOW A HO F T IT. C’AB?
"T im e" magarluc Ulla this onr ouhotituU*. ’»’&/•( all aCorru. O l R K M « «a.
first place, he iibrolulely refuses fo ra ­
ter to colored patronage and thatx this week
M oochcr
Just what the white folks out there
want, a colored atmosphere.
In Harlem, Negro Bunilnmstrr ¡
. ijo a .
Uni aak? » «
M ona«
Cab Calloway admitted that Song­
Ills prices are sky high |5 50 for
writer Irving Mills <wlutr> had
the cover charge. He crowdetl the
written the words to the Verne of
place on the first night, and very few
rm,lf * pmlr nt V*7
the Negro song, ‘ Minnie the
people have attended since. Toney
MM A im A KRIi L IV *
Motx-her," but proudly insisted he| I ■ “
sex, it wort t be long now.
mai in * i »<;
wrote all the words to the rhonis
I S T ^ t IO H X if I (,'NICJi Herr
himself The ehonis
V if w llr lf '* W
Am atlrif. CompaiHn|.
Attrartlva tha»« L lV K
Ho do ho de ho ilio de ho de Ito)
Ilah de dah de dah < Unii de dah
«ar rlrd by
Oar a 1 C .
A Norfolk correspondent tills us
P tiw a x ro i. i . i s a r l
this one:
T i r dir dee de dee (Tee-dle dee t'K A K il. on# to prarant Had Luck. M l «n*l
An ofay left her husband here be­
Mlsfnrtuna. and tha othor to attract mm<.*
de dee!
Untui I»uek, Ix>y« Happin«*M and Froaparity
cause he was paving too much atten­
FI*- de doo de dow. Ob. M imile! •racial only f l »1 tor tha two With »alu%nla
tion to a colored girl.
We da we de don, ho de ho de ho Inatrurtlona FRKX Foy poilmnn | l #7 o »4
15 «. po«tag« oa daltTory. nolialaet»«« a«
The man gave his dusky sweetie
money refundad. Yu« «an ho LUCKY I Order
everything he could get hla hands on.
your« TODAY I
including dresses, -.hoes, hats, and
»eyt. m. T. I . • t'M A H , Oeaeeal P. A
R d i 7 1 , • K 4 M A K I.Y N . h Y .
Ilin lH
Wa abnolutely O U A R A IC r n
When hla wife got wise and quit,
the«* ganulna Myntto llralim a Lod««tnnM
ara AlJTVRi Ju«t what you want, f«r th*fl
the colored sweetie also disappeared
• rath« REAL THtNO—rOWP.ltFTT 1 . H K IIlH
and now the man Is going to a palm­
M A o m rrta t o p t t o u r s m o w i
I. It An examination of your teeth
ist to get Information- not how to
win his wife bark, ox you would sup- by a danU*t In,uid be niade at least
iioM-. but how to find his colored every si* months. No matter how
(onseientiousfv v*«i brush your Ueth.
It Is difficult to keep them fr t « from
U rU f.
Miss loume Brown, a publlr srhool
•»*•*. aaalml .lib Mw* \ V
toarher, Is responsible for this yarn
waV|»lW«. T s U m o W Bay Vf j
P C Balt and water make a good
Two young t-arhers who had not
^ i i y d f a r l* r « n iji Ask kr
l.lme water Is an ex-
" f 'R t . C l M . T I I a »14 MW*»
keen earh other for quite some time iiiMitl. wash
Cfllcnt preventive «if decay It Jt In­
met arrldentally the other day
"W hv are vou dresaed lr^ black?” expensive and mav be made a t home.
( * i * i * Mucsun iviaVwasaa
* a «
%OmeOlkC U e t t i l ? '’
T o o b a d ! A l l t h a t s u f f e r in g
c o u ld ba a v o id e d . . i C r a m p s and
h e a d a ch e s a a I B a c k a c h e s and
b in e s t r i I b e r e 'a a s im p le vege­
tab le t o n ic every w o m a n sh o u ld
k n o w about*
Y o o ’U Jum p
(h e M o r o i n f R a n n ' l a (> e
Y saac U u ttlem o rk ,
o f fh a
A ad
To ha re, lo hold, to loi e; to keep
Our hnndx and hrartx far ottr da il y toit;
W e ean lilamr nnhi our.irtvr* far uhat ire n n p
When tve finii tre’ve soirn on barn n siiti.
fr o m
«MIW dB'l
e d g y . . . b lu e . . . c h a n g e h a r
L y d ia E . P io k h a m ’s V e g e ta b le
C o m p o u n d d riv e s a w a y the b lu es
1 1 • fo rtib e a yo u i i • k e e p s yo u
o n y o u r fees ■ s ■ fo u r m o r s a c­
tive d ays e a ch m o n th .
T r y I t . G e t r id o f the p im p le «
a n d m u d d y a k in 5 1 s d a r k c ir c le s
u n d e r the e ye s * ; . th a t a n n o u n c e
that yo u have m e n stru a tio n p a in t.
G e t a b o a o f the new tableta : ; 1
a n y c o r n e r d r u g atora h a s them .
i g