Thv advocate pack two SATURDAY, j ED ITO R IA L PAGE ; Verbal Snapshots |UHpuxl)fH 1'' WJ \Vbeatoli DECKMBCR X l «Jt TO S C I HIS SICK FA T H E R Ihiiilel llvrd. a contractor, of Henttl# ■pent several days last week In l**u t laud at tin* bedsbl«» of hls father. IC«»I» i*i t llvrd who Is III at the fiutili) rest deuce oil Siiiith .IlMIt street MOVC TO IRV IN G TO N Mr mid Mrs A \\ St raw der have moved from L'fcfi K 72nd St N otili to Nighth street In Irvington "B y thè l’ resident of thè Unitoti States — B A P T IS T S — o f America. lbHSuse of ita aeltvitv In opposing »h e r e It Is proposed to have tlovornor "W hereas tt la thè duty of all na­ the eleetion of candidates for office Kolpli hear then appeal for the pardon Mt O LIV I T B A P T IS T CHUMCM ilon s to ackmnvtedge thè provldence who placed partisanship above their **» Mooney The ipp-vlous governor. Kft»t !* imi niu I Schuyler Sin ef Alm ightv GitH, to obey bis Ulti, to dt’ltv f Young of thè'opin ion timi -Ih. PnbBxii'd E v it ; S.tlurdix hi . ' ’ 0 Fust 1 w.-nty-Sixth Strvvt V „ Portland. O rr Htv. J. D. Wllton, P.vitor a human causo; the A . ,e< i . i he grateful for hls henefits. and httmb cases of Minine» and Wnrren Bltlttigs tion for the Advancement of Colored Telci'hom : (1 Vrtteld 7523 ty to tmplere h.s protection and favor SHILOH U A P T IS T CHURCH People lias been, ts being, adversely w ere so chisely ulUcd timi tt would tu» —and Whereas botti Itoiiaca o f Con- 1*4*1 Tth and I \crctt Si» criticised But take a good slant at impossibili lo free tuie w lthoul thè olii gress have bv tlietr Joint commlttpe re- Hi*v (ì 0 (lu idcm r. l'untor tile i ll ;, s am! listen io coterie of N’ e er. Btltiigs. belila a two Itine toser. I h questod me ‘to n'comtnend to thè l'co­ tleliig a two .................../ dito? anti Publisher pie o f thè l'iiitod States a day of pub gro benefactors 7 w Ilo land the North tmprtsoned at Kolsotii BEATRICE H. C ANN AD Y............................. lim e toner he eaiinot recelve executive — KIMSCOPAI.IAN— issi stani Manager anti Compositoi ic thanksgiving and praver, to be oh Carolina Jurist. Judge John J Parker, YANCY F R A N K LIN ...................................... defeated for the confirmation as assill­ pardon wlthoul thè recommendatlon ......................Contributing H.lilot served by arktiowledglug wtth grati»- iate justice of the flitte d States su of thè state supreme court. Ou two W ILLIAM PICKENS .................................... St. Phillip* Mtaaion fui hearts thè tnatty sigimi fa v or« of ................ Contributing Editor W . J. W H E A T O N ....................................... Knott «mi Ktnlncy sia. Alniight.v lìmi, ospeelally by nffordlug preme court. First, comes Lafayette separato occasiona ttuu court bus re- fused to grani Biltluga a recoinineiida- H ersaw lie wept tears of brine I« Society Editor and Reporter them an opportunlty to estahllsh a Maine C ole*». I «v Kcadcr R O S A L IE B IR D .............................- .......... tImi for partimi Wliat angle tiovernor ...Health Editor|forni of governmout fer th iir s.ifcii cause he could transfer bis vote to D eN O R V A L U N T H A N K . I f. P . . Holph wIH take Is prntileinatleal The New .terse» and cast it for Hatrd and hapi'iness ' — llO U S K O F V ìi \ Y I l i - NANCY L E I Lov* Editor "Now. therofero. 1 do recommend Then COBUS next a director in the ertine for allieti lllttings and Mooney »vero eonvleteil ranks limona thè tnost KITS REID, RALPH C C.LDYE AND CI.1FFORD M ITCHELL............Cdumnisis and atsigtt Thtirsday. the 28th day of I apital News service who asserted li ou*« of Pi.iyrr Durili* thè progertNis of a Novembor next. to t>e devoted by the that the campaign waged by the N A helnlons 1 * * 1 toth ami tarant Si* Subscription Rales (Payable in Vlvancci : One Year, $2.50; Six Months. IVople of these State s to the service A t' P. against the supporters of the l'arati»' diirlng thè World War. a burnii Kohcrt S tati ir, l ’uttor of that great and glorious Being who North Carolina judge was but a russ was thrown at Stewart Market Street«. $1.50; Three Months. $1.00 to boost the salaries of the officers of San Kranelseo ktlllng some (en and is the beneflclent Author of al the Entered as Second-Class Matter in tlie Post Office at Portland, Oregon. F o llo » Ing ts a nanie seriously iiningHng a score or more. — M E T H O D IS T — good that was. that Is. or that will be the association Under the Act of 1012 —That we may then all unite in ren to conjure w ith It slmnls forth as thè The reitiarks attributed to Mayor great exponent of racial desuetude Hethel A. M K. Church dering unto him our sincere and Nev !>«mcl G. Kitt fr . Minister humble thanks—for his kind care and The Inactivities, for racial progress, James Watker, New York, that Ile fenreil Itial fatture tt» grani a jiardou except for personal silitieal profit, of protection of the People of this coun­ W H E R E TO B U Y T H E A D V O C A T E nel of . aoh organization 1 practically try previous to their becoming a Na­ Perry Howard. Mississippi, need no lo Tom Mooney, eonvlefetl of ilio pie P in t A M K Zion Chunh li ts obvious Then. wlth paredness day panule tiomti throw ing. - the same with slight variations here tion— for the signal and manifold mer­ eommeut 417 Williams A vr wmid creale rtotoiis demonslraltoiis In thè eloquence of 1 Vrnostlienes spouis : and there in the clu!>*. And no one cies and the favorable interpositions K«\ W R Covrii, Mi ni sin of his providence, which we expert- forth tlie "little Napoleon" Orami Ex thè tilg Industriai centers of thè Ila R utherfords Barber Shop, 340 W it * r> ■“ '* him self over so many enced in the course and conclusion of . ... . . " » 1 . * B P. O Elks of timi; tuia cause,I lunch ad verse orlilo Mail» liner rei II as hclng talli liams avenue, in Foster's Pool Hall. organisations can be o f much help to the late war— for the great degreb of thè World oue of thè blggest of No ism tranquility, union, and plenty, which gro fraterna! organizsitene. J Finley amount to saylug that Monne» gullty The Elks building. 310 W illiam s ■»>' l,i Ihonl Wilson The pr» ss reiHirts Finley as or llinoront sllmitd lie set free for fenr _______ ; Organisation alone does not mean we have lnce enjoyed—for the peace­ SHILOH B A P T IS T CHURCH a\ t nue. not aloni* ho ins i*Ati*fi«*d with rapping of It If th«* Nt»it«*iiit*nt I n hn alleged .... .. . . . . . . . success Tlie colored people In Port able and rational manner in which we tho National Assmiatl«*n hut raving it is an ironical thrust at tin* |K»wt*r 76th and East Everett Streets Medley Hotel Restaurant, Interstate , , have been enabled to establish consti­ „ „ „ . .. land can never hope to succeed until tutions of government for our safety an eloquent tribute to th«* North F ar an itotene y ami stability of our form Avenue (in Medley H o tel). . , , , , . , , A program in charge of Mrs S T It Is a direct affirma they learn the lesson of friendship and happiness, and particularly the olimi justice who made h.s love” for of government Lriendship Fool HalL Sixth, near and |OV9 among themselves. They national One now lately instittied— for the Negro manifest in on«* of tin* most tion that th«» government is in fear of. Mo«*r«* was render««! by the II Y I ’ r Th«*N«* programs are given the last Glisan (W est Side). must really be born again. Envy, hate. the civil and religious lib T ty w rh bitter diatribes since the nmmorahle and cotitroil«'«! by th«* ultra radical e l­ Sunday in each month A *olt» by decision of chief Justice Haney. That ement who clamor for “ direct action “ which we are bless and the meant we Holliday and Holliday, 125 North (,a , k-mutig, jealousy, distrust w ill al- Uox W illiams ami other numb« is on have of acquiring and diffusing use is the class of ’‘leaders" which barter If th«* tin n who have boon convlctm! «»f Alsive all, men admire a smooth, Sixth street. ways keep them apart If they are not fu! knowledge; and In gene . ai for all th«*ir birthright for th«' mess of pot th*» crim e are innocent, or if it can I»«* th«* program were enjoyed by all pre Seft, light skin . . . It Is the lu ll sent. tage " They w ould press harder the p r o v e n without doubt that they overcome. And Negro organizations fhe great and various favors which he ■ f Is-auty and feminine ap|wnl. Mrs S T Moore, president crown of humiliation now resting on hav«* b«*«*n convicted l*y per luted tell You may nave this lure that charm* TH E SOLUTION will never become a vital factor In the hath been pleased to confer tpon us Sunday School to 30 A M . Mrs tub r And also that we may then unite the brow «*f the Race They would mony, they should be freed nien'a lu-arta . . . Dr. Fred Palmer's community a long as these evils exist in most humbly o ffe rin , our prayers fasten still firm er the chain of inhibi than that neither ympathy nor fear Armstrong super hit «'iidam Skin Whitcncr Ointment »o ften « One of the vexingproblems that con­ Service* H 0 0 1’ M . It«-v Gardner, and supplications to th great tions that impedes racial advence- should determine the outcom - o and lightens t h e darkest skin, pastor front many employers and their em­ and Ruler of Nations, *-«. be**.*« oh him ment Thecharge of financial selfin clears up pnnnlcs, blotches and tan OUR A D V E R TIS E R S to pardon our national and oth* r terest against th«* National Assocla ployees—those of the latter who do marks, and does away with that Although th<* deputy nlnrlffs who From time to time we are getting B E T H E L ITE S * "oily, shiny" look. Use this prepa­ not have their own homes, and “ stay new subscribers in our columns and t r a n s g r e s s io n s to enable us all tion officers should com«* halting from shot and kllltw! th«* two Mexican whether in public or private stations, the lips «>f the accusers. There are youths have been exonerated bj the ration n-gulnrly to make your »kin on the place", is the problem of where it depends largely upon how much f0 perform our Although th«* weather was not very veral and relative du som-1 m llll« t *« of N«»gn * s who. in spit.» Oklahoma court, th«* M. xl« in govern soft, delicate and alluring. Tin* Sunday Kvening. tlie the employes will entertain their com ratronage the). recieVe from the col ties pro; erly and punctually to rend- of th«* Hueston. Howard. \Vll*«>n clan, ment ha* proteste«! and demanded in pleasant last amazing Ointment is mad.- in the l.«»agu«» attendance was v»*ry good er our national government a blessiug who w ill refuse to bow t«» Heal or wor demnlty from th«* I'nlted States The famous Dr. Fred Palmer's luihora- pany. ored people as to how long they re- .. Miss Ikdorls I turd I lie had charge of all the IVople by constantly being a shin the Golden i'a lf Negroes who t ries where are also inaile those Some have such arrangements as to mal returning to M« rttb : - w . • beglnnn . - f1 Gove rnment of wise. Just, ami const i- hold tin* good of the race above tin* outhu 'h< »° h a 'tl^ ** discussion. t' n 11 * *»I other beauty aids you know so w ell: Slates wher«» prohibit them from ever having guests week the advertisement of a cleaning Dr. Fr.-d Palm er’s Nkm W hitcnrr etly ami faithfully grew! of gain and p»'lf Negtw x who '¿VtVndlnT soho«>r Allh.mgh It be **-” ,*-" .............. . t o l l s * III from 1,1,1 th. * Ne T. lament next Sun to call to see them; others have been establishment which is located in Al Soap, Skin W hitcncr Face powder, xecutcd and obeyed—to protect und see In the attitude of th.- supporters wa„ lr(Mi ,,f th.. deputies day accorded the privilege of receiving lla ir Dresser and Hid Deodorant f .. 1 m » vs were silting til tli.-lr ati meda. This firm puts out the best of guide all Sovereigns an.I Nations (es­ of Judge I arker nten of like tnlnd. and The Boy's and G irl’s contest Is siili which may be hail at all drug their guests in the dining room when work at prices fablouslv low. The Ad­ pecially such as have sho»vn kindness consider that their retirement front tomohllc. "It was thnuglit that they going strong. s iili ih,, girls lu Hin stores fo r 25 cents each or will he Vitina to do something c rim in a l" their employers have no company and vocate urges its readers to patronize to us) and to bless them with good active legis.ution is necessary; and a Government, peace and concord. To defense against further encroachment «z,,..|, thought lias been the cause of leud sent postpaid upon receipt o f price. are not inconvenienced thereby. Many Romeni ber the Allen League meets Dr I-red Palm er's Laboratori«#» this firm as well as its ohtre adver­ iromote the knowledge and practice of constitutional rights the death of many Innocent Negroes every Sunday at 8 l j p m K*ery I girls meet their beaux on the street Dept. 2, Atlanta, Ga. In certain sections o f the Pnited body welcome tisers Mention that you saw their ads of true rel.gion and virtue, and the in­ crease of science among them and us corners and receive them on the back A fine exhibition of religious amity Stales It lias been the cause of In­ H«n«l Ir In «ta m p« fop • « e n e n a a .. in The Advocate when trading with —ang generally to grant unto all man­ was given when Rabbi Wise, Jew numerable alibis for murderous molts l i tal iaai|iU o f I h » Skin H h i l » n « r ( porch steps or in the kitchen. Many ^ kind such a degree of temporal pros­ presented to Arch-Bishop Hanna. Oath and moli mlnd.-d officials of the law. bvap ai««l l ata I' and ar. do not want to do this and hence deny ________________ MRS LOM AX C A LLS perity as he alone know s to be best otic, a medal It was the award to the Happily, for the security of other Mex­ Mrs W I’ lam ia» accompanied by themselves social courtesies extended Given under my hand at the City of Roman Catholic Prelate for his effort ican nationals, Hie deaths of these D R . F R I D P A L M E I C ’S W H A T DOES IT MEAN New York the third day . f October in to bring about a more pacific feeling youths have aroused their government to them by their friends because they * " r ^ au g ti n called ut the office on Friday morning the year of our Lord 1T> '.* and better understanding between the to action Cnhappily. Negro victims 1 1 ' ‘ ‘ ' have no ulace where they can return | On every hand one hears "con fes­ t Signed i tlKt 'RUE W A SH IN G TO N many diverse religions There ha had no protection nor recourse to the land Mrs laintax. a pioneer unbscrlbor. the compliments. I renewed her subscription Mrs lumi- sions" of religionists who have left seldom been in the annals o f religious law. ‘ u n t i V O U « C O M P II XION YOUTHSUL* ax w llli her huslMtliii resides outside A few ev.enings ago. a splendid so­ the church behind them and have en EDITOR SPE AK S BEFORE CLUB history, a finer example of the subver­ the city limits lution to this problem was demonstra­ tered into what they believe to be a sion of bigotry T w o extremes o f a General Smedley Ilutler. retlred at "Changing Racial Attitudes" was religious belief have met ami worked ted when a wealthy white man and closer relationship with the one and the subject of au address delivered by shoulder to shoulder for the better­ trthutes all of his troubles and htimil Amon(f thege his rife oi-ened their spacious home on)y onp Great gource Mrs Beatrice Cannady-Franklin be­ ment >f H U M A N IT Y W hile still atlotis to thè lui t " f lils not Is-lttg a m a fashionable neighborhood to their ,nil|Tlduals are to ^ found {orm er fore the Social Science Club of Heed holding fast to their faiths, and each graduate (rotti thè navy academy at II - he ratea tlie "sw lvel employes so that they might have a ploneerg in ,he church, men and wo. college at the home of Professor and In his own way holding fast to his be­ Annapolls chalr" admlrala as le lag thè cause of proper place to entertain their guests, men who have, after years of sacrl Mrs G Bernard Noble in East More- lief in Divine Inspiration; tsiili find in hls not lieing giveti thè ratik ofa Ma land on last Wednesday evening. A t^e spirit of helpfuulnesa to humanity, many of whom has extended them so­ fice and devotion to their denomma Throughout thè story large group of students and some of their beatitude What a beautiful ex Jnr General there runa a theme of naval arrogarn e cial courtesies. tion. testify to the uselesness of de­ the teachers listened to the speaker ample thev el (o the rest o f the world /’ c r / c c f T u m ' r u l S r r r i c r as s »uc h e discussed she j A w or]d li*’«*'! with strife aim and • racial This is as it should be. of course, nominations and the uselessness and tin unovu a program »•••• which ............ A MiirHI « b iiii nuiio *»« »*»• whlch. mi a rarefa! raadlng. mak r«*ajx«m for th** r«*J* «• 1 1 «»n «»r but how many employers do this? increasing expense of many uneces «aid would uhanifM attitude* and thus hat**; of murderou* !u»t and KraapinK c,*‘ar VALI. US IN CONFIDENCE A N Y l l o l ' K DAY OR NIGHT change th- Is havior of Individuals to- Kr,.Hd T h ,. K..»tur- of th- tw „ relig- applicants, and th- futility " f How many are big enough to think sar> church edifices throughout the waril ea< h other |„„s faiths; faiths far apart In th-lr making appointments to that InsHtu W A S H IN G T O N STR EET If the prejud that way about it? A group of letters from Portland practice; so different In theory that tion (or naval trulnitig land. Ice as staled by General Butler, whose Between 20th and 21st Nothing was lost— no one was be­ They say that in the church are to High School student* stating th6ir at- ^h»* chasm w**«*ni»*d too wid«* and th** m ilitary record Is of the highest, and a littled by doing this beautiful thing. be found so many hypoerits. repro- titudes before and after a study of ahyss too d ****j> to bridge. Is notewor* whit»* man. Is so gr-at that It barred QRoadway ."eut the Negro were read and discussed by thy |, |uls ,hown that religion has a NEW NUM BERS: but a great deal of genuine happiness bateg and unsaTe(i souls that th* :■ ( m ORojtlwdy JfO? the speaker These experiments” she common ground H U M AN SERVICE him front promotion, what chance has was given to their worthy employes as if they were in strange company. stated which were conducted by two a N*»*gro youth to win; even though he pass his examination wlttl the highest and a large number of colored boys They are coming to realize what many high school teachers assisted by the Like the ghot of Banqo. the fight for credits ? speaker, "prove beyond a doubt that and girls, their guests. have already done; the fundamental a sincere effort was made by the stu­ the pardon of Tom Mooney. Imprison It is the solution. oneness of all religions; the oneness dents to th,nk the thing through and ed for life as the author of the bomb A SM A R T SA N T A C LAUS It i* not to much the kno^'pcVj* rf • tragedy, will not down. It has haunt­ of the world of humanity and the use^ nearly all of th-m show a fair and ed administrations of three previous how many Un ted Senator* and Re J SHOPS E L E C T R IC A L L Y W H AT! lessness of creeds, dogmas and forms just attitude" Exam; les also of the California governors, and now has ap- pretentativet constitute our le g tla changed attitude* o f white youths In live bodiet that interest* the N«*qro -the su p e rfic ia l o f the orthodox relig Oregon colleges were cited In suPDor't P4'at,,,,l ,n disturb the peacefulness of voter. That i* taught in our enm en | f Now. more tlian «ver. I k III«* time t*» let Ft « ri» i| (, ff« sm I v «* your 41 members of the board of direct­ ions. ^ the present Glvernor, Rolph Aside - ■ At th- aloae o f 1 Mrs rhriHtni.iN probi» ni* »No matter h«»w limited ymir luidget y«»u « .«n from the array of prominent lega tal­ tary school* under the form of ( P v • ors and seven more to be added, each which consumed The revolt may be seen all along Franklin s address ernment. What concern* u* mo*t is: ••UMlly k«*ep within It hy taking ad van tug«* of the *p «r!a l bargain* ent the service o f Hon Jam»-s Walker. representing a different organization. (hiness In Portland Is . . . . itmnfur year», w ho $1 each ho that work on the Pythian throughout th«* section. <4 op, rlufct became happy Th«* N«*gro cropp« t h have been n»1 T» mpî** Sanitarium can !>*• continu«»! mother«. If you ir iT ) will u nd rr.e your Th»* local lo«lg»\ Syracuse, K *»f IV dr«‘*fl<*d iti this way: “ Don’t you tile name and addr«*«a has b*»‘n H*-nt thin proclamation p « t h ’ know that w«* landl»>rrl* hnv< I will frla/l!y «end you a* «la ve* t»i «lo our w*>rk for u h ? you a treatment Published fie r y Saturday for the Past Tuenly-Six Yearsl \ * a , * and a cot y of my Do you think we are going to hav* . i \ / \ book let, /-A Bahy Publisher- of "1 he Advocate” — A 16-Page Newspaper free ’nigg«*™’ ” \\ *• -®|o Your Home" which teH« how t/j tine 11 and many oth'-r thir -» A R \C I SE LODGE NO. In Two Sections! narried women niG ,'d hov. Ik»th will I»e »ent C A L L S ON AD VO CATE 1 ree in pUun wni iter Write t/*lay l»r. M. W ill (J u i n i nc-Sal/diar-Sago Lider«. Suita 111 F. 7th A F«bu 8L Ja^ph. VU. Derr!»* Titi«!»*y w h h a ph anant cal!**r Knifjltla t»f PvlIiiitM B E A T R IC E H. C A N N A D Y . Manager at The Advocate of fie«* on Thut «day timl Tar (.oatfnatad \f»*»*te **v»*rv »»Tond and and renew«*»! ! i ! h h i i I im * ripf inn. W e up pun N i.o M r , nt.ACK. i.i x i u i - fourth Fridav r«'»*nings pr«*claf«* thi« courteHy very much. A N T If A I It A r o m p o iM ii l o f O l i v e - in *•*«•!I month at th** I n e f n r O il « n i l M l n r r n l O i l * r « * H - In ln ln ic « e v e n vnlunl«!«* lln c fu rr« LF.KS M W II M L ISN ’T IT COLD? ■ n«l h » « I r o r h l o r l t l r a . * 11 innI ti («• n >• *• <1 FoM weAther fe»r t!i«* f»nut w»*« k or y r t i m n f r a ■ h e n l l h y * r u w f h o f Irnlr. Wiliam» A***nu»* and Sore throat, in oscular rheu- ten day* ha« lieen the vogue in Port Me St niutic aches A pains, apply Mils- land. THE ADVOCATE I low to have ° C ompì FxioN That C har ms ófu'rìWfiitener M ILLER & TRACEY INJUSTICE IN SO UTH ABabyinYourHome More linn One Million todiy The Advocate Publishing Co- G. FREEMAN BROTHERS TR ANSFER Office Phone: BHoadway IBB-j 430 H O Y T STKEET :: Portland, Oregon For COLDS, COUGHS t e r o le , th e " c o u n t e r - ir r it a n t ” F. Ï) CANNADY. C.C. W Y M T W WILLIAMS, K. of K. S. Residence Phone CArfield 8019— 310 Tillam ook Street ABLE TO BE UP •Mr*. K Crawford, who ha« h>«*ii confined I«» her !)«•»! for nome) time, I h abl«* to be up at prônent. Successors to E. Richardson Rat;gage Transfer AT ALL DRUGGISTS Holliday 8i Holliday T im s n r ia l 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET lo put in your w iiilcr fuel supply will If* prices sire ;il f liej r lowest, «’¡ill R a r lo r s :: PORTLAND, OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest. We Are In a Position lo Care for Men. Women ami Children Come— Let Us Serve You1 HOLLIDAY A HOLLIDAY NOW IS TIIE TIME T im * counts in applying for patent« Don t n u n * . lay lo protoxtinf your Id « « « 8*nd sketch or model for instrurtion* or write for FltfcE book. How to Obtain » Patent and "R ecord o f Invention'* «REE BOOK form No charge for in­ form ation on h r * to proceed Com m unie»* lion* strictly confidential. Prom pt carefiO, efficient service CLARENCE A. O BRIEN Registered Patent Attorney «»•a Srrarllr S.rlii,, a ComntrrLI __ Bank Hu.idlnr (D irectly across «treat from Patent Offieei W ASH IN G TO N . D. C. JIM HENDERSON (th e Blind Man) for Jill kinds of fuel at ¡ill prices 0 2 Kilitij'swortli Ave., (ior. Mississippi I'lioiic VV AI ii ii t 1000 W H Y N I'IA Ii V O ID MONEY ■ X r a i l l N l l l T I N M W I T H YO U It H A H « A N I I C O M I 'I . E I IO N t 0171« M O N K Y - K A C K fl t J A R A N T K I D P H O T K f ’TI» YOU. Our 16 y«*MrN *»f a d e n t lf lo r«*Nenrch an*! «s p er li n e n t n tI on , c o v e r i n g e v e r y branch o f Onnmetoln»cjr la y o u r g u a r n n t r e f«»r re*ullN and Hut lnfin't l«»n I f you a re b o th e r e d w it h ItlriK W o r m , T e t t e r , I'TillIng l la ir , flalri Hpote, She dd in g *»f th e H a i r around the edgen or ha ir line. Se bor rhe a or Iinndrtifr, I ’nruelflt? and Hahorrhelo E n e m a , Acn«« IctittiyoNlN *»r A l o p e c ia o f H« nip find l l a i r f»»l- I o w D i k T y p h o i d F ev er , Inf luensa and o t h e r ac u te and c h ro ni c d I nc a *««••« that af fect the hair, *ir I f Iti«» H a i r In t u r n i n g g r a y , or y o u r y o u t h f u l a m ll e I n panning a w a y , w e w i ll p r e pa re fo r you a np< Ha l t h r e e m on th *' t r e a t m e n t that w e g u a r a n t e e wil l help you. or w e will refund «-very • « n t o f y o u r mon ey. Uend o n l y 9 1 98. Font Office or Jdxprenn Ord«*r. 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