THR n .I.r S T n ATRO FRATtfRR BRCTION— November 28, I i».ï 1 A Wireless "Clock" to Serve the HearMeTalkin’toYa ¡1 Whole World is Now Suggested ______________ By BILL __________________ a second now o ften proves more con­ venient." A com bination o f ‘‘constant fr e ­ quency wlr clear waves distributed from various cardinal places over the earth," he point* out "would nerve to synchronize broadcasting station* m d keep them autom atically on their proper wave I -ngth T h e y would a l­ so control the speed o f scanning disk* or similar televu i n device*, and would prove Invaluable for gra vity pendulum measurement* and for seis­ m ology " In hi* communication to the Cieo- Wetting up w "d o rk ' to nerve the T1IK H A L F W A Y P O IN T In rolIrKlatr football And* the gridiron bo lie physlc*! Union Lee point* out that whole world, with m illionth o f a sre- ^lightly ntusaat! up with casualllrs and u|*rta. olid tino? Interval*, hut Ju»t brrn pro- while 'tan d ard * o f length and weight! T h n e are yrt many tilings to hap|>rn as tlu* trams swing into the maintained for world use! tx»M-d by l)r P . W U r , of Dtp UJS at? atrrU h and protflKiaUcalora ate *< rat« hlng thrlr lu*a<1* und rubbing th n r H iirrtu of Mini;*, to the Am erican there i* nothing of the «anie *oct f r ryra as Uiry find thrlr ptrd k Ilona going awry. the equally Im portant phyalcal con -! (Iro p h y tlra l Union. »ta u t o f time O n « of the blggr&t m i'*ts lu tl»r Kaat occurred Haturilay when Ht. Paul Weil N o w ! H ie U 8 Naval Observatory cvuld 'billed what championship huprs Virginia Union might have entertained, by "A t r ro line from which to n r azure nerve a* part o f auch a d M k , he lim e anywhere at the name unit in ­ whing out a 1J 12 victory (another triumph for me and my extra point A prim itive tribe In K orea is said argum ent). Hampton avenged two straight loaart to Lincoln by a Li ft nay», by extending It» present time terval.*. does not exist,'' he nayn "T h e | to m arry by m erely shaking hands »licnal nervtee to "a contlnuntinly second, »huh once »as thought to I Win In New York Lincoln, oddly enough, scored on the same play that em itted electromagnetic wave with a meal our need* *.*> the smallest unit One of the largest forest* In tho they have used to fool the Virginian* In previous games the forward (mss cycle adjunlrd to cofuitancy by a»- of time has become an Inordinately! world, situated in Kussla between At the beginning of the *ru*on 1 chose Virginia M atr, Lincoln. A and tronom lral correction*,'' p a s * i nk long interval for many physical the Ural mountains and the Ok- T and M oigan as cham|»!onah!p toiitrndrt*. Harold Martin down at around the world measurements and the m illionth of sea stands on ICE. Petersburg has not dbu»p|Mitntrd me and is still In tire front rank with w Hampton, whose strength at the time I made my choices was an unknowi quantity. Itig JcfT down at A and T pulled the biggest surprise on tills writer by L a tin * such a miseruble aggregation Morgan, unless the Vlr- ‘ pinia Nemlnary game Is counted, will not I m * In the race for champion hip lienors W ith this game thrown out, the locals will not have thrlr qtmUi j of six Lame.* and (lie Hears have to play Howard, North Carolina M ate and Hampton Hill Taylor, with what all critic« concede to be the best m aterial of any (* I A A coach, should push Ids iJncoln team lip close to the top. as Ids »Udders have played th e * hardest game* and have only the Howard |iurdle to fear. The Lions meet Smith and Ht Pairl but from tire showing of the Saints against Union the I Incolnltes should br in for a busy after« iroon if they rxpett to bag a victory Hampton, tire dark horse, and Virginia State, then, have the b rit chances for the confer nice tag. but the Peter «burgers have yet to di«|»ose of Virginia Union their arch foe. St Paul and A and T . while Hampton fnuftt howl over A and T . Howard. Morgan and Union. It lookn as |f Old S m ith s boys have a little harder and longer row to hoe than the States- turn However. Tin dropping this hint Coach Hue less boyy at Union will hr a pain to anybody and I believe that they will be more of a pain to Hampton on Thanksgiving Day than they will Ire to Virginia State this Saturday. W ilber force conqueror of Turk« »re. tire team that defeated Wiley, gives i Lincoln an excellent lest on November 21. If the I Ions can overcome lire j Clreen and Oold Wave of Coach Chaves and not l«**e another conference , game and IK the present leaders In the C l A A lose, they will have a crack not only at conference honors but a claim to that mythical thing called a national title Ttrat. In Itself, should hr some sort o f inspiration. •— ----- o — — 1 T h e B a r R e m a in s BFFO RK HAHKHALf S curtain is rung down, Irt rne |*a»* on to you a few outs|M>ken words regarding tire situation In American buseball winch at present makes It impossible for tire dark »ktnned diamond star to break into the big time ‘Phi* pillar has «{token loud and often of this discrimination, but has vet to find a more outspoken summing up of the situation than that given try Westbrook Prgler. white writer In his column, "Speaking Oflt on Hporta * Mr t*rglrr. It seems, had aroused the Ire of one o f Pepper M artins admirers who wrote him a letter expressing Indignation at what was felt lo tie an Injustice In regard to ftie bavtm ll plot. 'H ie columnist. In reply, lias this to say: llut in all tire time I have been writing sport I have never hud a letter from ttiis or any «»(her lover of fair play complaining against a d is­ crimination which constitute* the crudest wrong In all *|Mirt That Is the ; unwritten but inviolable pros«-rl|Hion against Negroes In o rga n im ! baseball. It Is no explanation to say that organized baseball is n white man s game, for there have been a number o f great Indian players, and I have no doubt that if a great Japanese or Chlnrae player should r .me along, hr would be welcomed. Nor is It true there have been no Negroes who could make the grade There have beet» many colored men. Rube P o t ­ ter I m mg the greatest, who could have been great stars and who knew W H E N l a z v g lan d * quite well why they never got a chance. w o n 't o p e n , th e h a ir It U not uncommon to see Negroes on college fmttball trains. On the | is s ta rv e d an d fa d e d . train ba* k to New York from Philadelphia after the Eastern operations of the Work! Herirs had closed there. 1 renewed old ar«juaintanrr with a W H E N W a y gland« huge man with a deep complexion who had be«n All America In football d o n 't c lo s e , s c a lp is a l Harvard many years ago W illiam H le w is had dined with Rooxe- fo u le d b y s e c r e tio n * . vrIt In th i W hite M N I I if he had wr l u d to pftgj In the great na- t Iona I game he would have been barred with no explanation, not that he would have needed any. H ie colored man is not forbidden to spend his money at the ball yards, even In Ihe Smith, and. considering how many distinguished ath- letrs his race has contributed to football, basketball, und the track sports, the prsjudlff I f l l m l hfca n f e m l i l l :• h.o.1 to n 1 • l .'1 title of the national game He, through his forebear*, has been an Arnrrt- ran for more generations than many of the Caucasians who make up the league teams It cannot be reasonably argued that the Negro is likely to engage In conduct detrimental to the brst Inter« ra o f the sport Tin re are no colored men on Al Caiwnc a stall and Ia*gs Diamond is dis- tm< tlv Whttl Tilts barrier against a large element of the {mpulatton In a game pur­ porting to be the national game and a high expression of the national sporting spirit has never had any logical or practical Justification Hut If the tiny glands in your scalp have Danderine— to cut through the crust the rhumplon-chusing and Indignant letter writing type of sportsman, with his great passion for fair plav In trivial matters, has never taken fallen asleep look out! The consequences and penetrate the pores and do this Ills |>en In hand to wonder why while college boys can dreas and compete won’t end with just dandruff! It may daily. One treatment will settle the dan­ and associate with great color«-«! athletes without rmbarnuksinent. where­ take n year or more for the pore filth to druff. One week will find your scalp as as professional ball players must la* protected by a regulation which the magnates haven't the gall to put on pu|>cr clean and wholesome as a little girl’s. reach the surface. I think that after having rrail the foregoing that you will agree that j The second week will have the glands eeklom lias there been a more accurate and outspoken summing up o f , S c a ly sca lp s t h a t m a k e y o u t u r n wide-awake and working. That is when this cruel Jlm-crow practice which keeps such players as Dick Lundy, y o u r e y e s a w a y , b e g a n w i t h "j u s t Webster MiicDonnkl and other stars not only from performing for big your hair begins to live and begins to salaries with white associates, but frequently from occupying decent Mats i a lit t le d a n d r u f f . ” thrive and grow! In some of live larger ball parks. , - — -/ I * LAZY GLANDS Foul the Scalp! The next commonest sign o f gland trouble is when the color of one's hair begins to fade, or becomes streaked. B IT T K R S W KKT Yes, I'm biller, uhy shouldn't I be? l»’Arn you burn flesh that's kin to me, I'm hitter. There is only one thing that will ever help heads in this state of stagnation: you must stimulate the tiny glands that feed the hair and give it color. Massage will do this. Use the fingers. Dip them in Yes, I'm bitter uhrn you trample me down, And broadcast my folk as a race of clowns I ’m bitter. DANDERINE I am sweet when (his blackened face, In the hall o f fame wins its npktful place. I'm sweet. . 1 am sweet when children refuse to hem'. Hut finht to the end to be treated like mm; I ’m sweet. I — A n it a T u r p e a u Remember, it’s massage that does it. And it’s Dandcrine that gets through to the glands. Just rubbing something on the head won’t stimulate lazy glands! Get a bottle of Danderine today, start your treatments tonight, and see what happens when those lazy glands come to life! Your druggist has it. .