The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, December 05, 1931, Image 5

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* I h * K in e il W r it e r *
Sen d T h e ir S to rie *
£ F »r »t to th e III«!»-
* ti«te d F e a t u r e
C __ * I _
* C o m in g S t o r i« * by
J. A . R o g e r *
► E d w a rd L a w
The Advocate
li««»- .
*4 . V++
D o ro th y W e * t
E d w a rd W o r th y
te a m a rra « m e n o »
Conjured-Girl Gets “Cold to His Touch" and He Consults Fortune Teller
II, IM K »; K \ M H h
A » Coot »Jill«* mad«* hli way toward
that my«U»rt(Hi% a lx ale l<x**t«r<t In the
heart of aou I hw«*‘ t Washington, rall«t!
"Frvwir* Ooodluck’» hoi^e of myalery.
o«>< could tell l*v Mw way he shuffled
along and from the riprrM lou on hi*
claik fa* r that Co- njinr * t> mightily
What wonder I Any man would
have been in the same iikhk I If In*
had been treated as Coon Jin* ph •
Mainly, III* p e tty
tkkmnetf wife, was treating him
" D o g i o n e mah hide! Ah alio
b lie ve« dat gal done mniny timed
me sine* its been wedged together
Yaaauli. Ah sluT dor«
An* f i l l ah«*
U, I V gwine fin’ out fon i dal
fughunmateUcr mail Ah la Deli A ll’ll
kiu»w wharfo’ .she d lie «one an'
K«>f col' to mah touch *Slir roll her
ry f Irai I an ir U up to rbriy liliali but
in« heah late
Doggone me. rf'n Ah
jrat know ed whul du let tur say
Ifeah de place
A* Coonjlne arrivrd In front of
*-Kev*or" Ooodluck’* house of mystery,
lie atopivd and looked about him
'.She always tell ine lo use mah
h ud. now y-u Je t watch me." he salii
Me then focuaed his lieady ryes on
the house and began to think what
could hapfxMi to him once he got Into
Me had heard a lot of
tale* about what took piar • in the
It was .aid that |M*oplt ha«!
gone there but were never seen to
Oil the other hand, he had lizard
tin t "Feasor" (loodlueks ability to
atiaighten out twutrd donneile at
fairs was uncanny Thru. U hi , pro-
pie who had a Mojoe’'
a luck
Just then th e l i g h t « w e r e tu rn ed on. C o o n j i n e c e a sed p r a y i n g a b r u p t ly .
H it eye* expanded.
cliAim given to them by the
h e ld hi* breath .
C o ld » w e a l a p p e a r e d a* h e b e h e ld h im a e lf in a r o o m w ith th irte e n skele ton*.
a#r." would have lady luck (o follow
H e tried to y e ll f o r h e l p ; th e w o r d * f r o z e .
Mi«*aa everywhere they went llralde.s.
It gave the ppMfwior power to wield
"You U suitin’." said the seer tak-
a mean influence over the one lie pre*riice of th' power of being con- another man heap mo’, thereto* I ing "Lxwd. Jesus, save me! Oh..
done left yo’ fer mo love an I ain’t Master, save me from what i* to i * t her go ’cause Ah u gettàn’ mad'
soled the seer
loved o- over his enemies
whut y’all want* to me but don’t
‘Take that seat yonder an’ h*vc
Hesitatingly and with much eflort.
He listened
A second harm mall sugar.'
t ’oonjiiirt finally climbed the stei«s no fear.'' he directed, pointing H* a to know all bout it go to see ’Feasor to Coonjine
leading to
Hie porch. There he red. white, and blue chair built in a 0 XKtluck an’ lie will tell you how later the seer appeared tn the door­
T li* door o|>ened and the maid en-
A iMvuliar sensation stole liecuhar f Adi ion The seer then seat come I done left' Connie, yo’ uster way with a fiendish grui on hu • grad
!• S Now. u»e yo’ hatd.'" face
rd himself In a cushioned chair be sugar
through hu large frame
I "Step this way. sister," she di-
" ’Feaaor!" called Coonjine as he rected.
After completing Uie letter, the
Coonjlne. trimmed wilh bras*, acroas a heavily
seer grinned seemingly savagely and scrambled up the stairs and fell
«4 rstdilng his large head "Donno diaiied table from his victim
Coonjine sought to intervene but
"Ho you want me to ’slst you In said with a leer "This letter is most breathless at the seer's feet
ef n Ah wants to »re du tieah man
was thrust aside and for the first
yo* hour of sit ess
Ain’t that cor­ 'resting."
fer sho I<rnime see."
"Brother, you is had a narrow
"Taln 't no wonderment, 'Feasor, 'scape buntin’ through that 'lit ton.*' I time in his life Cooujine grew angry.
Ju*4 then Die door opened uiicx
■ furiuos.
"Yaaauh." agreed Coonjlne. gazing ’cause Ah knowd all de time she w as
jre« te<lly Coonjlne jumprd and when
"Ah sho* has.” admitted CoonJUie.
" I f ’n y’U puts dat gun doawn Ah’ll
menuy timin’ me. Ah did.
But Ah rising tremblingly to his feet
at Mu* weird acenery
he saw Mie slim figure of a dark
* ___
"Now tell me what yo* trouble U does love her an’ will die ’fore Ah ’Feasor, naow' sho nw* de door (Tit
whut mah liaid am made
known maid ap|K*ar in Mie doorway
lie exclaimed, his eyes returning- to and I II construct what you •'»ay and give«* her up." declared Coonjlne emo­ lead* to de street." he urged, " ’Cause | f'ooi."
not mal and his mouth contract mg bui'd to your good," Assured the seer, tionally
I "Sfiut up or I'll burst it open now
Ah Wants noniore ob dis house "
"Hem ! Yo* case I* extrareptional
Stay right here till I comes
to ita star. "Lawdyt Jest git In’ re.idy ga/mg through halt-closed eyelid* at
"The do>r is waiting after you pays and see
an' 'quires a mighty heap of medi­ me fifty dollars fer my ‘tition and , back." commanded the seer, stepping
to push dat bell. Yassiun, Ah sho hi* victim.
M as yo’ ’s lu 'd
where she. ’fesstonal ’vise.”
Coonjlne told hi* story:
I out of the room and closing the iron
"Th* gal Ah takes unto me is to 1 • ‘
door after him.
A list ui al smile dawned on Coon
"You says which?"
"Alt donno whar she Is an* can’t
jine's still frightened fare as Mie inaid putty a ii ' mi sweet to kl*t dat she
D ie room w a s of brick, no windows.
"Ah says twenty five dollars or you
inquired "Duel you crave to ’suit d<* brings me to auff’r wld concluftliun* tell who tis site's w ld."
| and had a plank celling. It was an
d »esn't leave here "
'Die seer winked a t.h i* thoughts,
too quick. 'Hide*, she's ediimoncatcd
'feaaor ?**
improvised dungeon.
A scream was heard
for what he was doing w i i bringing
N*"w. Ah knows dat igniince an’ t%
"A ll sho* does crave to Insult him
"W hut dat. 'Feaaor? Ain’t dar al
Coonjine after reflecting for a mo­
smiled Coonjlne, raising hts hat at moncAshiin and not on de same steps him money. That was his business, woman some where doawn thar in de ment. began to lose some of fus
Ah look* up to her an' Ah fe«*ls dat straightening out affair* for dU dark?"
the same time bowing forward
fright, consequently his nerves be­
■ Well, come right Kfii.siway,’’ dl she looks daown to me Hut Ah loves grunt led couple*. Mere was a chance
Then he tried the door.
"Never mind what you hear. You came calm
Me was the i* too smart enny way. I u gwine find Inspected the room for outlets, but
tier wld awl mah heart
'Feasor, *tis to profit *t both ends
reeled the maid, stepping Aside
Coonjlne. not having completely a esse. All guess, oh Igniince lobln* villain; why not play it profitably?
out what yo’ hatd is nude f ’om," found none. He searched his pockets
"As I says befo’, yo’ case is extra- sneered the seer, pressing a blue for an instrument, a knife, a finger
regained his equilibrium, walked ner­ rdiiiiioncashun an' pul tin Ass An* fer
vously past I he maid Into the house de lot»«» ob her Ah comes to you," ceptlonal an’ yo’ needs mo’ luck S o l steel gun against C onjine's stomach. file, but in vain. He had only small
M as here a Mo joe’ that mens suf­
'fhe maid, having closed the outer c nfe.sscd Coonjlne
"Step over 'gainst that wail." di­ keys, cigarettes and matches.
‘ Well, then, seetn’ you Is got faith ferin’ wid yo’ ailment needs must rected the seer
door. step|K*d across the hall, oiirncd
Coonjine obeyed
He heard his wife call for help. He
another door announcing the pres in my ’debility Ah craves to cause yo' have, and so long as they keeps it, Tlie seer pushed a button and a panel felt the hot blood rush to his head
sepeiasluin to decease
But wherein lady luck is wid them
Now. ’long slid aside.
enea of Coonjlne.
and hi* passion almost overpowered
"Here's a man that wants to con­ Is yo’ complaintment th' highest? Is wid this ‘Mojoe’ I gives you n»y bless-
He must rescue her! He heard
"Step inside and follow that pas­ him
you done tole me all?" questioned in\" slid tlie seer, handing Coortjme sage." Tlie seer marched the
sult you, ’Fe**or,’’
cak- her call:
a lizard’« claw
"HIlow him right In. Come right the seer reflectively.
"Oh. Coonjine, help me. pleas**
kneed Coonjine through a winding
"Lawdy! Wtiut am dis?’’ exclaimed passage to ah iron door, opened It. ¡O h. plcise!
thu way. brother,” directed the sccr,
"Ilea li In Is mail complalnment/'
Please help me! Oh,
rising Hunt 111« s«*at liehhid a desk said Coonjlne. handing the seer a the frightened Coonjlne. .springing pushed Ills Into a room and pointed don't do th at1 Stop, you boast! Oh!
let! er
from Ills seat and dn pptng the claw out a form lying motionless on a ttek O h' Oh! Oh! You Is kiltin' me! Oh.
and bowing Coonjlne to a seal
"Uli hull! Then yo’ trouble ment Is
"Peace, brother! Fear not thu In the corner
The ae«*r, a big. broad shouldered,
mother! Lord help tne!-"
brown-skinned man, wore a pink tur­ in writing. Let me see Mow come lucky Mojoe’ ’cause ’Ms wid you."
"Know tier?" snarled the seer.
Coonjine lunged against the door
" T ls whar?" ejaculated Coonjlne
ban, a silk oriental robe, and pink. you ha» my address on this letter?"
’’ "Ils Mandy' Oh, Mandy! My It never quivered. He threw himself
He Mandy!
Chinese .slippers
"Pat's how come All comes to dis as he bolted for Mie door
Whut is yo' doin' heah against It a second time without re­
snatched open the door and fell back lionev?"
"Brother, you looks worried with house. to fin* out."
sults. Hr prayed: "Lawd. didn’t you
domestic relations and you needs
"Then you klu read numbers but trembling. I lien turned and rushed
"Coonjlne! Oh. sugar, yo' is Jest In liver Jonah, de fret- homebrew chilun
you can’t react letters, I* that right?" headlong through a partition, land­ time to save m e!" she cried, rushing an' brudder P a n —den Lawd, If'n Ah
aid Ain’t that right?"
' I t .ho un
Dii . jg .1 uluil All
ing in a dark room.
" It sho’ am. ’Feasor."
(o tier husband's arms.
has found favor In yo’ sight, please
"Oh. (*awdy! Oh, Lawdy! Turn on
comes heah fer 'cause All sho* am
"Mow come you know that I am the
"You ts right, sister, lie kin save sho' me de way out ob dis pit."
de lights
Alt has most got. .heart you 'viding you 'grees to my 'position-
great 'Feasor Ooodluck?"
Coonjine climbed the Iron door to
"W ell, den. wldout mo’ consola­
"Ah done healied tell ob you, an’ fay ah! Oil, lessor, oh, Gabriel, turn ment and If you doesn't, both of yo' tlie celling; lie Inspected the p'anks
tion. come wld me Into my couivstl- done passed dl* house a thousand on do lights < iuso Ah i , m outov bodies will be used fer my 'spermen- and found a knot hole in one of the
filluni chamber an' Ml hear what you tlm M ."
darkness!" pleaded Coonjine on his tation."
crave* to ask me," said the seer as
An* where did you find this knees in the dark
"You is not goin' to kill us?" she
"Lawd, thank you for showiu' me
l»n led the way Into a highly per­ letter?"
Just then the lights were snapped asked
de l . ’.ht, ameu."
fumed room decorated In a pink
"On de table in mail house "
on. Coonjine c e a s e d praying ab­
" I ain't goin' to do nothin' else but
Thereupon Coonjlne squalled low.
“ Uh hullt Mas you enny mind who ruptly
Mis eye* began to expand And If von wants to live, tell vo' wile then darl.d upward
A. plana «eve
From the walls looked weird and sent this letter to you or left It on He held lit* breath
Cold sweat to do what t tells her "
He reputed the n otion ami
grotesque pictures down on frighten
the table for you?"
|K>pped out on hi. dark brow as he
' All'll do ebberylhint else
an' another pl'nk gave way. Climbing
eil Coonjlne
Mis knees began to
"Ah 'apects some ob mah wife’s beheld thirteen skeletons before him. but •
thrv.ii'h llu> h le, lie found himseli
wolftite as 'Feasor Ooodluck pulled fellows sent hit an’ she forgot hit."
He tried to yell fee help but his
"Hut what?"
bed chamber
He beard Mandy
«siile a curtain revealing hts throne,
Mem! I'll read to you D ear Sugar. word* froze in his mouUi.
"Kill but but stay in tins lieali ..
He started front th1
" l b calm, brother, you Is in the I love* you mighty heap but l loves'
Just then he heard a woman pray- harem!"
to i l l . > to her reccti*, but a in*